
by ArtieStroke

==> Spike: Wake Up

You do that. But also you don't.

Can you do both at the same time? You feel like you've got enough experience with naps and sleeping to know that, but you're not too sure. Maybe a nice think by the golden balcony of your room could clear your head- you float over there, staring up through the inky blackness of space to the bright glow of Skaia's clouds just outside.

Some small part of you thinks that this isn't right, but that small part's gotta be wrong. Of course this is your room- the golden walls plastered with your scribbles of various comic characters, and the glow of Prospit's bustling city life. Just like you always remember it. Silly brain.

You grin as you watch over the Prospitians scurrying about below- they can be pretty fun to hang out with. It's too bad most of your friends always seem to be asleep- looking over to the other five towers in the horizon, you wonder if any of them might be awake?

==> Check on your friends

Might as well- not much else to do right now. You drift out of your window, glancing skyward during your 'walk'. On the clouds you see memories playing- mostly familiar ones. You see the time you went through a bit of a growth spurt in Ponyville, grimacing- man, that was embarrassing. Thank goodness for Rarity- your heart flutters a little thinking about her. You wonder why she isn't here on Prospit- that just feels... weird. Weird and off for some reason.

You shake your head, opting to look at another cloud- and see just a glimpse of a flooded room in Canterlot. You immediately look away- MAN there are just a LOT of stinkers up in the clouds today! Do you have any memories that aren't just you making a fool of yourself?

You scan the clouds for something new, and after a second you spot something strange- it's a memory you don't recognize. You're in some world that looks like it was drawn on some graphing paper Twilight would use. Something that looks like a cross between a mannequin and a particularly greasy Dersite is sneaking up behind you while the both of you barrel down a spiraling ramp in a... cart? You think? The you in the cloud locks eyes with you for a second, before yelling and turning around, bashing the thing in the face with a huge encyclopedia on a stick.

Huh. You DEFINITELY don't remember that happening. Oh- looks like you've made it.

Peering through the first tower, your suspicions are confirmed- Apple Bloom is still asleep. A quick jaunt over to the next two, and you see both Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo also snug as bugs in their respective rugs. Well, dang- that still at least leaves one more tower. Just a quick float over there and-

It's empty.

Well, that's not good.

And then you wake up. Except for real.

==> Spike: Fondly Regard Dream Memorization

What do what now? You groan a little, sitting up- man, that was quite the tumble you took. How long were you out?


You quickly scramble to your lad feet, and barrel down the hall to the front door- a package! A package right by the mail slot! The barn on the front seals it- it's your game!

Spike's gonna be at his victory dance for a while. Let's check out a few more ponies in the meanwhile.

==> Be Scootaloo
==> Be Silver Spoon
==> Enter Command