The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Meeting Zeke.

“How did you kill those things?” I asked from my tree perch.

“Keyblades do the trick better than regular weapons. I know that outfit…saw the trailer, so is it Corvo or you make up a name?” The man asked. ‘Note to self: learn their names so I'm not calling them “The man” and “The woman”’. I thought. Wait did he say trailer? But that must mean.

“You’re from Earth?” I asked. Is he really from earth?

“Yeah. Surprised to see someone from home without a keyblade.”

“Heh, so was God.” I replied. I jumped from my perch in the trees and walked up to greet them. “Names John… Corvo”. I said a little embarrassed. Great. While it's nice to see someone from home it's a little embarrassing to know about the name change.

He chuckled. “So you did take that name.” Laugh again and I'll hurt you. “Names Zeke by the way. That's Unum over there.” Now I know their names.

“Yeah...sounded better than my original last name. So, how'd you get here? You're the first other survivor I've met.” I asked.

He held up his keyblade. “They can open ways to other worlds, but this one can open them to other reflections, or rather, dimensions.” Dang. That's some keyblade.

“Wow...fancy. I prefer stealth honestly, it's why I chose this getup.” That and the powers are cool.

“I guessed. So how long have the Unversed been here?” He asked

“Going on about three months. When I arrived here they weren't yet… I kinda screwed myself over.” I said remembering the incident back then. Not my best moment.

“How...wait, one of the residents talked about a killer didn't…”

“I saw a bastard kill a mare!” Heck he killed a lot more than just her. “I wasn't gonna let him live after that. I admit I may have been...rash, but not long after that happened these murders that happened in Canterlot stopped. I killed a psychopath and they branded me the killer. I still try and keep them safe, honestly! They just...don't see it that way.” I say depressed.

Just my luck to be blamed for something like that. I guess it doesn't matter...the past is the past. Just hope these two believe me. Don't want another enemy...especially these two.

For some reason Zeke's facial expression change from serious, to confused, surprised, and finally acceptance. Is he having a mental conversation or something?

He then looked at me and said. “How's about a more ‘tame’ blade.”

Wait, what? “Huh?” I said. What does he mean by that?

“I can...give you a Keyblade. You can use it rather than your normal weapons and you won't have to worry killing those you hit unless you intend to.” Zeke said.

“Oh...that would come in handy.” Especially for those pesky unversed. “ believe me?” I asked. Getting tired of everyone being against me.

“Well, God let you survive that crap for a reason and my keyblade seems to trust your word and heart,so I'll just take the evidence into account and do the same.”

He...actually believes me?... “Finally! Someone on my side!” I cheered. It's nice to finally have a friend.

“Well, let's see what chooses you.” He held his hand out…and a new keyblade appears. Wait I know that keyblade...its Fenrir. That was my favorite one in KH2.

He handed Fenrir over to me… “'s a lot lighter than I expected it to be.” No kidding. No wonder Sora can swing it around with ease.

“Everyone gets that reaction at first.” Zeke says. “So, Unum and I can try and help clear your name. Only thing is...maybe we can find the source of the Unversed.”

Their source? “These don't just come from darkness?” Where do they come from then.

“No, Unversed come from Negative emotions, given physical form. It used to be a person’s light and darkness would split into two people for that to happen, but recent events make it that just any person with lots of hate in their heart would do.” He said.

Really? Wait...So that's what the Outsider meant by ‘negative’ invasion. So someone with lots of hate would do. “Well, we got a whole world to choose from… Christ this is not gonna be easy…”

“You've been in this world the longest, anyone you can think of that would benefit from this chaos?” He said.

“Crime lords and nobles really. I keep tabs on two nobles and three crime lords in are we gonna get there though? Trains been searching my usual hiding spots on it.”

“We can wait till night, then I'll show you.”

“I should have asked for one of these things forever ago!” I yelled in complete joy as we made our way to Canterlot on keyblade gliders. This made traveling way easier than before. We landed on a big rooftop keeping out of sight till we hit the first destination. “So, this first guy I keep tabs on is Barely Bag, a noble who deals mainly in grain, but I have seen his factories shipping out more than just grain.” I told them

“Like?” He asked.

