Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Hunting and Tormenting Bullies

While Rainbow and the Wonderbolts were taking in the damage Indominus had done to the compound, he was making his way towards Cloudsdale. Indominus was going to hunt down the bullies from Rainbow's past, and kill all of them. He had sworn to himself that nopony would ever call Rainbow Dash that filthy nickname ever again. Indominus's word and decision were final, and anything that stood against him would suffer against his power, teeth and claws. Once the massive cloud city came into view, Indominus camouflaged his skin to match the clouds, shrunk his size down and his hunt was on.

With Cloudsdale's simple style and being only made of clouds, it was much easier for Indominus to sneak about than in Ponyville. Nopony knew he was even around due to his camouflage, and the clouds muffled every footstep he took. A super predator that had the complete element of surprise and stealth to his advantage.

"I promise Rainbow, I'll make those fools regret ever having hurt you," Indominus thought to himself as he searched through Cloudsdale.

He scanned the city looking for the colts that had tormented Rainbow nearly her whole life. Indominus checked out the Colosseum where Rainbow had won the Young Flyer's Competition with no luck, but it was nice to see where Rainbow had performed her trademark Sonic Rainboom. He checked near the Factory, but didn't dare step foot inside. Even with camouflage, the Factory was far too crowded for Indominus to hunt effectively. It didn't help that there were so many pegasi flying about that Indominus couldn't identify any of them properly. Indominus had covered most of Cloudsdale, but he still had no clue on what the colts that he was supposed to be hunting looked like. He was starting to think that his hunt wouldn't end successfully, when a stroke of luck happened to cross him.

Indominus caught sight of three stallions that were walking as a group, and he caught sight of their cutie marks. The dark brown colt had what looked like a dumbbell on his flank. The light purple colt had three footballs on his flank, which didn't make sense to Indominus. The tallest one in the group however, stood out the most to the hybrid dinosaur. The light brown colt had three basketballs on his flank, and it didn't take much for Indominus to guess that they could potentially be the ones Rainbow had been talking about. With a possible lead on the bullies of his girl's past, Indominus stalked the group of colts, hoping for some confirmation.

Being so silent and stealthy allowed Indominus to hear everything that the colts were discussing amongst themselves. Unfortunately, they were mostly bragging about their pitiful accomplishments or how great and cool they claimed to be. They sounded like self absorbed idiots that were full of themselves, and didn't care about who got in their way. It sure sounded like the bullies Rainbow had talked about, but Indominus wasn't sure enough to make a decision. Then the dark brown colt brought up a topic that got Indominus's heart racing.

"I've heard that the Wonderbolts are going to be heading to Ponyville in a few days."

"Think we should go on down their to catch the performance?"

"Nah, it's gonna be boring now that they have a new recruit in their lineup."

Indominus was practically biting at the clouds to keep his nerves in check. If they said what he thought they were going to say, Indominus would be able to take his vengeance.

"Who's their new recruit?"

"You know Score, she's one of our old classmates. Or should I say, the Flight School dropout."

"Oh I know who you're talking about now."

"Yep, Rainbow Crash."

At that moment, Indominus returned to his normal size and began walking towards the bullies. Anger was flowing in his heart, but he was in control this time.

"What did you say," said Indominus in a raging tone.

"I said Rainbow Cra-"

Hoops never got to finish his sentence as he and the other bullies found their heads being gripped by Indominus's hand. The hybrid had all the proof he needed, now he could carry out the rest of his hunt. Indominus took flight and bolted away from Cloudsdale, he didn't slow down until he had reached a dense part of the Everfree Forest. Then Indominus threw the three bullies into the forest and they smashed against a tree. Now that he had found Rainbow's bullies and dragged them to his territory, Indominus could now hunt and kill them.

The three colts were reeling from the impact and were stumped at what had just happened to them. They barely had time to react when Indominus barreling towards them with his jaws open and teeth glistening in the light. Hoops and his crew didn't get five feet off the ground before the hybrid dinosaur smacked them aside with one swing of his claws. Indominus then followed up by snatching the bullies in his jaws and throwing them against more trees. The force of each impact caused the trees to break and fall over, and Indominus closed in on Score first as he prepared for the kill.

Hoops and Dumbbell were so stunned by the fierce attacks that it took them a minute to regain their awareness. When they did, fear and horror rooted them to the spot as they saw Indominus holding Score in-between his hands.

