//------------------------------// // The Doctor Come to Town // Story: Lyra and The Doctor // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// The Doctor Comes to Town The Doctor flew in his Tardis waiting for his next adventure to come now then. “Now then, the real question to ask here isn’t why I’m here, or rather why I am a pony instead, but rather why I’m even bothering to talk to you at all unless I am assuming that you are indeed and here, or at the very least watching and/or listening to me, or perhaps maybe you’re just fictional and I’m real instead. Or maybe we’re both real instead, or I could just be talking to myself instead, I do that a lot, quite frequently so, but here’s the real question that you should be asking of me instead, why does the Tardis always take me to where I am needed? Why in all of space and time can it always know where I am needed most? Answer, it’s alive, and time is very fluid, only a few small select few tiny little spots are ever really truly fixed and therefore cannot be changed. Or at least they shouldn’t instead, it depends upon how you look at it. But anyhow I can’t wait to find my next adventure although I must rather admit that I have no real idea why I’m a pony now, though to continue being completely honest with you I do look quite handsome and charming, which is a plus for any species, race, or life form instead, but I still don’t have ginger hair yet, that’s sad, and I also have this tattoo thingy on my butt, I don’t know why that’s there exactly, but perhaps the native locals can explain it to me when I can finally get there, anyhow it was nice talking to myself, see you again soon enough if I get myself in some sort of danger or peril, which I always manage to do somehow.” And with that said he stopped imagining himself in the Tardis as he walked through the town now, he liked to imagine himself in the Tardis quite a lot, very much so that sometimes he couldn’t always tell the difference between what was in his mind and reality, but he always could tell when it had landed, which was about thirty to sixty minutes ago by his calculations. His Tardis had landed in a very dark forest that looked both spooky and creepy too as well, and when he did he pulled out one of his detectors for alien life or rather anything different. And something different would have to be strange and unusual and odd for this timeline and land, but if he was to know where he was exactly he would have to explore first. “Well then, another day another adventure, let’s go, shall we?” And with that said he tried do find a way out and eventually he finally did so. “Oh look, a very small tiny little town, that seems quite dull and boring and drab, but it’s probably exactly where everything dangerous happens or nothing interesting at all, so let’s go and take a look, shall we then?” He rubbed his two front hooves together in much anticipation and expectation and then he wandered around the town getting to know it very well until he was finally quite certain that he had memorized it. “Okay, I know my way around town, now the only question that remains is who is the most important pony of them all? Wow, I never thought that I would say that question out loud, but before I start asking questions I’d better eat, I’m feeling rather hungry right now.” He looked around for some food until he finally spotted a very lovely orange mare with a brown dusty hat selling some apples. “You there, hello,” he said trotting over to her, “How much for one of these apples? I’m feeling rather very hungry at the moment and I can’t think as well if I am ever really that hungry.” “That’ll be two bits, sir,” she said. “Bits? What are those exactly? I know it would be your standard rate of exchange or your currency instead basically enough, but what are they anyways exactly?” “Uh, they’re gold, but are you alright sir? Is everything just fine?” “Yes, it is fine and well, but two gold bits for one apple? That seems a bit excessive for some food, seriously I’m starting to wish for the company of the humans to be with them again, but would you accept something else as payment? Cash maybe? Or perhaps some music instead? I have a very lovely voice.” “Uh sir, we only accept bits here, no other form of payment is needed or required so if you don’t have anything to pay with then you should probably leave.” “Well alright, fine then, I’d best be going anyways because I need to find out who’s the most important here,” he said. “Uh, that would be the mayor, she’s at the town hall.” “Excellent, just point me the way there then and I’m sure I’ll eventually find my way there, there’s no need to be kind and generous by offering your help to me at all, but it’s the thought that really truly counts.” She pointed in the right proper direction, “It’s that way sir.” “Well then, thank you very much, good day, good luck, and goodbye now.” And with that said he went towards town hall until he met her. Meanwhile… Lyra Heartstrings had been having a very private special talk and conversation with her very best friend Bon Bon until she heard the Doctor speak, unintentionally