Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Ponyville Show and Indominus's Confrontation

The morning after Rainbow's night of rewarding Indominus arrived, and the two lovebirds were still sleeping in each other's embrace by the lake. However, they had some guests that were coming to check up on the pegasus and dinosaur.

"I can't believe they did all of that last night, Twilight."

"I know Blue, I had no idea that Rainbow could be so intimate. She must love Indominus more than I thought to reward him like that."

"Why can't you tell me what happened between them Twilight?"

"Because Spike, you're far too young to see what we witnessed last night."

"Plus, it would scar your brain for life."

Blue, Spike and Twilight had dropped by to wake the lovebirds and see how they were doing. Both lovers looked so peaceful being close to one another. Indominus had a content smile across his face, and he was holding Rainbow like a treasured jewel. She was snuggled so close to him and was holding his free arm in between her hooves.

"I've never seen anything so, adorable."

"He looks so content and relaxed, considering he was so full of anger a few nights ago."

"If me and Rarity ever get together, I hope our relationship will be just as good as theirs."

"Hopefully not nearly as intense as theirs, Spike. Now let's wake up these lovebirds."

Blue increased her size so that she could wake up Indominus and gently nudged the hybrid's head. Indominus slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Rainbow holding his arm in her sleep.

"I always knew that she loved me, and I always love these sweet rewards." He then turned his attention towards Blue after getting his surroundings. "Blue, remind me to beat up the Wonderbolts more often."

"Will do Indominus, did you enjoy your reward last night?"

"Oh man, when Rainbow Dash gives a reward, she gives it with so much passion and heat that it's a wonder I didn't give in and succumb to her love."

"I can always do better, you know." Indominus looked down at Rainbow after she spoke and saw a delighted smile and content eyes staring back at him. "I really enjoyed our time together last night Indominus."

"Just make sure to be easy on the sweet talk right now Rainbow, we have guests."

Rainbow noticed her friends standing by them and her eyes shot wide open.

"Twilight! Uh, how long have you been here?"

"Oh not long, but don't worry Rainbow I won't tell anypony about this." Even though I've already seen how much you TRULY love Indominus, Twilight thought to herself.

"Sounds like you two had a really eventful night," said Spike.

"Oh we did, and it's all because this big lug is so concerned for me. I don't know anypony else that would beat up the Wonderbolts and replace a cruel symbol on my jacket with one from his own skin. I can't thank you enough for looking out for me, Indominus." The hybrid dinosaur leaned down and licked Rainbow's face.

"I only do it because I love you Rainbow Dash. Even though I'm sure that the Wonderbolts are going to want my head on a platter."

This had the others worried a bit. Indominus wasn't aware that although his deeds were for Rainbow Dash, they did have some consequences that were going to catch up with him.

"Well, assuming that it does come to that, just promise me that you won't kill them. Maybe Soarin, but not the others. Despite what they've done, none of them know that Soarin is responsible for all of it. Plus, I still respect them Indominus, so if you do have to fight them, please avoid killing if you can help it."

"I'll try Rainbow, but if my anger does take over, I don't think that anything will be able to stop my rampage again. Last time it happened, Smaug was able to stop me when my brother and sisters couldn't. I don't want to lose control again, but I won't be able to stop myself if they hurt you."

"We'll help you if that time comes, Indominus," said Twilight. "Now that you've told us about your past, we want to help you get through this ordeal. You and Rainbow already went through enough when dealing with Scootaloo's former parents."

"Thanks Twilight, it means a lot to have caring friends like you."

"Don't mention it Indominus, that's what friends do, they look out for each other." Indominus leaned over and licked Twilight's face in delight, causing the alicorn to blush slightly.

"Ok Indominus, we need to get up because I still have to go to practice for the rest of the week. But I don't want you to worry, after what you've done for me, I'll make sure to use just a little power if Soarin tries anything."

Indominus was glad after hearing Rainbow's promise and released his loving hold on his girl. The lovebirds took a minute to stretch and work out any kinks. Rainbow thanked Twilight for checking on her and gave Indominus one more kiss before heading off to the Wonderbolt compound. Indominus thanked the others for checking on him as well. and decided that he would go and hunt for once. Once she was sure that Indominus was deep in the forest, Blue finally got to question Twilight.

"Twilight, tell me honestly. If Indominus does end up fighting with the Wonderbolts, do you think he will kill them?"

"Well Blue, after seeing the many things Indominus has accomplished, I'd say the Wonderbolts' chances of living through an encounter with him are minimal at best."

"How do you figure that Twilight? Is he really that strong?"

