A Gmodder in Equestria

by LastOneLeft

What a nice day...

Josh wasn't much of a builder when it came to Gmod, but he knew enough to keep raiders out of his home. Most of the time. He had finished awhile ago, and now he was making sure the fading doors worked. He chuckled to himself, noting that since there were no rules against it, he could be a dick, and abuse the hell out of the fading doors. Josh looked at his health again, and sighed. It was still at one. He had to fix that at some point, so he reasoned now would be a good time. He opened the spawn menu and looked in his entities. Josh quickly spawned in a few health packs and, within seconds, his health was back to 100. He knew at this point, there's no way this was a dream of some sort, and he also knew he was basically a god. If he wanted to, he probably could take over Ponyville in about thirty minutes, and kill everything in there. He also knew that the ponies were pretty strong, and could kill him. Josh paused his thoughts of mass murder and destruction for a moment, because him dying was something he needed to figure out. It's not that he feared dying at all, no. It was more of if he can respawn. Josh wasn't too excited to try this out for obvious reasons, but it had to be done at some point. He was glad he'd downloaded so much from the workshop, because it gave him so many more ways to protect himself, one of them being cameras. He knew the ponies would eventually come looking for him, especially Twilight. It came as no surprise that Celestia came as well. He reasoned she must be pissed off at him for shooting a nuke, and not telling her that he could do that.

Josh didn't care.

All seven of the ponies approached the castle, which didn't look like much of a castle now. The entrance was covered by a big metal slab, and there were several cameras on the outside. If Josh didn't know any better, he'd think they were about to fight him by the way they came up to the door.
"What do you want?!" He yelled out, hidden behind the fading door. "If it isn't obvious, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment!"
"Josh?! Did you do all of this?!" Twilight yelled back. If she wasn't miffed at him for messing with delicate ruins, she'd be more curious.
"Hold on a second!" Josh opened the fading door, and walked out to meet them. "So, what do you want?"
"Josh, what did you do to the Castle of the royal pony sisters?!?!" Twilight screamed at him. He looked at the ponies faces. They all had some level of anger or discontent. He didn't understand why, as the castle was run down and abandoned.
"I took it over, and made a home for myself." He stated. "I mean, it's not like you were using it for anything, right?"
"You are correct Josh, but we've been looking for you for awhile now," Celestia said. "I'd like to know what that explosion was that you caused. You said you wouldn't harm my ponies." There it was. That's what Josh was waiting for.
"Correction, I said I wouldn't harm them if they didn't harm me." He returned quickly. "And, if I recall, my health was at one. How did THAT happen, you might ask?" His voice dripped with sarcasm, as Celesta looked away. "You happened. So, technically, I didn't break my word."
"Still," Twilight spoke up "You should have told us you could do that!"
"Let me stop you right there," Josh retorted. "Would you tell someone-"
"Somepony." Twilight 'corrected'.
"SomeONE," He continued. "Who you consider an enemy, or at least someone you dislike, ANYTHING about you at all?"
"We aren't your enemies, Josh," Celestia insisted.
"Ha, funny. So, you attack all new people you meet like that?" He questioned, then shook his head. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. So, you probably have questions you want to ask right? And I have questions too. So how about, we cut the shit, and get this over with, huh?" The ponies flinched at the language.
"I suppose, if it's alright with everyone else..." Celestia said. All the ponies there said something of agreement.
"Okay, so... go ahead." Josh spawned a chair and sat in it.
"How did you do that? No magic allows you to create something out of nothing." Twilight, of course was the first to ask a question.
"I spawned it in, and it's not magic. Next."
"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie Pie hopped in place while waiving her hoof in the air. "Me next! Do you like parties?!"
"No. Next?" Josh knew he said something wrong as soon as his words left his mouth. Pinkie Pie's whole demeanor changed.
"How can you not like parties..?"
"I'm not a social person. You." He pointed at Rainbow Dash. "I'm dying to hear what you have to say." He drawled. She growled a bit.
"How come you're such a jerk, huh?! What did we do to you?!" She demanded an answer.
"Because," Josh began "One; I have literally nothing to lose. Two; You've done nothing to show you even want to be friends with me. Three; It's how I cope with life. And four? I just don't give a shit." Josh answered. He noticed that the ponies didn't seem to like his answers, judging by the looks on their faces.
"What do you mean, you have nothing to lose?" Twilight asked. "And what did you mean by, 'It's how I cope with life,'?"
"I meant, I have NOTHING of value at this moment to lose for not caring what happens to me or you. And by 'It's how I cope with life,' I meant, life can get pretty bad for me, and in order to not kill myself or die, I joke about it."
"That's mean..." Fluttershy 'said'.
"Yeah," Josh had heard her. "I didn't come from a nice place. I came from a place where humans, like me, were killed because of the color of their skin. I come from a place, were people are bullied to the point they take their own lives. I come from a place were people literally blow themselfs up for their religion. I watch others beat someone to death, just because they could. That's not to mention that murder is so common, that they had the stats for it at 11,961 people total, in the United States of America. I live in the U.S. so, this is what I see on the news all the time. I'm sort of used to it now."
"Josh that's...that's terrible..." Twilight spoke, and the others nodded. He noticed Pinkie Pie's hair was long and straight, and she seemed to be... sad? He couldn't tell, but he kept a closer eye on her.
"Yeah, it is." He agreed. "The good news is, the people who do this, get punished." That seemed to cheer them up a bit.
"I had no idea you came from such a place..." Celestia began, but Josh cut her off.
"I don't want sympathy, because it won't fix anything. Just ask a question, and we'll call it good."
"Josh," Rarity said. "Why do you wear such hideous clothes?"
"I don't know, why do you care?" He countered. "Next?"
"Why d'ya swear so much?" Applejack asked.
"Because it gets the point across quickly."
"I have a question Josh," Celestia started. "How did you cause that explosion?"
"I shot a nuke." Josh answered. "I'll explain what that is later, because right now? I'm feeling adventurous!" He no-clipped into the air. "Can we continue this later? I want to see what I can find!" Josh flew away, knowing they wouldn't follow him. Hopefully.
"Wait!" Twilight shouted, trying to get his attention. Josh heard it, but he was already long gone.

