Appleboom's hardest decision

by Vicente Morales

Decisions and consequences


"Thank you all for coming, girls, I really needed to see you," said Appleboom, watching her two friends coming inside the treehouse. She had asked them earlier to come see her, because she wanted to talk to them. It was an emergency she had said.

"Are you going to tell us what this is all about, Appleboom? What are we doing here?" asked Scootaloo. She noticed her friend was tense, scared, and it looked like she had been crying for a long time.

"Yeah, tell us what happened, did you do something bad?" asked Sweetie Belle, who was now concerned about her friend after she saw how bad she looked. Appleboom, however, didn't say anything. She simply produced out of her saddlebag a small device, of the size of a pen, but thicker, and it had a little screen on one of its sides. It was something Sweetie has never seen before.

"What's that?" The unicorn filly asked with real curiosity.

"It's a pregnancy test," answered Scootaloo, "adult ponies use it tell you weather you're having a baby or not."

Sweetie was still confused, but after a moment she finally realized what that implied. "Oh! That can't be good," she said.

"I know!" The desperation was evident in appleboom's voice. "I'm so freaked out, guys, I really screwed up this time. All week I've been having all these weird symptoms, you know, like nausea and vomiting, my belly even hurt, and I can't stop going to the bathroom. And I knew it couldn't just be a stomach bug, so I went to the drug store in town, I bought the test and it only confirmed my suspicions. I'm telling you guys, I really screwed up this time."

Sweetie Belle grabbed the object with her magic, She checked the symbol shown on the little screen, and compared it with the two words written next to it. The symbol on the screen matched the one that had the word: Pregnant.

"What am I going to do now guys?" Appleboom was starting to feel worse.

"Come on, Appleboom, what are you saying?" Scootaloo replied first, "I think is pretty clear what you should do now.

"There's no way you can keep the baby, not only because you're too young, but also because you couldn't take care of it. You have no idea how much hard work and dedication it takes to be a mom. You would have to stop going to school, you would have to stay all day at home watching over it, and worst of all, you wouldn't have as much time to get out and spend time with us. Are you ready to sacrifice and give up all of that? I don't think so."

Before Appleboom could say anything, Sweetie Belle cut in, "So what, Scootaloo? What do you want her to do with the baby then, to get rid of it? Is that really what are you saying? That's horrible you know. You can't just be so irresponsible and careless. that's wrong, and it's murder too!"

"That's not true, Sweetie, it is not murder," retorted Scootaloo, "besides, don't be ridiculous, that baby it's going to change her life forever, you're simply asking too much from her, you have no idea what are you talking about."

Sweetie Belle pouted. "That doesn't give her a excuse to commit a murder," she shouted back.

"It's not a baby yet, Sweetie, don't be so dumb," the orange pegasus replied, "It's just a bunch of cells floating around inside her belly, which means it's not alive yet."

The little unicorn was more angry now. "I don't care Scootaloo, it's still wrong and I would never forgive Appleboom if she does something as terrible as that!"

Both of them stopped fighting and yelling at each other, when they heard what sounded like somepony was sobbing at the other extreme of the the room. Both fillies gasped when they saw it was Appleboom, she was lying on the floor, crying inconsolably. They rushed to her and sat at her side, they got her up and put their arms around her in a warm and tight hug.

"We are sorry, Appleboom, we didn't mean to make you feel worse," Scootaloo apologized.

"Yeah, we're sorry," added Sweetie Belle, "I didn't mean what I said, I could never stop being your friend. I was just angry and I don't know why I said it, but it's a lie. I will never leave you, Appleboom, I love you and you're my friend."

After a while, Appleboom finally calmed down. She looked at her two friends and asked, "But i still don't know what I'm going to do girls, I really need your help."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at each other, they were just as uncertain as her friend. This was just too much for them.

"I think," Scootaloo finally spoke, "we are not really the kind of ponies you should be asking help from, we are just as confused as you are, Appleboom. I think we need to go talk to an adult.

"I understand that maybe you don't want to tell your sister just yet, but maybe we can go and talk to one of our sisters instead. I'm pretty sure Rainbow dash and Rarity will know what to do."

Sweetie Belle nodded to her friend in approval, "yeah, that sounds like a great idea."

Appleboom simply smiled.