"He's much stronger than you think Spike. Let's head back to the library so I can do some comparisons."

Back at the Golden Oak Library, Twilight pulled up a huge chalkboard and began writing everything she knew about the Wonderbolts and Indominus. Blue gave Twilight the info that she knew about Indominus so it could be of use. Twilight used all the knowledge she had on the Wonderbolts through the many books and from seeing them in action. Spike watched in awe as Twilight documented every feat Indominus had accomplished during his time in Equestria. After forty-five minutes, Twilight had all the info she needed on both subjects, now it was time for the debate and comparisons.

"Alright my friends, in terms of sheer combat and strength, Indominus has the Wonderbolts completely outclassed. From what we've seen, Indominus has held his own against dragons of all kinds, managed to kill a Hydra with T-Rex's help and even beat the Dragon Lord in a one on one match. He has tanked blows that could've shattered bones and just gotten back up from all of them. He even briefly overwhelmed Black Death by himself and brought that monster to his knees."

"Now that's some impressive strength," said Spike.

"We even watched him punch Smaug so hard, that it cracked an armor made of jewels and diamonds. Considering how many years that dragon had been sleeping on them, those gems would've been extra fortified," said Blue.

"If he's strong enough to break gems, then Indominus can easily break the Wonderbolts. Three of them were easily knocked out cold by a flailing kick from Rarity. Plus he has fought foes with brute strength and power on a regular basis, whereas that kind of achievement is something the Wonderbolts have never accomplished. Rather, the only creature they ever fought was you Spike."

"Me? Since when did I ever get in a fight with the Wonderbolts?"

"When you turned into a giant, greedy dragon and wanted every possession in Ponyville."

"Oh, right," said Spike sadly.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way Spike. I'm just saying that you're the only dragon that the Wonderbolts have fought against, and you trapped them in a water tower."

"I did? Well, I can add that to my credibility."

"Meanwhile, the Wonderbolts have the advantage in speed and agility. They've spent their whole lives practicing their flying skills to be the best, while that kind of speed is not something Indominus or any of the dinosaurs have much experience in. Is that right, Blue?"

"That's correct Twilight, in fact, the only one that fast and agile who I've seen Indominus keep pace with in the air is Rainbow Dash. Also, that feat was only possible while he was in his transformed 'Guardian' state. Without that power he wouldn't be where he is today."

"Speaking of his power, Indominus apparently can draw on more strength through his anger and this has allowed him to beat most of his opponents. It helped him beat Smaug into submission and broke most of the bones in Black Death's body. Also, when he taps into this incredible rage to the fullest, he is able to become the Immortal Phoenix."

"The true peak of his power and his greatest strength, the Immortal Phoenix can make Indominus near invincible. It amplifies his strength at least tenfold, and makes him practically invulnerable against any kind of attack. We all watched him plow through Smaug's fire breath as if it had no effect on him. It allowed him to completely overwhelm the Dragon Lord, when he had to struggle before. If Indominus were to ever use the Immortal Phoenix on the Wonderbolts, he would kill them in an instant."

"So overall Indominus has power and strength, and the Wonderbolts have speed and agility, but neither completely outclass the other. With so many uncertainties, this battle could theoretically go either way."

"Why do you say that Twilight? If Indominus has all this incredible power, why do you think he'll have trouble going up against the Wonderbolts?"

"The thing is Spike, that power is a double edged sword in this case. Since we now know about the form's fatal flaw, the Immortal Phoenix could work against Indominus instead of helping him. The more he uses it, the more it will damage his body and leave him in such a weakened state that the Wonderbolts would be able to kill him. Plus, his rage goes out of control in that form and he could burn himself out attacking everything around him in a blind fury. Also, I'm fairly certain that Soarin has told them about Rainbow's connection with Indominus and can use that to make him waste his power even more trying to protect her."

"So in short Twilight, there's no way to tell who would win an encounter like this?"

"Exactly Spike, there's no way to determine a definite winner in this case. Unless the Wonderbolts have something that can allow them to match Indominus's strength, their only chance would be to use his love for Rainbow against him. Or enrage him enough, outlast the Immortal Phoenix and kill Indominus while he's vulnerable. There are just too many uncertainties to say that Indominus would win for sure, we'll have to keep our eyes open at the show next week. But I do know this, if the Wonderbolts ever figure out Indominus' fatal flaw with the Phoenix, Rainbow will lose her husband, Scootaloo will lose her dad and Equestria will lose one of its Guardians."

"If the Wonderbolts try to hurt Rainbow or enrage Indominus, we'll do what we have to in order to keep our family safe, Twilight."