"I want you both to see what happens to those that dare hurt my Rainbow Dash." Indominus then started to pull at Score's body, and the colts could hear the gut wrenching sound of bones cracking.

The colt screamed out in agony as he felt the hybrid dinosaur slowly pulling his body apart. He could feel his bones breaking and his organs slowly tearing apart from the strain. Then in the blink of an eye, Score's life came a cruel and relieving end as Indominus tore his body in half. Hoops and Dumbbell were paralyzed in dread as they watched their friend's blood and guts spill all over the forest floor. His eyes were white as a ghost as Indominus threw both halves up in the air and swallowed the destroyed bully in a single bite.

"Now, you will, DIE!!!"

The remaining colts screamed in terror and tried to fly for freedom. Their efforts were fruitless however, because Indominus was fast enough to catch them before they could breach the tree tops. Whenever Indominus hunted his prey, there were never any survivors, and he had more vengeance to dish out before he could be satisfied. He chucked the helpless bullies against more trees and then punched Hoops and Dumbbell through them. The colts were smacked all over the forest as Indominus continued his relentless attack.

Both colts wound up in bruised heaps in the dirt as Indominus loomed over them. He pinned Hoops under one hand, deciding to end his life last, and focused his attention on Dumbbell.

"Why are you doing this to us? What did we ever do to deserve being killed," Dumbbell said weakly.

"What did you do!? You idiots hurt Rainbow Dash!" Indominus pinned Dumbbell down and gripped his wings in his teeth. Hoops could only watch as the hybrid dinosaur slowly and painfully tore the wings away from Dumbbell's body. Indominus spat the wings out and they landed by Hoop's face, and he could see the bones jutting out of each wing. "You've mocked and tormented her for too long, and now you'll pay for causing my girl so much grief."

Dumbbell was crying in pain as Indominus snatched him up in his teeth. But rather than kill him right away, Indominus made the experience horrifying for Hoops as well by dangling the body over him. With a truly scared look in the bully's eyes, Indominus proceeded to chomp down on his friend's body, right in his face. Hoops was getting splattered in blood and one of Dumbbell's eyes fell on his face, causing him to cry for the first time in his life. Indominus had instilled true terror in the last bully and finished the satisfying torment by crushing Dumbbell's head in his jaws.

Now that left only one bully to kill, and the origin of Rainbow's pain would be wiped out from Equestria forever. With blood flowing out of his mouth, Indominus was ready for the best part: tormenting the bully that had started the nickname in the first place.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you slowly, worthless pile of manure. But before I end your life, is there anything you'd like to hear?"

After seeing his friends being killed, Hoops had only one question.

"What do you have to do with Rainbow Crash? Why are you killing us for her? You're nothing but a monster and she's a pathetic screw-"

Hoops was stopped mid-sentence as Indominus tightened his grip on the colt's body and neck.

"She is not a SCREW UP!! She is my wife, she is the best flyer in this entire world and worth more to me than anything I could want. You and your kind have tormented her all her life with that stupid nickname, and it caused her so much pain and sadness. I'm doing what no one has ever done before: killing you and removing that nickname from Equestria, FOREVER!"

Indominus was about to lunge for Hoop's throat, but stopped himself as a more devilish idea was spawned inside the dinosaur's mind. He breathed a tiny portion of his power on Hoops and it caused the colt to triple his size. Now Indominus had a bully that was bigger, terrified out of his mind, and about to be slaughtered. Indominus snapped one of Hoop's legs, tore out the colt's left wing and punctured his chest with one of his sickle claws. With Hoops in agonizing pain from the savage attacks, Indominus loomed over his body with his claws placed on the colt's miserable hide.

"This is for you, Rainbow Dash. Now foolish bully, FEEL THE RAGE OF INDOMINUS REX!!"

Indominus began taking his vengeance and releasing his anger by biting and slashing away at Hoop's hide. The hybrid's claws tore away at flesh, spilling blood everywhere while chomping away at the powerless bully's organs. Indominus crushed several bones, tore the other wing off and jammed it into the colt's neck. Hoop was at the mercy of a hybrid dinosaur who was finally taking the justice that he and Rainbow Dash deserved. Indominus continued to slash, bite and tear away at the colt's hide with savage ferocity, letting all of his anger being put into each attack. With barely an inch of his life left, Hoop looked up with weak eyes as Indominus's jaws loomed over him.

