Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Horrifying Rage

With the Wonderbolts pinned under his claws, Indominus was ready to begin the bloodshed. He began heading for Spitfire when a voice bellowed from the sky that caught everypony's attention.

"You're not going to kill anypony, monster!" Indominus looked up from his victims and was shocked by what was heading towards him.

Soarin was coming back with a few more Wonderbolts behind him, but something was incredibly off. He had gotten much bigger in size, in fact, he was almost as big as Indominus and the dinosaurs. Indominus was still trying to figure out how Soarin had gotten so huge, when the Wonderbolt struck him with enough force to send him flying off the others. The Mane Six were stunned as Indominus was sent skidding across the ground and crashed into some trees after Soarin's attack. Somehow, the Wonderbolt had gained enough strength to actually hurt Indominus and had returned with backup.

"H-how did he do that," said Twilight. "That kind of strength is something only the dragons have. It takes a creature of true muscle to actually hurt Indominus."

"Wow, been a while since I've been hit that hard," Indominus said as he shook off the blow.

Soarin helped the others get back up with a single giant hoof, and they were just as surprised at the Wonderbolt's massive size.

"How did you get this big Soarin?"

"It's simple Spitfire, this is part of the strength enhancing formula. It increases strength as well as size and speed, thus making us powerful enough to tangle with this monster. If all of you take one, then we will become an army of giant Wonderbolts."

The backup Wonderbolts distributed the formula to each of their teammates, who quickly downed the serum in a hurry as Indominus got back to his feet. He began charging towards them, but he stopped as each of the Wonderbolts began to shake all over from drinking the formula.

"S-soarin, what's h-happening to us," Fleetfoot said as she tried to get the shaking under control.

"It's alright girls, it's just part of the process. I went through the same thing, but it'll be over soon."

Everypony watched as the Wonderbolts started growing in size and becoming bigger. Tyrannosaurus called out to his brother upon seeing that they were getting stronger as well.


Indominus immediately charged forward once he heard his brother's warning, but he was cut off by Soarin who locked his hooves and head with the hybrid dinosaur.

"I'm not going to let you get them this time you abomination." Indominus tried to push his way past Soarin, only to find that now he could barely budge the giant Wonderbolt.

Somehow, the dinosaur's strength was being matched by a second rate pony that had nothing on him. Indominus was too preoccupied to notice Spitfire charging towards him, and she rammed the dinosaur head on. The hybrid dinosaur was once again sent skidding along the dirt, but when he got back up he was shocked to see all of the Wonderbolts at the same giant size heading for him.

"This time, it's our payback for how you've attacked us," yelled Spitfire.

The super-sized Wonderbolts barreled towards Indominus, completely unaware that they were in for a rude surprise. Right as they were about to attack the stunned dinosaur, all of the Wonderbolts were blindsided by a massive combined blast that drove them into the dirt. Soarin was appalled to see T-Rex, Blue and her girls all standing together and proud of their combined power. Indominus took advantage of the moment and dealt Soarin a retaliation punch to the head as payback for the sneak attack. The cocky Wonderbolt ended up in the same pile with his teammates and all of them got back up ready to fight.

"Thanks for the help brother," said Indominus as his family joined up with him.

"Don't mention it Indominus, this is one fight that we'll need to stick together to win against. These ponies have somehow gotten strong enough to rival our strength, and that is concerning."

"Well. those were only sneak attacks, none of them attacked me head on. Besides, even though they're stronger, that doesn't mean that they won't let their pride get in the way in this battle. Smaug told me that words are just as effective in a fight, and earlier I broke their minds with words alone. I believe I can still use that to our advantage to reduce their numbers."

"Regardless, we're gonna stick with you in this fight Indominus," said Blue. "We don't want to see you lose control again."

"Let's hope so Blue, I don't want to end up using the Immortal Phoenix and risk hurting my family again."

The dinosaurs squared off against the giant Wonderbolts, but the odds were not in their favor. It was six dinosaurs to eleven Wonderbolts, and despite their power advantage, the dinosaurs would be dealing with opponents that were faster and more agile than dragons.

"So Wonderbolts, are we ready to show this abomination and his pitiful family what it means to mess with us?"

