Hero Souls: Awakening

by SvenFoxx

16. Friday Night Live!

The next day…

“Oh! Miss Sparkle! Er… hi. Why are you here?”

Twilight blinked and looked up from the book she was studying in the Archives, and found herself face to face with River Run. He looked slightly startled to see her, and was holding a manila folder in his magical aura. She absently noted that she had been so focused on her research that she hadn’t even heard him open the door.

“...River Run?” she asked, and then shook her head. “Sorry. I was doing some research on Canterlot’s history,” she explained, indicating the books she had at the table she was seated at.

“Canterlot? Maybe I can help. I lived there before coming to Ponyville,” River Run offered, setting his book on the table and magically pulling a chair up to sit on. “What’re you researching?”

Twilight returned her attention to the book. “Robberies in Canterlot, done specifically by a thief named Shifter.”

River Run froze.

“He seems to have appeared in Canterlot a year ago and attempted to steal Princess Celestia’s crown.” Twilight frowned. “Apparently, he almost did it. The only reason he failed was because the Princess keeps unknown security measures on her crown. He would have been tossed in the dungeon then and there, but she found the whole situation amusing and let him go as a sort of nod to getting closer than most do.” She sighed. “I have no idea why she would do that,” she grumbled.

“So… what exactly are you trying to find out?” River Run asked slowly.

Twilight closed her book and shoved it towards a pile of already read books. “Mostly, just why he steals. I’m also trying to figure out how. He doesn’t seem to care about monetary value, stealing both expensive and and cheap things, nor does he care about sentimental value. I can’t find any links between the ponies he’s robbed, and I can’t figure out how he robbed them in the first place.” She indicated a small stack of manila folders. “I managed to requisition his case file by asking the Princess to send me a copy, but… Grrr!” she let her head drop to the table with a crack and an explosive sigh.

Twilight winced and hoped River Run wouldn’t realize the crack was the table actually cracking.

“Shifter? Yeah, he was a bit of a figure in the city for a while,” River Run offered. “Unfortunately I can’t really say I know much about him.” He looked at her and frowned. “Maybe you should take a break,” he suggested. “You look like you need it.”

Twilight looked up and saw the concern in his eyes. She imagined she must be a mess. She wasn’t even sure how long she had been in here today. “What time is it?” she suddenly asked, alert.

“Uh… seven-forty… ish. Somewhere around there.” River Run waved a hoof. “Why?”

Twilight leapt to her hooves and started packing away the books and files frantically. “Crap! I’m late! We were going to catch the magic show tonight!”

River Run stopped Twilight with a hoof. “Go on and go see the show with your friends. I came here to file my home ownership paperwork, so I’ll just take care of your books while I’m here. I’ll bring your files on Shifter by the library tomorrow, alright?”

Twilight hesitated, but then smiled in gratitude at her new friend before running out the door.

Once the door was shut, River Run turned to the table stacked with books and files. He sighed. “Well… I wanted a challenge,” he grumbled to himself, a spell forming on the tip of his horn.


“I’m sorry I missed the magic tests, Spike. Thank you for offering to help either way,” Twilight said as she and Spike walked towards the Town Square. “I lost track of time.”

Spike shrugged. “Sure, though I was looking forward to the tests.” He pouted. “Especially the cosmetics spell,” he grumbled.

Twilight giggled. “Sorry, but you know any magic that changes your appearance isn’t permanent. It would need to be refreshed every few hours.”

“Not fair,” Spike continued to pout.

“Oh, don’t worry Spike. I’m sure you’ll find another, truer, way to impress Rarity.” Twilight nuzzled him, earning a smile from the dragon.


As the two made it to the Town Square, they realized they were, indeed, late. A blue Unicorn wearing a purple hat and cape speckled with stars was on a stage, facing…

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked herself, curious why her speedy friend was currently on stage talking down to who must be Trixie.

Applejack, with Rarity in tow, noticed Twilight and heard her. She approached. “Varmint started this whole thing off by declaring herself the “most magical Unicorn in Equestria.”” She huffed. “Lot-a huey, that. When she heard RD and I grumbling over it, she challenged us, and… well, you know Rainbow Dash.” She waved a hoof towards the Pegasus in question, who was now in Trixie’s face.

Twilight facehoofed. “You realize it’s a performer’s job to make declarations like that, right? They have to appear greater than they are to complete the act.”

Applejack snorted. “It’s dishonest is what it is,” she grunted. “If ya have to make a living by lying, I’m not interested in yer show or stories.”

Twilight shrugged, deciding it wasn’t her place to correct her friend.

“... only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!”

The two friends turned their attention to the arguing ponies again, and Twilight frowned as fireworks went off and the crowd began to murmur. “... Alright, I’ll grant that she’s coming off as arrogant, but still. Her job.” She smirked. “Something tells me she’d wet herself if she ever saw a real Ursa Major. Even Princess Celestia claims she wouldn’t fight one of those without a lot of backup.”

Rarity nodded in agreement, and Applejack looked at Twilight curiously. “They’re that strong?” she asked.

Twilight paused. “Well, yes. An Ursa Major is very strong, but that’s not why she’d hesitate. They are incredibly magic resistant, to the point even Alicorn-level magic barely scratches them. It usually takes roughly twelve Archmage-level Unicorns firing at full blast and a good few squadrons of the Royal Guard’s finest, combined with the Princess’ full power, to send one packing.”

Applejack gave an impressed whistle. “Wow… so not a beastie we ever want to run into. Got it.” She shuddered.

Twilight felt a bad feeling crawl up her spine as Trixie told of sending an Ursa Major back into the Everfree Forest on her own, saving the town of Puffington. And then Snips and Snails began almost worshipping her, and she just… sat there, head held high as if awaiting her due praise.

She frowned. “Okay, you’re right Applejack,” she said.

Said farm pony smirked. “Told ya. Dishonesty ain’t the way to entertain folks.”

Twilight sighed. “No, I meant that Trixie isn’t acting like an entertainer. She’s bragging about herself, and not doing anything to enforce that image. She lying and expecting everyone to believe it.”

“Don’t believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?” the aforementioned showmare suddenly announced, looking straight at Twilight. “Well then, I hereby challenge you Ponyvillians…” She grinned.

“Anything you can do, I can do better!”