//------------------------------// // Extra Chapter Uno: Pies and Work // Story: Of Another Realm // by Chillisocks //------------------------------// "Pies, just pies." Zerume stated "What?" Asked Chilli "You want to get some pizza pies?" Zerume asks "I prefer the sugary variety" Dawn stated "A couple days ago, I was at work, helping Celestia and the normal stuff when suddenly, she just goes on about pies. So like the faithful worker I am, I ask her ' Why are you talking about pies?' 'Because they're pies' then she goes into a load of mathematical equations about fractions of pies and what not, and I say 'why are you being so technical about something as delicious as pie? I mean the only that concerns me about pies is the flavor and whether i can eat them before Dawn' at this she stared at me, and chuckled "I suppose you do have a point, just my faithful student Twilight Sparkle had gone into math equations like these in one of her letters. She'd been doing a study on it I suppose' the rest of the day went completely normal other than that." "Zerume," Chilli stared at him "Yes?" Zerume answered "You realize that now i'm going to have to buy Dawn pies right?"