"I'm ready to crush that monster, Boss," said Soarin.

"I'll take first crack at him, if you don't mind Soarin," said Wave Chill, a Wonderbolt with a slightly dull shade of blue fur and a dark blue mane and tail.

"You sure you want to do this Wave Chill?"

"I'm positive Spitfire, if you and Soarin could knock this ugly creature over in one hit each, I shouldn't have any problems."

"Very well, have at it. Any last words before you watch your precious husband bite the dust, Rainbow Crash?"

Rainbow had been rooted to the spot the whole time. After everything she had witnessed, her heart was torn between the two sides. If she helped one side, it would mean turning her back on someone she cared about. Rainbow didn't have the willpower to help Indominus in this fight, because she couldn't bring herself to attack the ponies she looked up to so much. She did however, have one thing to say to the Wonderbolts.

"If you go through with this Spitfire, you're going to regret it in the end."

"You honestly believe that we are going to lose to these behemoths? Please Crash, they are nothing but a bunch of monsters that don't deserve to live in this world."

"You have the nerve to talk about my family like that," said Scootaloo, who was getting really fed up with all the bashing on the dinosaurs that had looked after her. "They have been guardians and a true family to me, they are not mon-"

"Stay out of this runt, this matter doesn't concern you." Hearing Spitfire verbally assault Scootaloo was enough to get the anger in Tyrannosaurus sparked.

"Why don't you shut your flapping trap and fight us, you self-absorbed pile of dead flesh?"

"As you wish monster, Wave Chill, go have your first crack at them."

"With pleasure." The Wonderbolt blasted off the ground and went right for Indominus.

"Kill him brother," T-Rex called out as Indominus charged forward to meet the cocky Wonderbolt. What came next happened so fast, nopony could believe it.

One moment Wave Chill was heading towards Indominus, and the next, he was completely frozen to the spot with Indominus right in front of him. None of the other Wonderbolts could understand why he wasn't doing anything.

"What are you waiting for, permission? Attack him!" Spitfire's command didn't even seem to reach Wave Chill, but all of a sudden, a pain filled cry filled the area and sent chills running through everypony.

It turned out Indominus had impaled Wave Chill right in the eyes with his thumb and middle sickle claws. He had just applied enough pressure to make them explode, which was why the once confident Wonderbolt was screaming in agony. Everypony could see blood pouring out of his eye sockets, and the Wonderbolt was completely helpless as Indominus towered over him.

"How's that for an ugly creature, you ignorant, dead bastard?" Indominus then clamped his jaws down on the Wonderbolt's head, and in one swift jerk of his neck, tore the head off completely.

The Wonderbolts gasped in shock as Wave Chill's headless body began spurting blood from where his head had been and slowly staggered towards them before collapsing on the ground. Indominus stood atop the dead Wonderbolt and stared back at the others in a predatory fashion with their teammate's head still in his mouth. Most of the Wonderbolts had horrified expressions and a few of them had to look away from the gruesome sight. Spitfire and Soarin stood transfixed at the hideous display, never in their entire lives had they seen a Wonderbolt killed in such a manner. But what Indominus did next, set in motion a battle that was going to put his sanity and life on the line.

The Wonderbolts could only watch as Indominus crunched down on Wave Chill's skull until it exploded and bursts of blood were sent flying onto their faces. Rainbow couldn't believe what she had seen: Indominus hadn't just killed a Wonderbolt, he had declared war on all of them. Now he truly was going to kill them, despite the promise he had made to her. With fresh blood oozing from his jaws, Indominus began to glow red as he tapped into his power.

"You should've run away when you had the chance, Wonderbolts. Now you've sealed your own fate, FEEL THE POWER OF THE GUARDIANS OF EQUESTRIA!!"

The dinosaurs all charged forward as their bodies transformed into their guardian states. The Wonderbolts angrily charged at them after watching their teammate being killed in such a brutal way. The giant creatures collided with one another, and the colossal fight was underway. The raptors each tackled a Wonderbolt with Blue and Delta taking on two instead, while Soarin went after Indominus and T-Rex was left to battle Spitfire and Blaze. From there it was a flurry of punching hooves, slashing claws and biting flesh as the Wonderbolts took on the dinosaurs.