of course, but it was the word human that caught her attention the most as she suddenly turned towards him away from her friend. “Lyra? Are you even paying attention to me anymore? Loot at me right now if you are, okay?” “I’m sorry Bon Bon, but he said something about humans, I have to go follow him, who knows, maybe it can really lead to something this time.” She rolled her eyes, “Lyra, you have to stop this quest for humans, there’s no such thing, they’re not real and they don’t exist, they never have and they never will either, and I’m sure that he’s crazy and/or insane anyways, so let’s just go already, okay?” she said. “No, I have to do this, and you can’t stop me either, I’m so very sorry, but I just have to go now,” she said quickly darting her way through the crowd as she dashed towards him filled with the rush of the chase. “Lyra! Wait for me!” But it was already too late as she rushed in front of the brown stallion. “Well hello there, who are you exactly? Or rather what should I call you instead if you don’t want to give me your real true name?” “Call me Lyra Heartstrings, that’s the name that I was born with.” “Well if that’s your story then I should have no room to doubt it or you instead, now then can you please guide me to the town hall? I seem to be a rather bit lost right now,” “Sure thing,” she said smiling. “Well actually that’s a lie, I’m not lost,” he said, “I was just testing you instead.” “Testing me for what though exactly?” “Your kindness and generosity, your braveness, intelligence, and wit can wait until later, anyhow thank you for the help even though I didn’t really need it, truly I didn’t,” he said as they arrived at the town hall. “You’re welcome, but I actually had a question that I wanted to ask you-,” “Not right now, I’m very busy, because first I’ll need to find the mayor.” “There she is right now, but what should I call you though exactly?” “Oh, that’s right, I never gave you my name, just call me the Doctor.” “Just the Doctor? What, come on? No last or first name?” “Yes, just the Doctor, and I have a name, it’s just one that no one else will ever know, both human and pony alike, and every other race and alien life form and species that’s out there, but enough talk, I have a politician to persuade.” And with that said he walked over to the mayor. “I don’t like politicians, I never have and I never will either, the only things that they ever want are money, control, power, and your vote of course. And they’re all so very stupid and idiots too as well, they never learn and they think that fixing one problem won’t somehow eventually cause another. They’re the worst people that I generally and usually have ever put up with, that and military of course, but in this case it’s rather ponies to use as the term instead, and it’s very annoying when I always have to constantly correct myself. Traveling to completely new worlds and timelines can be so confusing sometimes. Anyhow enough of what I like, which includes the singer David Bowie, the party animal known as Beethoven, and of course the ever crazy and eccentric party animal known as Mozart too as well, and then there’s my list of dislikes which may or may not be just as long as the list of things and people and also ponies that I like, it’s time that we get back to the story, don’t worry though, I’ll explain why I’m still bothering to talk to you in a moment after I’m done, okay?” Lyra watched as he talked to the mayor. “Well hello there, I would assume that you’re the leader of this town then now?” “Well yes, I am sir, welcome to Ponyville, we’re very glad to have you here but can you please tell me what brings you here to us and why exactly?” “My matters are my own, but just in case I’m a traveler that protects others from whatever harm, danger, and peril might come.” “Well the town of Ponyville never has anything like that ever happen.” “Oh trust me that’s what you all think until it actually does.” “Well is there something that I can help you with? Anything at all?” “Yes, can you tell me if you’re using any hologram projectors?” “Uh no, and what are those anyways exactly?” “Huh, so this is real, okay, unless I’m still dreaming,” he said pinching and then slapping himself, “Nope, this isn’t a dream, or at least I don’t think so,” “Doctor-,” “Although I should have figured out that you have nothing too advanced yet or alien since when I look around there’s nothing off, so clearly I must be a pony for real, I don’t know why though or for what reason exactly.” “Doctor-,” “So the only logical reasonable conclusion is that I must be in a completely new different universe, well this is new and very interesting, how curious.” “DOCTOR!!!” “What is it annoying green pony?” “My name is Lyra and I demand an answer to my question.” “Sure thing darling, I have time for you, anything at all as you might wish or want instead.” “You said something about humans, can you please elaborate on that?” “Sure thing, just give me a moment to finish talking to the mayor here,” he said turning to her, “Now then, are there any major events, holidays, or celebrations coming up at