A Sound Break

by Spore Harvest

Log 7 "babysitting"

*** POW Vinyl***

The next morning something very interesting happened to me. I finally got a call to do a babysitting job. By who you may ask? By a mister Sumdac. Yeah a very weird name, but hey it's extra money that I will be able to use on my gigs. Now I only have to wait until seven p. m. "What to do, what to do... Oh yeah, mom and dad are at work maybe I can get Soundwave inside and we can play some video games. Yeah, I'll do that." With that in mind, I went outside to wake up Soundwave. "Hey, Soundwave wake up," I said.

"Uhm five more minutes mom." He mumbled.

"No, you can't have five more minutes. I'm getting the hose." With that, I stepped into the garage hooked up the hose to the tap and stepped outside. "Okay, Soundwave one last chance for you to wake up before I use this. So wake up."

"Leave me to rest." He mumbled.

"Okay then, but don't tell me I didn't warn you." With that said I turned the hose on and I sprayed him. The effect was immediate he screamed and then he transformed into his human form and said.

"I'm up. I'm up. Now please stop the water." When he said that I turned off the water and went to the garage to put everything away.

"I'm sorry Soundwave that I had to wake you up this early, even though its already ten a. m., but I need to tell you something important." While I was saying that he was trying to dry himself off. Then I went inside the house and got him a towel.

"Thanks. So what's so important that you needed to wake me up so early." He said while using the towel to dry himself off.

"Well, we have a babysitting job today at seven p. m."

"Really a babysitting job, well it is true that I don't have anything else to do, but don't we have anything better to do." He said in a whiny tone.

"No we don't and besides we're getting paid for it. Now let's go inside and play some video games." That seemed to have changed his mind.

"Okay then I'll go with you, but only if we get a fifty-fifty split." Then I pretended to think.

"I was thinking more along the lines of eighty twenty split." Then he looked shocked. "You know I'm kidding, of course, I'm going to make it a fifty-fifty split. So you want to go and play some video games." That seemed to have calmed him off.

"Of course as long as Rumble and Frenzy can play as well."

"Sure I think I have some four player games. Let's go." With that, we went inside the house and played video games until it was time for us to go.

***POW Soundwave***

"Yeah, almost and bum!" Said Frenzy. We were playing Super smash bros. On the Nintendo 64 and we just got our asses handed to us by him.

"Man bro your to good at this game." Said, Rumble.

"Nah it's just that I picked the character that best works for me." Then Vinyl said.

"Hey, guys it's time that we head out." She pointed towards the clock for emphasis.

"Okay then Rumble, Frenzy return." Then they transformed and returned to me. "Well then let's go," I said while going to the door.

"Alright then." Said Vinyl. When we both got outside I transformed into my car mode and waited for Vinyl to get in. When she did I asked.

"Hey where are we even going?" When she put her seat belt she answered.

"We're going down to mister Sumdacs house on Evergreen street." Oh, so we are going to babysit Sari. Well, this is going to be fun.

"Okay then let's go." I said. Then I started the car and we were on our way. After about twenty minutes of us driving, we finally arrived at the right address. The house was coloured a strong grey, with a black roof and large windows. It was also three stories tall.

"So do I transform and come with you or do I stay here." After some thought she said.

"No you are coming with me no point in you staying outside now is it."

"Yeah I guess your right." With that said she stepped outside and I transformed. When I finished that we both stepped up to the door and I rang the doorbell. After that, we waited for a minute and then the door opened revealing professor Sumdac. He looked exactly like in the show.

"Ah hello, you two must be the babysitters. I'm mistered Sumdac it's nice to meet you." Oh, this is going to be fun.

"Hello there mister Sumdac my name is Soundwave and this is my friend Vinyl. It's nice to meet you as well." I said.

"Well I would love to stay and chat, but I have some very important business that I need to attend to at the lab." With that, he went to his car, but before he sat inside he said oh yeah Sari needs to go to bed strictly at nine. No sugar and no junk food before bed." With that said he stepped into his car, but then he seemed to remember something because he rolled down his window and said. "Oh before I forget I will probably be returning at about eleven. Goodbye and goodnight." With that he started up his car and drove off to god knows where.

"Well then let's go and meet our charge for the evening." With that, we went inside the house and found Sari sitting on the couch. When she noticed Vinyl she asked.

"Vinyl you are my babysitter and who are you?" She said while looking at me. Let's play with this.

"Oh, Sari you wound me. How could you have forgotten your pal Soundwave?" I said in a dramatic voice. After that, I changed my voice and said. "Or does this jog your memory." After that I swear that I saw a light bulb turn on over her head.

"Soundwave how are you looking like a human I thought that you couldn't do that."

"Well, I'm special in that way and let's keep it on that. So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"We could play some board games. I try to play them with my dad, but he usually has no time."

"Alright then Rumble, Frenzy eject." With that said they both transformed and appeared next to me.

"Hello, boss. Hey, where are we." They both said in unison.

"Well we are going to play some board games and you know the more the merrier."

"Okay then, what are we playing?" They both asked. Then Sari left the room and returned with a stack of board games. Then she set them down next to a table and said.

"Well I have a huge selection so what do you want to play?" I took a look at them and picked one out.

"Why don't we play The aMAZEing labyrinth?"

"Oh, that's a game I always wanted to play." Said Sari. Then Vinyl said.

"Okay then let's play it." And after that, we sat around the table and played.


After about two hours of us playing board games, we sent Sari to bed. That, of course, was not met without any protest. "But I'm not tired yet." Then Vinyl said.

"Well, you see your father said that we need to get you to bed by nine so please be a good girl and go to sleep so that we don't get into trouble." Then I said.

"And besides if you don't get your rest then you won't grow up to be big and strong." With that, we arrived at her room and put her to bed. "Now you go to sleep. So goodnight."

"Okay, then goodnight." With that, I closed the door and we went downstairs to wait for mister Sumdac.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Vinyl.

"Well, we could play another board game," I said while pulling out a game of Scrabble.

"Alright." With that, we sat down and played. When the clock finally hit eleven we heard the door open and then we heard mister Sumdac say.

"Hello, I'm back."

"Ah good evening mister Sumdac did you finish what you needed to do?" Vinyl asked.

"Yeah, I did. What about you did Sari cause you any trouble?" then I said.

"No, she was an angel."

"Well okay then let me get your pay so that you can go home and go to sleep." With that said he went to the kitchen to get our pay. After a minute he returned and gave it to us. "Here you go, now enjoy the rest of the night."

"Thank you mister Sumdac and if you need a babysitter in the future then don't hesitate to call us again." Then we said our goodbyes and went outside. After he closed the door I quickly transformed into my car mode and we drove off towards home. "Well, that was fun." Said Vinyl. "But tomorrow I have to go back to school." Then she sighed.

"Well I'm going with you so it won't be that bad."

"How are you going to go to school with me." She asked me.

"That is going to be my little secret which you will find out tomorrow." With that said we drove towards our home.