Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Loving Reward and Devious Scheme

Indominus touched down in front of the schoolhouse, pleased with all that he had accomplished in a single day. A minute later, T-Rex and Blue's squad showed up beside him. They were all glad to see Indominus in a much better mood, and he didn't look angry at all.

"Well, did you take care of your personal matter brother?"

"Yes I did T-Rex, and I even payed the Wonderbolts a visit."

"You didn't kill any of them, did you," asked Blue.

"No Blue, I simply wanted to see how Rainbow Dash was doing after seeing the locker room and her improved jacket. I have to say, she did so well out there that the other Wonderbolts were in shock."

Tyrannosaurus was pleased with how Indominus's little gift had given Rainbow such a great deal of confidence. Indominus may have been full of rage at the time, but his heart was definitely in the right place.

"Though I was roughed up when Shitfire and Soarin decided to pick on her over wearing the ring during practice. So I snuck down to the field and had a little sparing match against the stubborn Wonderbolt."

"I assume you used the camouflage during your little scuffle, right," said Delta.

"Of course, it certainly helped me get the drop on that stubborn pony. I even gave her a warning that will have her constantly looking over her shoulder, wondering if I'll be waiting to attack. Now that Shitfire has seen my camouflage, she'll become super paranoid and it will break her mind and spirit."

"That's so devious and ingenious Indominus," said Blue. "I love the way your scaly mind thinks."

Just then the school bell rang and all the fillies were exiting the building. The CMC immediately spotted the dinosaurs, and Scootaloo was glad to see her hybrid dad waiting for her like he had promised. She and Indominus nuzzled each other, and the filly could see the happiness in her dad's eyes.

"You seem much happier today Dad."

"Yes Scootaloo, I'm feeling much better today and glad that my anger didn't come back. By the way, when your mom comes by, she might seem in great spirits."

"Why would Rainbow Dash be so happy? Did something amazing happen during practice today?"

"Unh unh unh, I'm not telling. You'll just have to see for yourself." Indominus suddenly heard a loud growl coming from his stomach. "Oh goodness me, I guess I forgot to have my hunt today."

"Go on and get yourself some food daddy, we'll see you at home." Indominus nuzzled his daughter in comfort and went off into the Everfree Forest for a hunt, while the dinosaurs accompanied the Crusaders to the clubhouse.

At the clubhouse, the Crusaders had a free day since they hadn't come across any ponies that were in need of discovering their true talent. So they decided to spend their day asking the dinosaurs about what Indominus had been unable to tell them. So T-Rex told them everything that his brother had told him over the past few days, and the CMC finally understood why Indominus had looked so defeated last night. It also answered Scootaloo's question of why Indominus told her to be there for Rainbow Dash.

"So he actually snuck into their compound and destroyed their property," said Sweetie Belle.

"I'm afraid so girls," said Tyrannosaurus. "It struck a nerve in his heart because it was identical to his past, which all of you heard about last night."

"No wonda he looked so dang, distraught. Now Ah understand why he looked so sad and beaten," said Applebloom.

"So why was he in such a good mood today?" Scootaloo didn't have to wait long, as the answer came zooming in and touched down outside of the clubhouse.

"You're about to find out," said Delta.

The dinosaurs opened the door for Rainbow Dash and they were surprised to see her wearing an official Wonderbolt jacket. She was beaming with happiness and looked so proud of herself.

"Whoa, that's an amazing jacket Rainbow Dash," said Sweetie Belle.

"Isn't it girls? You should see the symbol that a certain somepony put on for me."

The CMC got a closer look at the jacket, and once they saw Rainbow's cutie mark on the glistening scales, their faces lit up. Indominus had done more than just destroy the Wonderbolts' property, he had put his special touch on the jacket for his girl. Scootaloo was just as happy as Rainbow Dash once she got a good look at the scales.

"Daddy did this for you, didn't he, Rainbow Dash?"

"He sure did Scootaloo. It's the most incredible devotion I've ever seen. Oh that reminds me, if you girls happen to see Indominus later tonight, please give him this." Rainbow pulled a letter out of the jacket and gave it to Scootaloo. "Tell him that I'll be looking forward to giving him the ultimate reward for his devoted act."

"I'll be sure to let him know Rainbow Dash. I still can't believe he did all of this just for you."

"Neither can I Scootaloo, it proves that Indominus is far above any stallion in Equestria. And to think, none of this would be happening if you hadn't met them first." Rainbow and Scootaloo shared a warm hug after the endearing compliment. Scootaloo never got tired of hearing Rainbow praise her for their wonderful lives and the dinosaurs that lived with them. Rainbow Dash took off to tell the others, while the Crusaders were wondering what the letter said.

