Bridle City Port

by Magi Tail Welkin

Chapter 1: Sunshine

Bridle City Port is the biggest harbour in Equestria, a place of change and great opportunity. No-pony knew it better than the hard-working wagon ways ponies who strength and big hearts made them popular with everyone from the simplest company to the most respected ponies throughout the kingdom. Important jobs in the port often kept them working night and day.

One company owned by Captain Star, late of the Royal Equestrian Navy, and one of the finest officers of the Royal Marines, were no expectation.
The team include three large Earth Ponies, Old Jones, or OJ for short was the oldest, but still strong and capable, a light purple pony with a grey mane and an old clock cutie mark. Warrior and Big Jock, both brown coated. Warrior had a yellow mane with a dumbbell and a banana peel cutie mark. Big Jock had a black mane with heavy weight and rope for his cutie mark.

A Unicorn named Top Hat, green with a golden mane, true to his name he had a top hat cutie mark, and to add to this he wore a monocle and a purple waist coat.

A teenage Earth Pony, Ten Bits, light blue with a white mane, ten gold spots on his flank.

And a large Pegasus called Hercules his coat a dark blue and his mane a dark red, a pair of wings linked in friendship was his cutie mark.
All of them wore neckties with the Star logo to signify their employment. A brilliant team who strived to be the best in the port, not always succeeding but proud of their work.

In the recreation room the team, minus Hercules sat about talking. The clock ticked towards six-thirty, briefing time.

The door of Captain Star's office opened and out walked a dark blue Unicorn with a white mane and a ship's wheel in front of a five-pointed star cutie mark walked in "Good morning Star Ponies, today I've hired another pony to help with the work, he's from Upriver," he turned to Ten Bits "Ten Bits he'll be working with you show him the ropes."

"Right Captain Star," the young pony said "here what's his name?"


"Sunshine?" laughed Top Hat "Only good for day work, is he?", Ten Bits smirked "Might brighten you up a bit Top Hat."

"I resent that." The snob unicorn said as the crew laughed.

"Settle down," the Captain said "give Sunshine a chance. Now for the good news, after a lot of hard bargaining I've landed a contract with the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia," everyone turned to the Captain "their private locomotive and carriage is being sent for repairs and improvements and Lucky's Yard have got the contract for that, so I bargained to have us bring them in this afternoon and be there to pull the pair out of the works after completion. But first we have to prove ourselves." He turned to the oldest member "OJ you're in charge."

"Aye-aye sir."

"Big Jock, you're leading. Top Hat, Warrior you're on the side push.", Top Hat turned to the teenager "Not you Ten Bits, this is no work for adolescents."

"Yeah," said Warrior "that's right, big ponies only Ten Bits."

"Make sure you don't bump into the engine Warrior." The young pony muttered before Captain Star spoke to him "On your way, show Sunshine how to get the work done and fast."

"Yeah, right, okay sir." And he walked to the front door. Captain Star returned to the other "Now for the rest of you, I want you all finished early so you can get yourselves looked spic and span for the Duke and Duchess this afternoon.", they all nodded and left for their regular duties.

The biggest rivals the Star Ponies were the Z Manes, headed by Captain Zero, former criminal now mostly reformed. His crew sat outside on the quayside, three Pegasi, and two small Earth Ponies. They always looked for ways to get further ahead. Usually be any means.

From the window of his office Captain Zero, a dull yellow Pegasus with a black mane leaned out and shouted down to his cronies "Now listen to me and listen good. The Star Company are about to get a contact with the nobility, and I'm not happy."

"We're not smiling Captain Zero." A dark orange Pegasus with a black mane said.

"I'm glad you don't find it funny Zorran. Now I want that contract and you're going to get it for me.", most of the five agreed, one of the Earth Ponies Zip, light red with a white mane, spoke up "But how? I thought…"

"I don't expect you to think! You're a team, the best, the better looking, more powerful, and dare I say more devious.", one of the Pegasi, Zak, flicked the ash of his cigar, staining his dark red coat and dark grey mane "I like that bit about being better looking." He said wheezing before taking more puffs of the cigar.

Zip spoke again "Yes but what's devious?"

"What's devious!" Captain Zero shouted out "Is what necessary to make a good profit in this terrible economy. Now pump up your wings and clean your horseshoes, get that Maretonia contract, these no time to lose."

"No problem, that bunch of clapped out fillies are going to find they missed a train or my name's not Zorran.", the others laughed as they got up and walked away, but Zip looked unsure "But it is Zorran, isn't it?"

