The Spike Poem Anthology II

by Zephyr Spark

Thorax and I

I didn’t deserve his friendship after my unforgivable betray
Choosing my fame over his dream, his opportunity
Yet, my life in danger he saved me without delay
He forgave me, and joined our friendship community.

I saw only with my eyes and only for my selfish good
He opened them and showed me friendship’s fuel
Comes from a heart full of brotherhood
Where true friendship doesn’t see borders or rules.

Friends can overcome their shared woes
Friends can overcome any pain any blame
Because friends like us can say with hearts aglow
That deep down we’re the same.

He wanted to learn how to love but he taught every pony
That love requires us to close our eyes and look beyond
That if we judge with our eyes alone we may never see
How race cannot, should not damper true bonds.

Thorax is a true hero, a true brother, and a true friend
One that I will treasure long past the end.