Twilight had no idea the kind of encounter that would await Indominus. The hybrid dinosaur would find himself fighting for his life and Rainbow's against the most stubborn and ignorant pegasi in the world.

As the rest of the week went on, the Mane Six were starting to get more concerned for Indominus. Every time he dropped off Scootaloo, he would always disappear into the Everfree and then fly off to the compound camouflaged. He wanted to be sure that Rainbow was going to be fine despite everything that had happened. The Wonderbolts seemed so on edge every time they stepped out of the compound, almost as if they were expecting some great beast to drop out of the sky and kill them all. Rainbow was always beaming with confidence and continued to wear the ring for good luck and a reminder of Indominus's devotion for her. The Wonderbolts didn't even argue, in fact they were actually encouraging her more and not calling her that horrible nickname. However, it was all just a ploy to fool Indominus and deceive Rainbow Dash.

Each one of the Wonderbolts knew about Rainbow's connection to Indominus and the dinosaurs because of Soarin. They all wanted Indominus dead now that they knew who had been attacking them the whole time. They wanted to win Rainbow over and hopefully get her to turn against Indominus if he decided to attack them during the show. Unfortunately, they would never get Rainbow to switch sides, because she was too devoted and loyal to Indominus. That was why Soarin had prepared enough of his strength enhancing formula for all of his teammates, so they would have the strength to fight if push came to shove. Indominus was unaware of the dreaded confrontation that he was doomed to square off in, and the results would test his bond with Rainbow Dash.

So when the day of the show finally arrived, it was both exciting and nerve wracking for everypony. They all wanted to see Rainbow perform well in her first show, but they were also worried about what Indominus could do if Soarin decided to make things personal. Plus with a huge crowd gathered for the occasion, the dinosaur's rage could put many lives in danger. Regardless of the risk, the Mane 5, CMC and dinosaurs couldn't wait to see Rainbow perform.

"This is gonna be so amazing," said Scootaloo.

"You said it, I'm almost as excited as Pinkie Pie," said Spike.

Pinkie had her own eager opinion to give, "I can't wait to see Rainbow Dash's first performance as an honest to goodness Wonderbolt."

"Ah just hope that Soarin doesn't try anything sneaky and ends up angering Indominus. Last thing we need is for him to experience more rage," said Applejack.

"We've made sure to give Indominus plenty of support through this difficult time," Scootaloo added. "I hope it's enough to get him through this show."

"We should all remember to be extra supportive for Rainbow Dash too," said Fluttershy.

"Excellent point darling," said Rarity. "It's just simply dreadful that she's had such a rough start after finally achieving her dream."

"Rainbow's had Indominus by her side through all of this, I'm sure that she's turned this rough experience around thanks to him," said Twilight.

At that moment, the Wonderbolt of honor came flying over to greet her friends.

"Hey girls, mind if I borrow Scootaloo for a bit?"

"Me? What for?"

"It's for keeping an eye on a certain someone, if you know what I mean." Scootaloo didn't understand at first, but then the realization struck her.

"I hear ya Rainbow. Let's go talk somewhere private for this matter."

"Rainbow who are you planning on keeping an eye on," asked Twilight.

"I'm just looking out for Indominus, because even with all that I've told him about not worrying or letting his anger take over, I just want to make sure he doesn't, lose control."

"Oohh." Everypony said in unison.

"See ya girls later," Rainbow said as she and Scootaloo flew off to a hill away from the crowds. "Now Scootaloo, is our family in their positions?"

"They are Rainbow Dash. The raptors are hidden amongst the trees all around the area, Tyrannosaurus is behind the stands and Indominus is near the outskirts in case anything goes wrong."

"Excellent, and I've shown them the routine so they know where to strike just in case something goes awry. Now if at anytime during the performance you see Soarin or any of the Wonderbolts trying to attack me or throw me into anything, signal the dinosaurs to attack from their hiding spots. I've warned them not to use too much power, but make sure Indominus controls himself."

"I'll try Rainbow Dash, but how do you know Soarin will try to attack you?"

"Because Scootaloo, Soarin has hated Indominus since the Gala and is taking his anger out on all of us. He called Indominus a worthless pile of trash to my face. Plus, after seeing that defeated state Indominus was in, I'm worried for what his rage could make him do."

"I'm worried for him too, I really hope that everything goes smoothly."

"You and me both sister." The siblings shared one more hug before the Wonderbolts passed by the hill and that meant it was getting close to show time. "Wish me luck Scootaloo," Rainbow said as she gave Scootaloo her ring for safe keeping and flew off to join the others.

"Good luck Rainbow Dash."

