Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A dog is a brony?

Chapter 8

I walked out of the Café, a hundred and forty bits in my saddlebag. That job may be easy, but it is extremely boring. I just stand around, take orders, hand out food, and repeat. Well, at least the pay is good.

Should I go back to the library or should I walk around and try to find the other two bronies? I want to search for them, but working five hours really makes a guy tired. 

The sun was almost down, barely showing over the hills. The moon was just beginning to rise.

I started walking towards the library. Maybe David is there now. Or he may have gone home with Rainbow Dash. I'll find out when I get there.

A few minutes later, I walked up to the library's door. The lights were on, so that means Twilight is here. I opened the door and walked in.

Upon stepping inside, I saw David looking through the books on the bookshelves.

I looked him over, finally seeing him in full detail.

He was a brown Pegasus with a shaggy tousled light brown mane and slightly spiked tail. He had small streaks of greenish blue through his mane, and a thick streak going over the top of his tail. He also had light green eyes.

I wonder if he's come up with a pony name yet?

David turned to me and smiled, "Lance, there you are. I've been here for the past two hours waiting for you."

I walked over to him, "David, you can call me Lance when we're alone. But when we're around other ponies, just call me Giro. Okay?"

"Okay Lance. Also, I finally came up with a name for myself."

Finally, "Good. What is it?"


Whitemark? Why that name? "I like the name, but it doesn't seem to fit your appearance."

"Because I have a small white mark under my wing, see." He lifted up his wing to reveal a small patch of white.

Okay, now it fits him. "Well, it's good to know you have a name here. So, how did it go with Dash?"

He smiled, "She's all over me. I think? I don't know, I'm not so good with girls. But it seems like she likes me."

"She probably does. She was all over me when I got here, so I think you have a chance."

Whitemark smiled happily, "I'll be flying to her house tomorrow. If I can find it, that is."

"Just ask Twilight. She'll know."

He looked uneasy for a second, "Yeah, while we're talking about her. I don't know if I can live in this library. I mean, I love books, but also I would rather have a place where I can talk freely."

Well, too bad there's no other places to.... Oh wait! I forgot that Princess Celestia gave me a house in Canterlot. And that's just a twenty minute flight from and to Ponyville. "I know of a place where we can both live, or until you get your own place."


"Canterlot. I own a house there, thanks to the Princess."

He looked amazed, "You own a house. In Canterlot! How did you do that?"

"I don't know. The Princess just let me have it after I asked for one."

"Nice dude. When can we go there? I hope it's big enough for a room where we can keep books."

He must like books also. Great, now I'm not the only one here, besides Twilight, that likes books. "I'm sure it's big enough, it is in Canterlot after all."

"When can we go there?" He asked again.

Tomorrow maybe? I don't have work tomorrow, so I think that will be the best time to go. "Tomorrow if you want, I would like to stay here one more night."

He nodded his head, "Okay, good. I'll just sleep down here on that couch." He pointed to the couch against the wall.

"No, you can sleep in the guest room. I'll be sleeping in Twilight's room."

He raised his hoof, "Nice going dude! Already in bed with the pony."

He must want a brohoof. We slammed our hoofs together. 

Twilight walked in through the front door, "Hey Giro, are you here?" She looked around till she saw me and David standing by one of the many bookshelves, "Hey Giro. Who's your friend?"

"He's an old friend of mine. Can he stay the night?"

She smiled, "Of course."

David walked forward, "Hey, my name is Dav.. I mean Whitemark." He raised his hoof.

Twilight reached out and shook his hoof, "Hello Whitemark. My name is Twilight...

"Twilight Sparkle, I know all about you!" 

Oh damn.

"What do you mean? We just met each other. How can you know all about me?"

I stepped forward, "Because I've been telling him about you."

Twilight smiled, "Oh, okay then."

I looked at David, "Whitemark, come here for a second."

He walked over, "Yeah?"

"We have to keep us being humans a secret. Princess Celestia doesn't want us to tell the ponies about us and our world."

He nodded, "Sorry, I didn't know."

I patted his back, "It's alright dude, just be careful what you say."

He smiled, "Got it."

Twilight walked up behind me and tapped her hoof on my shoulder, "Giro, I forgot to tell you, but Rarity wants you to come to her shop. I don't know why though, all she said was that she had it ready for you."

