Adventures in Equestria

by The Fallen One721

Finding My Friends

After walking for about a good ten minutes, we make it to the edge of the woods and into an opening. in the middle of the opening stood a small town. A town full of color, lots of color. I stare at the town in amazement. after a few moments , I remembered, Serena and Samantha, I lost them in that flood. I stop as the other three keep walking.
AppleJack stops and looks at me,"is something the wrong suger?" she ask. RainbowDash and PinkiePie stop and look at me as well.
I look back at them then ask, "was there anyone else in the woods besides me?" The three of them look at me blanklessly.
"Ummm, don't ya mean any-pony else?" asks AppleJack. I look at her for a moment, then it hits me, they don't talk the way I do.
" Ya, that is what I meant. Did you find any-pony else in the woods besides me?' I ask again correcting myself. The three of them look at me for a few moments and then slowly nods there heads.
"There were two others that we found" RainbowDash says. I close my eyes and take a deep breath of relief.
" Can you take me to them?" I ask as I attempt to walk. I collapse to the ground and AppleJack runs up to me and helps me up.
"No, not now, your to weak." says RainbowDash.
"Hold on there partner, we don't want ya to get hurt," she says.
"No, I can do it," I say. She gives me a worried look.
" Ya sure you got it?" she ask.
"Yes, I got it, now please take me to them." I attempt to walk again and fall. This time Rainbow Dash helps me up.
"No, not now, maybe later, your to weak, you can't even walk." she says. PinkiePie starts jumping up and down with excitement.
"I'M GONNA GET EVERY-PONY TO HELP NATURE YOU BACK TO HEALTH, THEN WHEN YOUR ALL BETTER, I CAN TROW YOU A PARTY!!!" she yells. I gain my balance and look the three of them in the eye and sigh softly.
"Please, just take me to them." I beg. The three of them look at one another.
"Well, if ya insist BlueFlare, we will take ya to them." PinkiePie looks at me.
"Awww, so no party?' she ask. I smile a little and look at her.
"Yes PinkiePie, you can still throw a party," I say. She starts to jump up and down with excitement.
"YAI! I'M GOING TO THROW YOU THE BIGGEST WELCOMING PARTY EVER!!! NOW FOLLOW MEEEEEE!!!" instead of PinkiePie walking, she hops down the path that leads to the small town. I look at her confused.
"Is she always like that?" I ask. Both RainbowDash and AppleJack look at me.
"Yup," they say at the same time. Then PinkiePie hops back.
"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT!?!?!" she asks. RainbowDash and AppleJack follow her. I stay put nodding my head and smiling. I start lightly laughing. RainbowDash stops and looks at me.
"Whats so funny?" she asks. I look back at her still smiling.
"It's nothing." I say. She rises an eyebrow and turns around to follow the other two.
"Umm, OK," she says. I follow behind them. We walk for a good fifteen minuets till we finely come up to the small town. We walk though the town, but I'm not paying any attention to my surroundings. My only concern is, are my friends OK? Will they know who I am? will they know my voice? What do they look like now?
After about ten minutes of walking, we approach a white building with a red cross above the entrance.
What? they have hospitals in this world? I think to my self. The four of us stop in font of the building.
"Well, here ya are, they are in this building." AppleJack says. I look at her and smile slightly.
"Thank you, can one of you lead me to them," I say. RainbowDash looks at me and nods.
"I''ll take you to there room, just follow me." she says. She leads me into the building and we walk past rows of rooms and stop at one of the doors. "There right in there she says as she walks off. I enter the room, and the first thing that I see, is two pones. one of them which was green and her main was black with pink tips. And the other one, was black with red hair. They both look at me confused.
"Who are you?" asks the green pony, and instantly a recognize her voice. The green pony was Samantha, which meant that the black pony was Serena. I smile and look at them for a moment.
"Its me Jason," I say. Both there eyes go big and they both get out of there bed and run up to me hugging me the why horses hug.
"We thought you were dead," Serena says. The three of us stop hugging.
"How did this happen?" Samantha asks. I look at her.
"Honestly , I don't know." I say.
"At least were all still alive." says Serena. I smile and nod.
"Just to let you girls know, we cant use are real names." They both look at me confused. " my new pony name is BlueFlare." It goes quiet for a few moments. I then point at Samantha.
"Your pony name will be, um,ToxicStar." Then I point at Serena, "NightFire!" They nod there heads in agreement.
"Sounds good," Says Serena.
"Then that's settled" I say, and we all start to laugh.