"Mares and gentlecolts, fillies and foals of all ages," the sound of the announcer caught everypony's attention, even the dinosaurs. From their hiding spots among the trees, each of them began scanning the sky for the Wonderbolts. Indominus was looking anxiously for Rainbow Dash, hoping his girl did well on her big day. "Look to the skies and prepare to be awestruck by the incredible flying prowess of, the Wonderbolts!" A formation of seven of the Wonderbolts was seen going through the sky, and Indominus spotted his girl in the rear spot of the formation.

"You can do this Rainbow Dash, I believe in you. Show these bullies what an incredible flyer you are," Indominus thought to himself as he watched his girl fly alongside her idols with ease.

The Wonderbolts were performing the Icaranian Sun Salutation, one of their more famous routines. Indominus watched in amazement as Rainbow flew perfectly in sync with the rest of the Wonderbolts. She never seemed to miss a beat, and she was looking stunning during the performance.

"Your girl has got some serious skill, Indominus," said T-Rex through their mind link.

"I know brother, this is where she is the best. So far I don't see anything that could lead to trouble."

"Well, let's just hope it stays that way."

The Wonderbolts had split off into one pair of three and another pair of four, which Rainbow Dash was in. Her group went upward and then they slowly rolled over and dove for the ground. Everyone watched as the four pegasi flew parallel to each other and pulled out right above the ground. Everypony was cheering wildly and from her perch, Scootaloo could see all of the action.

"Wow, Rainbow Dash is doing great! Maybe we didn't have to worry abou- wait a minute. What is Soarin doing?"

Scootaloo noticed that Soarin was making slight gestures with his hooves during the routine. Scootaloo tried to follow where he was pointing and to her horror, she saw other Wonderbolts setting up storm clouds hidden by the trees. Then Scootaloo noticed that the Wonderbolts were flying towards each other, ready to cross over one another's flight path. When she realized what Soarin was going to do, she tried to reach out to the dinosaurs in their minds to let them know. Tyrannosaurus wasn't aware of the threat because the storm clouds were hidden behind where he was.

"EVERYONE!! HELP RAINBOW DASH, SOARIN'S GONNA-" Before Scootaloo could complete the message, tragedy struck Rainbow Dash.

As Rainbow was about to cross over Soarin, he dealt a punch right to her stomach, and the impact sent her careening toward the storm clouds. From the audience's perspective, it looked like Rainbow had screwed up on purpose, when in fact Soarin had positioned his hit so no one would suspect that he was responsible. Everypony watched in horror as Rainbow was knocked into the storm cloud and then sent barreling into a tree where she was getting attacked by a bunch of birds. The Wonderbolts were still continuing the routine as if nothing was happening, and this enraged Indominus.

"Brother. Sisters. Let them have it, I'm going to help Rainbow Dash," Indominus said to his family before camouflaging his skin and taking flight.

Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad launched a volley of blasts right at the Wonderbolts. Each blast had been aimed in anticipation to where the Wonderbolts were going to end up in the routine, and as a result, each of them got hit and were sent crashing into the ground, except for Soarin. He had seen the attack coming in time, had dodged the blasts, grabbed one of the storm clouds and went after Rainbow, enraged that he and his team had been set up. Rainbow had gotten out of the tree with birds still trying to attack her, now Soarin was on the attack and shoving the cloud into her path. Indominus saw what was happening and dived towards his girl, but he couldn't reach her in time.

The birds scattered as Rainbow was struck by the storm cloud and sent falling to the ground with smoke trailing behind her. Soarin had a twisted smile on his face, pleased with what he had done. However, he wouldn't get to revel in it for long as Indominus smacked him and the storm cloud away as he continued to dive after Rainbow Dash. Down below, all the ponies were in shock at what was happening, but they couldn't see Indominus and they had no idea where the blasts had come from. Rainbow's friends were afraid when she wasn't slowing down.

"Oh no, she's gonna crash! Somepony do something!"

"Actually Pinkie, somepony is doing something," said Applejack. "Look who's catching up to her."

The Mane five could barely make out Indominus's outline as he got closer. Then, just when it looked as if Rainbow was going to hit the ground, Indominus scooped her up into his arm and pulled away from his dive. The hybrid dinosaur pulled away from the mayhem and just held his girl in his hand.

"Rainbow Dash, are you alright." Indominus said in an almost desperate voice.

"I am now, thanks to you." Indominus pulled Rainbow close to his body so they both could relax after the tense moment.

He took a minute to catch his breath, because for a fleeting second, Indominus thought he was going to lose Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolts had set her up for a fall and Soarin had nearly killed her with those storm clouds.