"Fuck!" Was the only thing that Rainbow dash could say due to the shock. "Fuck!" She repeated.

"Come on, Rainbow dash," Scootaloo complained, "this is serious, we really need your help right now." The fillies had found the pegasus in an open field, most likely practicing a new trick.

"I'm sorry," replied Rainbow, "it's just that I'm really shocked, you guys. When you said you needed my help, I thought you were going to tell me that you made a mess in somepony's house and now you own a lot of money, or that you have burned one of Twilight's books by accident or that you got one of your friends injured in one of your games or something like that, but no this! I would have never expected you to tell me something like this. so I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to be shocked."

"I'm so scared and so confused, Rainbow dash," Appleboom finally spoke, "What am I supposed to do? I can't have a baby, I don't want to have a baby. I know it's sounds horrible, but that's how I feel. Does that make me a bad pony, I don't want to be a bad pony either."

"Look, Appleboom," Rainbow tried to speak, but Appleboom cut her off.

"But I can't just simply get rid of it, can I? What would ponies think of me? What would my family think of me? Everypony in town would hate me and think I'm a horrible pony. Do you think I'm a horrible pony, Rainbow? please don't hate me, please tell me I'm not horrible." Appleboom started to cry again.

Rainbow dash looked at her in the eyes, they were filled with terror, pain and uncertainty. Appleboom was going through a real hard time and she understood perfectly all the mixed emotions and feelings and thoughts that go through your mind in a situation like this. A decision as big and important like this one, was not a piece of cake, this was a decision that will forever change her life.

"Look, Appleboom," Rainbow
said, "I'm going to tell you guys a story, a story that only Rarity and Twilight know about.

"Almost two years ago, a little bit after Twi arrived at poniville, I started to felt sick. I had nauseas and couldn't stop vomiting, that was seriously putting a damper to my fly practice and my training, so I went to the doctor. At first I thought it would be just a persistent infection, I'd had one of those before, but never in a thousand years would have thought it was what the doctor told me.

"The hospital had ran a couple tests and the results were perfectly clear. I was pregnant."

The three fillies in front of her gasped, utterly surprised to hear that Rainbow had once been pregnant too.

"I was devastated," The pegasus continued, "I was so angry, so sad and so confused, I had no idea what I was going to do. Without expecting it, my life had been turned upside down, my dreams of becoming a wonderbolt, my plans, were shattered to pieces. I had to find a solution, I needed to find somepony to help me.

"Back then, I barely knew Twi, but I knew she was smart, and most importantly, she was nice and kind, so I knew that if I went and talk to her, she would not only be patient and understanding, I knew she would do whatever she could to help me to make a decision.

"She told me, "Rainbow, does being a mom is something you would want to be right now?" "Of course not!" I told her, "I want to be a wonderbolt, it's all I've ever wanted to be my entire life. but also, I feel a lot of guilt just by thinking about... you know..., an abortion." I couldn't even say the word, girls, abortion is a big word after all.

"She thought for a moment and then she asked me, "What would happen if you decide to keep the baby?"

"I would most likely never become a wonderbolt," I answered her, "This baby would kill any possibility of me ever getting into the wonderbolts. My dream will be over, my life will be over!"

"Would you be able to forgive her for doing so?" Twi said, "After having your baby, would you forgive her for stopping you from making your dream come true?"

"I was speechless, I understood what Twi was trying to say. Having the baby not only meant giving up on my dreams, it also meant that it was going to be the reason I gave up those dreams, and I would have spent the rest of our lives blaming her and even hating her for that reason. All of a sudden, the option of giving birth to my baby sounded like a very bad idea, like the wrong thing to do."

"No, I would not forgive her," I said to Twilight.

"See, Appleboom, if I would have had that baby, I would have hated her, I would have resented her for ruining my dreams. I would have probably harmed her and blamed her for every bad thing that would have happened to me. I would have not only made my life miserable, I would have made her life miserable too, and that was not fair, not for me not for her.

"A baby should be brought to this world with love, and with the intention to give her love, to give her everything she needs and make her life beautiful and amazing, or else, that baby is only going to grow up resentful and sad towards life, and that is most likely what was going to happen if I would have had that baby. The obligation of a good mother, is to do the best and the right thing for their foals, so I did what I believed was the best, not only for me but for my foal. I truly believe that the most loving thing I could have done was not to bring my baby to this world, not under those circumstances."