"Should we read it to find out what she has in mind for Indominus?"

"Ah don't know Sweetie Belle, isn't it invading somepony's privacy by reading their letters?"

"Well I am part of the family so I think we can let this slide," said Scootaloo. "Besides, we won't tell Indominus anything until he reads the letter himself. Right T-Rex, Blue, Delta, Echo, Charlie?"

"Our mouths are sealed," said all five dinosaurs. So the Crusaders opened the letter to see what Rainbow had written to Indominus. T-Rex and the raptor squad leaned in to try and see for themselves.


I couldn't believe that you saw all the bullying that the Wonderbolts did to me. Now I understand why you didn't want to tell me last night, and I see that we are more alike than I thought. Cutting out the symbol on the jacket and replacing it with my name on your scales was such a sweet thing to do. That's why I'm going to make it up to you tonight. Meet me by the Moonlight Lake tonight, I want to repay you for looking out for me and being my Guardian angel. I look forward to having my way with you tonight, big boy.

Rainbow Dash."

The Crusaders all had red faces after reading the letter, they had a pretty good idea about what Rainbow Dash had implied in her letter.

"Your sister truly does love Indominus, Scootaloo. I've never seen this side of Rainbow Dash before."

"Well, that's not entirely true, Sweetie Belle. We saw her being more daring during their first date together."

"Oh boy, my brother won't have a shred of anger after Rainbow has her way with him," said T-Rex.

Then Scootaloo got a devious idea, they could tell everypony else about what Rainbow has shown them, assuming she hadn't already told her friends about it, and see the magic for themselves. They had all spied on the lovers during their first date and that moment had been wonderful, plus they were curious as to how Rainbow would repay Indominus. So the Crusaders decided to inform the others and see if they wanted to see Rainbow and Indominus love each other again. T-Rex and the raptors split up with the CMC to cover more ground and spread the word to the rest of the Mane Six.

At each home, each of the Mane Six told the CMC and dinosaurs that Rainbow had already been by and had shown each of them her improved jacket. Once they saw the scaly cutie mark symbol, they were all touched by Indominus's devotion to Rainbow. Each pony agreed on seeing Rainbow repay Indominus tonight, and thus the plan was set. All that was left was giving Indominus the letter so he could know for himself.

Later that night, after dinner had ended and Indominus had finished cleaning up the dishes, Rainbow took off to wait for her scaly husband. When Indominus came back to the living room, he found that Rainbow was gone.

"Where'd Rainbow Dash go guys?"

"Oh, that reminds me dad, Rainbow told me to give you this." Scootaloo handed Indominus the letter and went upstairs with the dinosaurs, leaving Indominus confused.

"I don't get it Scootaloo, what's the meaning of this?"

"Just read the letter dad, trust me, you'll want to read it."

Indominus was still puzzled, but he opened the letter regardless and began to read it. Scootaloo and the dinosaurs waited at the top of the staircase, listening to Indominus read Rainbow's letter. When he got to the last sentence in the letter, they could hear the excitement building in Indominus's voice.

""I look forward to having my way with you, big boy." Oh my, I'm going to be getting it tonight. I guess looking out for her and doing all that damage had more of an impact on Rainbow Dash than I thought. Oh boy, I'd better get moving, don't want to keep my girl waiting."

Indominus took off out of the clouddominium and began heading towards Moonlight Lake. Scootaloo and her family gave chase, while picking up the others along the way. Fortunately, Twilight knew how to get to Moonlight Lake faster than Indominus, and with a teleportation spell, they arrived within the trees at the lake. They hid themselves well so neither Rainbow or Indominus would know that they were there. Scootaloo could see Rainbow Dash waiting by the lake, with the moonlight bathing down upon her, she looked so majestic and beautiful, just perfect for Indominus. A minute later, they could hear Indominus's footsteps slow down and watched him slowly walk out of the trees towards his girl.

"Scootaloo gave me your note Rainbow Dash. It said you wanted to meet me here tonight, what for?" The others knew Indominus was just playing along to get the best response from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow waited until Indominus was right in front of her before she gave her answer. The hybrid dinosaur could see the same adoring bedroom eyes that Rainbow had given him on their honeymoon. She even increased her size to match Indominus's and she spoke in a soft and seductive voice.

