The Psycho Family Discover The Mane 6


The Race

The seven ponies and the two people came back out. "Whew, I got to say, that was a good scene for a video.", Twilight remarked. She was still laughing at the scene that Jesse showed her and the other ponies.

"Yeah, we've been working on other fake shows on the internet for a while.", Jesse said.

"As for me, I don't do fake stuff.", Michael said. "But, there some elements which I have staged before, sometimes I need intros or something like that, but my dad is literally an asshole who breaks the shit."

"Oh, is he?", Starlight asked.

They walked up to the people, then mane seven families, and the three princesses, even Shining Armor who is still in a wheel chair. Jeffrey looked back at Jesse. "Are you guys getting along?", he asked.

"Yes, we talked about what we do and we got to know about their lives.", Jesse said.

"I am glad to hear that you all are getting along with each other.", Celestia said.

Michael and Jesse turned and saw Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle sleeping on Tom's torso. They walked over to him. The three other fillies, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Babs.

"Huh, looks like you two are getting along.", Rarity said.

"Ssh, she's asleep.", Tom whispered.

"Did you sing her a lullaby?", Pinkie said.

"That would so beautiful.", Fluttershy said.

"She just needed a nap, I'm just going to pretend you guys aren't there.", Tom said. He stroked her mane while she snores, her back rising and falling within her breath.

"Do you believe in life after love?", Michael sang.

Tom lowered his head to the snoring unicorn's head. "Does the fake stuff get to you, McJuggerNuggets' fake stuff?", he asked.

"I don't think she can hear you, she's still sleeping.", Rainbow Dash said.

"And she's snoring like a bear, can't you hear her?", Applejack asked.

"I got to say, she's such a good sleeper.", Babs said.

Then, there was a voice coming from the bushes, a voice that was familiar to Twilight. "Hold it.", she said.

The mysterious creature jumped from the bushes, it was Spike. He ran to Jesse to hurt him, but Twilight tackled him, startling poor Sweetie Belle now curled up in Tom's arms, even the others.

"FREAK OFF, I'LL KILL HIM!", Spike screamed.

"SPIKE! SPIKE!", Twilight shouted.

"SCREW HIM!", Spike shouted.

"SPIKE, IT'S GOOD!", Twilight exclaimed. "IT'S GOOD!"

"THIS CIRCUS FREAK!", Spike snarled.

"IT'S GOOD!", Twilight repeated.

"You said you wanted to beat to the death!", Spike snarled.

"Spike, it's good now!", Twilight said.

"Hey, this is my world, either you stop this shit or go home.", Rainbow Dash said.

"You don't want me, boy.", Jesse said.

"Why is this even happening, this is bullcrap, girls!", Spike said.

"IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER!", Rainbow Dash screamed.

"What about all my stuff you jacked up last night?", Spike asked.

"It's only things, they can be replaced.", Rainbow Dash stated.

"Hey, calm yourself, Spike.", Twilight said.

Spike took a few deep breaths to calm down. "My apologies, girls.", he muttered.

"We-We didn't even know.", Jesse said.

"You all have it worked out?", Spike asked.

"Yeah, it's all worked out.", Pinkie said.

"Geez, oh lord.", Spike groaned, getting up on his feet.

"I'm really sorry, Sir.", Celestia apologized.

"Not your fault. Not your fault.", Jeffrey said. "We didn't know that was your shit, kid."

"Yeah, we didn't know that was your room, we came to apologize and everything's clear.", Jesse said.

"Can you take care of that?", Jeffrey asked.

"Yeah, Twilight, is that your stuff or Spike's, I cut a check for that.", Jesse said.

"Alright, as long as you all are good and everything.", Spike said.

"Yes, we're all good.", Starlight said. "Are you good?"

"I'm cool, girls.", Spike said.

"Can shake your hand?", Jesse asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to shake your hand, man.", Spike said, reaching for Jesse's hand and shaking it. "And I apologize for scaring you all."

"No worries.", Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, no harm done.", Scootaloo said.

"Hey, thanks for having my back.", Jesse said.

"Yeah, and I apologize for that, he was still upset that his stuff was destroyed.", Rarity said.

"But, you did say you'd cut a check for the stuff, right?", Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, I did say that.", Jesse said.

"So, do you guys want to do something?", Spike asked.

"Sure.", Michael said. "What are thinking of doing?"

"Do you want to race?", Rainbow Dash asked. "It's what I like to do on my free time with my friends."

"Sure, I can try racing you ponies.", Jesse said. "You four small ponies, Michael, Charlie, Bridgette, J.T., you seven ponies, and the baby dragon are going be racing. We go different trails, when we reach the other side, we turn around and finish line will be here. Ready... set... go!" The racers began running off into the trails.

Michael ran through cottages and gardens. "Do I take a left or do I take a right? Which direction is better? Nobody knows!", Michael said.

Bridgette ran lawns, the ponies and dragon ran through streets, Charlie ran through markets, J.T. ran through grass valleys, and four fillies ran through stone sidewalks. When they reached the other end of the village, they turned around and went the other way. They were getting close to the entrance of the castle, they came in at a tie and came down tumbling to the ground, laughing. Even the others who are out of the race began laughing. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike were laying on their backs while laughing on Michael's Torso. Charlie got up on his feet while crying of laughter. J.T. held onto his stomach and kicked his legs while laughing.

"I can't breathe!", Charlie cried.

"I can't get up!", J.T. cried.

"My tummy hurts!", Pinkie cried.

"Tears are falling out of my eyes!", Rarity cried.

"I can't feel my belly!", Twilight cried.

They all got up and calmed down. "Whew, lets sit down, my stomach is hurting.", Charlie said.