Hercules finished with a big breakfast at the Bridge Café giving him the energy to fly off to Cloudsdale for his annual duty as a Wonderbolt Reserve. So, Captain Star would lose Hercules's great strength on the very day he would need it the most.

The winged stallion existed the café as Ten Bits trotted up "Hey Hercules the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia are coming this afternoon it's a pity you won't be there."

"I know," his said calming and serene voice "I really hate to disappoint the two."

"Hey I'm looking for a pony named Sunshine, you ain't seen him?"

"Afraid not old darling."

"Well he'd better show up soon, I've got a lot of work to do this afternoon…"

"I'll be back in a few days," he spread his long wing out before looking back at the teenager "oh and Ten Bits, look after the Duke and Duchess for me, won't you?" with a chuckle from the pair the Pegasus took off into the clouds, "I wonder if Rainbow Dash will be the Drill Sergeant this time?" he said under his breath.

Just after he disappeared OJ ambled passed the young pony with a yoke and reigns and pulling a wagon "Ten Bits, has that new pony found you yet?"

"No not yet."

"Ah well he's looking for you."

'I'd better go look for him.' Ten Bits ran off in the direction OJ came from.

Suddenly a small white Unicorn wan a reddish-orange mane came galloping out of an alleyway crashing into Ten Bits and the two fell to the ground. The Unicorn shook himself quickly got up "Ah sorry sir.", due to a gap in his teeth he sometimes whistled on the s. Ten Bits got up and brushed himself down "Well watch it in future."

"Sorry, I was looking for, Ten Bits sir?"

"Yeah well you just found him."

"Oh, I'm, Sunshine, sir." He pointed to the sun rays coming out of a cloud for his cutie mark.

"Well it's good to meet you, come on let's get to work, the Star Ponies are helping the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia this afternoon and if we get a move on we'll be finished in time to watch."

"Yes sir."

Ten Bits rolled his eyes and shook his head "Now look Sunshine, you only call Captain Star sir, I'm just Ten Bits, okay?"

"Yes, uh sure thing, Ten Bits." And with introductions ended the two walked off to their first job together.

Zorran and Zak trotted to the outskirts of the city close to the railway line. Presently they passed the station and came across a cart full of crated bananas parked next to the welcome sign with a sleeping scrawny Minotaur sitting at the helm.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," said Zorran, "Izzy Bulmer.", the Minotaur opened an eye and sat up "Oh hey guys, I need a tow, the lot helped me here left and caught a train to Manehatten."

"We don't expect bananas as payment." Zak said before chuckling to himself. Izzy took no notice and spoke again "Hey big shots, you towing the train for a Duke and Duchess or something?"

"What would you know about it?" Zorran snapped back "You thick-headed bovine."

"What I know is I saw a loco and carriage with fancy looking people waiting at the nearest signal box while the driver dropped the engine's fire. Then suddenly everybody's busy."

"But," Zak wheezed "the Duke and Duchess aren't due till this afternoon."

"Shut up hay-brain" Zorran snapped "come on." And the two trotted off.

Izzy shook his head and laid back "Really what a day. All I ask is a tow so I can unload these bananas."

At the Zero offices, the criminal captain scratched his head "You sure about this?"

"Seen it with my own eyes." Zorran said, Zak backed him up. Zero rubbed his hooves "Couldn't be better, now I want that contract and you are going to get it for me?"

Zorran saluted "Yes sir."

The dark orange Pegasus meet Zip and Zug, the two Earth Ponies under the bridge "Now listen, Hercules is in Cloudsdale out of the way, Big Jock is the strongest Star left, if we put him out of commission we'll grab the Maretonia Contract."

"Yeah, I know," Zip said "but he's bigger than me, how…"

"He's towing wagons dummy; his route takes him near the mud banks on route upriver okay?"

"Yeah so?"

"So, you stuff him onto one okay stupid?"

"You've done it before to yourself Zip," Zug added "so you should soon catch on."

"Yeah I'll catch on Zorran."

"You'd better, do it fast and get back fast, now get going."

"Devious," Zip said under his voice "just devious" And the two Zero Earth Ponies walked off.

Meanwhile Warrior walked along the railway line and came across Izzy.

"Hey Warrior old friend." The Minotaur called "I need a tow."

"No time to argue about fees today Izzy."

"When do I argue friend? Let's say a hundred bits?"

