//------------------------------// // BONUS: STINGS LIKE A RARITY! // Story: Sunset Shimmer knows Kung Fu // by ArtieStroke //------------------------------// "You can absolutely give up, you know?" Rarity said, foil in one hand and mask in the other. Sunset groaned on the ground, her sides definitely bruised from Rarity's jabbing. "You know, that might not be a bad idea." Rainbow Dash booed from the sidelines of the fencing stage, "Come on, Sunset! Aren't you supposed to be some kinda psychic genius now?" Rarity simply grinned, offering a hand to help Sunset up, "While our darling Sunset here may be a quick study, I think you'll find that natural proclivity does not win out over years of practice and study." "Because of course you'd be the one to know how to fence," Sunset smirked. Rarity simply brushed a bang out of her face. "Well, a lady must have her ways of staying in shape." "I'm just glad to know our little Shimmy-Sham here's not perfect," AJ said, with a small smile, "She's good, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna be outstripped at my own schtick just because of weird cave rock magic." "See, now I'm just gonna take that as a challenge," Sunset said, grinning as the two of them walked over to the stands, water bottles waiting. Twilight took a towel and wiped some of the sweat from Sunset's brow as she gulped down the refreshing liquid. "Honestly, though," Sunset said, with a small gasp after guzzling down her water, "I'm just fine learning what my limits here are. If there's another magical incident-" "-When." Twilight said. Sunset rolled her eyes. "-When there's another magical incident, I don't want to go in there thinking I can handle more than I can." "And an excellent point to have in mind," Rarity agreed. Rainbow Dash frowned, blowing some hair out of her face. "Man, I just wanted to see Sunny kick your butt..." A glint flashed in Rarity's eye, as she eyed Rainbow up. "Well, how about you put your money where your mouth is, hmm Rainbow Dash?" She said, standing up and tossing Sunset's foil. Dash nearly fumbled it as Rarity strode confidently to the fencing stage. Dash grinned. "Yeah? Well, bring it on princess!" She said, grabbing Sunset's mask and rushing over. "Hoo, nelly." "You can say that again," Sunset replied.