The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Round 2

It's been two weeks since Zeke left, and I've been busy. I've been checking Manehattan, los Pegasus , and Canterlot looking for crime lords and(hopefully) the source of the unversed. I found a few leads but nothing seems like it's the source yet. A minotaur crime lord who is the owner of a casino in los Pegasus who secretly owns a slave ring of mixed species. Got to take care of them soon. A griffon who owns a shipping industry in Manehattan while secretly making and distributing drugs on the streets. A few others I'll look into later as well. How have the princesses not notice any of this?!

In other news I've been getting pretty good with Fenrir against the unversed. Zeke taught me a few things while here like the type of unversed to expect and watch out for. One being the Iron Prisoner. He has four forms and each is stronger than the last. Then there is trinity armor, it's three unversed combined and I would need to take out each one at a time. He also warned me about the tank toppler. If you don't attack the valve on its back it will inflate till it becomes immune to damage and basically a rolling time bomb. Yeah. That's going to be annoying.

I decided to head back to the Everfree Castle on my keyblade glider. I'm really glad I have this. It has travel much easier. After I made it back I went to ponyville via trees to avoid detection. I saw twilight’s tree library just in time for twilight to walk out….looking like she is trying to cosplay as Solid Snake? ‘Oh, so I'm at this episode.’ I thought . I'm in season two. Which means the wedding and Sombra hasn't happened yet. Good. I'm not ready for them. Especially since I think whoever is behind the unversed might try something with Sombra.

Knowing how this episode plays out I head back. Once back I went to a book case. On the third shelf behind the books there is a six digit combination lock. I input the combination. 12-21-12. The day I ‘died’. As well as the day I was sent here. The hidden door opened up revealing a staircase going both up and down. The stairs going up lead to my quarters while the stairs going down lead to secret war room I found. I went down to the war room. In the middle of the room there was a table with a map of Equestria(up to date) showing all the major cities, train routes, caravan trails, and regular trails on it. On the right of the entry way was three staircases going to other parts of the castle. To secret doors for escape, ambush, etc. on the left was a door that led to a vault. In it was the bits and munny I collected. As well as gems and other items of value. To the right of the vault was a door that led right to the blacksmith's shop. Where you can forge gear or maintain it. Now that I think about it I really should work on mine.

I went to the map and marked all the slave routes, drug routes, bandit routes( seriously princesses!? How do you not noticed these things!?), and the areas where the unversed were most seen. With the slave and drug routes I'm trying to find a few good ambush points to I can both free slaves and destroy any drugs they have. With the unversed I'm trying to see if there is a pattern. It might lead me to the source of them. So far the unversed are focused in major cities. It's also like for every 5 ponies they kidnapped they kill another. Who is behind this and are they kidnapping the ponies. Whatever it is can't be good.

I decided to go over my equipment and make upgrades to anything I can. My pistol has the four bullet upgrade and the auto reloader along with the accuracy upgrades. So my pistol is good for now till I get a better one or a new upgrade for it. My wrist and hand held crossbows are the same. I use both in case of emergencies. I even updated my armor. It's a bit tougher without sacrificing a lot of weight. Both my blades are sharp and clean. I'll use them if I have to kill again so I don't stain Fenrir in blood. Each mine has about three charges and I have plenty since I haven't used any. I even made a few smoke bombs in case I need to disappear. After making sure everything was in order I decided to head out. I went up a secret passageway to outside in the old garden. I then summoned my glider then left.

According to Zeke my glider is a chrome version of Aqua’s glider. It's basically halve bow, halve stand so I can use it to fire magic bolts at unversed. Note to self, practice aiming the thing. While flying I saw smoke coming out of ponyville. When I got there I saw the Iron prisoner again only this time in his second stage with his arms free while wielding a giant hammer. Also Twilight Snake there shouting something about a catastrophe. I decided it's payback time and brought the glider down. I summoned Fenrir ready to battle. “Ready to go Fenrir?” I asked. Fenrir glowed in response. I pointed at the unversed and yelled. “Thunder”. It was only thunder but that was to get its attention.

I saw it wince in pain as the lighting hit it. It looked at me and then started swinging its hammer in circles looking like a tornado and came straight for me. I blinked out of the way just in time. ‘A second later and I would have been sent flying’. I thought. Before I could attack again I'm captured by the blasted cage again. It shot its laser at me like before, but this time I broke out of the cage before it I got hit. ‘Not getting hit by that again.’ I the launched a blizzard spell at it damaging it some more. ‘I need to get in close and attack or this will take forever.’ I blinked up and used bend time to slow down time a bit. I managed to hit it about twelve times before it suddenly knocked me away with the hammer. Note to self, keep one eye on hammer. I only had enough magic for one more bend time so I used it and used Zantetsuken. Normally that would be very bad to use but since I move normally while time is slowed down I'm able to ready the move much faster technically. I hit the armor covering its legs and cracked it.

The iron prisoner looked at the crack, then at me, and then back at the crack….why do I suddenly feel as though I screwed myself again? It took the hammer and attacked the crack causing it to expand till the armor broke freeing it's legs. “Ah hell.” I said. From what Zeke told me it gets faster when the legs are free. It looked like it was about to attack but stopped. It then tunneled into the ground and escaped. Ok...what happened?

I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. On the building behind me was a masked figure. It was black mostly with white outlines on it. It's helmet had the unversed symbol on it and held a...a KEYBLADE!?!? If that's an unversed why does it have a keyblade. Not only that I can tell its strong. I can feel it's power from here. If it attacks I won't survive the battle. Is that thing behind the unversed. Who or what is it? I heard a noise to my left so I turned thinking I was about to be attacked..only to see Twilight Snake mumbling about a catastrophe with a crazed look in her eye, and there is nightmare fuel. I quickly looked back to the figure on the roof to see him gone. ‘Where did he go?’ I thought. This is bad. I might need to ask Zeke about this when I see him next time.

I turned to twilight to see her still mumbling...when in doubt, smack them in the head. So I hit twilight in the head to knock her back to her senses. When she came to she looked at me...then screamed and blasted me with magic sending me flying into a building. ‘Ow. That's going to hurt in the morning.’ I thought. When I opened my eyes I saw a certain mint green unicorn looking at me with wide eyes. “Yo.” I said waving a hand. She then stared at my hand in great focus...crap don't tell that stuff about lira being hand obsessed was true. Oh heck no. I quickly ran out and summoned my glider to get out of there before anypony can follow.

I made it back to the castle then headed to my quarters. I took off most of my gear off save for the wrist crossbow and the folding sword then went to bed.

Next thing I know I'm back in the void. I wonder if I can summon Fenrir. I reached my hand out to summon him and Fenrir appeared. So I can summon him cool. I saw a path in front of me but decided to take the glider this time.

I searched till I found the trail end then went there. The outsider appeared once again before me.

"Welcome back John.