"Now this, IS WHERE YOU END!"

Indominus leaned forward and in one final act of vengeance, crushed Hoop's head in his deadly jaws. The hybrid dinosaur had finally relieved some of his anger at last, and had rid Rainbow Dash of the bullies that had picked on her for so many years. With the bullies dead, Indominus bellowed a victorious roar into the forest, pleased with his triumph and control over his anger. The Untamable King devoured the remains of the bullies so that nopony would ever know what happened and headed towards a lake to wash out the taste.

Finally free of some inner pain and anger, Indominus decided to pay Rainbow a visit and see how she was doing. With his victory over the bullies and Rainbow seeing what he had done for her in the locker room, Indominus couldn't wait to see Rainbow completely own the Wonderbolts with her newfound confidence. He took flight towards the Wonderbolts compound, with his mind now clear of anger and satisfied. Once he arrived, Indominus found his usual perch in the clouds and camouflaged himself so nopony would spot him. Indominus easily spotted Rainbow Dash, and he could tell right away that she had seen all that he had done for her.

Rainbow walked out onto the training field, beaming with confidence. This time she made sure to check both ways before crossing the runway. The other Wonderbolts thought Rainbow was showboating by wearing her wedding ring during practice. Even Spitfire, who had discussed the matter with Rainbow prior to her first day as a Wonderbolt, was rather shocked that Rainbow would choose to wear it after all.

"I thought we already talked about this, Crash. You said you weren't going to wear your ring during practice."

"Well mam, I'm feeling lucky today and decided I'd wear it for good measure."

"Oh, so a monster breaks into our compound, destroys our lockers, and you think it's ok to show off your petty jewelry? Like the rest of this team doesn't matter to you at all? I thought you were better than this, Crash."

Indominus still detested hearing them call his girl that nickname, but this time, Rainbow had the confidence to talk back to her so called 'heroes.'

"If I recall Spitfire, that 'monster' destroyed the locker room because of you ponies! His message and threat were aimed at all of you, he did all that because you ponies didn't stop messing with me. Besides, after the way everypony treated me yesterday, and how you didn't even notice Soarin throwing me off, I think you deserved it. Now if you're done barking at me, I have a routine to nail."

Spitfire was left speechless as Rainbow joined up with the other Wonderbolts and began practicing her routine for the day. That was the third time in her life that she had ever been talked down to, and all three times had been by Rainbow Dash. She was the only pony who had the nerve to talk down to the captain of the Wonderbolts. and it was still baffling. Spitfire just walked over to her megaphone, unable to come up with a retort for anything that Rainbow had said to her.

With her confidence restored, Rainbow was keeping pace with the rest of the Wonderbolts. She didn't lag behind or run into any trouble, because she had the one she loved in her heart the whole time. During the maneuvering portion, Rainbow flew perfectly in line with her teammates and didn't falter once. The others were surprised at how much Rainbow's performance had improved, and were starting to think that maybe wearing her ring was for good luck. Soarin kept trying to mess up her routine like before, but Rainbow wasn't going to stand for it this time.

Every time Soarin got close to nailing a punch on Rainbow, she would tap into the slightest bit of power and knock him back with a punch of her own. Her counterattacks sent Soarin tumbling away, and made him look like the newbie.

"What are you doing Clipper? Get back in formation!" Soarin felt so embarrassed that he was being played and made into a fool. While he struggled to get back in line with the others, Indominus was having a field day from his perch.

Seeing Rainbow flying in sync with the Wonderbolts and knocking back all of Soarin's attempts put a smile on his face. He watched as Rainbow dove with the same teammates as yesterday, and pulled a tight ninety degree left turn with them. It surprised all the Wonderbolts, including Spitfire, who was just as shocked at how Rainbow had improved so dramatically. Indominus noticed Soarin going in for the same kind of ramming attack as yesterday, only this time it didn't work. Rainbow saw the move coming, and right before Soarin hit her, she performed the smallest barrel roll and rolled right over his back. Soarin ended up missing Rainbow and wound up colliding with Fleetfoot and Surprise.

"What's gotten into you, Clipper," said Surprise.

"Yeah, you're usually clipping your wings on flag polls, not crashing into your teammates," Fleetfoot added.