"I warned them, I told them not to hurt her or call her that name. Now they've gone and blown their chances, I'll show them what it means to fear a true animal," Indominus angrily thought to himself.

Being so close to Indominus kick started Rainbow's healing power and before long, she was good as new. Indominus breathed a sigh of relief as he glided back down, gently laid Rainbow down on the ground and dove into the trees to avoid being seen.

Scootaloo and the Mane five immediately went to Rainbow's side, surprised that she didn't have a scratch on her. Twilight and Fluttershy were so relieved that Rainbow was ok and Scootaloo held her in a worried embrace.

"Rainbow Dash, are you ok?"

"I'll be fine Scootaloo, but I can't believe they would do that. How could they agree with Soarin and set me up like this?" Suddenly Rainbow was interrupted as they heard a steaming mad Spitfire raising her voice to the crowds.

"ALRIGHT!! I DEMAND TO KNOW, WHO WAS THE ONE THAT SABOTAGED OUR ROUTINE? WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO MAKE US LOOK LIKE FOOLS. HUH?" The crowd was silent, still stunned after all that had just happened. Then Fleetfoot spoke up.

"Why don't you ask the filthy newbie that's responsible for all of this in the first place?"

"CRASH! YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO!" Spitfire began advancing towards Rainbow with the rest of her team, and each Wonderbolt had an evil grin on their faces.

"What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with this."

"Don't try making up excuses. You can't handle being called a nickname that you deserve to wear for the rest of your life, so you decided to set us up and ruin the show. You won't be flying in this world again after we're done with you Cra-"

"LEAVE HER ALONE SHITFIRE!!" Once those words were heard, the Wonderbolts stopped and Spitfire turned her head sharply, angrily eyeing the area for the source of the powerful voice.

"Who had the gall to call me that?" Her answer came walking out of the trees as Indominus walked out behind the Mane Six, followed by Tyrannosaurus and the Raptor Squad. All of them eyed the Wonderbolts with fierce anger in their eyes.

"She had nothing to do with sabotaging you idiots, we're the ones that attacked you and I'm the one that told my family to do it." Indominus began to walk towards the stubborn pegasi, while T-Rex and the raptors stayed by Rainbow Dash and the others. The Wonderbolts grew terrified now that Indominus had revealed himself. "You will do, nothing to my girl, Wonderbolts. I've laid low your enemies of old. I instill terror in the hearts of evil and bullies. I'm, the King With No Master, Indominus Rex." The Wonderbolts stood horrified at the creature that had admitted to being the one who had destroyed their locker room and had been attacking them.

"T-T-This, is the m-m-monster that attacked us," Misty Fly said in shock.

"Yes, I'm also the one that carved that message into the wall and warned you rats not to hurt her or call her that nickname. Yet you continue to insult and beat up my girl. So now I'm going to make this as clear as I possibly can." The Mane Six could feel the ground beginning to rumble, and that meant Indominus was tapping into his anger. Then they heard an incredible roar as Indominus bellowed at the Wonderbolts.

"Get. Away. From. MY. DASHIE!!!!" The sheer magnitude of Indominus's roar sent the Wonderbolts flying away and it uprooted numerous trees in the area. Several others were being bent in impossible ways and the Wonderbolts all ended up crashing into the numerous tents scattered throughout the area. Indominus looked back at his friends, afraid of what would happen next.

"Everyone, this is unavoidable now. I have to end this and the only way to do it is to fight the Wonderbolts. I'm finally going to break them for what they've done." His gaze drifted to his girl and before he took off, Indominus said to her, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash."

With a loud roar, Indominus sprinted away from his family and friends and headed for the shaken Wonderbolts. Ponies began running for cover as Indominus charged forward and closed in on the stubborn ponies. The Wonderbolts tried to scatter, but Indominus managed to punch Spitfire into another tent.

The once talkative Wonderbolt crashed into the dirt and looked up to find Indominus looming over her, baring his teeth and growling dangerously. Indominus leaned in to bite down on Spitfire, but was blindsided by Soarin who rammed him across the face, giving Spitfire time to fly away. Soarin then looped back around while Indominus was stunned from the attack, landed on his shoulder and bit down on the dinosaur's hide. Everypony thought he was being suicidal until Soarin did the unthinkable: he tore off a chunk of Indominus's scales. It had been so long since Indominus had felt his skin being torn off, and it angered him terribly. He tried to attack Soarin but the cocky Wonderbolt put enough distance between himself and Indominus with the scales still in his mouth.