Blue had her claws full dealing with both Fire Streak and Fleetfoot at once, she had to constantly switch between her targets while attacking them to avoid being overwhelmed. She tackled Fleetfoot first and began biting and slashing away with her claws. Fire Streak tried to attack Blue, but only ended up playing into her claws when the raptor jumped off Fleetfoot and attacked him instead. The Wonderbolt tried punching Blue as her claws dug into his skin, but she was agile enough to dodge his massive hooves and tear away at him. Despite her injuries and a slashed stomach, Fleetfoot rushed over to aide her partner, only for Blue to run off Fire Streak and blast the Wonderbolt right in the face. Even with enhanced strength and size, the Wonderbolts clearly didn't have the brainpower of the dinosaurs.

Delta was handling Surprise and Misty Fly just as effectively as her sister, carving up both Wonderbolts and straight up overwhelming them with her power and attacks. Blasting both Wonderbolts, immobilizing Misty Fly with a sickle claw in the chest and biting down on Surprise's neck. She had the Wonderbolts pinned and was beginning to strangle Surprise to death with the Wonderbolt struggling to free herself. She managed to jerk her head and it put Blue's neck within reach, allowing surprise to bite down on her. The bite may have released Blue's grip, but it only caused the raptor to retaliate by blasting Surprise right in the face.

Charlie and Echo had only one Wonderbolt to fight themselves and didn't have to worry about the threat of being double teamed like their sisters. The monstrous size of the Wonderbolts only made it easier for the agile raptors to attack them. However, Lightning Streak and Silver Lining were fairly agile themselves and could keep pace with the Velociraptors. It was much tougher than when they fought Garble and his gang. The juiced Wonderbolts had enough speed and strength to keep up with the dinosaurs and their power.

Tyrannosaurus was holding his own against Spitfire and Blaze, his sheer size and bulk allowed him to take the blows more easily than the raptor squad. The two Wonderbolts had to focus more on dodging the massive jaws of teeth and the tremendous blasts Rexy was launching at them. If Tyrannosaurus got his mouth on a Wonderbolt, his bite force would kill them on the spot, regardless of their new size and strength.

"What's wrong Shitfire, did my brother make you scared of us?"

"Why you!!" Spitfire angrily charged towards T-Rex after his snide remark, but just like with Indominus, she had played into his clutches.

Tyrannosaurus smashed her with his head and the impact left her shaken and stunned from the force of the blow. T-Rex took advantage of the moment and closed in on her, preparing a blast in his mouth. Blaze flew over and tried to hold T-Rex in place, her strength actually kept him still while Spitfire recovered from the hit. She flew back towards the stuck dinosaur and was about to strike when Rexy released his attack. The attack hit Spitfire at point blank range and drove her into the ground before exploding. He then threw himself backwards with Blaze still holding him, and the Wonderbolt felt the full force of thirteen thousand pounds of weight being pressed on her.

"You Wonderbolts are even dumber than I thought, surely you saw that coming," T-Rex said while hearing Blaze groan from being crushed.

The tyrant lizard used his wings to get back up and towered over the beaten Wonderbolt. Her body had numerous holes in it where Tyrannosaurus's yellow spikes had pierced her body. He began kneeling down, opened his jaws and began closing in on Blaze's neck. T-Rex was about to clamp down on the Wonderbolt when he felt a powerful force ram him from the side. Spitfire had recovered from the blast and had intervened before Tyrannosaurus could kill her partner.

Tyrannosaurus staggered a bit and quickly turned to face his battered, but far from broken opponents.

"It's going to take more than that to beat us, monster," Spitfire called out to T-Rex while she helped out Blaze.

"We have more," Tyrannosaurus responded before charging back into his fight. While T-Rex and the raptor squad were doing well in their fights, the one having the most difficult battle was Indominus.

The hybrid dinosaur was going all out against Soarin, and the Wonderbolt was throwing everything he had at him. Punches, kicks, swift attacks in the air, anything to try and get the upper hand on Indominus. The hybrid retaliated with slashes, bites and numerous blasts, but Soarin was dodging every attempt or blocking each hit. Soarin's speed and agility were proving difficult for Indominus to keep pace with in the fight, but Indominus wasn't just fighting Soarin. He was also fighting to keep his anger from getting out of control and bringing out the Immortal Phoenix.