Rainbow dash had started to cry a little bit, but she continued her story nevertheless.

"Twilight accompanied me to the clinic. Her support and friendship was what kept me strong despite my own doubts and fears, she was pretty cool about it. I was in the hospital for about three days due to a complication during my procedure. while I was recovering though, twilight handed me a flyer announcing that in less that a month, in cloudsdale, there was going to take place the Young fliers competition. As soon as I got out of the hospital, I resumed my exercises and training, I had to strain myself and work hard if I wanted to be really ready for the competition.

"As you perfectly know now, I won. And now, I'm the newest and best member of the wonderbolts. I made my dreams come true.

"As you can see now, Appleboom, I had an abortion, and now that you know that, do you hate me? Does your idea of me and your respect for me vanish just because of that? of course it doesn't, just as it won't make you a bad pony either. However, if I would have had that baby, I would have most likely been a horrible mother, and that would have made me, ironically, a bad pony."

The three fillies were so amazed, they didn't know what to say. Then Rainbow dash continued.

"But that's just my experience and that's just my opinion. I think you should talk with someone who has a different position about this, just like I did. You guys should have seen how angry and upset Rarity was when I told her, she was totally against it. I didn't listen to her obviously, but maybe we should go an talk to her if you want."

"Yes, let's talk to my sister, it's only fair," said Sweetie Belle, "I mean, if you want to Appleboom."

Appleboom simply nodded.


"You should put her up to adoption," Was the instantaneous reply from Rarity. Scootaloo grunted. Rarity looked at her a little offended and asked her, "There's something wrong with what I said, little Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo flinched, but immediately she steeled her resolve, "I'm sorry miss Rarity," she said, "I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I think that is a terrible idea."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Oh, do you mind tell us, young one, why do you think that?"

The pegasus filly said in a sad tone, "Well, like I said miss Rarity, I don't mean no offense, but you don't know what is like to be an orphan, an abandoned filly. You don't know how sad it is to see other fillies and colts playing and walking alongside their parents, smiling and laughing happily.

"You don't know how much it hurts to see them being picked up at school by their mother, while you're left alone under the rain or the snow, because your mom decided to abandon you years ago and you don't know why she did it."

"Well, no, I guess I wouldn't know." Rarity was so ashamed by her lack of touch on the subject, that she tried to apologize, but Scootaloo hasn't finished yet.

"You don't know what it feels like to sleep in an old, cold bed with no sheets, surrounded by other fillies and colts whose moms also thought they were an annoying burden, a punishment, so they were left at the steps of a chapel or an orphanage. Small babies left on their own to face this huge mean world by themselves.

"You don't know what it feels like to see couple after couple arriving at the orphanage, couples who will never pick you because you were too old and they only wanted babies. So after a while, your hope of getting a family of you own also dies.

"Or maybe something even worse would happen. You would indeed get picked up, but sadly not by a good family, but rather by a family that would abuse you, hit you, scream at you and so many worse and horrendous things that your adoptive dad would do to you.

"You don't know how many nights I spent without sleeping, thinking why my mom would bring me to this world. What for? If all I ever was going to experience was pain and suffering.

"So many times, I wished, I really did, I wished my mommy would have gotten rid of me. I wished my mommy would have killed me in her belly so she would have spared me such a horrible existence. That way, I would have never suffered all the horrible things I went through. I .. I ... "

Scootaloo tried to continue, but her tears and her sobs didn't allow her to do so.

Rarity was devastated, she felt ashamed. Sometimes we try to express our opinion on a subject, but we do it without knowing what other ponies have gone through, and we failed to understand them and we are unable to see the whole picture.

"I apologize," Rarity finally said, "I didn't know you have experienced all those things. I should have been more sensitive and more tactful. I didn't take your feelings into consideration and I'm sorry for that," she finished.

"However," Rarity tried to continue, but Rainbow immediately gave her a disapproving glare.

"Seriously, Rarity? You're actually going to argue after what she just said? seriously?"

"I'm sorry for the plight you went through and all the atrocious events that transpired in your life, little Scootaloo," said the white unicorn, "but not all adoptive parents are evil. In fact, there are a lot of them who love and care for their adoptive foals as if they were their own, sometimes even more.