After seeing Soarin actually inflict damage on Indominus, the rest of the Wonderbolts tried attacking him. However, Indominus already had some experience with fighting a Wonderbolt and was able to dodge their ramming attacks. When they came back around, Indominus anticipated where they were going to end up and swung a fist at Misty Fly. The Wonderbolt was sent crashing into another teammate and Indominus used the momentum to swing his tail around and swat the other three Wonderbolts out of the sky. The pair of hidden Wonderbolts tried to rush Indominus, but the hybrid just swatted them away with his powerful head. After recovering from the attack, Spitfire noticed that Soarin was the only Wonderbolt that hadn't been hurt and was beginning to leave the fight.

"Where do you think you're going Clipper?"

"I'm going to get the formulas so we can crush this monster. Just try to hold out until I get back," said Soarin as he took off with the patch of Indominus's scales in his mouth.

Spitfire managed to fly away as Indominus dove for her again. The other Wonderbolts grouped up and lingered beyond the range of the hybrid's claws.

"Fine, we can hold out against this monster until then. After all, this beast can't fly so there's no way he can catch-" Spitfire was stopped mid-sentence as Indominus took to the skies with his patterned wings. "You've got to be bucking kidding me! THIS THING CAN FLY!?"

"Oh Shitfire, I can do more than that," Indominus said as he punched the six Wonderbolts so hard that they were sent flying towards a massive group of clouds. They hybrid dinosaur took off after them, and Rainbow wanted to go after him.

"We have to stop him, he'll kill them." Rainbow wanted to go and stop Indominus, but T-Rex wouldn't let her.

"Rainbow Dash, you can't interfere in this fight, this is something that Indominus must do himself."

"Why Tyrannosaurus? If we let him continue like this, he'll kill them and destroy everything else."

"Do you really think that Indominus is going to give into his rage that easily? Haven't you noticed that he's been holding back this whole time?"

"WHAT!?" The Mane Six were shocked at what T-Rex said.

"How can Indominus be holding back," said Rarity. "I thought he wanted to kill the Wonderbolts."

"No, Indominus is looking to break them, not kill them," said Delta. "Right now, he's trying to fight the Wonderbolts while also keeping his rage from getting out of hand. He doesn't want to lose control like last time, it really shook him up. He's trying to keep the promise he made to you about not killing the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow was truly amazed, despite how angry he seemed, Indominus was holding back just for her sake. He only wanted to break the Wonderbolts so they would never call Rainbow that nickname again.

"You have to put some faith in him Rainbow Dash, he doesn't want to betray your trust," said Fluttershy.

"I've always had faith in him, I just don't want him to be hurt anymore. He's already gone through enough as it is."

"If the Wonderbolts look like they're going to overwhelm him, then you can step in. But just let Indominus have this Rainbow, he wants justice for you and for all the times he watched them hurt you, said Tyrannosaurus as they waited to see what Indominus had planned.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolts ended up finding themselves within a massive group of clouds following Indominus's attack. The hybrid dinosaur camouflaged his skin with the clouds and since his footsteps were muffled by them, the Wonderbolts couldn't hear him. They were now being stalked within a pile of clouds by a vengeful hybrid dinosaur.

"Why are you doing this? We never attacked you," Spitfire shouted within the clouds.

"Oh you may not have attacked me, but you attacked my girl," Indominus said before smacking Spitfire from behind. After the first attack, he moved on to another Wonderbolt. Being able to see their heat signatures within the clouds made it possible for Indominus to keep an eye on all of them. He focused next on Fleetfoot.

"Why do you care about what we do to Crash?" Fleetfoot was immediately attacked by Indominus as soon as the name escaped her mouth.

"Because she is the most important pony in my life. The sole reason why I'm not killing all of you right now, is because she respects all of you, despite everything that you've done. I on the other hand, am not so forgiving to those that hurt my girl. Do any of you scoundrels know what happened to the last group of bullies that dared to insult Rainbow Dash?"

Spitfire was almost afraid to ask, Indominus's deep voice was getting into her head once again.

"What did you do?"

"I tore them apart and ended their wretched lives," Indominus said as he once again punched Spitfire and Surprise. "I devoured them, like a wolf among sheep. I kill where I wish, when I wish. My armor is diamond. No weapon can pierce me."

Spitfire's calm demeanor was breaking apart far more than usual. With Indominus camouflaged so well into the clouds and stalking them with ease, the Wonderbolts were becoming mere shadows of their former selves.

"You idiots aren't even aware that you've been set up, by Soarin! He arranged all of this so you rats could try to kill me, didn't he?"

"We have no idea what you're going on about," said Blaze.

