//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Through Every Forest, Above the Trees // Story: Into the Void // by TF141Soldier //------------------------------// |Shipping| |Sad| |Dark| Rarity focused every little thought into her magic as her horn continued to glow with radiating energy, the substance scintillating with a dark blue light. That particular day had been rather boring: the glade-like town of Ponyville was in its natural, organized state - brimming white clouds were looming over the horizon, the furious and now-bright sunlight bathed everything in natural light, and the air was fresh with the smells a mixture of perception: something rotten and sweet, pine, juniper, and freshly cut grass - the smell of rain was close by, the thunderheads in the distance little more than just discrete, orbiting points: like a family of constellations spinning down below the space barrier. On this particular morning, Rarity was showing her creativity once again - and, for some reason, felt more inspired than regular. The hum of a machine stitching into loose, jersey-like fabric was the only thing heard beside the music-like sound coming off of the horn levitating some extra gold fabric - it took her forever to get it right again - and some music was softly wafting out of a nearby record player: a rich saxophone was entering a solo underneath a soft layer of ambience and acoustic guitars. Very nice, very nice indeed. Today was a good start. She overlooked her newest creations, and decided she was somewhat pleased with them - more or less. They ranged from exotic to straightforward to energetic to almost epic - as a matter of fact, all respectively, as four new creations were lined horizontally from one another. One had been made specifically for Pegasi fliers - she had been inspired, somehow, by watching a raven hovering in the sky, and had thought to create something more majestic, one of those fabulous 'eye-catcher-of-a-dress' dresses. The lining of the entire design was a very light black, running down the entire back of the torso, ending at the hollow of somepony's spine. There were wing attachments, which had been incredibly troubling for Rarity and it took forever - but it was worth it: after having a pegasi named Novah test it out, it turns out the incredible wings almost looked like an alicorn's - huge, widespread, and they could fall back to somepony's sides just as easily, the fabric flaring out then back down, like a pumping machine. The design was black on orange - which Rarity somehow saw as a fitting match and combination, and at the end of things, it looked like a mix between an almost Shadowbolt-looking design, but hopefully much more original than those bland, mismatched coats they wore. Rarity could never understand those. Another one seemed more like an exercise in expanding her limitations that she usually set up - the main color was a dark, flowing green: the end of the skirt was pointed, almost looking sharp - literally. On the front, from the chest to the lower waist, there were patterns of various things: tracing of bright red lines that ran down - which was green's complimentary color - with some purple interlocking with it, and just a hint of orange lacing right down through the middle and twirling around the other colorful sketches. It could be whatever the viewer had wanted to perceive it as. That was the art of the dress, after all. The next one was more straightforward and elegant - with a logo brand stitched on the back for good measure, it had curved buds of a dark blue lined along the end. ied at the chest, not the ribs, it was a stunning black-and-purple blouse-like outfit, the skirt itself having just the tiniest hint of sequins: it wasn't too flashy, or too overbearing. And lastly: a golden dress highlighted with lances of orange stood out amongst the other almost-dark clothing, with patterns drawn to almost represent a fading sun in a golden horizon. It had three jewels to each side of the dress, reminding Rarity very oddly of Applejack's three freckles on both cheeks. It was definitely a very fun dress, and an intriguing one. But Rarity had done a rather fabulous job. Just a few more additions. "I think English philosopher John Stuart Mill said it best in his 1859 essay, 'On Liberty', when he warned of a concept perilous to liberty called 'the tyranny of the majority'. Put basically, this warns of the idea that once you have the votes of a majority in the bag, to all intents and purposes the minority no longer matter, due to the simple fact that they're outnumbered." Caesar Riley and Jasper Despain, TF141Soldier's Saviors of Apocalypse "Apocalypse has been explored since the beginning of time. Apocalypse on a personal level is not liked or talked about nearly as much. The Downward Spiral fully realizes the role the individual plays in their downfall, instead of blaming outside forces. And this distinction clearly defines the difference between the current generation and those who were just entering adulthood around the time this album came out. We're continually losing the ability to find a source of personal accountability. Other people may make choices which you view as unfair or threatening, but it's your decision to do with them what you'd like. That is what The Downward Spiral is: a lesson in narcissism, personal accountability, and value of choices. Today the theme is known; the