An Apple in the Rain

by LunchBox Pony

An Apple in the Rain

The sound of a fryer, small conversations and the till going off every so often. All these sounds brought a smile to my face.

I loved working at Caramel Star Diner.

I wiped down the counter as I took in the faces around me. Some were regulars and others were new. They mainly came in to take shelter from the down poor and get a hot drink. But others were here because they actually planed to be.

I had been working at the diner for a while now, I was well known with the staff and the regular customers. I also knew them really well too. It was interesting, I felt like an innkeeper from a fantasy RPG.

This place also allowed me to meet new people and make connection almost on a daily bases. This job also gave me a few important skills surprisingly. The first was how to talk to a range of people, along with how to cook, manage money, and to communicate better.

As I finished cleaning the counter the bell above the door gave its signature ring, signalling that someone had come in or left. Looking up I found it to be the former.

A girl with blond hair, done in a ponytail walked in. She had a stetson cowboy hat atop her head. She was pretty wet while rugged up in a big brown wooly jacket.

Her skin was a light shade of orange, she also had green eyes with freckles scattered under them. From the condition of her cloths it was clear why she was in here. She walked over to the counter taking a seat on one of the stools.

"Hats off inside." I absentmindedly stated.

As expected the girl gave me a confused look. I gestured to a sign hanging above the window that showed the kitchen on the other side.

The sign read 'Hates off inside'.

"Oh..." The blond took off her hat and sat it down on the counter in front of her. "Sorry ‘bout that."

"It's nothing. Nothing to get stressed about anyway." I stated. "Taking cover from the rain?"

"Yeah, it's Rainin’ cats 'n' dogs out there." She stated, gesturing outside.

"I've been there. Few weeks ago I had to do the same thing… a few times actually." I added as I grabbed a pair of cups from one of the cupboards. "I'm R by the way."

"Applejack." The blond girl put out her hand and I gave it a shake. I soon found out that Applejack had a really firm grip.

The girl’s face dropped as her mind started to work. Her face soon changed to realisation as she locked eyes with me.

"You're the guy who helped out Rarity." She stated pointing one of her fingers at me.

"I take it she's been talking about it?"

"She sure has. She wouldn' stop talking 'bout the generous stranger who saved her hairs life."

"That dramatic huh?"

"I was shortenin' it." She added with a smirk.

I placed a bottle of milk on the back wall counter as I put the kettle on.

"Well, it's nice to finally have a formal introduction." I stated.

"Have we met before?" The cowgirl questioned, seeming a little bit embarrassed for forgetting.

"Just passing in the halls." I waved off her concerns.

It was starting to get a bit strange having to repeat myself. Her eyes went wide for a moment before her face became sheepish.

"Sorry sugar cube, I haven't really noticed you around school." the blond girl confessed.

"It's fine." I waved off. "Honestly I didn't expect you to anyway, no harm done."

"Wish I could say the same..." Applejack mumbled to herself as her face darkened.

It was clear that something was bothering her and it was kind of sad seeing her depressed. The water finished boiling and almost all the prep for the hot chocolate was finished; there was one last thing...

“Sugar?” I questioned looking at Applejack from over my shoulder.

“One please.” She answered, her face changing back to a more neutral one.

Adding in the final spoons of sugar I handed over the hot drink to the blond cowgirl.

“Thanks.” She took the drink and cupped it in her hands.

I gave her a smile and was about to continue the conversation until the door’s bell rang once again. I looked up to see a familiar face that brought a smile to mine. Moving over to a free spot at the counter the slightly older girl sat in front of me.

“Sup Fleet Foot. Here for your cheat day?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“Of course R. I’ve been looking forward to this for the whole week.” The athlete answered eager to get her order.

“The usual?” I asked, getting an eager nod in return. I turned to the kitchen to relay the order. “One Jayne Mansfield.”

“Jayne Mansfield; Aye.” The chief in the kitchen relayed.

As I turned back to Applejack I saw that same troubled look on her face. Walking back over I quickly thought of a way to approach the situation. After all, it’s kind of an unwritten rule with the diner. To serve them advice or someone to lesson; not just food.

“Something happen?” I asked grabbing the girls attention. "Or is the hot chocolate not to your liking." I gave a friendly smile to the last comment.

She gave a sigh and thought about whether to talk or not. It wasn’t surprising; many customers are a bit hesitant to open up to a stranger they just met. She eventually decide to talk and I was happy to lesson.

“It’s muh little sister…” The blond girl started. “She asked muh opinion on somethin’ and I gave her the honest truth.” She said it in a casual tone but that quickly changed. “Then she got upset because of what I said…” She looked a little upset for a moment before getting a little angry. “What did she want me to do, lie. She knows I don’t lie.” She grumbled.

I gave a small chuckle that grabbed her attention. “Honesty. The virtue that can be a curse.”

“Huh?” Applejack said giving me a confused look.

“Honesty is a virtue. It’s something that is said to be good, and the opposite to lying. However, honesty can also hurt people just like any curse; if you’re blunt.” I explained.

“Oh…” she went a little silent.

“Honesty is one of those things you have to be careful of. Yes be honest but that doesn’t mean you have to be blunt.”

“Now I know why she’s angry at me. I wonder if she’ll forgive me for this?”

“From one older sibling to another; she will. Siblings will forgive each other most of the time, the thing is that they wont forget about it and will use it at any chance they can get.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” The two of us shared a laugh together as I grabbed the now empty cup of hot chocolate. “Younger brother or sister?”

“Huh?” I replied back a little lost.

“I’ve told you a lot ‘bout muh personal life now it’s your turn. Do you have a younger brother or sister?”

“Oh, sister. She’s a little ball of energy and can be a bit of a handful.” After putting the cups away to be washed, I went back to the cowgirl.

“I know the feeling. Muh sister and her friends are always running around town making trouble.” The blond girl stated with a small chuckle.

“It sounds like you have it harder then me.”

We both shared a laugh at the thoughts of our respected siblings. I looked out the window to no longer see water droplets falling to the ground. I listened out and couldn’t hear the sound of rain hitting the metal roof.

“Looks like it’s cleared up.” I gestured to outside. “Hopefully by now things have calmed down for you.”

“Hopefully. Thanks for the talk and the hot chocolate.”

“No problem.”

Applejack stood from her stool, grabbing her hat and started to leave before turning back around.

“Almost left with out payin’.” She started to reach into her pocket for her wallet.

I raised my hand before she could get it out. “You already payed for it.” I said a little confused.

“Really, I swore I still…”

“You paid for it after I gave it to you.” I explained.

“If you say so.” She put her wallet back and headed out giving me a wave as she vanished out of the reach of the streetlight.

“Smooooooth.” Fleet Foot hummed as she gave me a knowing look.

“What do you mean?” I question trying to fake innocence.

“You, not charging that girl.” The girl with half a stack of pancakes, cream, ice-cream, syrup, and chocolate; wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“No…” I said flatly. “She just seemed like she was having a rough day.”


I rolled my eyes at the athlete as I continued with my work as if nothing had happened.