all? Anything at all to be considered even slightly not normal or regular or ordinary? Something different, strange, unusual, or odd?” “Well we do have the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow, 1000 years of it to be exact.” “Yes, I’m sure that it will be accurate enough, but will it be precise?” “Doctor? Are you alright? Something seems to be troubling you?” “I’m fine Lyra, I’m just thinking, that’s all,” he said, “Thank you for your help mayor, that’s all that I wanted, just information, nothing more or less.” And with that said he strolled down the street. “Wait, where are you going?” “The library, there’s always one in every town or city that I go to, and chances are that there might just be something inside that can help me out, perhaps a book or a pony who knows something about a book instead, and if there is then it might just let me know the history of this town, land, and world too as well, and if I know that then I know what to look for, how to find it, and then all I’ll have to do is figure a way out to stop it before it’s too late for all of us.” “Doctor, you’re not making any sense right now, care to explain yourself?” “No, not just yet, I’ll have a plan though eventually of course.” “Do you always have a plan for everything?” “Yes I do, boy scout motto, always be prepared, and I am, with a plan of action and words too as well, and no matter what I will always win.” “You’ve never lost a single battle or fight before?” “Only when I lost my home planet and whole entire world to war, but at least their suffering is over, their strife is gone, they don’t have to be in agony and despair anymore, they won’t have to cry tears of sorrow, not anymore at least.” “Well what if you can’t find something in time for your plan, what then exactly?” “Well I’ll just wing it, it’s what I always usually do, well in most general cases.” “You seem… well… different.” “Thank you, I pride myself with my service of course.” “You also seem a bit strange, you’re highly unusual, you’re very odd, I like that.” “Well I have been told so by many before, and I’ve always taken it as a compliment, after all, who wants to be just a regular normal pony instead?” “Well you don’t apparently enough,” she said. “Yes, being what I am gets me many enemies, but it also can bring that start of something new, something truly amazing, wonderful and brilliant.” “Well I guess that’s true enough, but here we are, the town library.” “It’s much smaller than I expected it to be, and it’s also in a tree house, that’s new, and very interesting too as well.” “Well it’s a very small tiny little town, we don’t need a big huge wide library with even more vast knowledge than that which we already have.” “Well I hope that it just can fit my needs even if it doesn’t give me what I want or wish for, just like my Tardis.” “Wait, what? What exactly is a Tardis?” “A Time and Relative Dimension in Space machine, and the one that I currently have is a big blue police telephone box, and please don’t ask me why that is, I’ll just probably ignore you until I can find an answer to satisfy you with.” “So, what is it that you’re looking for?” she said as they entered the library. “Well the past history of this place of course, how the town came to be, how this whole entire world came to be, and speaking of land what’s this called anyways?” “It’s called Equestria,” she said. “Oh, how very lovely and interesting, okay, so who rules this land then?” “Princess Celestia, she raises and lowers the sun each and every day.” “Um, no, she doesn’t, that would-be science instead, and first of all, whatever you think you see her doing, it’s probably a lie instead.” “She can actually raise and lower the sun using magic, we see her do it every year at the Summer Sun celebration, she isn’t lying, it’s very much real indeed.” “Oh, sure you are, because why would you ever have room or reason to doubt that which you already know, something that seems like a fact. Why ever doubt something that you knew ever since birth? I mean it’s not like it could be a lie after all, right?” “Why are you so doubtful of our princess, or magic?” “Because there’s no such thing as magic, only science instead.” “Well there is such a thing as magic and you should be more ready to believe in it instead of doubting everything that you see and hear, or the ones that you meet instead, you can’t go around your whole entire life like that.” “Why not though exactly? Doubt always makes you ask questions, and I just love answering questions because they always give me a good enough challenge.” “But if you always go around with doubt how will you ever know what or who to trust? Don’t you ever put your doubt aside for one moment?” “Well yes, I do actually, when I’m trying to figure out the answer to the question of course, riddle or puzzle, give me both of them, test my logic and reason, but don’t ask me to ever stop asking questions or to stop doubting, because no matter what I think that there will always be a small tiny little seed of it in my mind to always haunt my thoughts and ideas, even my dreams too as well.” “You seem very