As much as Indominus wanted to crush Soarin, he was spending part of the fight battling his own rage, trying to keep it in check. He was trying to avoid going on another rampage if the Immortal Phoenix got loose, Indominus was afraid he would hurt Rainbow Dash. But fighting the pony that had hurt Rainbow in the first place was bringing out more of Indominus's anger, making it that much harder to keep in control. So the fight was more difficult for him compared to his brother and sisters, but it was only going to get tougher.

Indominus finally got a break when Soarin came flying towards him too fast. As the dinosaur dodged the Wonderbolt, he raked his claws across Soarin's stomach and it sent the pony crashing into the grouind. Before Soarin could get back up, Indominus drove his claws into the Wonderbolt's back and dragged them down the full length. The others turned in shock as Indominus stepped down on Soarin's left back leg and crushed the bones. The Wonderbolt's painful scream filled the area and caused the Mane Six to cringe at hearing the bones being crushed.

"This is just the beginning for you and your teammates Soarin, this is for all the pain you've caused Rainbow Dash. I'll see to it that you pay for having hurt the pony I love."

The hybrid then turned Soarin over and grabbed his right front hoof while restraining the other before the Wonderbolt could attack him. With one foot pinning Soarin to the ground, Indominus began turning his leg at an unnatural angle. Soarin could feel the bones in his trapped leg beginning to crack and knew that Indominus was trying to immobilize him and kill him when he couldn't fight back. The hybrid was gaining the upper hand in his brawl, but just when it seemed Indominus was going to cripple Soarin, the odds turned on him. Indominus was about to break Soarin's leg, he felt a punch right in the center of his neck.

Fleetfoot had sneak attacked Indominus and taken the breath out of him at the same time. Indominus staggered away and gripped his throat as he tried to get his breathing back. He couldn't understand how Fleetfoot had gotten past Blue until he saw her pinned and Fire Streak standing over the raptor with his hooves on her neck. Now it was two giant Wonderbolts against Indominus, and he was attacked again before he could focus on his opponents. Fleetfoot rammed Indominus across the face and the hybrid angrily fired a blast at as she zoomed past him. Tyrannosaurus noticed that traces of gold flame were beginning to show around Indominus, and he knew that his brother was in trouble of losing control again. Within his mind, T-Rex reached out to the only one that could help the hybrid now.

"Rainbow Dash, Indominus is starting to lose control of his rage again!" Rainbow heard Tyrannosaurus's worried voice inside her mind and looked over at her husband.

He was getting overwhelmed by the multiple attacks coming from Soarin and Fleetfoot and roaring and unleashing blasts all over the area. She could see the traces of gold fire too and realized Indominus was getting close to releasing the Immortal Phoenix again. The others could see it too and knew they had to intervene, but the only ones that could do anything were Rainbow and Scootaloo.

"Rainbow Dash we've got to help him," said Scootaloo in a desperate tone.

"i-I don't think I can Scootaloo. I don't think I can fight the Wonderbolts."

"You can't be serious Rainbow Dash," said Twilight, appalled at what her friend was saying. "Are you really going to let them kill Indominus? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't help him."

"No! I don't want to lose him again. I love him too much."

"Then at least help him out darling, so he won't lose control again," said Rarity. "If you won't fight for yourself, then fight for Indominus."

"It's yer call sugarcube, are ya gonna let the Wonderbolts kill the one ya love most, or are ya gonna help him fight?

Rainbow realized that there was no way she could stay with both sides. One way or another, she was going to have to choose which side to fight on. She decided that she valued Indominus's life more than the Wonderbolts, after everything they had done to her. She and Scootaloo increased their size to help out their family.

"Scootaloo, you help Blue out, I'm going to help my husband."

"You got it Rainbow." The sisters took off towards the battle zone, hoping that they could stop Indominus from transforming.

Blue was still trying to get herself free from Fire Streak's grip. Her sisters couldn't get to her because their opponents were keeping them from getting close.

"Keep on struggling monster, nopony is going to help you," said Fire Streak before he heard a loud and strong response.