"Yeah okay," Warrior said looking up the tracks "but fast, we're bringing in the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia's train this afternoon and I need time to get smart looking."

"Oh, but my friend, the Duke and Duchess their already here."

"What? They can't be?"

"Yeah I saw them already."

"By Celestia, their early, got to tell the other." He turned around "Sorry Izzy, I'll tow you later." And he galloped off back to the city. Izzy sighed and collapsed back into his cart seat.

Warrior found OJ and Top Hat and explained what Izzy told them. Top Hat frowned "Can you trust him?"

"Izzy may be a haggler," Warrior said "but he's honest about everything else."

Just then Ten Bits and Sunshine walked in.

OJ turned to the pair "Ten Bits have you seen Big Jock?"

"No, is there a problem?"

"The Duke and Duchess are in early, we need him to bring the train in."

"No, I ain't seen him since the briefing.", OJ looked at both smaller ponies "Well you two go and look for him. The rest of us should try and mange on our own till he arrives, come on lads." And they walked towards the railway, Top Hat grumble "Oh no, the Duke and Duchess are not going to be happy."

Soon the three Star Ponies were yoked and pulling the express locomotive and single carriage up the line toward the Lucky's Yard sidings. Top Hat and Warrior pulled from the front and OJ pulling from the side.

Warrior gulped "I hope Big Jock get here soon Top Hat, this ain't going to be an easy one."

Top Hat nodded sweating slightly from the strain "Yes, where is he? We'll never manage without him."

OJ looked around frantically 'I'm worried about this; we need help when we reach the sidings. Come on Big Jock where are you?'

Ten Bits and Sunshine eyes widened at the scene before them, Big Jock and his wagons rest deep within a bank of muddy earth at the side of the jetty.

"Big Jock what happened?", the large Earth Pony grunted as he tried to pull himself out of the sticky mud "I'm not sure, Zip and Zug were giving me a hoof, the next thing I knew I was in this mud bank, they went for help."

"No, they didn't, their crooks those two. Come on let's get you out of there."

A loud trumpet sounded and the three looked to the railway.

"There's no time," Big Jock said wide-eyed "that's the Duke and Duchess, they've reached the station and the train will be nearing the sidings at Lucky's, you two take over for me, OJ will tell you what to do.", Ten Bits eyes-widened and his legs shook "But I've never done anything like…"

"You can do it, get going, we've got to show the Duke and Duchess the stuff the Stars are made of.", Ten Bits nodded "Yeah, right, come on Sunshine." And the two galloped off.

When they reached the others Ten Bits quickly explained to OJ what happened, the old pony frowned but nodded and start giving the two directions, Ten Bits close to him and Sunshine near the rear of the coach.

Close by the Z Manes watched on, as did Izzy, but no one took much notice of them.

Zip leaned into Zorran "Looks like your plan didn't work Zorran.", the dark orange pony hummed to himself before speaking "If only I could get rid of that Unicorn Sunshine."

"Thinking devious Zorran?" Zip asked.

"No, just thinking contract, look they've slowly right down to take the points into the sidings."

OJ called for Sunshine to move back slighting and Zorran grinned "This is where we win the contract." He spread his wings out and took off at full speed, pushing into Sunshine. The Unicorn tumbled into the signal and pushed the weight. The signal changed to danger and the points switched just as the rear bogie of the coach went onto it and the coach derail.

Top Hat and Warrior felt the strain of their yokes tighten, "I say," the older unicorn said "what going on back there."

"I've got it OJ!" Zorran called and took hold of the bogie. The unimaginable just happened, the Star Ponies needed to accept help from a Z Mane.

The Duke and Duchess turned around from the station and watch Zorran use his strength to put the coach back onto the rails.

Zip stared agape at this "Oh so that's devious.", the Z Manes went into a round of well done and good job as he walked back "Glad to be of service." He called as he re-joined his team.

Sunshine, confused at what happened slowly walked away as the Star completed their work, passing Izzy Bulmer as he did.

Later that night he watched the Duke and Duchess celebrate with the Mayor of Bridal City Port, almost every citizen there, Star and Z Manes too. The celebrations included a blue Unicorn on a stage who performed a magic act with fireworks.

From afar Sunshine watched and sighed 'No ponies ever going to talk to me again.' He said and with his head low he walked further into the city.

After the celebrations Zorran explained his actions to Captain Zero, the former criminal grinned broadly "Well, well, well, I congratulate you, good work Zorran, the right attitude, oh yes one thing, no one saw you, did they? Not even little what's his name?"