straightforward and honest with me, why is that exactly?” “Because honestly, I don’t really care about you, or what you want, and you’re not annoying me, bothering me, or distracting me so that’s always a bonus and plus too as well. Anyhow where is a book on the history of this land? I can’t seem to find one anywhere at all and that is what’s starting to annoy me.” “I would recommend this book first,” a voice said as they both turned to stare at a purple unicorn, “It’s the one that got me sent here in the first place anyways.” “Well hello there, thanks for the help, what’s your name though exactly?” “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and you are?” “The Doctor of course, now then could I please have that book right now?” “Sure thing, just make sure to give it back to me when you’re down with it.” “Alright, fine then, thank you very much,” he said as she left him. “You’re welcome,” she said. “Alright, quick moment to interrupt, I generally don’t usually like most ponies or people since they seem far too stupid to me, but every now and then I’ll meet a rather unique exception to this rule since there always seems to be one for everything, Twilight and Lyra were just a few of these that I found. But there were still many yet to come, but back to the story now, shall we?” The Doctor quickly flipped through the pages reading them very fast, or perhaps he was just glancing at them instead and not really looking at where he was instead. “Yes, I found it,” he said holding up a very certain page number to her. “The mare in the moon, it’s so obvious and clear to me, and according to this book she should be escaping very soon indeed, we’ll just have to make sure that we’re there to stop it first, but before we do I have a quick question for you Twily.” “My name is Twilight, and only my brother can call me that name.” “Well then, I’m very sorry for you, anyhow quick question, why is the Summer Sun celebration being hosted here this year with a royal regal visit from the princess herself included with it too as well?” “Um, I honestly don’t really know,” “That’s because you’re not thinking hard enough like I do, clearly the princess must know about this enemy because she conquered the threat, she made the danger go away for a thousand years, and for that time there was no peril at all, but now there will be again, and I think that there must be something very powerful very close by that the princess herself might want to use again, and according to this book they’re called the Elements of Harmony, and even my detectors also sense high level energies coming from the forest too as well. I mean just think about it, wouldn’t you want to be as close to the weapon you used to defeat something last time? I know that I certainly would be. All the facts add up, it even mentions a castle in here that the two sisters lived in, and if I were to bet and guess, I would say that’s exactly where the weapon would be, because where else is a better place to hide a weapon than somewhere completely obvious, or somewhere where no pony else would dare to go again.” “Wait, what?” Twilight said in great shock and surprise, “But how-,” “Did I put it altogether? Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to you later, well maybe, I just might if we have the time to do, maybe perhaps even with a nice tea party.” “Are you crazy?” “No, I don’t think so, or at least not yet, but perhaps maybe I am since all the best people and ponies are, after all, what’s so wrong with being a little tiny bit insane? Can you tell me what would be wrong with that now then exactly?” “Um no, I really can’t.” “Good then, I’m sure that we won’t have any problems them, or we will and we’ll quickly fix them since that’s exactly what I do, I fix things and stuff.” “But you call yourself the Doctor, why is that though exactly?” “Because my name is a reminder to me about the promise that I made, it was to always help others no matter what happened or what the cost might be instead, and I have kept that promise for so long now, and I always will.” “Ah, that would explain it, but why do you think that the mare in the moon is even real? It’s just a myth and legend, there’s nothing to it at all.” “But there is, there always is, stories are based upon truth and turned into something else when we let our imaginations run wild and free, for example you’re just myth and legend in another world completely different than your own, and humans are real, yet you only see them as you want to, so in reality we can’t change the world around us, but we can change how we think about it and what we see too as well, perception is a very powerful tool to use with our minds, so that is why you should always strive to continue to use it no matter what happens, because you never know when you might just face death.” “You’re not really making that much sense right now.” “Darling, I never do because one of my goals is to constantly surprise others, and I always manage to do just that, I put the shock right into them.” “You’re weird, you’re also very strange and highly odd and unusual too as well, I really like that