The New Heir to the Monado

by Aisling of Dreams

Unfortunate News

Hey guys guess what; I'm not dead. Allow to me to explain, you see I've not only been dealing with some very stressful things in my life, but also some of the worst writers block I've ever had. Now that unfortunately leads to some bad news; since I'm having so much trouble getting this story off the ground, I'm going to have to cancel it, but that also leads to some good news.

I am now working on a new story (not a displaced) on a game series that has long since been forgotten. What is this forgotten series you may ask, well I can't give much away but, it has something to do with a different kind of magic.

Also there's more good news; too anyone want's to use this story, you have my permission to do so and also if you want to know the ideas I had for this story, just contact me and we'll discuss things.

I'm not done yet folks, my stories are far from over and I'll keep going till my fingers bleed.