"GET YOUR HOOVES OFF HER YOU STUPID WONDERBOLT!!" Fire Streak turned his head a minute too late as Scootaloo dealt him a ramming punch to the face.

"Thanks for the help Scootaloo," said Blue as she got helped to her feet.

"Anytime sis, now let's get this punk."

The pegasus and raptor rushed the Wonderbolt by attacking him and double teaming him with their combined effort. Fire Streak couldn't fight back as Scootaloo dealt stunning punches to his head and Blue sliced up his body with her claws. They had the Wonderbolt trapped and continued to deal deadly strikes until the attacks took their toll. The combination of blood loss from Blue's attacks and Scootaloo's strong punches, caused Fire Streak to collapse. Scootaloo and Blue held him as they watched Rainbow fly over to aid her husband.

Indominus was doing his best to fight both Wonderbolts, but they were gaining the upper hand and he was losing control of his rage. When Fleetfoot came in for another attack, Indominus grabbed her by the hooves and finally stopped her assault. She could see the rage in Indominus's eyes, and Fleetfoot was starting to think that it might've been a bad idea to fight him.

"Gotcha now monster." Indominus turned his head to see Soarin about to attack him again, but an intervention from a certain pegasus surprised all of them.

Rainbow came screening in and dealt a high speed kick to Soarin's face. The Wonderbolt felt his head turn on it's side as he was slammed into the ground by her surprise attack. All the Wonderbolts were shocked that Rainbow had chosen to side with the beast that had caused so much destruction and death to them and their compound. Indominus took advantage of the confusion and blasted Fleetfoot in the face, sending her into an exploding heap.

"Rainbow, y-you helped me?"

"I only wished that I had helped you sooner Indominus."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing, you would choose that MONSTER OVER US CRASH!?" Spitfire was so angry that she punched Tyrannosaurus with enough strength to knock him over. "Blaze, don't let this beast get back up."

"Yes maam," said Blaze as she placed her hooves on T-Rex's neck.

Spitfire walked over to Rainbow and Indominus with pure anger in her eyes. This was the first time that any of the Wonderbolts had seen their leader so angry and furious.

"You would choose the monster that attacked us, destroyed our compound and killed one of our teammates? I thought you were better than this Crash." Despite the damage he had taken from being double teamed, Indominus walked right up to Spitfire, completely ignoring the other Wonderbolts.

"I thought I told you not to call her that nickname again, Shitfire! Rainbow chose me because we love each other and I've only done those things because I actually care about her, unlike you. You scoundrels chose to insult her, you treated her like garbage after everything and all the effort she did for you ponies. All this devastation is your fault."

"I WON'T BE INSULTED OR TOLD WHAT I SHOULD'VE DONE FOR THE WONDERBOLTS BY SOME PUTRID ABOMINATION!!" Spitfire dealt a savage uppercut to Indominus then she and Fleetfoot pinned him to the ground while he was stunned.

They placed their hooves down on his arms and on his body to prevent him from gathering strength to free himself. Indominus still struggled against them, for he knew that Soarin was going to use the opportunity to hurt Rainbow in front of him and he had to get free. The hybrid tried scrambling to get back on his feet, but a strong blow on his back caused him to collapse. Indominus roared in pain because Soarin had nailed a direct hit on the lower portion of his spine. The Wonderbolt confidently walked in front of Indominus and looked down upon the wounded dinosaur.

"Now you're the one in the dirt monster. You've made us suffer, and now I'll make you suffer." Soarin looked over at Rainbow Dash, who was horrified at how beat up Indominus was. "So tell me Crash, you said if we fought this hideous behemoth you call a husband, we would regret it. Judging by how he looks, I'd say he's the one regretting it."

"Soarin, I'm going to say this one time. Get away from Indominus before you provoke something that will devastate you! If you enrage Indominus too much, he'll kill you."

"I doubt that, based on how he's been fighting so far, he won't be able to kill anymore of us now." Soarin began walking over to Rainbow Dash, and Indominus felt his heart drop. If Soarin was going to do what Indominus thought he was going to do, he wished that the Wonderbolt would receive mercy on his soul.