"Which is why, to me at least, adoption still sounds like a more reasonable choice that you should consider, Appleboom, before resorting to more barbaric solutions."

"But, Rarity," Rainbow dash challenged, "if Appleboom put her baby in adoption, There's no way you can know for sure that she will be lucky to find a loving home and great parents. For all we know, she could end up suffering and going through the same horrible fate that scoots went, do you really want to take that chance?"

That threw Rarity for a loop. She still wanted to get Appleboom to consider adoption as an option, but she didn't know how. Suddenly an idea came to her mind.

"What if," she declared excited, "What if Appleboom does exactly what that teenage girl did in that movie, what was it called, Oh, yes! Juno. Have any of you seen that film?" The expression of confusion on their faces let her know that they didn't have the slightest idea what she was talking about, so she proceeded to explain.

"In the movie, Juno is a teenage pony who finds out she's pregnant, but she decides that she doesn't want to have an abortion. However, she doesn't want to hand out her baby to any stranger either, because she was afraid they would not be good and kind ponies. So, she puts an ad on the newspaper, saying she's looking for the perfect couple to adopt her baby.

"Of course she's going to make interviews and she'll get to know the couple personally and conduct an thorough investigation on them, and see if they meet her standards and expectations, which turns out to be a wonderful idea. She finds the perfect couple and the perfect mother for her baby!" Rarity gave a squeal of excitement, "Doesn't that sound like a delightful idea, little Appleboom?"

Appleboom looked at her. "Well, I reckon that sounds like a nice idea, but I would only do it if I can find a nice married couple who can prove they will provide everything my baby will need," declared Appleboom.

"But that only raises one more problem, Rarity," Said Rainbow dash.

"And what exactly is that darling?" Rarity's patience was starting to run out.

Rainbow gave her a grin. "Well, what if after the nine months of the pregnancy, Appleboom hasn't find any couple that is worthy of her baby, what then, Rarity? She's going to find herself stuck with a baby she doesn't want to keeo and whom she doesn't want to give it away either. What's going to happen then Rarity, what the hay is she going to do then?"

"Well, maybe, I.. well... I..." Rarity stammered, taken aback by the very reasonable question. She had to admit that Rainbow dash had a very strong argument.

"Well, in the unlikely and improbable scenario that Appleboom can't find an adoptive couple, then, well, then I will adopt the baby!" Rarity threw in, boldly and so sure of herself.

Rainbow fell to the floor laughing hysterically. Rarity just looked at her with an offended expression. "What is so funny, Rainbow dash? please tell me, because I fail to see the humor in it," It took a while for the pegasus to stop laughing, but when she did, she then replied.

"Come on, Rarity, you can't be serious. You? a mother? seriously? You are not even capable of taking care of your little sister, and she doesn't even wear diapers anymore. Please, tell me, how do you plan on taking care of a foal who's going to need your full attention and time.

You will have to feed her, change her diapers, play with her, put her to sleep and all that stuff. Please, do enlighten me, darling," Rainbow said in a mockingly way, "Do you think you can make that sacrifice?"

Rarity didn't answer. Rarity couldn't answer. Rainbow continued.

"Because if you adopt the baby, that would mean you won't have time to make your beloved dreeses, or play dress up with them, no time to attend your boutique, and guess what? You won't even have time to go to your beloved spa anymore."

"No spa!" Rarity shrieked, swallowing a lump in her throat. She paused, then reluctantly admitted.

"Alright, Rainbow dash, you are right, I can't have a baby. It's simply too much for me. Please, don't make me have a baby, I wouldn't know what to do with it, I would be devastated!" Rainbow could only laugh.

"Exactly, that's my point, look at you, Rarity. You're a grown up mare, with a business, mature and responsible, and not even you are capable of taking over such a responsibility as enormous as that. Then, how do you expect little Appleboom, who is still a filly, to do it?"

Rainbow was right, she had won the discussion and Rarity was now cornered and very, very upset. However, she would never ever approve something as terrible and twisted as an abortion. So she threw back at the Pegasus.

"Well, Rainbow dash, forgive me for worrying so much about the well being of the baby, I'm such a idiot for doing so, right? Please, forgive me for having a soul and a conscience, forgive me for not being as senseless, as desensitized and heartless as you are, dear Rainbow dash. I'm sorry darling, but not all of us can be such brutes and savages and kill our own babies without a second thought!"