So, she's already done? That was fast. "Okay, thanks Twilight." I turned to white mark, "Do you want to come?"

He looked excited, "You know it dude."

Twilight looked at him, "What does dude mean?"

Damn it, "It's another word for stallion. Mostly used by younger ponies." I looked at David.

He shrugged and mouthed the word 'Sorry.'

Twilight looked to be thinking, "I've never heard about it before."

"That's because it's new."

She nodded, "I see."

We better get going before David says something else, "Come on Whitemark."

We headed for the door, but Twilight walked up beside me, "Hurry back Giro." With that, she kissed me on the cheek.

When Whitemark and I stepped outside and closed the door, David smirked at me, "Lucky."

We began to walk towards Rarity's, "You know I am." I chuckled a little.

He hit my shoulder with his hoof, "Yeah, but I'll be getting more than a kiss on the cheek when I go to Rainbow Dash's place tomorrow."

"Maybe. If your lucky." He will definitely get some when he gets there. I smiled at the thought.

"What are you smiling about?"

I looked ahead and kept smiling, "Nothing."


I kept smiling, "Just don't get her pregnant dude."

He laughed loudly at my words, "I better not. I don't want a mini pony me running around this place."

I started laughing and looked down at the ground, trying to stop laughing, "Dude, that's a scary thought right there."

Before I knew it, I slammed head first into the door of the Carousel Boutique. I stumbled back and landed on my flank.

David started to laugh and fell backwards onto his back.

Why me? I rubbed my head with my hoofs. Damn, that hurt like hell.

The door opened and Rarity looked out, "Please, no slamming into the door... Oh my. Giro, are you alright."

I slowly stood, my head throbbing, "Yeah, I'm okay. I may have a knot or brain damage, but all in all I'm okay." I stopped rubbing my head and looked up at her, David just starting to stand, "Twilight said you needed me for something."

Her face went from one of worry to one of excitement, "Oh yes, this way darling." She turned and headed back into the Carousel Boutique. 

I walked inside, David close behind. 

She led us to a room with a single pony model stand, a nice looking suit on it.

She turned and smiled at me, a gleam in her eyes, "Here it is Giro. What do you think?"

I walked over to the suit and looked it over.

It had a white under shirt, and a black tuxedo like jacket over the white under shirt. There was a black tie going under  the collar of the white shirt and tucked under the jacket. It looked like the kind of suit you would wear to a wedding back on earth.

I looked at Rarity and smiled, "I love it! It looks just the way I wanted." I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out a bag that held a hundred and twenty bits. "There's the bits. May I have the suit now?"

Her horn glowed and the suit came off the model and went into my saddlebag. "There you go darling. I'm glad you like it."

David stepped forward, "Can you make me some clothes?"

Rarity looked at him, "I can dearie, but it's not free."

He looked disappointed, "Oh."

I looked at him and felt sorry for him, "I'll pay for it Whitemark."

He looked at me and smiled brightly, "Thank you Lan... Giro."

Rarity smiled at me, "That's very nice of you, Giro. Come with me Whitemark, we'll start coming up with ideas for your new clothes."

She walked into another and motioned for Whitemark to follow. "Giro, I'll meet you back at the library."

"I may not go back, I think I might just stay here and take a nap."

He followed her into the room, "Alright."

I sat down on a couch and laid back. I hope he doesn't want an expensive piece of clothing.

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Thirty minutes later.

I felt a hoof on my chest, shaking me. I opened my eye's sleepily and looked up at the owner of the hoof.

"Giro, I heard you have a new house! And I've been thinking that you need to have a housewarming party. But I don't know where you live. Can you tell me? Ow ow, after the party and when I know where you live, I can come over everyday and we can party every day of the year! How does that sound? I think it sounds great!" Said a way over an active voice.

Oh god, why. Why Pinkie Pie! "I don't really want a party, Pinkie Pie. And ask Twilight, she knows where I live."

She stopped bouncing, "What? No party! Are you loco in the coco or something? Everypony loves a party! Come on Giro, let's have a party!"

I can already tell that I can't talk my way out of this, "Okay Pinkie, you win. Just wait till tomorrow, then we can have a super big party."