about you, we’re already so much alike in so many different ways, because throughout my whole entire life I have believed in humans.” “Well that’s just great, wait, what was that last part again?” “We’re similar?” “No, after that.” “I have believed in humans my whole entire life?” “Yes, that, how do you even know about humans?” “Well I don’t know, I’ve always seemed to believe in them ever since I was a child.” “How very interesting and curious, how strange and unusual, have you ever thought it odd that you seemed to be the only one to believe in humans?” “Well sometimes, I mean no pony else would believe me.” “Yes, of course, but I wonder why you believe in them in the first place, tell me, did you read a book or story about and on them perhaps?” “No, I just know that they’re real, that’s all that there is to it really.” “No, that’s impossible, you have to be inspired by something else. There has to be more, I just know that there is, I just don’t know where yet. Tell me, can you remember when you first believed in humans, the very first moment that you knew that in your heart and mind that they were indeed real?” “It was a very long time ago, I was just a filly, I don’t know if I can…” “Well just try for me, please,” “Well alright, all that I can remember is that my parents took me to a carnival for one day since this was this bug huge travel around fair going around to places, I got lost and was separated from my parents and eventually I ended up in the maze of mirrors, and I’m fine with mirrors and mazes, but not both of them together, it’s just so easy to get lost and distracted, anyhow I just remember that an employee eventually found me and took me outside of it and over to a food stand, he was really kind and nice and generous because he got some cotton candy and ice cream for me, and then he told me something that I’ll never forget, he said that I should always believe in my dreams even if no pony else did, he said that I should always chase for them and never give them up either, he said that whatever I believed in, whatever I thought was real, it didn’t make me crazy, it just made me different instead, not exactly strange or odd since those are only words others use for me, just different, special, and that I had to determine just how different I was going to be, and then he told me one of the most brilliant and very entertaining stories ever, eventually after he was done my parents came to find me and took me back home, and they wanted to thank the pony with something very special at his own house, but later they eventually finally figured out that the pony didn’t even work for the fair, naturally they were very worried of course and the fair told them that they would look for this pony, but they never did manage to find him, and ever since then I have always remembered his stories and the words that he told me, but oddly enough I can’t remember his face or name anymore, I guess some things can slip your memory, right?” “Yes, of course, thank you for telling me this.” “You’re welcome.”  “Well then, I’m done here, there’s only one thing left that I need to know, since the princess is visiting or coming here where will she show up for the celebration to ‘raise the sun’ then?” “The town hall of course,” Twilight said. “Thank you very much, now then I must be going, Lyra you can come with me if you want, you interest me and I have a few more questions for you.” “Oh, really?” she said holding her hooves up to her face in great joy and delight almost fainting at the new that she had just heard now then. “Yes, I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that you just might be very beneficial to me, I could need you, or perhaps maybe I just want some real true company to talk to instead and not just my imagination of myself in the Tardis.” “Okay, alright fine then, I’m not even going to ask what that was about.” “Yes, it’s probably better for your own sake of mind now.” “So, where are we going then?” “Well to my Tardis of course, and then to a whole new world of adventure and perilous danger filled with life threating situation that will always constantly put us at risk while we explore each new alien life form and species, so then miss Lyra Heartstrings, do you want to come with me? Are you ready and prepared for this, or would you rather forget that I was ever really truly here instead?” She smiled, “I think that I just might be ready for this.” He smiled, “No you’re not, you’re just saying that, no one can be ready or prepared for what I show them, but I still do like the enthusiasm nonetheless.” And with that said they slowly trotted off back to his Tardis. “Wait, your Tardis is in there?” Lyra said when they approached the forest and got closer to their destination. “Well yes of course it is, why though exactly?” “That’s the Everfree forest, no pony ever dares to go in there, ever.” “Well then, you’ll be the first then, won’t you?” “Well I guess so…” “Hey, don’t guess, know so instead, it’s what I always do before every battle and fight because if I know that I’m going to win it then I always will no matter what happens, now