"Don't bother denying it, I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. Did you really expect me to believe that Soarin wouldn't have some drive for revenge against me? But it matters not, Soarin's little quest will fail. He will never beat me or take Rainbow Dash away. He will only bring about the death of the Wonderbolts."

Indominus was merely toying with the Wonderbolts at this point, he was seeping into their minds and making them worry and doubt themselves. His dark talk was most effective against Spitfire, since he had already beaten her once before, and knew what to use against her. The hybrid dinosaur was still attacking the Wonderbolts within the clouds, and yet they refused to bolt for an escape. They had become too frightened to save their own skins.

"You are being used, Shitfire. You and your precious teammates are only ever a means to an end. That coward Soarin, has weighed the value of your lives and has deemed them expendable for his vendetta."

"No, no you're lying, monster. Soarin would never set us up like that."

"Oh no? What did he promise all of you? Ultimate glory? Eternal praise and worship for killing a family that is well respected throughout all of Equestria? As if he could ever keep a promise like that. All Soarin wants is to kill me and my brother and sisters so that he can take Rainbow Dash for himself. But I have to wonder how he could ever protect Rainbow Dash, when you ponies couldn't even protect Ponyville from a single dragon? Especially, one that managed to trap you in a water tower," Indominus followed with a strike to all of the Wonderbolts before hiding himself again.

By now, Spitfire was getting close to full panic mode. After hearing Indominus talk about one of their greatest and most embarrassing failures, she was starting to think that Indominus knew more than he was letting on.

"I have held my own against dragons and sparred with the Dragon Lord himself! My teeth are guillotines, my claws are javelins, my wings are a vortex!"

"Wow, he sounds just like Rainbow Crash."

"What did you say, FLATFOOT?" Alarmed at the sudden increase in Indominus's tone, Fleetfoot tried to lie her way past the hybrid dinosaur.

"I didn't say anything, you're trying to make us into li-" the Wonderbolt was cut off as Indominus punched her out of the clouds.

"I know a filthy liar when I see one, and all of you are just as filthy as her!"

"EVERYPONY FLY!" Spitfire's nerves couldn't take it anymore and she and the Wonderbolts flew out of the clouds for freedom. Unfortunately they were frozen in terror when Indominus reappeared on a few clouds in front of them.

"I'm almost tempted to let you ponies try your best to bring me down, if only to watch all of you suffer. Watch your efforts be in vain, watch your hearts give up in grueling defeat, and to see all of you groveling in the dirt. But I think not, that would be a little too much fun. So tell me, Shitfire, how do you want your spirit to be broken?"

Now terrified, the Wonderbolts tried to escape as the dinosaur lunged for them, but Indominus was already one step ahead of them. He narrowed his sights on a group of them, took in a huge breath and the pull from his lungs began sucking Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Surprise into his mouth. Once the three Wonderbolts were close enough, Indominus clamped his jaws shut, trapping them inside. He began shaking his mouth wildly and he could feel the three Wonderbolts being jumbled about in his jaws. He continued to attack the remaining Wonderbolts while hearing Spitfire freaking out inside his jaws.

"You've gotta be kidding me ponies, we're in his mouth. WE'RE IN, HIS MOUTH!" Indominus was using his tongue to throw Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Surprise all over his mouth, knocking them into his teeth and sending them all over the place.

Meanwhile, the remaining Wonderbolts were trying their best to stop Indominus, but the hybrid dinosaur just shrugged off every blow and kept tormenting them. The best flyers in Equestria were being made into fools by a hybrid dinosaur, and he wasn't even using any of his true strength. Inside Indominus's mouth, Spitfire got knocked by the tongue and was sent skidding towards the throat. She tried scrambling for safety upon seeing the giant black abyss that would consume her if she went down, but the saliva from Indominus's tongue made it impossible for her to gain any ground. Fleetfoot managed to get a hold of Spitfire so her leader didn't fall down the dinosaur's throat.

"How are we supposed to stop this beast? He'll kill us all!"

"I don't know Spitfire, this monster is more than we thought. How are we gonna- wait, what's that light?"

The two Wonderbolts noticed a red light coming from the bottom of Indominus's throat, and the light was beginning to brighten the dinosaur's mouth. He was preparing his energy blast to use against the Wonderbolts, and considering they were trapped in his mouth, the blast would disintegrate them in an instant. Seeing the deadly blast inching its way up the throat was causing Spitfire to go full panic mode, and Indominus was reveling in hearing the once arrogant Wonderbolt screaming like a scared brat.

"Alright, I think it's time for them to know who I really am."