Rarity put both her hooves in her mouth, in a fail attempt to stop herself from saying what she just said, but it was too late. The hurtful and venomous words have already come out of her mouth, she knew she had said something terrible and the worst of all, she knew perfectly she could never take it back.

Rainbow's eyes were full of tears, the pain she felt in that moment was just too much for her.

"I'm so sorry, Rainbow," Said the white unicorn, so full of regret, "I don't know why I said that. "

"Save it, Rarity," The pegasus shouted back at her, "I'm glad you said it, you know, it's good to know what you actually think about me. It's good to finally know, that after so much time has passed, you still hate me and despise me for a decision i took about my body and my life.

"It's great to finally realized that you are so judgmental and intolerant and unforgiving towards me because of what I did a long time ago. Bravo, Rarity," Rainbow clapped her hooves in a mockingly way, "You are the friend of the year, thanks for your support and your friendship, thank you so much," Rainbow left the boutique in a blink, flying out the window.

Rarity ran desperately towards the window, screaming after her pegasus friend, "I'm sorry, Rainbow dash, I'm so sorry, please come back," but her would not come back. She leaned her forehead on the windowsill, and started to cry. A couple minutes later, she finally stopped and turned her head to address the fillies in the room.

"I think it's best if we go and pay Twilight a visit, she'll know what to do," she then added, "Scootaloo, do me a favor, darling, could you please go and find Rainbow dash and inform her where are we going to be, tell her we will be at Twilight's castle."


"I believe," Twilight started, "you already have all the elements and all the information you need in order for you to take the best decision. After all, it's your body, it's your life, and nopony, not even your closest friends, have the right to manipulate you or persuade you to take a decision you are not comfortable with," she looked at Rarity and Sweetie Belle, "neither do they have the right to make you feel bad about it, that's not what a real friend would do."

"I guess no" Rarity said, reluctantly.

"Ha! in your face!" celebrated rainbow dash and laughed at the white unicorn. Rarity realized that the fact that the pegasus was being so playful and friendly towards her, meant she had actually forgiven her after they met again and Rarity had deeply apologized. So she said nothing and just gave her a smile. She was more than happy to have her friend back after the horrible things she said to her, so she let it slip.

"However," continued twilight, "you shouldn't take the easy way either simply because it's easier. You have to be 100% sure and 100% certain that this is what you really want, cause if you don't, you might regret it someday, Appleboom."

Rainbow grunted "So then, what is the right decision?" She asked in a very frustrating tone.

"That's just it, Rainbow," replied Twilight, "if you ask me, this isn't about right or wrong, most ponies want to believe that life is that simple, that life can only be black and white, and right and wrong, but that is a very simplistic and unrealistic way to look at reality.

"No, Life is more about taking decisions, and living with the consequences of such decisions, and no matter how hard you try to minimize the collateral damage, there's always going to be things that you'll lose and things you'll win while walking down the road. it's simply inevitable.

"What you have to do now is go and talk to Applejack, and have a talk about what it is best for you and your future. Only you two can find a solution to your problem," Twilight added.

"No, Twilight, I'm scared," replied Appleboom.

Twilight could easily relate. So many times she had done something wrong that she didn't want for Princess Celestia to find out about. But she had also learned, that no matter how much she tried to hide and deny it, Celestia would find out ultimately.

"I understand that, Appleboom, but you're going to have to do it sooner or later, she's going to find out anyway. So I truly believe that is better if you come clean with her as soon as possible."

"I reckon that is what you should you do too, sugarcube," a new voice took everypony by surprise.

After hearing her big sister's voice, all poor Appleboom could do was jump and then ran and hide behind Twilight, never in her life has she been more scared and frightened than right now.

"AJ!" exclaimed Twilight, "What are you doing here?"

Applejack was standing by the door, all of them were so engrossed in the conversation that neither of them noticed when Applejack arrived.

"Hi, Twi, good evening to you too," she said, "well, I've been looking for my little sister all afternoon because she never showed up at home after school, as a matter of fact, she never went to school this morning either, that's what miss Cheerilee told me while I was there. School was the first place I went looking for her.

"I went to every place I could think of, but she was nowhere to be found. That was until I spotted Rainbow dash in the sky, and she was carrying little Scootaloo in her back, I screamed at them but neither of them heard me, I noticed they were headed this way, so I decided to simply follow them."

