//------------------------------// // All // Story: What's in The Box? // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Adventure, (and then every other genre and tag as well too) After the storm had eventually finally died down Pinkie Pie eventually awoke to the glaring bright light of day and the sun. It burns, she thought to herself very weakly as she tried to get up, but there was no real point anymore since every single bone and muscle in her whole entire body was now in very great pain. But she just had to get up, she had to stay and remain strong, if not for herself then for her crewmates at the very least, or her family, but why did she say crewmates first? Oh no, realization suddenly started to slowly sink in (no pun intended), she was falling under the spell of the author’s curse, song and pen! (Again, no pun, although pen in this case is only metaphorical as with the rest, I don’t write any drafts with any kind of real life instrument or device.) She groaned, yep, even know her head and mind was starting to fill up with nautical terms like Port and Starboard, which knows to use and when, crude cruel jokes and language so intense and fierce that if she or I even tried to describe it to you this story would quickly have to get stamped mature, and I really do not want to do that to this story. Anyhow Pinkie Pie eventually did finally figure a way to get up from the dry coarse sand. ‘I hate sand, it’s rough and it gets in your skin everywhere,” a male voice said besides her. She opened up her eyes to see that it was a human wearing black clothes. “Hi there, my name is Anakin Skybender, and don’t ask me why because I’m just some author’s bad Original Character which serves as a very poor excuse for a very famous Star Wars character, but yeah, welcome to the Island of Misplaced and poorly written fanfictions, where good dreams and hope and fun come to die, everything that you see around here comes from some author’s imagination, but only if their story is incomplete, in hiatus, cancelled, or rather they just gave up on it and the idea instead, which is exactly why you’ll see so much random various junk and stuff and things here to keep you entertained.” Pinkie Pie stared at the surrounding landscape around her general area, it was very curious, interesting and fascinating. “Does anything ever escape here?” “Nope, not unless the author of their story decided to come back and finish them sending them off to editing or completed stories islands instead of over here.” “Oh, well okay then, but why is there so much here anyways exactly?” “Who really truly knows anymore? Not even one of us is exactly sure why, but we still guess that it has something to do with the fact that too many good decent authors just give up or quit too early before they’ve let their story have the chance and opportunity to grow, before it’s too late to change anymore.” “Well I certainly don’t qualify as that, I just came from a shipwreck and-,” “Wait, did you say a shipwreck?” The mayor said very curiously now then. “Yes, I did, why did you ask though exactly?” “Oh, no reason at all,” the mayor said with a very devious grin and smile on their faces. “Oh, well okay then, if you say so,” Pinkie Pie said. “Why am I here though? I’m not part of an incomplete story.” “Well you’re lost then, obviously you can break the laws of physics and reality.” “How did you ever guess?” “It’s very easy and simple of course, you see…” Eventually he finally finished his explanation. “Oh,” Pinkie Pie said once he was done. “Yep, and that’s how I figured out that you and me were both crazy and insane, because we’re all that way here,” he said. “So, I’m stuck here unless the author decides to change his mind otherwise?” she said. “Yeah, that or he develops some crazy insane plot device with some other characters to come rescue and free you,” he said. But then suddenly the sky turned purple and then sixteen other Pinkie Pies fell down one by one. “Yeah, sort of just kind of like that.” “Oh look, there’s even more of me, now we can have so much fun together!” “Shut up Pinkie Pie, I mean me,” Drama Pinkie Pie said. “Oh, my head is spinning, I’m confused, why do I see more of me? Have I gone even more crazy and insane than I already have?” Dark Pinkie Pie said trying to figure out if this could be another hallucination of hers. “Why did the Author even bother trying to do every genre?” Random said. “Well, all except for Second Person and Anthro,” Mystery Pinkie Pie said. “Oh, there’s just so much of me! We can have so much fun with torture!” Gore said. “We can scare whatever ponies we want to!” Horror Pinkie Pie said. “Oh, so much of me to love!” Romance Pinkie Pie said. “So much of me to have fun love with,” Sex said with a very seductive smile. “Hey, you keep your hooves off of me,” Comedy Pinkie Pie said. “This certainly is turning out to be very interesting,” Thriller said. “Yes, I do quite agree with that,” Mystery and Drama said. “PONIES! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! REAL LIFE ACTUAL PONIES OF MYSELF! YEAH! WHEE!” Equestria Girls said. “Oh great, another confusing thing to add to the pile of shit that I have in my life,” Tragedy Pinkie Pie sad. “Please don’t hurt me,” Sad Pinkie Pie said. “I was just doing my taxes, that’s all” Slice of Life Pinkie Pie said. “I’m clearly not on my spaceship anymore, and there appears to be intelligent life and luckily enough for me the air of this strange new environment is breathable,” Sci-Fi said. “Where am I exactly?” Alternate Universe Pinkie Pie suddenly said. “On the island of lost and forgotten fanfictions,” Adventure said. “QUIET!” Random Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted out very loudly. Everypony then suddenly stopped what they were doing. “Thank you, now until we can figure out which genre and/or tag we are we shall only call each other by our genre and/or tag name, this includes the author too as well of course, this will make things very easy and simple for all of us.” “But why though exactly?” Slice of Life said. “Adding Pinkie Pie to who speaks would get boring especially since the reader already knows that each and every single one of us is a Pinkie Pie, even if we all come from slightly different universes, but it does seem like that we all have one thing in common, we’re all random and we all know that there is someone watching us right now even as I speak, I don’t know if we were all funny like Comedy at some point or another, or if any of us will be quite as involved with love as Romance and Sex, but we need to work together to defeat the author.” “But how though exactly? Do you have a plan yet?” Horror and Gore said smiling at the thought that they could tear this author person to tiny little pieces. “Yeah, you always need a plan before you solve a crime,” Drama and Thriller said. “I don’t really care that much,” Sad and Tragedy said. “The life forms appear to be talking to each other about some kind or sort of plan involving this so called ‘Author’ of theirs, probably some kind or sort of very dangerous enemy who would be better off dead in the galaxy, so I will join them in their epic mighty battle and quest to defeat this so-called ‘Author’ of theirs,” Sci-Fi said. “Who needs a plan? I am Pinkie Pie, you’re Pinkie Pie, we’re all Pinkie Pie here! We’re all equal in this together, now then who will join with me in our parade, to barricade injustice and fight for freedom? Or would you rather live with the tyranny, threat, anger, and peril of being under the control of the ‘Author’ instead? Who will fight so that our banner flag may wave? Are you free ponies or are you just chickens instead? Do you fear death or just fear itself instead?” “Uh, are you really quoting something right now? Seriously?” Slice of Life said. “Yes, I am, so, who will join with me for the right to be free and live?” Horror, Dark, Gore, Slice of Life, and Sci-Fi were the very first to raise their hooves. “Oh come on! Why won’t you join me yet?” She said to the rest of them. “Make love, not war,” Romance and Sex said. “Why should I join you? There’s nothing worth fighting for anymore,” Thriller, Drama, Sad, and Tragedy said. “Violence isn’t really my style,” Comedy said. “I’m up for it,” Adventure said, “I just like to have a plan before we go charging in blindly at this Author.” “Same exact thing as she said,” Alternate Universe said. “My reasons are my own,” Mystery said. “Only if it’s fun!” Equestria Girls suddenly said popping up from nowhere. Random sighed, “Boy, it sure is hard to keep track of seventeen genres and tags, especially when you want to make sure that they all get a relatively equal amount of the same talking time,” she said. “Yeah, tell me about it, I write fanfiction with Fluttercord, FlutterDash, TwiLuna, TwiJack, AppleDash, and many more various random ships including but not limited to OctaviaScratch, LyraBon, FlashLight, Sunlight, and Applecord, and it gets hard sometimes to remember all the characters doing what especially if you want to combine all of them in the very end for one big huge crossover like a whole entire multiverse finale story,” Slice of Life suddenly said. “Wait, you write fanfiction?” Random said. “Yeah, why?” Slice of Life said. Random smiled, “I think that I just got my idea for a plan, and it just might be crazy enough to work out,” she said. “Well, what’s the plan then though exactly?” “You’re going to write us into his human world,” she said. Slice of Life’s eyes opened wider, “Wait, what? Are you crazy?” “I just might be, after all, I’m you, aren’t I?” she said. “Yeah, I suppose that you’re right, but still, how can I do that? If he’s the author of this story, then doesn’t that mean that he should control everything including what’s happening right now?” she said. “Well yes, he should, but if we can make it our own then we’ll be safe and then we’ll finally be in control again.” “I still don’t know how to though,” Slice of Life said. “Don’t worry, first you must ask who is in the scene, you must ask what the scene is, where it is taking place, when, with whom if any, and also you must know to what your purpose in writing it is exactly of course,” she said. “Very well then, let me try that,” Slice of Life said. She picked up a pen and paper and she started to write… But before she could suddenly there was an earthquake and a tornado and a hurricane and a flood and a rain storm with lightning with sharks flying through the air, and not just any regular normal ordinary sharks, but ones that could shoot lasers for some strange mysterious reason, even robotic sharks as well too. There was complete chaos and anarchy everywhere that they looked. “WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?” Slice of Life shouted out very loudly. “The Author knows that we’re not supposed to break the final fourth wall by coming into his world, and he also really doesn’t want us there so he’s trying to avoid our entry into his own world at any and all costs no matter what happens to us! But you can stop this, you have to!” Random said. “But I can’t!” “You have to! For me, for yourself, for all of us just do it right now, please!” Slice of Life looked at Random, “Okay then, I'll try to do my very best!” She took her pen and her piece of paper and then she started to write… It was a bright and sunny morning in the human world where nothing was ever perfect, but things could still be very well and fine with its people, and in this case, a very special person who was an author, because at that moment as he was writing his very latest story suddenly seventeen pink pones that were all named Pinkie Pie appeared in his room…