"Oh it's just a simple 'thank you' Indominus. I want to thank you for beating the Wonderbolts when they called me that name, and for always being there for me." Indominus was caught off guard as Rainbow wrapped her front hooves around his neck and began to kiss him.

The hybrid dinosaur was overcome with the love, and returned the loving affection by wrapping his arms around his wife and kissing her back. Everypony was trying so hard to keep their squeals quiet so that the lovers wouldn't hear them. Seeing the two lovers holding and kissing each other with such passion was still so heartwarming. Now that they had shared their past tragedies with one another, Indominus and Rainbow had grown even closer as husband and wife. Rainbow continued to kiss Indominus with such love that he lost track of where he was going, and they ended up falling into the lake.

All the others could see was their tails tangling with each other above the water, which meant that they were still kissing each other under the water.

"Don't they ever take a breath during these make-out sessions," said Twilight.

"This is so adorable! Rainbow Dash is so lucky to have a 'stallion' this caring and devoted in her life," said Pinkie Pie.

Moments later, the two lovebirds resurfaced from the water, gasping for air with bright red blushes on their faces. Rainbow Dash swam over to Indominus and pressed her head against his. They just stared into each other's eyes as Rainbow spoke again to her husband.

"How is it that you are so devoted and caring towards me? I can't believe that you would attack the Wonderbolts, just because you were concerned for me."

"How did you know?"

"It was easy once I saw the scaly cutie mark symbol you placed on my jacket, how you tore up the lockers, and that message on the wall. 'King with no Master' huh? That was a clever name to hide your identity."

"I couldn't just sit there and let them get away with bullying you like that. I made that message very clear to Soarin when he tried to take your ring."

"You were also the one that beat up Spitfire today, weren't you?"

"Guess I can't hide anything from you huh? I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I only attacked them because-" Indominus was cut off as Rainbow kissed him again. When they parted lips, Rainbow said the sweetest thing to Indominus.

"How could I be mad at somepony who would go through all that trouble and share in my pain, because he loves me so much? You are beyond wonderful Indominus, you mean more to me than anything I could wish for." All of her friends were tearing up after hearing Rainbow speak with her heart. "I want to show my gratitude to you Indominus and I feel that the best way for me to do that, is through a special song."

"This is so beautiful," said Fluttershy. "Rainbow is definitely a pure romantic."

Everypony stayed quiet as Rainbow Dash began singing to her amazing hybrid dinosaur. She got close to Indominus's face and sang in the most wonderful and beautiful voice Indominus had ever heard.

Rainbow: I love you
It's been said and done
Every beautiful thought's been already sung
And I guess right now here's another one
So your melody will play on and on, with the best of 'em
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible
A centerfold, miracle, lyrical
You saved my life again
And I want you to know baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

Constantly, boy, you played through my mind like a symphony
There's no way to describe what you do to me
You just do to me, what you do
And it feels like I've been rescued
I've been set free
I am hypnotized by your destiny
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful
You are...
And I want you to know, baby

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a (love song, baby) love song, baby
I, I love you like a (love song, baby) love song, baby
I, I love you (I love you, I love you) like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat (like a love song)

(Indominus holding Rainbow in the water while they sing)
RD/IR: No one compares
You stand alone, to every record I own
Music to my heart that's what you are
A song that goes on and on

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

I love you... like a love song...

The lovers shared another long, passionate kiss once Rainbow's song was finished. Their friends and family were bawling at the sight, even the dinosaurs were shedding tears for their brother. He and Rainbow Dash were an inseparable pair, and their love was only getting stronger. When they separated lips, both pegasus and dinosaur once again, had blushes on their faces.

"I love you so much Rainbow Dash."

"I love you and your amazing scaly heart, Indominus Rex."

Rainbow pushed herself against Indominus until he was resting against the bank of the lake. He saw that seductive bedroom look in her eyes and it only meant one thing.

"I told you I would have my way with you tonight, Untamable King. Now you're all mine, I'm going to rock your world again."

Rainbow leaned against Indominus's body and began to lick his face. It was just like how they had spent their hot bath on their honeymoon, only Rainbow was being more daring this time. She was slowly dragging her tongue across Indominus's scales and giving long kisses on his face, neck and chest. The soft touch and feeling of Rainbow kissing and licking him was filling Indominus with joy and bliss, just how he had done for Rainbow on their first time. He returned every last sensation by licking Rainbow's face when she got close enough. The lovers were sending each other into blissful harmony, but this time, they had a hidden audience.