"What are you doing Soarin, he's the enemy not her," said Spitfire, who was genuinely surprised by what Soarin was doing.

"Shut it Boss, she's as much my enemy as he is because she defended him. She chose to side with the monsters and now she'll pay."

Suddenly Soarin sprinted forward and dealt a punch right to Rainbow's chest, causing her to double over. Everyone was frozen over in shock after what Soarin had done, including the Wonderbolts. Spitfire had thought Soarin was only interested in stopping Indominus, not hurting Rainbow Dash. The situation only got worse as Soarin began punching Rainbow's face over and over.

"You should've chosen me Crash, not that monster. I told you that you'd regret choosing him over me, this is the day where you atone for your foolish decision!" Soarin continued to attack Rainbow until a bellow erupted across the battlefield.

"WONDERBOLTS!!!!" Indominus broke Spitfire and Fleetfoot's grip on his body and stood at his full height with gold flame beginning to surge around him and his red aura surging into the sky.

The Mane five and CMC felt chills racing through their bodies as Indominus's roar echoed across the landscape. Everypony could feel the ground beginning to rumble and pitch black storm clouds were rolling in.

"I didn't know that we were supposed to have a storm today," said Fluttershy.

"We're not," said Twilight in a scared tone. She was looking at Indominus's increasing power and was stunned by what was happening. "I don't believe it."

"What's happening darling," asked Rarity.

"Equestria is responding to Indominus's rage, his power has invoked Equestria itself and it's showing it's own anger in response to his."

"So these storm clouds-"

"Weren't created by Cloudsdale, they were created from Equestria's anger."

Tyrannosaurus saw the storm clouds too, and a haunting realization dawned on him. This wasn't like the last time: Indominus was giving into his anger completely and it was affecting everything around him. It was like Equestria itself was sharing Indominus's anger and showing it's own. He watched as his brother began to rise away from the Wonderbolts and the gold flames began to cover his body.


The raptors and Scootaloo wasted no time in scattering away from the area, they knew that this rampage was going to be far more destructive than before. Tyrannosaurus scooped up the others and he and his family began putting as much distance as they could between themselves and Indominus. He knew all too well that none of them stood a chance at containing Indominus now, the full force of his rage was being turned loose. T-Rex could only hope by some miracle that Indominus would be able to stop himself before he laid waste to the Wonderbolts and all of Equestria. Once they got far enough from the battle, it occurred to all of them that only one had stayed behind, and it scared Scootaloo.

"Wait, where's Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow stood rooted to the spot like the Wonderbolts as she watched her husband being covered by the golden fire of the Immortal Phoenix.

"Indominus, I'm sorry," was all Rainbow could say. Unfortunately, she was unaware that within Indominus, something more sinister was taking place.

The Immortal Phoenix wasn't the only thing enveloping Indominus, his anger was taking over his mind and it awakened something, evil.
As the golden flame was engulfing his body, Indominus could hear a demonic, sinister voice within his mind. Inside his mind, a monster had manifested itself in the form Indominus had when he was the Immortal Phoenix, only with dark black flames and sinister red eyes.

"Ah, such raw rage and power. It's been so long since I've felt your fury Indominus, a power that I've always craved. Did you really think you could bury so much hatred and rage that has been with you all your life? We're going to be gods in this world that has rejected and hated you. We'll destroy everything until there's nothing but a world of bleeding corpses. I'm your inevitable conclusion. I'm the ultimate you. I'M THE DEVIL!! NOW DESTROY THEM!!!"

"Wonderbolts, you have hurt, my girl for the last time," Indominus roared down to the Wonderbolts with the flames licking at his scales. As the golden power surrounded him completely, he bellowed down to them "NOW YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE THE LIGHT OF DAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!"

As soon as the last word escaped his jaws, Indominus's power erupted to such a massive degree that the gold flames filled the sky. Following his power was thousands of lightning bolts that rained down from the heavens. The Wonderbolts were paralyzed with absolute terror in their hearts, the formula wasn't going to make a difference against a creature with the fury of a god. Suddenly, Indominus zoomed out of the sky and was in front of them in a matter of seconds. His savage roars shook everything around him and the gold flames that he was emitting made him look like a demon from the darkest pit of Hell.

"DDDDIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!" That was the only word Indominus said before he began his assault on the Wonderbolts.

With one punch, he sent Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot skidding across the dirt. Blaze tried to run but Indominus grabbed her by the back leg and pulled her towards him. He savagely tore off her front legs and then did something so gruesome, it would haunt the Wonderbolts for the rest of their lives. He grabbed Blaze by the head, brought her up until they were eye level, and then pulled her head apart until the Wonderbolt's whole body was split right down the middle. In his blind fury, Indominus tore the Wonderbolt to shreds until there were just a bunch of bloody remains, that were consumed by the raging flames. After killing Blaze, Indominus bellowed a psychotic and mindless roar across the sky.

The golden flames were raging violently all across the land, engulfing everything in their path. Indominus's power was growing more destructive and violent with each passing second. The Mane Six could only watch as Indominus resumed his savage beatdown on the Wonderbolts, pounding them with so much force that the attacks were causing hundreds of earthquakes. They were joined by some unexpected company, who had been drawn to the area by Indominus's rage.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, I assume you've seen Indominus's power as well?"

"Yes we did Twilight Sparkle," said Luna. "What happened to make him so savage and destructive?"

"The Wonderbolts tried to hurt Rainbow Dash, then they attacked the dinosaurs, and Soarin started beating up Rainbow," said Scootaloo.

The princesses looked back at the raging gold fire and the rage driven dinosaur that was attacking the Wonderbolts with incredible ferocity. There was nothing they could do to stop power of such a deadly caliber. Luna was dreadfully worried for Indominus, she had seen part of the hybrid's pain and hoped he would be able to stop himself.

"Is there anyway to stop him Twilight?"

"I'm afraid not Princess Celestia, either Indominus runs out of power before he kills the Wonderbolts, or Rainbow is able to find a way to stop him."

"Wait, you mean that Rainbow Dash is over there in the midst of all that destruction?"

"Indeed she is, Luna, this is her first time seeing Indominus with so much rage and hatred. She's seeing all the pain he kept hidden from her for so long." said Tyrannosaurus.

Luna looked back at the devastation and thought to herself, "please Indominus, come out of this rampage safely."

Rainbow was too overwhelmed with the power Indominus was emitting that all she could do was watch him devastate the Wonderbolts. Soarin, Spitfire and the others were being slashed up by flaming claws before Indominus slammed them into the ground. He turned to see Fire Streak was trying to fly off and instantly caught up with him. Fire Streak didn't get even a second to react before Indominus punched right through his chest and tore the pony apart from the inside out. The Wonderbolt's severed body and mashed insides plummeted to the ground and Indominus resumed his beating on the others.

He punched Fleetfoot so hard that she was knocked out cold before she hit the ground. He did the same exact thing with the others, attacking and beating them into submission with his immense power and carving up their bodies. Soon the remaining Wonderbolts were in a dog pile with their bodies thrashed and bleeding, all except for Spitfire. The once confident Wonderbolt was quivering in sheer fear and dread at the golden fiery monster that stood before her.

"Now there is just one," said Indominus in a demonic voice. "I'm going to take my time tormenting you until I've broken your will, Shitfire. By the way, I knew you Wonderbolts were sneaky and deceiving fools, but I never imagined that you were liars as well."

"What does he mean, Spitfire?" The Wonderbolt felt a lump form in her throat: Indominus had discovered the one secret that she hoped Rainbow would never find out. "I said, what is he talking about, maam?"

"Oh she didn't tell you Rainbow? Well here's the deal: Shitfire here, lied to you about all the Wonderbolts having embarrassing nicknames on their jackets."

"That's not true, you're just making up nonsense"

"Am I? I destroyed your locker room and I saw ALL of the jackets, and apart from Rainbow's, not one of them had a single symbol. You Wonderbolts are nothing but stingy bullies, and liars."

Rainbow stared angrily at Spitfire, truly fed up with all that she had heard. Indominus had been right about everything, the Wonderbolts had been deceiving her the whole time, everything they had accomplished and wanting Rainbow on their team, was nothing but deception and a lie.

"L-listen Crash-I mean D-Dash, it's not what you think. I-I-I can explain."