then why don’t you talk a bit more, it just might help me concentrate and focus, or maybe it’ll distract me instead, who knows really?” “Truly you are really amazing and wonderful,” “Don’t forget brilliant and radical,” “Or cool and awesome, you’re the great and incredible Mr. Doctor now then.” “Well yes I am I guess if you say so that I am.” “Well what should I talk about?” “Anything that pops up in your head, your favorite color, your life story, your best date, your best birthday, just keep talking and don’t ever stop at all, okay?” “Yeah, sure thing, anything for you, Doctor, anyhow my favorite color is blue. My best birthday so far is a tie between all of them to be honest with you. And my best date, well that would be with my best friend Bon Bon of course. She’s a girl, and I’m also a lesbian.” “Ah, so you’re a lesbian then now, that’s very nice to know indeed,” “Yes, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t like stallions just like you, it just means that I’m more interested in girls rather than boys instead, that clear enough for you?” “Oh yes, quite so indeed, thanks for talking to me but I think that we should be here by now, I could have sworn that it was closer than I thought that it would be,” he said as they suddenly came across a blue telephone police box. “Ah, here we are, the Tardis, doesn’t it look just lovely and wonderful?” “What is that thing exactly?” He laughed, “Well why don’t you step inside and take a look?” And with that said she did so and gasped in great shock and surprise, “Oh my gosh, it’s bigger on the inside than the outside!” she said still glancing at it as she went both inside and then back out again, “But how-?” “Magic to you, science to me, just don’t ask me, please, anyhow as you’ll soon find out the Tardis isn’t just a box or a time and space machine, it’s also actually very much alive and can even think for itself, which can get very annoying sometimes especially when I want to go somewhere since I always do.” “This is just-,” “Yeah, no need for the adjectives again please,” “I was just going to say wonderful and amazing and-,” “Yeah, I know the rest because it describes me too as well, anyhow I think that it’s time to park this somewhere else a whole lot closer to the action just in case.” “In case of what exactly?” “Well for when the perilous danger eventually finally decides to show up of course, because it always does and it always will.” “Well who knows, maybe this time you’ll get lucky,” she said. “Please don’t say that, just don’t, because I never get lucky, ever.” “Well there’s always a first time for everything, right?” “Well yes, of course, but sometimes you might not want those firsts.” And with that said he pulled a switch and she heard a very loud whirring sound, “Hey, what’s it doing exactly?” “Oh, it’s just relocating somewhere closer to the town hall, don’t worry though, you’ll still be in the same time zone and period/era too as well.” And with that said it suddenly stopped whirring eventually and finally. “Well here we are, somewhere safe, close, but out of the way too as well,” he said stepping out onto the roof of the town hall, “Well this could have been much different and better, but then again things are never what you really truly expect, are they? After all, this is time travel and space that we’re talking about here, there is literally a whole entire universe in the palm of your hands ready to be reached out for, grabbed, and then taken, or rather in this case hooves instead of hands, but then again I don’t think that really truly matters if you can get the expression, anyhow, come on Lyra, we have a celebration to attend.” “If we’re going to a party, especially one as big and important as this celebration then don’t you think that you should wear something first?” “No, my bowtie will be enough to make me look fancy for it, besides, most ponies that I have seen so far are wandering around here completely naked all day.” “Well that’s right, but technically we hide our private parts until we actually need to use them, like in the bathroom, or sex instead…” “You know what, I’m not even going to bother to ask you about that just yet, or ever for that matter either, perhaps instead maybe we could talk about something else instead, like maybe you could continue your story, please?” “Alright, fine then, very well, I’ll finish my whole entire life story for you.” And with that said she rambled on talking until the time came for the princess to show up eventually of course, “Finally,” he said to the mayor, “I was starting to get bored just waiting here for her since I have something very important to tell her, and trust me, I really don’t like ever getting bored at all.” And with that said he waited, but she didn’t show up and then some pony else declared the worst news that they could all hear, “The princess! She’s gone!” “Oh, how very interesting indeed,” the Doctor said while the rest of the whole entire room gasped in great shock and surprise as the conversation still went on. “Wait, what do you mean by gone exactly?” “What do you think that I mean? She’s gone