The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Become Dishonored.

I stared at my TV, I just won the game… FINALLY! I mentally cheered as I saw the credits roll. I had been playing Dishonored for a long time, and kept getting stuck in random places. I wasn’t too used to stealth games, yet this game made me do some research. Not only did I beat it, I get the completionist ending… that’s what took the longest. It was 2012…. December twenty-first to be exact. I sighed as I placed my controls down. “I skipped work and finally beat this game… folks are gonna be pissed tomorrow.” My family owns a really successful restaurant, we serve about everyone and such, but today I skipped work because, personally, I don’t wanna be working if the world does go to hell.

Why should I work when I could have some fun. Although I won't do what a lot of idiots are doing now. End of the world and they are rioting over the world….idiots.

I didn’t have any new games, so I just turned on the T.V. Nothing but news… even on the cartoon channels? That’s probably a bad sign. ”And as you see here just outside the studio the Ventral Family is leading the chaos, murders appear to be in the thousands with this crime family seeming to bring the city to its knees. We’ll-” There was a loud explosion then the signal got cut off.

Did someone blow up the news studio? Things are going from bad to worse now. Hopefully nobody tries to rob our restaurant…..again . Had to kick that guy out with my dad last time. Good thing my parents had my learn some martial arts incase some idiot with a knife who thinks he is God tries to mug me….it never ends well for them. Learned parkour as well to transverse the city a little easier.

Still… the Ventral family owned this city, like many others, and now they’re finally burning it to the ground. I shook that thought off. “Hope my parents are alright…” I turned off the T.V, and popped in my, very hidden, CD of MLP season one. My family has no idea I watch the show, and I would love to keep it that way. As I used the remote to play the episode, I selected episode four and let the theme song play. Good thing my apartment is nearly soundproof save for volumes above fotry on my T.V. speakers, but I never go above fifteen anyway. About halfway though the episode there was something like a panic running on what I think was the fire escape? “The hell?” I say as I get up to check.

I paused the tv and went to the window. People were running down the fire escape like mad. I looked up outside to see the building was on fire! I threw caution to the wind and climbed down steps parkour style. Great, now my home is burnt up…..hope my folks don't mind me staying awhile. Panic was running wild in the street. I just walked towards the family restaurant like it was Tuesday.

While heading to the place things were getting crazier by the second. I heard a shout for help nearby and when I looked…..some desperate idiot was mugging a PREGNANT lady in the middle of THE GOD DANG STREET!!!

“HEY STUPID!“ I yelled as I ran over to help. While running I heard the screeching of tires nearby. Someone's car was running out of control. Probably someone both stupid and drunk, and it was headed towards the wannabe thug and the woman at a fast pace.’ Crap!’ I thought as the car got closer.

Without thinking I shoved both of them(while making sure the woman landed on her back while the idiot landed on his face) out of the way. Next thing I knew….. I was seeing white all around me.

Ok…..where am I? Am I in Hell? Didn't think it would be completely white with blinding light. Figured that was heaven's thing.

”Greetings young lad.” A loud booming voice spoke.

”The hell!” Where did that come from!? It hurt my freakin ears!

”Sorry, I really should stop talking in this voice.” There was an orb of light in front of me, then it shapeshifted into an elderly man… in a chief outfit? “I’m just messing around with the look at this point.”

……”You God?” I deadpanned

“Yeah, sorry if I seem a tad bored, I’ve been doing about a hundred of these meetings a second and it’s getting a little old. Anyway, so, you wanna guess why you’re here, and by the way, you technically aren’t dead.”

“I'm not, because I was going to ask you to send me to hell already. Want to punch Saten at least once.”

“Oh, there is no devil, you people just made that stuff up.”

“Really!? Dang. Well why am I here?” I ask.

“You didn’t join the chaos on this ‘doomsday test’ you actually tried to stop it. So, you get any items, powers, and can go to any world you wish. Within my power anyway.”

“That was a test… many times has someone punched you for that already?”