Josh had flown up, and headed towards the desert. Spawning in a sniper, he saw the badlands. He was no physic , but he knew something was wrong with it. Of course, he had to be correct, because when he flew close, he noticed 15 black bug-like ponies with holes riddled in them. Josh wasn't sure if he should be disgusted or scared of the things, but they looked too cute to him. He landed far enough away they couldn't see him, as he equipped his M4. Josh came out, and kept his finger on the trigger. He approached what he now dubbed 'buggers' slowly, and spoke in his most commanding voice: "You too! Up there! Take me to your leader!" He smiled. "I've always wanted to say that..!" Apparently they didn't like that, because a few decided to power up their crooked horns with a green light. Josh knew what would happen next, and before any of them could loose their magic, He jumped into cover.
"Whoa whoa whoa! I want to talk! Why so hostile?!" He shouted as they shot magic at him. One of the 'buggers' got lucky and hit him as he tried to peek out, knocking Josh's health down to 68."Damn it! Well, I tried to do it nicely...!" He popped out and shot one that was running towards him. Green blood spurted out of the bug-like pony, as bullets ripped it to pieces, like an 1000 degree knife through butter. That halted their attack for a moment, and that's all Josh needed. To him, this was easy mode, since they never took cover, and moved more predictably than the NPC's for a mario game. The battle raged on for a bit longer, and eventually they were all dead. Josh sighed, and looked at his health. 12. He'd gotten hit a lot more than he should have, but in his defense, shooting was like one of those VR games he never got used to. Josh took a closer look at the carnage he caused. The bodies of the buggers he killed lied on the badland ground, with more holes in them than they had previously. Green blood littered the ground, and he scoffed and no-clipped away. "Well, that was fun while it lasted..." Little did Josh know, he'd pissed off a lot of people that day.

He continued flying around, and looking for more things to kill, but he didn't find anything. Josh, now bored and a little tired, headed back to Ponyville. He thought back to the discussion he had with the ponies, and realized he may or may not have scared the ponies a bit. Human history isn't rainbows and sunshine, and it seemed to Josh, ponies didn't know much about violence. He sighed, cursing himself for not thinking things through. The sun was about to go down when he made it back to the town. Josh looked around and spotted a hill. He flew towards it, slowly and lazily heading closer to the ground. Josh stood on the hill, watching as the sun went down. A shadow of a smile was on his face. He always enjoyed sunsets, and for some reason Equestria's sunset made him even more happier than Earth's. The sun finally went down, and he sighed. Josh no-clipped back to the castle, heading in to sleep. It wasn't comfortable, the bed he made, because the mattress was old, and the bed was broke a bit. It didn't matter to him, he was just happy to sleep. Interesting to Josh his sleep was dreamless, a slight annoyance to him as he slept in darkness. What felt like literally twenty seconds to Josh, was apparently the entire night, and he wasn't too happy about that at all. He wanted to sleep more, but he knew once he was up, that was it. Josh was expecting a lot of things when he woke up and checked the cameras. He was not however, expecting an annoyed Celestia, the smaller blue one, and a shit load of guards, with pointy looking weapons. Josh could only think of two words to describe the situation he was in.

"Well...shit." Josh knew this could only end up poorly.