
by Alfoals Trottenbauer

II - Death

They looked behind themselves and saw a giant, menacing statue. A wall had closed behind it. They were trapped, no way out. Suddenly, the figure raced towards Ace. It hit him in no time, pushing him into the distance at breakneck speeds. Twilight galloped towards their direction, although nowhere near the speed they were going. Minutes seemed like hours, hours seemed like days. She eventually got to where they were. There was a wall, and on that wall, was Ace. He had been crushed, although still barely alive. His blood was everywhere on the wall, a few bones protruded through his legs and back.

"A-Ace... Are you... Alive?" She asked, horrified.

"Am... I..?" He inquired, having lost too much blood to reason, not to mention a giant crack in his skull.

Twilight was speechless.

"Tw- Twi..." He stuttered.

"Ace? Ace!?" She desperately called, tears in her eyes.

"Twi... I... I..." He stopped, sighing his final breath.

She came closer and closed his eyes with her hoof.