Of Another Realm

by Chillisocks

Of Tourist Attractions/PAIN

As we stumble upon our not so heroic heroes again, They had made reservations at the hotel for three days. The hotel wasn't amazingly fancy, but considering the price, Zerume didn't mind.

"With the reservations made and quite a bit of the day left, Why don't we go sightseeing?" Zerume asked

"What sights are there to see?"

"I hear about this famous dress shop around" Chillisocks looked at him strangely then stated "I'm not sure if you remember correctly, but we don't wear dresses. I'm not so sure about Dawn though"

"Well it is famous so we may as well"



The two proceeded to exit the cheap hotel. On the way to the boutique they spotted a grey pegasus crashing into a building but other than that, it was extremely peaceful that afternoon.

The Three Colts trot into Carousel Boutique, upon entering the see the pristine white mare from the restaurant. Zerume seemed surprised to see the unicorn.

"Oy, Chilli, mind holding back Dawn? We don't want any nomming incidents."

"Aye aye cap'n!"

"So i'm surprised to you again" Zerume said to Rarity

"Yes, Well considering that I own this shop, the only strange thing is that you keep bumping into me..." Rarity nervously chuckled

Zerume put on his best poker-face "Alright, remember how I said I was an enigma wrapped into a mystery wrapped in a quesadilla? this is just one of those moments that I cannot explain. You've got to trust me when i say I'M NOT FOLLOWING YOU. You mind if we take a look around? We came here to tour the town and what not."

"Why, of course... Feel free to take a look at my designs, if anything interests you let me know!" with that Rarity went back to her sewing room.

After a while at looking at the displayed dresses which strangely Chilli enjoyed, Dawn trotted upstairs to Rarity's sewing room. Zerume seemed to look worried.

"What's eatin' you?"

"You know how these kind of things go with me. I'm not exactly the luckiest stallion."

Upstairs, Dawn was talking to Rarity,

"Really? What would I ever have a bounty on my head for?"

"Why, obviously, it's because your dresses are way too good so every other boutique in Equestria has pooled their money to get you whacked."

At this Rarity starts fishing around in one of her chests and pulls out a large frying pan.

Back downstairs,

"What do you mean by "not the luckiest stallion"?"

"Well you know how I almost get struck by lightning daily, get stared at on a daily basis, and had an awful childh-"


Chillisocks was out cold, and Zerume started to panic

"W-why... I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO RIP THAT DRESS!" Zerume was frozen with fear and Dawnchaser started to eat Rarity's frying pan.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?! and don't eat that darling, nopony needs that much iron in their diet." Rarity started to chase after Zerume. "THAT WAS A ONE OF A KIND HOITY-TOITY ORIGINAL! I SWEAR, BOUNTY HUNTERS HAVE NO MANNERS THESE DAYS!"

"Wait, Bounty Hunters?" Zerume stopped running. "Did Dawn tell you we were bounty hunters?" Dawn was sitting in the corner, with a bucket of popcorn through the entire ordeal with a mischievous grin on his face. Despite the danger of the moment, Dawnchaser was now rolling on the floor laughing.

"Well it seems there's been a misunderstanding. You're paying to replace that dress but, for knocking out your friend there I'll get him an icepack and we'll wait until he comes to."

"So i'm gonna guess that Chilli's gonna be out a while (Rude.) so i may as well tell you about why i seem like such a stalker."

"Oh, umm, capital idea you don't seem like that much a stalker" Rarity nervously laughs

"Don't worry, don't worry I get that all the time. So in a land called Neigh Orleans, I lived there at a young age. School wasn't an extremely fun experience. I got flak from my peers, for my unusual color scheme. I usually take negative thoughts about me a lot harder than other ponies and, don't hold my self in high regard. So, because of this I try to be as polite as possible."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that dear. Here, let me get you some water."


During the few hours of waiting for Chilli to wake up, Zerume, Rarity, and Dawn had been talking about just about everything and anything. They'd gotten to be good friends. When suddenly, Zerume let's out a groggy moan

Chilli awoke with a severe headache, "Arghlgglgghllgh, (I don't play Wow anymore but I still do love me some Murlocs.) what happened?"

"You got hit upside the head"

"But, why? All I remember is thinking that dresses with jewels was weird and... Wait. Can she read minds?" Chillisocks looks at Rarity in horror. Zerume and Dawnchaser start laughing hysterically as Rarity gives Chilli a death-glare.

"Well darlings, it's been nice having you here," Rarity interjected suddenly, "for the most part" She muttered to herself "But alas, it is time close up shop" Rarity hastily pushed the three colts out of her shop and into the night air, then ran back inside and slammed the door behind her.

Authors Note: Murlocs are bomb.