Twilight's face was going red from seeing Rainbow Dash kissing Indominus all over and so seductively. Applejack had only wide eyes at seeing her friend displaying such a hot nature. Rarity and Pinkie Pie were getting nose bleeds and couldn't pry their eyes away from seeing Rainbow and Indominus making out. Fluttershy had an even more red face than Twilight, and was silently cheering on the passionate lovers. The CMC and dinosaurs were just in absolute shock at seeing Rainbow just own Indominus for the first time.

"Way to go brother," Tyrannosaurus said quietly.

Rainbow used her hooves to pin Indominus's arms down and kissed him with hot intensity. The rest of the Mane Six had steam blowing out of their ears at seeing how bold Rainbow was being. She was dominating Indominus and the scene was becoming too much for the fillies to see. Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy had to once again, cover the fillies' eyes and ears so they wouldn't hear all the too blissful sounds and roars coming from the intense lovers. The scene was becoming more hot than their time in the flower fields. Then Indominus flipped Rainbow over onto her back and got to be the one on top.

"The Wonderbolts say you're no good," Rainbow said softly.

"But haters say what they wanna say."

"And you should know if I could, I'd breathe you in every single day."

"You're about to get that privilege, my Dashie."

Indominus pressed his lips to Rainbow's and kissed her with even more intensity than she had shown him. The blush on Rainbow's face was becoming more and more red with each loving kiss. Indominus took his tongue and began running it all along Rainbow's neck, face and her whole body. Her soft moans from the rough feeling of Indominus's tongue, only caused the hybrid dinosaur to lick his girl even more. Then he rolled Rainbow onto her stomach and did the one thing Rainbow had loved most on their honeymoon: he began to lick the inside of Rainbow's ears while thrusting inside her.

"Oh, Indominus, give me your all, and nothing else."

"Your wish, is me delighted command, my amazing and so hot Dashie."

Every single one of Rainbow's friends had bleeding noses and steam pouring out of every conceivable spot on their faces as soon as those words escaped Rainbow and Indominus's mouths. They were actually witnessing him making love to Rainbow Dash in the most romantic way possible. Every sound and moan that came from Rainbow, combined with the thrusts and tender licks Indominus was giving, were enough to make the raptor squad pass out. If the love birds kept up such a hot moment between them, Twilight and the others would pass out until morning. Fortunately since Indominus had so much experience over the last few months, it didn't take him long to release within Rainbow Dash.

The lovers roared in perfect sync with one another as Rainbow felt the pleasure burst forth within herself. Then after a minute of flowing pleasure, Indominus disengaged himself from Rainbow Dash and the couple climbed out of the lake. Their eyes looked so tired and both were breathing so heavily after all the making out they had done.

"You are, so amazing," said a breathless Rainbow Dash.

"Some ponies, don't think so."

"But you are amazing, to me, and to our family and friends. Especially to Scootaloo."

"I'm, so grateful that she accepted me as I am. Without her, I would've never met you."

"She's more important than we both could've guessed. All things considered, I wouldn't change anything about the life we all share."

"I love that about you Rainbow." Rainbow Dash walked over to Indominus and despite being tired from the fun, teased him by brushing her tail underneath his head.

"Are you sure it's not my amazing flank, which you're staring at right now?" Indominus was actually blushing pink as he tried to look away, which Rainbow giggled at. She turned around and kissed the hybrid on the side of the face. "You're so sweet and considerate Indominus, and that's what I love to see in a husband."

The lovers nuzzled each other and a long yawn from them both meant it was time to get some sleep.

"Let's head back home Indominus."

"Actually Rainbow, how about we spend the night here? It's so peaceful and beautiful out here, and let's be honest, we're both too tired to fly home tonight."

"Ok, I suppose it couldn't hurt. I just hope Scootaloo will be alright."

"I wouldn't worry, I have complete trust in my brother and sisters. They are very capable Guardians and always take good care of our daughter."

Rainbow laid down beside the lake and Indominus laid himself beside her.

"I'll always treasure you Indominus."

"As will I Rainbow Dash, you are my everything and my reason for living." The husband and wife shared one more kiss before Rainbow snuggled against Indominus's body and he draped his arm over her. The pegasus and dinosaur fell asleep in each other's hold as the moonlight illuminated them.

Twilight and the others made their way back home, with a first hand experience of how much Indominus loved Rainbow Dash.

"With love that strong, I don't think the Wonderbolts are going to ever tear them apart," said Twilight.

"Now Ah know Indominus meant it when he promised to take good care of Rainbow Dash. He truly is one hundred percent loyal to her."

