Thirty Minute Prompts

by Silver Inkwell

Prompt #74: Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

Rarity looked at the mirror on the wall and smiled to herself.

“Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of them all?”

It didn’t respond naturally enough of course (what did you expect? A story about a talking mirror driving her to be crazy and insane? Don’t be so silly and ridiculous, I mean who do you think that I am, really?).

She smiled as she curled her hair with her comb, oh the so many great sacrifices that she had to make to be beautiful, but at least it would all be worth it.

“Oh, course it will my dear, after all, you’re me.”

Wait, what was that, who was talking?

“Over here darling, right in front of you.”

Rarity turned to identify the speaker and was greatly surprised and shocked to see that it was none other than an image of herself in the mirror.

“But how?” she said.

“Well I’m a magic mirror silly, and I decided not to talk until now because I really don’t like to answer very ambiguous or opinion based questions, however facts and figures on the other hoof, well that I can do in a pinch of salt.”

“Well who enchanted you then exactly though?”

“Why the great and powerful Star Swirl of course.”

“Yes, of course, but what’s your purpose exactly?”

“Comfort, support, a thing to talk to, a reflection of your true real deep inner self, a mirror of knowledge, facts, and figures, basically my purpose can change depending upon my current owner, and right now that would be you of course.”

“Do you have a name though?”

“Yes, you can call me Silver, that’s what Star Swirl used to call me and no owner of mine has ever bother to try changing it either. The name has stuck ever since.”

“Well alright, fine then, Silver, uh, so what can I do with you then exactly though?”

“Whatever you want, darling, I’ll always be here for you no matter what happens to you or me, but I would highly suggest that you don’t try breaking me, I have a very powerful and ancient spell on me that would only instantly reassemble my various random parts until pieces., so if you could possibly perhaps quite not break me at all ever that would be really ever so helpful and kind of you.”

“Uh, well I guess I can do that,” Rarity said.

“Good then, we’re already off to a great start,” Silver said, “Would you like to know something first or would you like to teach me instead.”

Rarity groaned, “Oh great, now I have a talking sister to distract me.”

“I don’t always talk, I’ll keep silent only if you want me to.”

“Well that would be great unless you can help me out with my clothes.”

Silver smiled, “Oh, I had an owner in the past who was great at dresses, but she gave me away, although I had no clue or idea as to why, I believe that their names were Calvin Kline and Giorgio Hoofini.”

“Well then, why didn’t you say their names in the first place since they’re two of the whole entire world’s fashion designers,” Rarity said shouting and almost fainting. “Well, you didn’t ask, but now you did, well, technically.”

“Enough, teach me your ways and magic oh great and powerful mirror!!!”

Silver smiled, “Very well then, as you wish.”

And with that said the mirror taught her and very slowly she learned and grew very great and powerful, very rich and famous in the fashion industry.

But she too, like all the others, gave away the mirror when she had no more use for it, but little did she
know that for each time that it was thrown away a tiny little small seed of darkness and evil grew, one infected by chaos and one that would eventually spread and cause very great grief, sorrow, pain, agony, strife, despair, and many more things and stuff too as well.

But even if she did know she probably wouldn’t have cared anyways.

Too bad for her.