Her smile became impossibly bigger, "YAY! I can't wait to party again! I'm going home right now to get to working on the decorations for tomorrow!"

She turned and bounced out of the building. 

I shuddered. Waking up to her isn't something I wanted to do. Kinda scared the hell out of me.

I closed my eyes again, but I heard somepony galloping over to me. 

"Giro! Rarity just helped me come up with the coolest idea for a suit." Said an excited Whitemark.

Rarity walked up and smiled, "It really is a lovely suit he's come up with. I'm going to love working on it."

I sat up and smiled, "And the price tag on this suit is?"

She looked uneasy, "Three hundred bits."

Three hundred bits! What the hell has he come up with? "That much?!" Calm down Giro, David looks happy about the suit he's come up with, "Well, I can make that much in three days. Is it okay if I pay you then?"

She smiled sweetly, "Yes darling, I know you'll pay."

David ran to the door, "Come on, Giro! Let's leave so she can get to work on it." He ran out the door.

Rarity turned to me and smiled, "He sure seems excited about it. I guess I should start working on it."

But its close to ten at night. "No Rarity, I think you should go to bed and work on it tomorrow."

"Don't worry about me darling, I've done this before. Now go catch your friend before he runs off without you."

"Yeah, I don't think I should let him get too far ahead."

I walked out the boutique and saw Whitemark standing next to the door. 

He looked at me and smiled, "Thanks for paying for it Giro."

Thanks for putting me three hundred bits in the hole. I laughed at that thought, "No problem buddy. Come on, let's get back to the library."

We walked on in silence for a few minutes. 

Whitemark broke the silence, "So, there's other bronies here."

"Eeyep." I said imitating Big Macintosh.

He laughed, "Stop acting like Big Mac. But seriously what if they get jealous of us."

"Why would they be jealous of us?"

"Because, you and Twilight are together. Me and Rainbow Dash are about to be together. Thing about it, what if they come here and we are dating their favorite pony. There could be a fight."

I hadn't thought of that. What if there is a fight? "Well, first come first serve is what I say to that."

He shook his head laughing, "Yeah I guess so."

We neared the library to see a small dog jumping up and down at the door.

"What's with that dog?" Asked David.

"I don't know." I said while I walked up to it.

The dog turned to us and barked.

The dog was black with a brown spot on its side. It was about the size of a beagle.

The dog ran up to us and barked again and ran back to the door. 

David laughed, "That dog is just like the one we had back home on earth."

I smiled, "I had a dog once, but a car hit it."

The dog stopped barking and looked at us, a weird look on its face.

Now what?

It walked over to us and started pawing at the ground.

"What's he up to?" Observed David.

The dog stopped pawing at the ground and backed up.

I looked down at the ground to see that it had actually been writing in the dirt! The writing said, 'Are you two humans also?'

What the hell?! Is that dog a brony?

"Yes. Are you a human also?"

The dog nodded.

"Why are you a dog then?" Asked David.

The dog began pawing at the ground again. When it was done it said, 'I thought being a dog would be cool. I was wrong.'

I laughed, "Should have said pony."

David also laughed, "And why are you here at the library anyway?"

The dog pawed again at the ground. It read, 'I want to see Twilight. She's the best pony ever, I think I can win her over in this body.'

I walked forward and smiled, "Sorry, she's already with me."

The dog looked down sadly and pawed at the ground again, 'Oh, I wasn't fast enough.'

David walked up next to me, "If you want, you can hang out with us. We have a house in Canterlot."

The dog looked up happily, and began to paw at the ground again, 'Thanks, I'll stay with you two. But to get something straight, I am not your pet. Got that?'

I smiled, "Okay, you're not our pet. What's your name?"

Again, he pawed at the ground, 'My name is Luke. What about yours?"

Nice name, "Mine is Lance, but everypony knows me as Girokon, or Giro."

David smiled, "My name is David, also known as Whitemark."

I looked over at Luke, "You know Luke, your name doesn't fit a dog." I looked at David, "How about we call him Louie?"

David nodded, "I like it. Do you like it Luke?"

Luke looked to be thinking, then shrugged and barked. He wrote out the word yes in the dirt.

"Great. Louie it is."

Louie barked again.

"Come on guys, let's get inside. I'm still tired."