"Who Sunshine?" Zak said in-between a cigar puff "No sir, no one saw us."

"Good, that's very good, I'll offer our services to the Duke and Duchess tomorrow, when the repairs and the improvements are done we'll be the ones there for the cameras.", the Z Manes laughed in joy, Zak smirked "Poor little Sunshine, just wasn't his day was it?"

At the Star Building Warrior walked into the reaction room and meet with glum faces all around, he sighed and went to sit with Big Jock, who subbed a towel over his mane having spent most of the afternoon and evening washing the mud away.

Ten Bits sat next to Top Hat, the Earth Pony turned to the Unicorn "You know maybe I should find Sunshine."

"What do you mean?" Top Hat asked "What for?"

"Come on Top Hat, we all make mistakes, he must be feeling terrible."

"Well so he should after all the trouble he caused."

"You may be right, but we can't just leave him on his own, also I got other things on my mind, I've got this feeling the Z Mane had something to do with the accident, maybe some fresh crisp air can clear my head." Ten Bits turned to the oldest member of the group "What do you think OJ?"

"Well it's up to you.", with it said Ten Bits stood on his hooves and made for the door "Ah well, don't wait up.", Top Hat watched 'There he goes, always playing Mister Nice Pony, and for no real reason with what Sunshine did, what a bore.'

Outside the building fog rolled in, making Ten Bit's search far harder "Sunshine." He called.

Said small Unicorn sat in the corner of an alleyway moping 'I'll never live this down, and just when I really had a chance. Who's going to want me now?'

"Sunshine!" he heard a familiar voice call out, he got up quickly 'Ten Bits! Oh no, he'll never forgive me!' he quickly galloped further into the alleyway and used his magic to move some boxes to hide behind, just as Ten Bits passed the alleyway "Sunshine? Sunshine.", a steam whistle sounded catching the Earth Pony by surprise he quickly looked up as a train speed across the overhead bridge. Ten Bit face scrunched up in annoyance and impatience "Sunshine!" he shouted fiercely "Where are you?", 'Darn this fog, it's so hard to see.', "Sunshine.", he looked around and saw the flashing off the lighthouse 'Lillie, maybe he out there.', and he raced off towards the light.

Sunshine walked out the alleyway and saw Ten Bits run away from him 'Maybe I should just try and go home.', he gave a sigh and with his head held low he wearily made his way 'Not much point staying here.'

Ten Bits knocked on the door of the lighthouse.

After a few minutes the doors opened and a mare stood in the doorway, Pink with a white mane with red highlights a lantern cutie mark, her name Lillie Lampard "Ten Bits? What brings to the lighthouse tonight, the fuel tanks still more than half full?"

"Sorry Lillie I'm looking for a little Unicorn named Sunshine, wondered if you'd seen him."

"Why no, Ten Bits but I haven't seen a Unicorn today."

"Ah well," he turned around and walked away "See you.", Lillie waved a little confused "Bye Ten Bits."

Sunshine squinted as he began to near the river 'I've just got to get home somehow, this fogs thick, I can't get my bearings, I don't know which way to go.'

Ten Bits continued his search when he heard something growl "Here, what's that? Who's there?" as he neared the source of the growling he almost bumped head first into a cart, he looked up as a familiar individual awoke from his snoring sleep.

Ten Bits rolled his eye "Oh, Izzy it's you.", the Minotaur yawned before looking fed up and revealed at the same time "And about time too, Warrior promised me a tow, but he must have forgotten, good thing it's cold tonight, or else my bananas would have spoiled."

"Sorry about that, but I've got to find Sunshine."

"Oh, why? What the matter?"

"He disappeared. I suppose he ashamed after causing the accident with the points and the Duke and Duchess's coach."

"Sunshine didn't cause any accident, I saw the whole thing, Zorran pushed him."

"What! Are you sure?"

"As sure as I know I've a load of bananas and I need a tow."

"I had a feeling those Z Mane were up to something. Wait here, I must tell the others." And he galloped off.

"Hey," Izzy called "what about me tow?"

As soon as he got into the Star Building Ten Bits ran into the dormitory area and began waking the crew up "Oi you lot, come on, wake up.", a few of them start to protest but the small Earth Pony stopped them "Oi listen, Izzy told me he saw everything."

"What?" OJ said rubbing his eyes "Lazy Izzy? What did he see?"

"He saw the accident; I mean he saw why Sunshine had the accident."

"Well so what?" Top Hat said scowling "He had it and that's enough."