now, lost away to the enemy, she’s very confused about where she is exactly, what else is there left?” “Oh, there are plenty of options, you’re just not thinking about them right yet.” And with that said suddenly there was a very cold cruel laugh and then a new figure appeared, “Oh, I would have to assume that this is not princess Celestia, correct or am I wrong instead?” he said. “Doctor, now is not the time to bring attention and focus to us…” “Of course it is, the first trick to defeating an enemy is by pretending that you already know their plan, and if you’re really lucky they’ll actually tell you, just watch me and how I deal with things,” he said walking up closer to her. “Well hello, my little ponies, don’t you know your own princess when you see one? For a thousand years I have been trapped on the moon isolated from you, trapped by my sister known as princess Celestia, but no more, not any longer, she is no longer your one and only princess, I am, and you shall all love and fear me as you did with her, you shall treat me with the same respect and dignity! And you shall all shout my name to the sky above, you will worship the nighttime for what it truly really is, for this has been your very last day in Equestria, I hope that you really liked, loved, and enjoyed it, because the night will last forever! I will have my eternal night with shadows, and no pony else can stop me!” The Doctor was about to speak up before Twilight Sparkle did so and he couldn’t help to only watch as she took it from there exactly from him. “She’s stealing all my lines, I was going to say that I could stop her using the Elements of Harmony, and then I expected to laugh and say that I was a fool, and then I would say that I wasn’t, I only pretended to be because I was always one step ahead of others while looking like I was actually one step behind instead, and then we would do a very long or short dialogue between us until she finally decided to leave and then we would go to the castle and figure out how to use the Elements exactly, defeat her, and then get back to the Tardis and fly very far away to our next adventure,” he said. “Wow, you really do have every detail planned out,” “Yes, that was just in case something ever does go wrong I can change it very quickly because my plans are rather simple at the very best instead.” “Well then what are we going to do now then?” “We follow Twilight Sparkle to see if she can defeat her, if not that’s when we’ll step in, and only then, got that?” “Okay, alright, fine then, very well, I got the plan now.” “Very good then, just follow me and try not to make any noise and don’t go where I am not, basically just follow along right behind me and don’t get lost, okay?” “Okay, alright, fine then, very well.” “Good, now then, activate your stealth mode,” he said walking far away enough behind Twilight to not be heard, but close enough that he could still see her no matter what happened to any of them now exactly. They watched as she joined up with five other various random mares that the Doctor had seen before. “Let’s see, we have Rarity, nice pony, she makes the bow ties here for me, we also have Applejack who overcharged me for an apple, Rainbow Dash the hothead, and there’s Pinkie Pie, I’m glad I decided to stay far away from her otherwise I might have had to endure the ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ song.” “Wait, how do you know all of this?” she said. “Oh, I have been around the town for a few days or weeks now, I can’t actually honestly remember which since time is all very confusing and relative to me now, anyhow I have had enough time to get to know each and every pony without ever being really noticed at all, after all, I have to tread very carefully not to cause any tidal waves in the pond of time, because only ripples are truly really okay.” “But aren’t tidal waves good sometimes?” “No, not really in general, usually they are never that good or great, truly they really aren’t otherwise I would always try to save those who I lost.” “How many have you lost though exactly?” “Too many to count, and a number so high that you need not bother with it.” “Oh, well then, have you ever loved before?” “I try not to, it keeps my heart safe,” “But why though exactly?” “I am a near immortal Lyra, each time that I die I regenerate, but I can only regenerate a certain number of times before I finally die for the very last final time, and once that has happened there will be no more lives for me anymore.” “So wait, if you’re nearly immortal then how old are you right now then?” “Over 900 years old, which fills in a whole lot of books with the number of things that I have ever seen, and I’m on regeneration number ten right now.” “And not once during all that time have you ever found a home?” “Technically I have, it’s my Tardis, or rather earth instead since it’s my job and duty to always protect it and to help out others too of course, but now that I’m in a completely different universe I’ll just have to protect this one instead, or at least until I can finally figure a way out to get back to earth of course.” “So, this