//------------------------------// // I - Discovery // Story: Illusion // by Alfoals Trottenbauer //------------------------------// The door led to the same frozen Equestria. Their hopes fled them entirely. Twilight followed Ace into the world again. They sat, contemplating what to do. Twilight started weeping softly, her hooves covered her face, the world taken away from her. "Hey, Twily... It could be worse. We could be separated..." He tried to stop Twilight from crying, only making it worse. He moved her hooves away from her face, wiped her tears. She sniffled, looking into his eyes. He moved so they were face to face. He embraced her in a kiss, she jumped slightly, then relaxed into his hooves. They separated, both their cheeks a rosy red. "We have to find a way to set things right." He encouraged. "Maybe there's something in a void we haven't noticed." She suggested. They trotted alongside each other, searching for a void. Twilight indicated one Ace hadn't noticed. They turned to it and went inside. Once inside, the way they entered noisily shut with a wall. "We should go around every direction." Ace implied. They started by going east. Nothing at all. Then south. They came across same statue that killed Ace. They searched the statue, nothing but an engraved sentence in a different language. It read: 'Mod nord er nøglen.' They didn't know what it meant. Ace was stumped, however, Twilight tried to figure it out. "Nord... Nord... Nord, maybe the language is a relative to Equestrian?" She asked to herself, mostly. Ace shrugged. "Maybe nord means north? We should go north, in that case." She concluded, answering her own question. They trotted north. Nothing.