accountability is not." - Jackson Despain, describing Trent Reznor's signature 1994 album in TF141Soldier's Saviors of Apocalypse Suddenly the bell to the front door rang open, and Rarity groaned slightly. She put down another addition she had carefully chosen from a local vendor, and trotted downstairs. The entire room still looked the same after so long, a random thought to have. Sweetie Belle was still sleeping, the snores of a lost-in-sleep filly wafting through. The whole structure of the entire place still looked as luxurious and elegant as ever. So what was different? When the door opened, and the surprise customer flew in - literally - Rarity realized it. The clouds. The clouds had blocked up the sun. "Welcome to Carouse--" Rarity repeated her signature line, feeling like a broken tape machine, but stopped almost instantly seeing the tomcolt Pegasi that was Rainbow Dash hovering in her doorway. The pegasi did look good - and she had the faint smell of flying through a rainstorm: with some smell of ozone laced around it. Her multi-colored mane was as loose and unkempt as usual, and she had her signature smirk on, but something felt off with her as well, almost matching with the weather. Something in her eyes. "Rainbow Dash!", Rarity exclaimed, almost cursing at herself for noting the obvious. Dash smiled nervously, her eyes thankfully not betraying the nervousness she felt. Overpowering. "Welcome to my Carousel! It's odd to see you here!", the white unicorn continued, welcoming the pegasus in with a swipe of her hoof. "What is it that you need?" "Nuthin'.. I just, eh...", Rainbow Dash stuttered, concentrating on the fuschia-maned unicorn standing in front of her. She hated it when she was insecure: it was so much different from the brash, usually controlled nature. "I just... I needed to talk to somepony." There. It was out. To Dash's surprise, the designer simply nodded, smiling. You're always welcome here, dear. She generously said. Was that really true? And yet, Dash felt herself going into the void again. Into the void. That was now the common one-liner Rainbow had used to describe herself whenever this happened: whenever somepony was able to see straight through her mind and question her about what's wrong, and are you okay, and you're sure? But every time it happened, she was always prepared with an explanation, praying that whoever Dash told could understand. But it always choked in her throat, never coming out, and instead giving the always-constant I'm fine lie. It reminded Dash of corrosion: it kept on eating away at her until she couldn't stand it. And on the very day she had prepared to tell the unicorn standing in front of her, she went into the void yet again - lost in the black hole. Into the void. The void. Void. Quiet desperation, silent desire... "So what does bring you here, Rainbow Dash? Have you returned to model for me again?", Rarity teased, reminding herself of the day of the Parasprite infestation and how Dash had complained. I need to fly! And how she had tried to flirt and flatter her way out of the entire situation: to some avail, barely spared by Rarity's all-knowing eyes. "Yeah, that's exactly why the Dash is here!", Dash sarcastically retorted, smirking when she was able to get a graceful laugh out of the porcelain-white pony. Humor? A hopeful check. "Okay, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, Rainbow Dash. What is it that you want to talk about?", Rarity questioned. Her voice was indescribably attractive: as if she had little music notes come right out of her vocal cords. Dash gulped. She had to plan this just right, or else everything would be a disaster. Straightforward would be too sudden, beating around the bush would make her too suspiscious. Just lead her into it. Slow and steady. "Well... I've had these... eh, new feelings. For somepony." "Are you having a conundrum? Problem? And with who, may I ask?", Rarity questioned, sounding oddly entertained, like Twilight when she was fretting about sending a friendship letter. Dash almost laughed. "Well, I guess. Still, it feels kind of hypo... hypo-" "Hypo-dimensional?" "Nah. That's too one-way." "Hypocritical?" "Ah, come on, Rare. Ya know that one." "Hypothetical?" "I... think I'll just settle fer hypocritical.", Dash finally gave in. She knew that Rarity was just kidding with her. "But, seriously. Everytime I attempt to tell somepony... or the very pony I have these new emotions for... it kinda doesn't feel so awesome anymore." Rarity had a sympathetic look on her face, and eventually just stopped levitating her work items altogether. "Okay, then. Is it... sympathy?" "No.. I think... I think it's love." Rarity's eyes suddenly widened, two massive, blue diamonds of eyes. So beautiful. The expression suddenly changed from surprised to thoughtful. It was as if Rarity somehow knew the answer, but was trying to sort through other non-obvious responses. "Who is she?" Dash's hopes fell, and she felt like her insides twisted. "H-how did ya know it was a sh-he?" "We're your friends, Rainbow Dash.", Rarity exclaimed. For some reason, it always intrigued Dash as to why she called her friends by their full names, Twilight aside. "We know you better than you think. But, honestly, dear. Do tell me! I'm... curious, to say the least." Sheesh, nosy as ever. "Is it... Applejack?" Applejack?, Dash thought to herself. But right when she thought