"Absolutely darling, he's even more of a romantic than any of the stallions I've met," said Rarity.

"More importantly, that kind of love could help him get rid of that terrible anger," said Fluttershy.

"That's true Fluttershy, as long as Rainbow sticks with him, my brother will have the support he needs to conquer the Immortal Phoenix," said Tyrannosaurus as he carried an asleep Scootaloo back home.

The group went back to their homes, now glad that they knew how much of a great time Indominus had spent with Rainbow Dash,

Meanwhile, back at the bunkers, the Wonderbolts were having anything but a great time. Spitfire was in a raging fit, storming about the quarters, furious at both Rainbow Dash and Indominus. Rainbow had talked back to her so many times, and Indominus had succeeded in destroying their locker room and making Spitfire look like a scared fool. The others were nervous from seeing their captain so spitting mad, all except for Soarin. He knew that Indominus must've attacked and threatened Spitfire, causing her calm demeanor to break and develop the same hatred that he had for the hybrid dinosaur.

"I'll find that monster and once I get my hooves on him, I'll remove his reason for living!"

"How do you plan on doing that boss? This creature outclassed you in every way."

"Shut your mouth Clipper! How could you possibly know what kind of animal attacked me today?

"Because I already met him once, at last years Grand Galloping Gala."


Soarin flew to his ruined locker and returned with a photo he had stolen from the gala and a thin tube containing some strange liquid. Soarin threw the picture in the center of the room for all of the Wonderbolts to see, and they all gasped in shock. It was one of the many family photos that Photo Finish had produced after the dinosaurs got their voices.

"The one behind Rainbow Crash and that sister of hers, his name is Indominus Rex. He's the one that attacked you today, and has probably been the one who attacked us during yesterday's routine. I know all this because he threw me out of the Gala."

"That monster threw you out of the Gala?"

"Oh it gets worse boss, that monster is also the same one that gave Rainbow Crash her wedding ring." The Bolts had looks of sheer terror on their faces.

"No. She actually went and married a monster? So Crash's husband is a demonic monster of destruction that can kill us all if he wants?"

"I'm afraid so boss, that's why we have to kill him before he destroys the Wonderbolts."

"Just how are you planning on doing that Clipper?"

"With a strength enhancing formula." Soarin showed the strange liquid to the rest of the Wonderbolts. "I asked the lead ponies in Cloudsdale to whip up this special formula, which will allow us to bring down that monster and Rainbow Crash."

"I don't think she can be brought down. We called her that name so many times Soarin," said Fleetfoot.

"And yet you couldn't even break her spirit?"

Fleetfoot: "Well you know, it wasn't exactly like she was alone Soarin."

Surprise: "Yeah, what are we supposed to do? Kill Indominus?"

Soarin: "Precisely."

Soarin: I know that your powers of retention
Are as weak as a timberwolf's hide
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your tired expressions
The beast has invaded your mind
But we're talking heroes and salvations
We'll take out that monster from behind

So prepare for the chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
The Wonderbolt era
Is tiptoeing nearer

High Winds: And where do we feature?

Soarin: Just listen to teacher
Spitfire: I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last we are given our dues!
And injustice deliciously squared
Soarin/Spitfire: Be prepared!

Fleetfoot: So Soarin, how are you planning on us stopping this dinosaur.

Soarin: With the new formula I had made.

Surprise: What does it do?

Soarin: It'll make us strong enough to kill that monster, and his family.

High Winds: Great idea! Who needs heroes like them?

Wonderbolts: No heroes, no heroes! La la la la la!

Spitfire: Flatfoot! There WILL be heroes!

Fleetfoot: Who'd you have in mind?

Soarin: We will be heroes! Crash's spirit will die out, and Equestria will worship us as saviors for all time!

Fleetfoot: Yay, all right! Long live the beast!
Wonderbolts: Long live the beast!
Long live the beast!

Wonderbolts: The ponies will love and respect us
When we put that monster to rest

Soarin: Of course, quid pro quo, we're expected
To always remain the best
Spitfire: This future is littered with prizes
And though we're the main addressees
Soarin: Once the light fades from that beast's eyes

Soarin/Spitfire: So prepare for the battle of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest fight (Oooooo, la-la-la!)
Meticulous planning (We'll be loved!)
Tenacity spanning (Lots of love)
This age of denial (We reprise)
Is simply why we'll (Endless praise)
Be heroes undisputed
Respected, saluted
And seen for the wonders we are
Yes, my wings and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!

Wonderbolts: Yes, our wings and ambitions are bared -
Be prepared!