We walked in and were greeted by Spike.

Spike looked at Louie, "What's with the dog?"

David beat me to the answer, "He's my dog."

Louie looked at him, a glare in his eyes.

Spike shrugged, "What's his name? He seems kinda mad to me."

I spoke first, "His name is Louie. And he probably is." I laughed a little.

Twilight came down stairs and smiled, "Hey Giro, your back."

I looked up at her, half way down the stairs, "Yep. What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed. I'm beat." She looked down at Louie, "Awww, who's dog is that?"

David spoke up, "He's mine, his name is Louie."

Louie barked and ran up the stairs. He ran up to Twilight and started licking her face. She began to laugh, "He's an active one."

Oh come on Louie. You really have to do that. 

I walked up the stairs and picked him up by the scruff of his neck. I flew down to the ground floor and sat him down, "Louie, remember that me and her are already together."

Twilight walked up beside me, "But you haven't asked me out yet."

Damn, she was behind me. Wait, I haven't? I thought I did. 

Louie barked happily and ran up to her. He started pawing at the floor, but noticed he wasn't able to write on the wood floor. He looked down sad.

Sorry Louie, but since you can't talk and I can, I think we both know who has won this. I smiled at that. I walked over to Twilight, "Well, since I forgot to ask. Would you be my marefriend?"

She smiled and a tear rolled down her face, "Yes!" She jumped on me and hugged me tightly. 

Behind her stood David, smiling. He raised his hoof out in front of him, in a kind of salute.

Twilight let go and looked into my goggles. She reached up and pulled them off. 

David's eyes went big and he jumped back a little. Then he laughed a little.

Louie yelped and ran behind David.

Twilight smiled sweetly and gazed deep into my eyes. She leaned forward, lips pursed. 

Am I blushing? I hope not. I leaned forward and pushed my lips against hers.

Her tongue pushed against my lips, wanting entry. I opened my mouth and her tongue slid into my mouth. I moved my tongue past hers and into her mouth. She ran her tongue along my gums and across my teeth. My tongue gilded around her mouth, along her gums,teeth, and the top of her mouth.

We pulled back and took a breath. She was blushing brightly, "I have never done that before."

I smiled. I could taste a sweet flavor inside my mouth.

David cleared his throat, "Please don't do stuff like that while I'm here."

I looked past Twilight, David seemed to wince at my eyes, "Sorry about that Whitemark."

Twilight turned towards him, "Sorry Whitemark, I kind of forgot we weren't the only ponies in the room."

David smiled, "It's alright."

Twilight started heading for the stairs, "Giro, I'm going to bed. You can sleep in my bed again if you want."

"Okay Twilight, I'll be up soon."

When Twilight had disappeared into her room, I turned to David. "That was awesome dude."  

He chuckled, "I bet. It looked like you were having fun."

I smirked, "I was."

Louie barked and looked unhappy.

I looked down at him, "Oh come on Louie. I was here first."

He looked up at me and barked again, glaring.

I patted his head, "Calm down there. I'll tell you all the details."

He turned and barked back at me. 

Only if I knew what he was saying.

David smirked at me, "Do not have sex with her tonight Lance. Wait till we're not here. Okay?"

Damn it! "Fine. But you owe me."

He laughed, "Deal."

I shook my head laughing, "I'm going to bed."

"Why?" Asked David.

I put on a proud smile, "Do the math. Me plus Twilight plus bed equals?"


"That, but not what I mean. Try one more time."

"Oral sex?"

"Okay, you're not going to get it. It's cuddling." 

He laughed, "I should have thought of that."

"Now, I'm off to bed. And Louie, we'll get you a nice little dog friend."

Louie turned and seemed to be smiling.

I turned and headed up the stairs, behind me I heard David talking to Louie.

"Come on Louie, let me read you a story. And I don't care if you want me to or not, because I'm going anyway."

I heard a small yelp and David laugh, "You'll like it, I love to read."

I walked into Twilight's room to see that she was already in bed. I stripped off all my clothes and smiled. Even in the dark, she looked cute.

I climbed into bed and relaxed. 

Twilight turned over and put a hoof over my waist, she laid her head on my chest. 

I put a hoof over her and closed my eyes. Tomorrow, I'm off to see my house and get moved in. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me and David.