"So, how much of the conversation did you get to hear?" Asked Twilight.

"Enough Twi, believe me, enough,"
after saying that, Applejack approached towards where her sister was hiding, Twilight stepped aside so the earth pony could be face to face with her sister, who was lying on the floor, curled up in a ball. She was covering her face with her front hooves, too afraid of what her big sister will do to her that she couldn't face her.

Applejack simply sat next to her and hold her in a big warm hug. Appleboom returned the embrace and started crying in her big sister's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, AJ," said Appleboom, "please, sis, don't be mad, I know what I did was stupid and I screwed up big time, but please."

Applejack cut her off, putting a gentle hoof in her mouth. "There's nothing to be sorry about Appleboom, we all make mistakes, what really matters is that you're willing to face this problem like an adult and that you're trying to find a solution. You're not hiding or tryin to run away from it, that shows maturity and courage, and I'm so proud of you because of that sugarcube."

"But I'm scared, AJ." Although Appleboom was feeling a little bit better now, she still was overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"It's normal to be afraid, Appleboom. We all get scared and confused when we have to deal with situations as big and terrifying like this one, but you have to remember that you're not alone, you have the support and understanding of your family and your friends, and you got to remember that not matter how big the challenge, we're all going to be here to help you to figure things out."

"But I still don't know what to do, big sis," said Appleboom.

However, before Applejack could say anything, Rarity cut in, "Sorry to interrupt darling, but don't you think it would be a good idea to talk to Appleboom about Pear Butter, you know? I truly believe it will be easier for your little sister to take a decision after she hears the story of Pear Butter's life."

"I reckon is a mighty fine idea," replied Applejack.

"Pear Butter?" Asked Appleboom confused. She was sure she had heard the name before, but she couldn't remember where.

"Pear Butter," repeated Applejack, "is the name of my mother, your mother, Appleboom."

Appleboom's eyes went wide. Every time she would ask her big sister about her mother, Applejack would only stay silent. Other times she would even scream at Appleboom, telling her to never ask about that again. But Appleboom could never understand why, why so much secrecy and denial.

"I know I always told you to never ask about your mom, Appleboom," started Applejack, "and I know you were so confused about why. Well, sugarcube, after you listen to this story, you'll finally understand why it was so painful to me to talk to you about our mother.

"After Pa died," Applejack started, "Big Mac and I were not only sad and upset, but we were also very scared and worried, because we knew that now it was our responsibility to take care of the farm. We were going to have to make all the hard work, all the chores and basically be the ones responsible for it. We not only had to deal with the pain of losing our father, but we also found ourselves forced to grow up from one day to the next.

"So yeah, we were really scared, but we were also sure that we could do it, because we had our mom to our side, and together we were going to make things work out.

"That is, until one fateful morning, approximately one month after Pa passed away, mom was feeling really sick, she had nauseas, a very nasty fever and she couldn't stop throwing up. We rushed her to the hospital so the doctors could run some tests and tell us what was wrong with her, and let me tell you, something was wrong with her alright.

"Mom was pregnant, Appleboom. Mom was going to have a baby, and that baby was you," Appleboom gasped, all of this was amazing and terrifying at the same time.

"See, sugarcube, when the doctors told us this, we weren't worry, quite the opposite, we were happy to have a new baby coming to join us, after all, a new apple in the family is always a reason to celebrate. And mom was the happiness of all of us.

"Unfortunately, we were on a severe losing streak, and these good news rapidly turned into sour cider. The doctors told us that mom's was a high risk pregnancy, and that if mom wanted to increase her probabilities of living, she had to get rid of the baby.

"Mom was devastated of course. This baby was the last gift her beloved husband had left to her, to take care of it, to protect it, to raise it and to give it all the love in the world, not to kill it. Mom spend the next days and nights crying and hurting. She didn't want to do have an abortion, but she also knew that if she decided to keep the baby, she could die and that would mean leave me and your brother alone. her heart was broken.

"I still don't know if it was stubbornness, pride, love, or even faith, but mom decided to keep the baby. During 6 months mom struggled with pain and complications, but she never backed down. sadly, that battle proved to be too much for her body to resist. One afternoon the pain had increased too much that we had to take mom to the hospital. She had entered into labor.