"But it was Zorran who hit Sunshine, that's what made him lose control, Izzy saw it.", OJ frowned his eyebrows and turned to the others "I wondered why Zorran appeared so quickly, you're right Ten Bits Izzy could have seen everything."

"He did." Ten Bits said "Look you just got to believe him, Sunshine isn't a clumsy pony, I can tell when working with him."

"Alright," OJ said motioning Ten Bits with his hooves to calm down "alright. Now you've looked everywhere for him have you Ten Bits?"

"Yeah everywhere, even as far out as Lillie, he's not a Pegasus so he can't fly, he must be on the ground.", OJ narrowed his eyes and hummed pondering. After a moment or two he spoke "Well if I were Sunshine, I guess I would've tried to make it home.", Ten Bit’s eyes widened and he smiled "That's it, yeah, of course Upriver." He turned to the door and rushed off, he stopped at the doorway and looked back "Come on!"

OJ turned to the other three "Now the rest of you follow Ten Bits, I'll stay here and tell Captain Star.", as the older pony walked towards Captain Star's room.

Warrior turned to Big Jock "Oh Luna," he said lowering his head "poor old Sunshine, we done him wrong."

"One of Zorran little schemes," Big Jock muttered "I should have known, first Zip and Zug push me onto a mud bank, then Zorran messes with Sunshine." His expressed become more determined "I'm with Ten Bits, come on Warrior, Top Hat?"

The snobbish Unicorn straightened his waistcoat "Well as I'm doing nothing better.", he followed on and gulped 'I should have known better than to judge another Unicorn.'

"Yeah let's go." Warrior called walking out the door.

The four ponies quickly made their way toward the route Upriver and found Sunshine stuck in the same mud bank Big Jock had been pushed into earlier in the day, however Sunshine winced in pain as he caressed one of his legs. The little Unicorn heard their voices and shut his eye 'Oh no not the lads.'

"Hey you guys," Ten Bits called appearing on the jetty "I found him, what a mess." He said looking Sunshine over "Top Hat you think you can pull him out with your magic?"

"I'll give it a try."

"It doesn't matter really," Sunshine said waving it off "just leave me only I've caused enough trouble."

Top Hat cleared his throat "A matter of fact we found out it wasn't your fault, so everything's alright now.", Ten Bit blinked and laughed "An apology from Top Hat? I don't believe it.”

For the first time in hours Sunshine smiled "Do you think Captain Star would have me back?"

"Yeah," Ten Bits said "sure he will, Izzy told me everything."

Warrior blinked and turned around back towards the harbour "Oh Luna! Izzy! I completely forgot!" and his galloped off.

Next morning Captain Zero shouted his disappointment at his employees "So it turns out you were seen."
"Impossible!" Zorran said "I made sure."

"Don't argue with me you were seen. Now the Duke and Duchess knows what we did and we don't get the contract. What kind of idiots do I have working for me?"

Zip spoke up "Really devious…"

"Shut it Zip." Zorran snapped.

Zak threw his cigar away "Sorry about that sir.", and the others began to join in on the apology.

"Sorry?" the former criminal shouted "Sorry I don't want to here! Get out of my sight all of you!"

Days later Captain Star came out of his offices and into the reaction room holding a letter, all the Star Ponies, Hercules included who got told the story, went silent and listened in.

The Captain spoke "A few days ago we rescued the Unicorn Sunshine and he was taken to hospital, and I glad to tell you that little damage was done and he's made a full recovery.", the crew sighed in relief before the Captain continued "As for the Star Company we've learned a valuable lesson here.", OJ nodded as the former naval pony listed off the lesson off "A lesson about trust, loyalty and friendship, I think we have Ten Bits for that, and for the rest of us, about jumping to conclusions before knowing the truth.", Top Hat scrubbed his face before putting his monocle back in place.

"Now I know you're all proud of being Star Ponies," Captain Star concluded "but the most important thing in my team, after hard work, is that my employees always be true, honest and forgiving", the team agree wholeheartedly, the Captain grinned and stepped aside "With that in mind I would like you to welcome our new recruit."

Ten Bits grinned and Sunshine walked out the office with the Star necktie, the small Unicorn turned to the Captain Star and saluted, the Captain saluted "Sunshine I am proud to have you on my crew."

The team cheered and Ten Bits ruffled Sunshine's mane "Yeah welcome aboard you look great."

"Thanks," Sunshine said glancing back at his necktie "love the funny new colours."