"Oh shove it down your throats! I don't have time for this!" Soarin's sharp response had Fleetfoot and Surprise a little stunned. They had never seen him this frustrated before, or retaliate with such language.

Rainbow touched down near the runway after she had completed the routine, with a much better run-through than yesterday. While most of the Wonderbolts didn't call her the nickname afterwards, there was still Spitfire who refused to call her anything else.

"Nicely done Crash. However, next time I tell you to not wear the ring, YOU DO AS I SAY AND PUT THAT GAUDY PIECE OF JEWELRY AWAY!"

Indominus was appalled at the stubbornness that Spitfire seemed to have. Rainbow had done much better than her last practice, and yet, that pony had the nerve to criticize Rainbow on the ring that defined her relationship with her dinosaur husband. Clearly. Indominus's message had barely any impact on Spitfire if she was still barking at Rainbow over the littlest things. The hybrid dinosaur decided it was time for him to instill some real fear into the Wonderbolt captain. He flew off of his perch and glided down closer to the runway, and as he did, he could hear the Wonderbolts taunting Rainbow again.

"She's right Crash, Wonderbolts are supposed to be professional, not showing off necklaces like a model."

"That ring makes it look like you think you're better than all of us."

"It makes you look like even more of a showoff than you're already trying to be." That statement really got under Rainbow's skin.

"WHAT!? Is it really that wrong for me to wear something given to me by my husband? To have a part of him with me during practice so that I can focus?"

"Of course it is, Rainbow Crash," said a spiteful Soarin. "Your husband is nothing but a piece of trash, and that ring is just as worthless as he is."

At that point Rainbow zoomed over and got right in Soarin's face. Rage was bristling across her eyes, and yet Soarin didn't even seem concerned.

"Nopony talks about my husband that way, and certainly not YOU, Soarin!"

"What are you gonna do about it? Hit me in front of the others and look even worse than yesterday?"

Rainbow had to admit that Soarin did have a point, with the Wonderbolts watching everything, how could she attack him to defend Indominus's honor without destroying her own? Ultimately, Rainbow backed away and began making her way towards the destroyed locker room, with the others following in shock at the restraint she had shown. Spitfire pulled Soarin aside once everypony was inside the compound.

"That was uncalled for Clipper, you didn't have to go and insult her family like that."

"Oh it was completely called for. Trust me boss, if you had seen Rainbow's husband for yourself, you would understand."

Spitfire was perplexed at Soarin's bizarre comment as she followed him towards the compound. However, before she got inside, Spitfire heard something massive heading right for her. She instinctively flew up to avoid whatever it was, but she had only played into Indominus's hands. He had sent a powerful gust of wind at Spitfire as a distraction to set her up for the real attack. Indominus nailed Spitfire square in the back and it sent her flying away from the compound and out of sight. Indominus flew past the Wonderbolt as she recovered and followed up with a backhand slap. Spitfire was sent spinning away, but recovered quickly from the attack and tried to spot her attacker.

"Where are you? Show some respect and reveal yourself at once!" Indominus touched down on some clouds behind Spitfire and whispered into her ear in a deep tone.

"You're not worthy of receiving my respect." He then punched Spitfire away again, when she recovered again, she touched down on some clouds herself. "Still, you need to see part of what will destroy you and your team very soon." Indominus changed his skin color to the purest shade of black, with white around the eyes to make himself look more like a fierce demon, and not a dinosaur.

He bolted off the clouds and charged straight towards Spitfire and the Wonderbolt barely had time to get off the clouds before Indominus slashed at them. He immediately went skyward and flew after the fleeing Wonderbolt, trying to slash and bite her. Spitfire dodged each and every attack, but she couldn't outrun Indominus. Thanks to his training with Rainbow Dash, Indominus was able to keep pace with the Wonderbolt captain and set her up for all of his moves. After Spitfire dodged another slash, Indominus spun his tail at her and it knocked her away which gave Indominus enough time to fire three blasts at her. Spitfire saw the red projectiles heading right for her and flew up just as the blasts collided with each other. The recoil from the explosions was enough to send Spitfire reeling.

"Whoever you are, you're definitely strong." Indominus flew up at her and Spitfire prepared herself for another assault. But as Indominus got closer, he began to vanish, using his camouflage again until he had disappeared.

