Spike's Poem Anthology to Twilight

by Zephyr Spark

The Games We Played

We played 1,2,3, here comes the choo-choo train, and see Spot run
We played princess and knight with cardboard swords and plastic tiaras and pillow fortresses
We played close your mouth when you chew, and bath time for you
We played walk to mommy, write your name, and don’t write on the wall
We played when I grow up I want to marry you Twilight and You must be the smartest pony in the world Twilight and Look how big you’ve grown Spike and I love you Twilight and I love you too Spike
We played Spike write a letter to the Princess and Twilight I think you should get out more and Spike I’m fine
We played Happy Mother’s day Twilight and Sorry Spike I can’t play I’ve got to study and Twilight can I take the day off I’m feeling sick and Sit down I’m making you some soup
We played Brother and sister, chess, and Go Fish
We played Bake a cake (which I must say was difficult with Twilight’s cooking skills), Write a 100 page research paper (which I must say was difficult with my inability to understand physics), and Binge reading
We played Make new friends but keep the old ones, Take a nap Twilight you’ve been up all night reading, and Go to sleep Spike you can’t read comics all night
We played You’re not acting like the Spike I love and You’re not going to be sent back to Magic Kindergarden, Take the Crystal Heart and I’m never going to send you away, You should go find out who you are Spike and High-ho Twilight away
We played every game in every way possible, even when the game wasn’t fun for either of us, and never stop playing teammates, friends, family, two sides of one coin, and a world