“Meth, or that is what it looks like. Might be sugar, but ponies don't guard clear bags of sugar with shotguns.” I stated.

“I can tell… I have seen more than my fair share of the stuff, so I can tell just by the feel.”

“You used to be a cop or something?” I asked.

“No… I'm a Ventral.”

...Oh. “...the crime family...Wait, so are were you like a black sheep or something? Otherwise you should not be here.”

“Yeah, got marked for death by my uncle unless I finally contributed more than just hacking for blueprints. God pretty much saved me.” He told me.

“Well you trust me so I'll trust you.”

“Thanks, oh, and sorry if my family has done anything to you loved ones.”

“Nah, honestly my family and I didn't care. Had one of you guys walk into our family restaurant, didn't treat them any different than any other customer, and he left a nice tip.” If he had caused trouble we kicked him out like any other customer.

“That's usually how it goes if you don't try anything with my family… So, where's this warehouse?” He asked.

“Some blocks west of here. Follow me.” I blink to the rooftop while they jumped up there. We took the rooftops to avoid detection. We were at this for a while till finally landing on the factory roof. “This is the place.”

Getting in was easy, just tap on the locks with a keyblade, but finding where ever the possible drugs might be tricky. There were hundreds of crates in this place and limited time to check them all. “How are we gonna find the ones with the drugs?” Unum asked. Hey, she talks. She has quite lately. “There's hundreds of boxes here.”

“Hope we get lucky?” I said while shrugging.

Unum checked the crates while I kept lookout with void gaze. Zeke went to the office to see if he can find something to help. Unum got lucky and found one crate with the drugs and put a mark on it. Nopony was nearby so she kept searching. A few minutes later Zeke should up with some documents he found about which create the drugs were in and everything else. So one ‘anonymous phone call’ later to the guards via pay phone( now they have payphones. Man this is different from the original show). We watched as they showed up, found the drugs, the paperwork, and even arrested the noble behind it at all. One corrupt noble down.

“Well, that proved right, but if he was our guy the he wouldn't have left so easy huh?” I asked. Figured this was too easy.

“That's about right...who else is on the list?”

Over the next two days or so, we stealthily got the other noble and crime lords arrested...none of them seemed to be our guy. “Damnit!” I swore kicking a tin can across the roof. I normally don't swear but I'm not in a good mood right now. “We can't be missing someone.”

“Maybe it's someone who's offworld?” Zeke questioned. “Like I told you, this might be Core’s doing.”

“I was hoping not. Well,I know he would have had a part in this...but I was hoping to clear my name.” I said. From what they told me about core he is really strong.

“You managed to get three crime lords and two corrupt nobles doing illegal trading without any deaths, take some pride in that.” Zeke said trying to cheer me up.

“Yeah...I guess I should. Still, as far as any royal guard or cop is concerned, I'm still a criminal.” I said, laying on my back looking at the sky. “Think I'll ever get my name cleared?”

“Hard to tell. They thought you were a serial killer, but you killed the killer. Even if that part gets cleared up, you still killed, so I think they might still hold that against you.”

“Life is unfair.”

“If it was, it wouldn't be interesting.” He and Unum stood up. “Look, I'm sure in the future your name will be cleared. But, mind if I ask a favor?” He asked.

I stood up. “Sure. You helped me out, you gonna need the same?”

“Remember Core? One day, I'm going to fight him, his army against mine. I want you on my side when that happens.”

So he and Zeke are at war with each other. “After all you've done for me, sure. I'll take some joy pounding their heads into the ground.”

“Thank you. Unum and I are gonna go, but I'll check up on you some time later, Kay?”

“Sure thing, let's hope things go better for me by then.”

He opened a portal then he and Unum walked through.

Well that was fun. Time to head back to the castle.

On the way through the forest I came across some bruiser unversed. I got in front of them. Then summoned Fenrir. “For three months you unversed have tormented Equestria with no means of stopping you. Now I have something that can do just that! Let's go Fenrir!” I yelled as I charged at them.

I will protect Equestria. With my life.