Now Spitfire had no way to see him, he had completely blended in with the sky and was now invisible to her. She wasn't able to prepare herself as Indominus smacked her with enough force to send Spitfire crashing into the training field. He then returned to his black skin color and looked down on the wounded Wonderbolt from atop more clouds.

"Well when you've spent a good year and a half training under the best pegasus in Equestria and the Dragon Lord, you pick up a thing or two. If I wanted to kill you, you would already be a red and orange splotch by now."

Indominus flew down and pinned Spitfire to the ground before she could escape and fly off.

"Now don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you yet, Shitfire. I'm only here because you didn't seem to heed my warning." Upon hearing this, Spitfire's eyes shrunk.

"Y-You mean, YOU were the one who destroyed our locker room?"

"That's right and I'm still proud of it. You ponies deserve it after what you did to Rainbow Dash."

"What is it about Rainbow Crash that makes her so important? She's just a showoff and a newbie, Crash doesn't even-" Spitfire was stopped as Indominus grabbed her by the throat.

"STOP CALLING HER THAT PATHETIC NAME! SHE IS RAINBOW DASH, AND SHE IS ONE THOUSAND TIMES THE WONDERBOLT YOU WILL EVER BE! All she ever wanted was to be one of you, she looked up to you her whole life, and you repay her with a tormenting nickname. After everything she did for you rats, this is how you treat her by calling her that hideous name and messing with her emotions? You and your kind have tormented and hurt my girl, now, you have provoked me and my rage. I have BIG plans in mind for you and your bullying teammates, Shitfire!"

Spitfire was growing more terrified by the minute. Indominus's very voice was seeping into her mind and filling her head with true fear.

"I'm the monster that evil hides from, the beast that stalks even the greatest creatures in existence. I will see to it that you and the rest of the Wonderbolts suffer for hurting my Rainbow Dash. You know nothing about me, but I know EVERYTHING about you. You'll see me everywhere, even in your nightmares." Indominus dealt one last punch across Spitfire's face before camouflaging himself again and disappearing into the sky.

Spitfire was beyond scared now, Indominus had instilled the fear he had talked about and now the head of the Wonderbolts was worried for her own skin. She limped back into the compound with every one of Indominus's words spinning in her head like a infectious demon. Spitfire was slowly becoming aware of the danger she and the Wonderbolts had brought upon themselves. Indominus had completely owned her during the skirmish, and she had been unable to retaliate against him.

Once she stepped inside the locker room, she was shocked to find that Soarin was once again trying to hurt Rainbow Dash. The rest of the Wonderbolts were actually cheering him on like they thought it was just a friendly sparing match. None of them were aware that Soarin was really trying to attack Rainbow Dash and she was doing her best not to unleash her power and destroy him.

"What's the big idea Clipper? Stop this brawl at once!"

"I'll stop when Rainbow Crash finally stops acting like a pansy and strikes back!"

At that moment, Rainbow grabbed Soarin's hoof and slammed his head into the lockers. Then in one swift punch to the gut, Rainbow brought Soarin to his knees and put an end to his ranting for the day. Everypony went silent after seeing Rainbow shut Soarin up with a single blow.

"I've had enough from you for one day Soarin, this grudge you have against me and my husband is useless. You'll never be better than him or me, so give it up and move on with your pitiful life."

Rainbow changed out of her uniform, took her jacket out of her locker and started to leave the locker room. The Wonderbolts didn't say anything cruel this time, Rainbow was fed up with their teasing and the proof was groveling on the floor. She and Spitfire locked eyes before she left for the day. Upon seeing the damage that Indominus had dealt her, Rainbow decided that she was going to really thank her hybrid husband for all that he had done. Spitfire looked rally roughed up, and the bruises on her face were all the proof that Rainbow needed to know that Indominus was devoted to looking after his girl.

"Unless you find a way to improve on Soarin and end this name calling mam, I'm sure the 'King with no master' will make good on his promise. You have a devil looming over your shoulder, and you have nopony to blame but yourself. If you had only seen that Soarin is responsible for all of this, then you wouldn't be suffering right now."

Rainbow took off for the day, glad that she didn't have clean up duty, and glad that she had told Spitfire off for all the taunting. She was going to give Indominus the ultimate reward for all his effort and devotion in taking care of her. Inside the compound, Spitfire was going mad and bucking the demolished lockers in anger. She swore that she would find a way to make Indominus regret having decided to stalk and torment the Wonderbolts.