is your life then? Just hopping around world to world protecting it from whatever threat it might hold, eliminate the perilous danger and then jump to the next world and keep repeating the cycle until what though exactly?” “Yes, that basically sums it up to be exact and precise, now then it looks like Twilight and the gang are fine so far, although I must admit that I did want to help when I first saw that chimera, but then again I did have to get over my shock and surprise of seeing it just like when I first saw myself as a pony, or when I actually saw other ponies including unicorns and pegasi too as well.” “Yeah, I remember your freak-out quite well indeed,” “Please don’t ever bring it up again,” “Oh, don’t look so worried and nervous, I wasn’t going to, but it does make for a rather fun topic to talk about just casually with some of my friends of course.” “Yes, of course it does,” “Well now that we’re at the castle I wonder what will happen next, let’s just watch and see, shall we?” And with that said they watched from the balcony window as Twilight Sparkle and her new very best friends defeated Nightmare Moon (“So that’s what the Elements of Harmony do, how very interesting, I wonder if they’re alien artifacts at all even if I don’t think that they really truly are.” “Doctor, enough about alien artifacts,” “Sorry, I just can’t help it,” “Well just try to then,” “Don’t worry, I will.”) And then they continued to watch as Princess Celestia showed up. (“Oh, the princess of the Sun!” “Calm down Lyra, it’s only nobility, they’re nothing that special.” “And why would that be exactly?” “Just don’t ask, please.” She didn’t.) And then they watched the return of the two sisters. (“Oh, how sweet and adorable, I just wish that I had my camera here with me to record this,” he said watching them as they hugged each other tightly and cried too as well.) And then after that they decided that the day was saved (even if not by them) and then they slowly walked back to the town to return to the Tardis. “So now what then exactly?” Lyra said standing in front of the Tardis. “Well I’m going to offer you a choice first, you can either come with me and help me on my adventures and experience things you never have before, but I can’t guarantee your safety, sometimes there might just be a peril or danger that’s too threatening to us, and I don’t want to put your life at risk at all, ever. But I can’t stop you if you want to come with me. But if you don’t I could also erase all of your memories of me right now, you’ll never even remember that we met, or my name, where you where, what you did, it just won’t be there anymore, so what do you want exactly?” She considered this matter for a very long good moment. “I want to come with you of course, I want to get the chance and opportunity to see and meet the humans, and if possible for my friend too as well. I want to see new worlds that are completely different, I want new, I want adventure, I don’t mind the perilous danger if you can always come up with or find a way to save me instead, because guess what, I really do trust you Doctor. I trust you with my whole entire life, and you’re one of the very few ponies who I completely trust with it, the rest vary naturally enough of course.” “Yes, of course, but if we’re going to be together let me establish a few ground or rather space and time rules first, rule number one, never touch anything without me around to advise or instruct you, this goes for the switches and buttons especially, rule number two, don’t ever call me unless it’s a dire emergency, my telephone number isn’t to be used just to talk about something casually you know, and rule number four, let me know if we ever run out of something like food or water in the kitchen, rule number five, always listen to what I have to say and don’t try to argue against me, you’ll probably lose, but the same goes with you to me since some of my previous companions can talk emotional sense into me when my cold cruel truth of logic and reason comes out very brutally instead.” “Okay, alright, fine then, I can work with that.” “Oh, one more thing, I only have two bathrooms right now, one library, and only two bedrooms, and of course one kitchen here.” “Oh, alright, fine then.” “I’m just letting you know because there are always options in case one of the toilets ever decides to clog up on us or if they ever get broken instead.” “Oh, alright, fine then…” “I bet your curious as to why I’m even still talking right now, right?” “Well yes…” “Ah, don’t worry about that, all shall be explained very shortly enough, but for now let’s go to our next adventure, so tell me this before we do, past, present, or future instead?” “The past of course, duh.” “Well alright, fine then, just make sure that you hang on very tight, this thing doesn’t exactly have seatbelts yet,” he said pulling a switch as it slowly started to whir again, “To where we go I know not, when exactly is yet to be determined, but of this can I be absolute certain of, adventure is out there, alons-y!!!” And with that said they then went off to their next adventure…