Poison Joke

by Silver Butcher

Poison Joke

It was an ordinary day in Ponyville. School had just ended and the filly`s and colts were walking home. The cutie Mark Crusaders were on their way to Zecoras for a visit when they ran into Spike.
"oh hi, girls."
"Hi Spike" they all responded
"So," Scottaloo said, "where are you going?"
"I`m going to Zecoras, Twilight wanted her favorite tea but she`s buried under a mountain of paperwork, so I`m going to go get it for her."
"that`s really sweet of you Spike," Sweetie said "were going to Zecora`s for a visit." and so they walked and talked. They walked to the Everfree forest and were so deep in conversation they didn`t even notice they were walking right through a small batch of Poison jokes, they got to Zecoras and visited for a little while. They stayed for about an hour, on their way back they weren't as deep in conversation and noticed the flowers.
"Remember when our sisters walked through Position Joke," Apple Bloom said, "I bet they felt really silly."
Apple Bloom would come to regret saying that when she woke up the next morning.

When Sweetie woke up she didn`t notice something was wrong until she got up. She took a step on the floor and started to slide around, she tried to move in another direction but couldn`t. She tried to hit something to get her sisters attention but no matter what she tried she couldn`t knock anything over with her hoof. She had lost her Friction and Inertia. It took a long time, but eventually, she managed to get Rarity`s Attention when she yelled
"RARITY!!!" She flew into the room at once.
"what it is it darling? Is som..." The question died in her trough as she saw slipping and sliding off every surface she touched.
"I need some help sis"

Scootaloo didn`t notice anything was wrong until she said something
"ecin yad" she quickly covered her mount "tahw?" she started freaking out "stahw gniog no?" she couldn`t stop, everything she said was backward. She ran outside and looked around trying to think of something when she was spotted by Rainbow Dash.
"hey squirt, whats wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost."
"I t`nod wonk. Gnihtyreve i yas si sdrawkcab!" Rainbow froze.
"im sorry," She said she tapped her own head "what was that"
"I dias, gnihtyreve i yas si sdrawkcab! Rainbow just stared at her.
"TO TWILIGHT!!!!" she yelled as she picked up Scootaloo

Applebloom noticed something was wrong as soon as she woke up, she was tap dancing, and she couldn`t stop, she couldn`t even use her hooves to open the door, all she could so was headbutt the door until Big mac opened it.
"Hi bro."Big Mac looked at her for a second then said
"let's go" and they went downstairs to Applejack in less than a minute Applebloom was in the back of a cart while Applejack hauled her to Twilights

Spike notice something was up once he looked in the mirror, what looked back was so shocking he jumped, but his face remained to same. Spike had turned into a giant action figure of himself with a Happy expression on his face.
"what in the name of Equestria happened!?" Spike yelled in an echoey voice. Twilight heard him from a lower level.
"something wrong Spike, she called. She then heard the sound of something falling down the stairs.
"Peachy," Spike called back.
"Are you su..." Twilight stopped talking when she got to the bottom of the staircase. "OH, MY GOODNESS!! SPIKE WHAT HAPPENED!?!?"
"THAT`S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!!!!" Spike yelled as he tried and failed to get up, resulting in one of his legs popping off."oh dear" was all that Spike could say.

By 6:50, they had all been gathered in the castle while Twilight, Rarity, Rainbowdash, and Applejack tried to figure out what was going on.
"This sucks," Spike said as he tried to reattach his leg with little success." I can`t feel anything and I can't get my leg back on!!"
"Uoy dnuos ynnuf ot ekipS" Scottaloo said
"What`d you say scoot`s," Sweetie asked
"Gnihton" she replied
"Sigh, my legs hurt" Applebloom chimed in "wish I could go back to bed" while they were talking the others were trying to figure out what was wrong, after while they came to them
"I'm sorry" Twilight said "but it may take awhile, just try not to move around too much, were going to Zecoras to see if she knows what's going on"
And with that, they left. After a minute, Sweetie looked at the clock and yelled
"oh no!! Schools about to start!! Our perfect attendance!!!"
"but wer...." Spike started but Apple bloom interrupted
"we have to, our sisters would agree if they were still here."
"and I'm sure that Scoot`s just agreed with me, so we have to go, come on girls!!" and with that Scootaloo Loaded Applebloom and Sweetie into a wagon and pulled it out the door`s and to the school. Spike looked after them.
"........I`m hungry." and he walked into town to go to sugar cube corner. The ponies of ponyvile were used to weirdness by now so they just ignored the creepy, never blinking always smiling dragon walking to the sweet shop. Spike got to the door just as Pinkie was leaving.
"WHOA!!!!" Pinkie yelled, just managing not to run over Spike, she stopped then Grabbed Spikes head "Spike!?"
"Hi, Pinkie."
"Wow! You look super happy Spike, I was just going to give Twilight some sweet`s!!"
"Oh, she`s out right now."
"then let's go to the castle and eat sweet`s until she gets back!" and with that Spike ended up walking back to the castle with Pinkie
"at the School Miss Chearlee let the Crusaders go home early on account that Sweetie couldn`t stop sliding all over to place whenever somepony touched her, Apple Bloom was making a loud racket with her tap dancing, and nopony could understand Scottaloo. So, in the end, they ended up back at the castle with Spike and Pinkie eating sweets after a while Pinkie said
"when are you guy`s gonna take a bath?"
"well you`ve all been in contact with Poison Joke, so when are you gonna get fixed?" Stupid doesn't even begin to describe how the crusaders and Spike felt. While the CMC when to the Spa, Spike quickly ran into the woods to Zecoras, meeting Twilight and the others just as they were leaving Zecoras.
"Spike!?" Twilight said in shock. After Spike explained that all that was wrong was Poison Joke, they walked back while Twilight gave him a lecture about paying attention. Once they got to the Spa they found the bubble bath was in use by Pinkie and the CMC, who were all back to normal. Spike approved the Tub
"can`t wait to turn back," he said, then without warning the CMC and Pinkie Grabbed him and pulled him in, after a second he popped out of the water back to normal. He leaned back and said
"Let's never do that again."