The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

On the Run

Crap crap crap crap CRAP!! I'm not here for ten minutes and I'm already on Equestria’s most wanted. That kind of thing normally happens to the Ventrals. I better avoid the streets for now and watch out for any Pegasus guards. I run across rooftop after rooftop getting some distance from the guards from before.

‘I need a place to lay low till night.’ I thought.Doesn't twilight have an old library here. It was abandoned after she left for ponyville, might be a good place to lay low. Could even see if I can actually read Equestrian. If I can I could brush up on the history here as well as the maps that are there. If not then I'll make do. Now just gotta find it and get in.

After a few hours of searching I finally found it. I get in through an opened window. If all the dust is to be trusted then nobody has been here in awhile. ‘Did twilight really leave the window open after she left? That's a good way to get robbed.’ I search around then picked up a random book to see if I can read it…..Crap, can't read it. How can I understand what they say, but can't understand what they fricken write? I don't know why but I looked up and said. "Hey God, a little help here with the language!”

Next thing I know a small box with a note hits me in the head.”Ow, what da heck?” I picked up the box and looked at the note. 'Take the pill in the box, you'll learn equestrian; turnover.’ Confused I looked at the back of the note.’I TOLD YOU TO NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID AND YOU DID IT ANYWAY!!! NONE OF THE OTHERS WERE AS BAD AS YOU!’. Yikes, I'm in trouble if he is mad.

I took the pill and GOT THE WORST FRICKEN HEADACHE OF MY LIFE!!! It went away a few minutes later I think. When I checked the book again I found out is was a foals book on learning how to read…...I couldn't read this book before, that's just sad.

I looked around for a history and a map. After finding them I read about Equestria’s history for a few hours. It dated back to the “Three Tribes” long ago. There were even notes in it. ‘Looks like Twilight couldn't help herself’. After I was done I looked around for anything useful. I found a pencil,a blank journal, a few dozen bits( was Twilight in hurry or something?), a book on telekinesis(might be useful if I could learn to use void magic with it), and a telescope. My mask doesn't have the scope upgrades yet so I dismantled the telescope to upgrade the lenses. After that I looked outside to see if it was night yet. It was, should make my move soon if I want to get out of Canterlot without too much trouble. I made my way outside to the closest rooftop and started moving towards train station. If I could sneak aboard the last train I can leave on it. On the way I overheard things from guards to nobles and civilians. Things about nobles into shady business, dirty guards that abuse their positions, even crime lords hidden in Canterlot. The thing that caught my ear most was about me. I've apparently blamed for the killings that happened the last few months. That psycho I killed is really responsible for it, but bad luck combined with awful timing says otherwise.

When I got to the station I checked the schedule since nobody was nearby. The next train isn't coming for another hour. ‘Well might as well check if those rumors about the nobles are true.’ I thought. So I went to the warehouse district to look for clues. Most looked normal besides one. It was heavily guarded by a lot of species. Ponies, griffins, even a few minotaurs. ‘If this doesn't scream “illegal operation “ I don't what does’. I thought sarcastically. I take a look around at the crates. Most of the crates had grain in it, but the others had something else.’ Is this sugar? No, if it was sugar you wouldn't need so many guards here.’ Before I could investigate more I heard hoof steps coming near by.

I quickly closed the crate and blinked to the rafters above. I then made my way out. Outside I saw a stallion wearing expensive clothes nearby talking to the guards here.’He must be behind this’. I figured. From listening in I found out the nobles name was Barely Bag. A noble that's in the grain business. The other stuff I found must be Meth or something, but without the shipping manifest I can't know for sure. I best head back to the station so I don't miss the train.

I was on my way back till I got to a good vantage point. I used the scope on my mask to see where the train was. It was just pulling up to the station.’ I better hurry or I'll miss it.’ I start blinking building to building when I heard a shout “Halt!!” I turn around and saw three pegasi guards giving chase to me. ‘ Crap not again.’ I start moving as fast as I can. If I didn't lose these guys I'll never make the train.

Wait I have other abilities. One being ‘Bend time’. I can slow time down around me while giving the impression to others I just gotten really fast all of a sudden, or even stop time completely for a short time. I doubt I can stop time at the moment but I can slow it if I concentrated. Gonna have to practice later. I focused on my mark while trying to use bend time. It took a bit but I felt the void magic flow and time slowed down. Everything was moving at a snail pace now.

After seeing the guards moving slow as well I used blink to get away and hopefully get them off my trail. After getting a few blocks away I hid in an open window apartment. What is it with these ponies leaving their windows open when they are not home? I undid Bend time then felt a wave of exhaustion as time returned to normal.’ I really need to start training or I'm going to be in trouble when the time comes.’ I check for the guards to see if they were still nearby. I saw them fly a different direction of the train station so I assumed they lost me. I left the apartment then resumed my destination.

I transverse the city till I make it back to the train station to see the train about to leave. Perfect, if I had got on when it just arrived I could have been caught, because they would have most definitely checked the train to see if I was onboard trying to leave. I blink onto the last car of the train and hide in their. When we left Cantalot I moved to another train compartment. I hid in there where I was confident I wouldn't be found unless they knew where to look and were searching for me. I was tired so I went to sleep.

I then found myself in a strange dream. There was pieces of buildings floating everywhere. It looked like buildings in Canterlot. They even formed a path in front of me, leading to somewhere. This place….I know this place. You visit this place when in dreams as Corvo and Daud in the game, or in Daud’s case actually appear here. I'm in the void. I decided to follow the path in front of me, knowing who it was leading me to. There was gaps where I needed to use blink to get across, but something was different. Using my powers didn't tire me in the slightest. Are my powers stronger here?

A few minutes later I made it to a Plato that looks like a garden. I look around till the one I figured was here suddenly appeared. ‘So he is real’. I thought.

He wore a dark brown suit with blue pants and black boots. Has dark brown hair. His eyes are darker than darkness itself, and when he spoke. He shows no emotion. Can't tell whether his mad, bored, happy, or sad. Cause everyone might as well be nothing but entertainment for him. He sees everyone, he sees everything, he sees forever. The Outsider, Representative of the Void. The source of my marks void magic.

“Hello, John Corvo.” He said. ”Welcome to the Void.”