"She had gave birth to a beautiful yellow earth pony filly with red hair. Unfortunately, she had also lost too much blood, and she died there and then. And to top it all up, you were too premature and the probabilities of you to survive were so few. But like some kind of miracle, you made it.

"See, Appleboom, you don't know this, but for a very long time I blamed you for the death of our mom. I hated you and I couldn't forgive you for taking her away from us. I needed her, I missed her so much, and you took her from me sugarcube."

Applejack's tears were now many and unstoppable, regardless, she continued.

"I spent a lot of time wondering, unable to comprehend why mom had been so careless, so reckless and so stupid to do what she did. She didn't think of us, she didn't care that she might leave us and that we would miss her. Why, I would asked her in bed at night, why did you do it? As time went on, after seeing you grow up, seeing walking your first steps, say your first word and seeing how small and how full of happiness you were, I understand why mom did it.

"She had done it out of pure love. You were the last memory of our father, and mom loved you to pieces. After a few more time had passed, I started to see you in the same way that mom did, except that in my case, you were not only the last memory of dad, but also of mom. And I knew that mom would have wanted me to take care of you and to give you as much love as possible, and I've been doing just that since then. I love you, Appleboom, and every time I lay my eyes upon you, I see not only you, but also dad and mom as well."

Applejack approached Appleboom, and pull her in a tight and warm hug.

"I love you, big sis," said Appleboom, rejoicing in the comfort and love of her sister's embrace.

Applejack broke the hug and then looked at her sister in the eyes.

"See, Appleboom, if somepony would ask me what would I choose, if having my mom back or stay with you, I wouldn't know what to answer, because it's the kind of question that has no place in life, just like Twilight said.

"Real life is more complex and difficult than most ponies want to believe, all I know is that you're with me in the here and now sugarcube, and that I love you so much. yes, of course I miss mom and I forever will, but there's no point in dwelling on things that are no longer here, all that's left to do is to face the present and deal with the problems that we might have in our hands.

"That's really what life is all about," Applejack finished.

"So, Appleboom," Twilight cut in, "Have you decided what are you going to do?"

Appleboom looked Twilight in the eye, with a resolve that the princess has never seen before in the little filly, "Yes, Twilight, I know exactly what I have to do."


As Appleboom and Applejack were walking down the pathway towards the entrance of the clinic, several protesters ponies were screaming and shouting them insults, calling them names, claiming they will burn in Tartarus. Some of those ponies even use some words that Appleboom has never heard in her entire life.

To Appleboom all of this was confusing and ultimately ridiculous. None of these ponies knew her, none of them knew her situation, her life and everything she was going through. she couldn't comprehend how in Celestia's name they thought they have any right to tell her what to do. It was simply laughable.

To her, it was as foolish as telling her what she should eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear or with which ponies she should hang out with. to her, they were the ones confused.

"Don't listen to them, Appleboom," explained Applejack, "these ponies somehow think they have been chosen by a higher power and that they have a obligation to tell other ponies what to do with their lives and that they have the right to pass judgement upon us. They think we are sick and they are the cure," Applejack chuckled, "in the apple family, have always called that kind of ponies, nutjobs," she finished with a smile.

All Appleboom could feel for those ponies was pity. life was so beautiful and amazing, and all these poor souls were wasting their lives away by telling other ponies what to do. To her, they were the ones stranded and lost. Appleboom felt sorry for
them. "someday they'll understand," she said to herself.

To Appleboom's surprise, the procedure only lasted 10 minutes, it was relatively painless thanks to the pills they gave her, and didn't have any complications at all. Actually, what was more annoying was all the paper work she had to read and sign. fortunately, she only had to wait an hour after for the doctor to release her from the clinic and to give her more medication. That same afternoon, she was back in the farm. She still felt a little uncomfortable, but she also felt relieved. all she needed to do now was to rest and get better.

Back at the farm, big Mac and granny smith were waiting for her, along with all her friends, and of course, a nice but quiet welcome party, that pinkie had organised for her. Appleboom felt so happy for all the signs of support and understanding and affection from each one of the most important ponies in her life. She was glad, and thankful. and she knew that with the help of her friends and family, everything was going to be ok.

That night, when Appleboom went to bed, she fell asleep with a smile on her her face, because deep down in her heart, she knew she had made the right decision.

The end