“Not as many as you’d think, but someone punched me for a different reason. Anyhow, three wishes, er, requests within my power. What will they be?”

I think about this for a bit. Then made my decision.” I want the powers and gear of Corvo and Daud from Dishonored. With the devouring swarm not included. Never liked that ability.”

“... well that’s a first. That’s actually well within my ability.” God snapped his fingers, and I was suddenly in Corvo’s gear, mask included, with a backpack that I’m guessing holds the other stuff. “Ammo for your non blade weapons I gave you fifty of each, want more, make them or find them. Powers are there, just figure them out for yourself, and is there anything else?”

“Yeah there is. There is a power from Dishonored 2 trailer that the character Emily can use. It's called Domino, it basically lets you connect up to four targets that will share the same fate as the others. Knock one out, the others will follow.” I asked

“You’re making this easier than most of the others.” Another snap of his fingers and I felt a small wave of, what I’ll call energy, wash over me. “Now, about the world you wish to be in?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “ I'll let you choose.”

“Alright closet brony, Equestria it is.” God snapped his fingers one last time and a bizarre looking portal appeared next to us. “Just remember, there is no turning back, you enter this new reality, you will live and die there.”

“ I know, but there might be people; or ponies in this case, that might need my help. Besides my folks will be alright. Anyone dumb enough to try and rob them will be in the hospital later, and that's just my mom alone.”

“Yeah… Well, go on now. Just don’t do anything stupid. Equestria is a peaceful land, and you have the powers of the demon assassins at your disposal. Remember that.”

“ I'll try.” I said feeling I'm going to screw myself over somehow.

I walked into the portal, and wondered where I would end up.

When I could see where I was again, portal was oddly colorless, I was standing on a rooftop of what was either an office building or a weirdly built house.’ Am I actually here?’ I thought to myself. It looks like Canterlot, dang it's bigger in person.

I look over the ledge, ponies of all the three races walking along the roads. ‘Huh, so I must be in the main city/business area then.’ I look around for a place to climb down… then remember about my powers.

I look for a ledge that's close and then thought about using blink. I have the outsider mark on my left hand so I focused on that. I felt the power I was given. Feels a little cold,but it is void energy. I blinked to the ledge and nearly fell off.’ Yikes, got to work on that’.
I continue to do this for a while, finding it really fun. A few ponies noticed the warp effect as I left/appeared in a place, but non saw me. In a city run by the Ventrals, you gotta know how to hide. Eventually I warped down into an ally, a little tired from the constant warping. “Man, that’s gonna take some practice to use more than ten times.” I say to myself.

“Guards, help!” The sound or a woman, er, mare’s scream caught my ear.

I ran over to help, it came from down the corner in my ally… and what I saw shocked me. There was a rather creepy looking unicorn stallion, his horn cracked, holding a cleaver in his mouth standing over the woman- MARE’S corpse. He didn’t seem to notice me arrive though. “Sleep now pretty, just like the rest I put to sleep.” He said to the corpse. It was then that I noticed his cutie mark was a rather creepy smile.

‘Wait...did he say...Others!?’ He's killed before, and by the sound of it a lot. That little f… Darn, can’t cuss out what I wanna say! I quickly pull out my short swords. “Hey ugly!” He looked over at me. “How’s about a knife fight?”

He simply smiled. “More play.” He said like a kid, charging at me with a crazed look. I charged at him as well, but only because I had an advantage… legs that are longer than his body. When I got close enough, I kicked his chin up, his knife sent flying at I had room, and sliced his throat open, blood spilled out all over the walls, floor, and me as he collapsed. “Egh, games make this seem way cleaner…”

Now, first off, I did just kill someone, er, pony, but they are a murderer, and frankly I don’t feel guilty about getting rid of scum like him this way. “Hold it right there monster!” I turned around… and saw several royal guards standing there. “So you’re the killer running around Canterlot!”


“Get him!”

Nope! I warped out behind them, then up a building til I was on until finally landing on top of a building, where I hoped I lost them. “Well… bad first day…”