The other Wonderbolts scattered as Indominus began expanding his chest and bellowed a roar that threw Spitfire and the other captive ponies into the air. They barely had time to react as Indominus fired his blast and aimed it at their scared backsides.

"LOOK OUT!" Spitfire and the others scattered for their lives as the blast careened past them and exploded in the distance. All of the Wonderbolts had wide eyes at seeing the destructive force of Indominus's attack, and it was just the beginning of his power.

"Whoa, just what are we dealing with? That blast had enough power to kill an army of Wonderbolts!" Spitfire was interrupted as they heard Indominus laughing from his cloud.

"I'm unlike anything you puny piles of dog crap have ever seen before. I hold the power to kill any monster that dares to hurt me or my family. But enough funny business, it's time you Wonderbolts understood what I'm truly capable of."

Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts were attacked by a full strike from Indominus, and it left some serious damage on their bodies. Then their hearts sank as they heard Indominus singing a dark song.
Deep in the pages of history
Lies a monster hiding in a mystery
A late night terror buried far away
Until he once again breathes the light of day

And when the little colts and fillies turn out all lights
And tell the story of a monster as cruel as night
The luxury of freedom comes at a price
Just ignore the roars, and don't think twice

(Indominus attacking the Wonderbolts while singing)
You've proven to yourself and to all of us
That you're not fit to be like Indominus
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
When you stand beside a monster, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the gory and visceral weather game of chase
And just because you've hurt my girl I'll snap your necks
Now accept your fate and die to Indominus Rex

The Wonderbolts did everything they could to fly away and escape, but Indominus managed to corner them at every turn. He had them at his complete mercy with all the strength and power he wielded.

Phantom roars echo through the ruined scenery
A horrible growl creates an eerie tranquility
The souls of wretched evil fill the air
And the stench of their blood is scattered here and there

A mighty beast built within the wake
Of a long dead dream, little demon awake
The bullies sleep, never quite knowing when
The beast will reawaken, hungry again

You've proven to yourself and to all of us
That you're not fit to be like Indominus
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
When you stand beside a monster, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the gory and visceral weather game of chase
And just because you've hurt my girl I'll snap your necks
Now accept your fate and die to Indominus Rex

Each Wonderbolt was now truly terrified out of their minds, none of them believed that they could beat a creature of such power. Seeing that he was actually breaking their minds pleased Indominus, so he decided to take the torment back to the area where it had all started. He seized all of the Wonderbolts in his claws and flew back towards his family. Once he had returned, Rainbow was shocked to see the Wonderbolts in Indominus's hands. Everypony was really nervous about how Indominus practically had the Wonderbolts in his claws like a vice grip. They all grew worried when Indominus threw all of them onto the ground in a battered heap.

"Shitfire, for what you and your kind have tried to do to Rainbow Dash, I will break you in every sense of the word. I will destroy your minds and break your souls until none of you are able to say that nickname again!"

As the once great flyers tried to stand again, Indominus brought his clawed hands down on them and slammed the Wonderbolts into the ground and towered over them. While he resumed his twisted song, Indominus was unaware that one Wonderbolt was getting ready to attack him.

All of the failures help to fuel success
In the gory and visceral weather game of chase
And just because you've hurt my girl I'll snap your necks
Now accept your fate and die to Indominus Rex

Spitfire had managed to avoid the claws and rammed Indominus across the face. When she came back, Indominus punched her so hard that everypony heard bones cracking as she was smashed.into the ground.

I don't even remember my past
I don't remember who I used to be
I don't remember my world of old
I don't remember my destiny

My eyes are red and my scales are white
What I've become brings sheer terror
I do know one simple thing
I was born to be a monster killer

You've proven to yourself and to all of us
That you're not fit to be like Indominus
You don't even deserve those wings you bear
When you stand beside a monster, you don't even compare
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the gory and visceral weather game of chase
And just because you've hurt my girl I'll snap your necks
Now accept your fate and die to Indominus Rex

I don't even care about your glory or fame
When you hide behind your masks of shame
You don't even deserve these wings you bear
None of you are legends, just hideous mares
All of the failures help to fuel success
In the gory and visceral weather game of chase
Now I tower over you and I'll take away your life
You can't escape me cause you will die tonight

This is your tragedy
I'll end you in a flash
The way it's meant to be
For hurting my Rainbow Dash
A brutal sight to see
Watching Wonderbolts pay their toll
Now I've awoken, and I'm taking all control

Indominus was winning the first round of the fight. He had the Wonderbolts almost completely broken and at his mercy, but the fight was only just beginning. The confrontation was about to take a major twist, and Rainbow Dash would see just how much rage Indominus had contained within himself.