//------------------------------// // Pinkie Pie Has Her Say // Story: Pinkie Pie Has Her Say // by Dreadnought //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie burst onto the stage. "'April Fools!?' 'April Fools!?' You mean this was just a prank!? I didn't even get a chance to speak!" Twilight tried to console the pink pony. "Pinkie Pie, calm down. We were only allotted a thousand words. And according to our contract, we are being charged $1,000 for every word we go over." $59,000 "I don't care." $62,000 "Pinkie." $63,000 "I want to talk." $67,000 "Pinkie!" $68,000 "You know what word really I like? Kumquat! Ooo, how about cherrychanga? It has mashed up cherries deep-fried in a tortilla! It's so good! But which sounds better? Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $99,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $102,000 "Pinkie! $103,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $106,000 "Pinkie!" $107,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $110,000 "Pinkie!" $111,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $114,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $117,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $120,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $123,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $126,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $129,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $132,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $135,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $138,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $141,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $144,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $147,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $150,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $153,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $156,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $159,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $162,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $165,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $168,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $171,000 "Cherrychanga or chimicherry?" $174,000 Twilight met with Starlight and Trixie at the back of the auditorium. Trixie turned to Twilight, "Are you sure about this?" $195,000 "We have no other choice," replied Twilight. $202,000 "But isn't it a bit drastic?" asked Starlight. $210,000 "Look. I'm charged $1,000 for every word we go over. Right now we're at $225,000. I'll have to take on a second job after I mortgage the castle. Trixie, if you would?" $242,000 Trixie lit her horn, and instantly an arrow appeared that ripped off Pinkie's mouth and threw it in a trash can. $263,000 "Mmm mmmm mmm," tried Pinkie. $268,000 "I'm sorry Pinkie, but you left us no choice." Twilight turned to the audience. "Thank you all for reading. That's all." $289,000 The End $291,000