about it, the chemistry did make sense: the two were competitive and their rivalry was always a sparing point: but they had the same interests and seemed to enjoy one another's company. But it just wasn't right. "Nope. I-it's not." "Okay, allow me to revise that: is it anyone of our close friends?" Dash suddenly felt nauseous. "Yea. It is, Rare.", Dash stammered, wondering if Rarity really did know and could do the hard math of solving Rainbow's mind, but was just toying with her to see if Dash would admit it herself. "Is it Twilight?" The bookworm? Though Dash had grown so much closer to her friends after Twilight and them had defeated Nightmare Moon, she simply viewed her as... well, an egghead. "Nah." "Is it Fluttershy?" Though the shy pegasus had been one of her closest friends since Flight School, Dash didn't find a romantic relationship buried in there. "Nuh-uh. But good guess, I... guess? The mare that I like is 'bout twenty percent cooler than anypony I know." Rarity started to count by pointing one foreleg against the other. "Well... if it's not Twilight... and it's not Fluttershy... and it's not Applejack... hmm. Pinkie Pie?" The party pony was indeed a close friend, who for some reason really admired the cyan pegasus. But Dash already knew that there was nothing romantic between the two. "Heh heh. She throws wild parties, but I'm not her guest of honor. Or vice versa." Rarity now seemed at a loss. Dash bit her lip, and looked away as it started to waver. Her wings had started to falter - they felt almost deadweight now, and her body felt numb. Comfortably numb, but the nervousness shock her body like being struck by lightning. And more importantly, fear spiderwebbed inside herself like a fatal disease. And why weren't those clouds clearing outside? "Could it be your old friend, Gilda?", Rarity ventured. "Have you two made up?" Gilda? Dash almost laughed. She remembered how insensitive the griffon had been when she made her visit to Ponyville. "Pssh! No! That's s-so funny, R-rarity!" Now her voice sounded hollow and had begun to stutter. "Oooh! I can't wait anymore! Tell me, who is this marvelous mare that you love?", Rarity exclaimed, looking almost flustered. Now Dash was scared. She had gotten herself into this situation, and she needed to get herself out of it. And the only way to get out of it was to give Rarity the dark realization that had ached the pegasus for so long. She took one hard look at the unicorn in front of her, for some reason analyzing every detail: the curled, always lookin'-good manecut, those blue eyes shining like blooming light violets, and how gracefully she always stood. Rainbow Dash gulped, and prepared to say some of the hardest words she had ever spoken. "I...." "Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?", Rarity asked inquistively. Dash only registered that she had begun to sweat. "No, Rarity. You wanna know?" Time had reassembled itself. Time was an illusion now. "If it's perfectly alright with you, Rainbow Dash: then yes, I wouldn't mind a bit.", Rarity exclaimed, throwing back a curl of hair and levitating a cup of steaming tea. Where had that come from? Dash gulped as her perception returned her, and sang the most difficult song in the world. "I love you, Rarity." Never before had silence had its own sound. Now it did. The cup of tea had shattered to the floor, the fragile glass now on the ground left of Rarity. She stood with an indescribable expression: part confusion, part paralyzed shock. Dash had finally exited the void, and was now staring into the two massive eyes of the white unicorn. Speechless. In quiet desperation and silent desire. The waiting game was one of the hardest games, and all the courage and bravery Dash had built out had just exploded very quietly with those four words, which now felt sour in her mouth. Nopony spoke. That was all Dash needed as a cue. There was an open window, and she flared out her wings and exploded out of the room in a nanosecond. She didn't hear Rarity shouting her name, she didn't see the all-too-watchful eyes, and didn't notice the gray clouds had gotten too high. It was ruined. And Dash felt like the ruiner. The catalyst to the endgame, which she had now lost. And soon, everything would be ruined. With just a little paranoia... Every day it seems the sky is getting darker, And every night the stars seem dimmer than before. "What a world," I said, "where trademarks run the people." In the end, none of it matters anymore. What happened to the morals and ideals, Which we paraded on our banners and our screeds? What were we fighting for in distant lands on distant shore? What are we doing while the humans wait and bleed? Such a pretty sight, to watch the burning skyline; Beauty found in tragedy; it kept me sane in all these years, 'Cause nobody did anything against the sea of tears It makes no sense, this violence I never understood, the intentions true No compromise, it's suicide it's clear we're through! In the end, we have fallen, we are done! In the end of days, nobody has won! In the end, we are all that's left to run! In the end, we will die, we will cry, we are done! We are over we are through There's nothing we can do.... - Only Time Will Tell, excerpt from the Tarby ballad, 2011 "What's next to come? Only time will tell...", the alien figure purred as Rainbow Dash flew away, tears leaving a trail from the upward ascension.