"Don't bother, I've heard all I needed to hear."

"No really, I can explain why I did thi-"


"You'll see what it's like to experience true rage first hand, worthless Wonderbolt"

Behold the horrors
They lurk beneath the shadows of remorse
You wouldn't know of course
But i forced a new judgment day
On this day you will repay
Your respects to all that may
Have suffered from your mind and your kind
So have a seat and be afraid
Rage's about to commence the final ritual
Your death is all I need for vengeance to be served
And when your blood begins to flow forth
you wont be leaving this life
you'll only burn in hell inside Tartarus
as I tear you up inside
(Indominus slashing away at Spitfire while singing)
All this torture will unwind
I was never all that kind
If you were to rewind
Then you would find
Your life is mine
Take your turn to run and hide
I will kill you every time
This night no longer shines
Your death divine
You'll now be mine!

Indominus stared down upon Spitfire, who was trembling before the rage enhanced dinosaur and his devil look.

Behold the terrors
You wont believe
What i will do to you
I'll make you look like blood
and orange glue
But don't digress
I'm the ring master you see
I'm the horrid beast you'll flee
I kill every ghoul
Believe me
Now have a seat
Embrace your life
My savage hate will drain you dry
But darkened thoughts
are the common grounds
I give myself to be her king
Be as it may
My loyalty remains
So I'm showing you
My darkest power
Prepare to lose your filthy pride
As I tear apart your hide
All this torture will unwind
I was never all that kind
If you were to rewind
Then you would find
Your life is mine
Take your turn to run and hide
I will kill you every time
This night no longer shines
Your death divine
You'll now be mine!
You dare bring pain to my girl?
Re-born again
My body is refined
Breathing new life
Inside your tomb tonight
You have no idea what we've been through
Time and time again
Now you shall face your deadliest demise
I won't keep you alive!

Indominus slammed Spitfire into the dirt and towered over the beaten Wonderbolt. Her spirit and will had been all but destroyed by the savage hybrid dinosaur.

"You really shouldn't have done this to her."

"You don't understand, that is how things are done with the Wonderbo-"

Spitfire was cut off as Indominus grabbed her by the throat and bellowed in her face.


But like the jester said to the king
There is bad news i bring
Now let your death begin!

Indominus went into a blind frenzy and began beating Spitfire all over the area. He punched her so hard that the Mane Six, CMC, dinosaurs and princesses could all hear the sound of bones being broken. He slashed up her body, crushed more bones, smashed her head into the ground with his fists and tossed her onto the pile of beaten Wonderbolts. She wound up on top and Indominus could hear her whimpering and crying like a rat, which added more fuel to his devastation. With all of the Wonderbolts now in one pile, Indominus knew exactly what to do with them.

I hope you enjoy your death
Now take your final breath

Indominus slammed both fists into the ground and twenty glowing cracks started heading towards the beaten Wonderbolts. A fissure of his glowing power sent them flying into the sky and Indominus followed after while absorbing the lightning strikes from the storm clouds. He then fired a blast that sent all of the Wonderbolts careening in the same direction and he followed after them. Rainbow realized where they were going and followed them too. The Wonderbolts were heading back towards their own compound and once they were above the runway, Indominus slammed them all into it with a single attack.

Indominus stood perched on a line of clouds with lightning and gold fire surging all around him as he watched Spitfire struggle to get back up.

"How does it feel now, to be the one groveling in the dirt?" Spitfire was able to regain consciousness, but she couldn't get back on her hooves because her body had taken too much punishment. "Now that is a pity," Indominus said as he paced across the clouds like a dragon stalking its prey. "What will you do now, Shitfire? You are forsaken. No help will come."

Indominus glided down to the pile of slashed and defeated excuses for "the best flyers in Equestria," and pinned Spitfire to the ground with one hand.

She was so terrified of him now, and the hybrid dinosaur was reveling in how he had truly broken the head of the Wonderbolts.

"Tell me, Shitfire, how now shall YOU challenge ME? You have nothing left, but your DEATH!!" Indominus opened his jaws to reveal a deadly red blast at the back of his throat. Spitfire was balling her eyes out, pleading for a way out as death loomed over her tattered body, ready to end her existence with one final attack.