Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead

by Rune Soldier Dan

Epilogue: Call Me Al

The past few months had changed many things in Celestia’s life.

The endless piles of take-home work was not one of them. Her post-dinner routine was the same as ever, spent with a laptop and papers arranged precisely on the dining room table. Such was a principal’s lot, and Celestia had long since learned to approach the extra labor with good cheer.

Test scores and grants, data and disciplinary notes. It was going faster than she was used to – Sunset took care of the dinner dishes, giving Celestia a head start on her work. And Luna had taken some of the load as well...

It occurred to Celestia her evenings might grow very boring soon. Perhaps it was time for a hobby. She’d always wanted to learn music, and strum out a folk song like Garfunkel or Peter Yarrow.

Sunset could teach me.

She smiled, letting her mind wander from the papers. But no, Sunset had her own hobbies and commitments. Especially now, with graduation looming at the start of June. Just a few months away.

“Maybe we could do one or two lessons, to help me get the basics. That would be nice.”

An email popped onto her screen. Celestia read it, sighed, and typed out a response. “Nagatha, we are not handing out three-hundred demerits for disorderly conduct. They were possessed by brain worms!”

The reply came instantly. “If we start making exceptions, the whole system will fall apart.”

“Principal Cadence doesn’t have to deal with this,” Celestia muttered.


Luna stepped through the dining room door, dressed in a jacket and cap. Celestia gave her a distracted smile. “Nothing major. You’re going out?”

“Yep.” Luna walked past, but paused at the entryway. “You want to come? We’re going to troll for guys at the university, then head back to Cheerilee’s place for some bad anime.”

“You two and Redheart, right?” Celestia beamed. “I’m happy to see you three getting along.”

Sunset’s voice called from the other side of the house. “MOM, WHERE DO WE KEEP THE SWORDS!?”

“HALL CLOSET!” Celestia shouted back.


“Anyway, no thank you,” Celestia said to Luna. “You guys have fun.”

Sunset barreled through the kitchen, one hand holding a scabbard and the other’s thumb tapping on her phone. “I’m heading over to AJ’s. Limestone’s gonna teach us sword fighting.”

“Whoa, hey, before you go...” Luna grinned and slapped the side of Sunset’s arm. “What’s this I hear about us keeping you for the foreseeable future?”

Sunset matched the grin with an embarrassed one. “The classes I need are at Canterlot University. It’s not the shortest bike ride, but hey, why move?”

She laughed. “I mean… yeah. I don’t want to leave you guys so soon.”

“Glad to hear it,” Luna said. “You decide on a major?”

Sunset raised a finger. “Nursing, but that’s just a springboard. I want to go on to be a pediatrician. Like, one of the really intense ones that do surgeries and remove tumors and stuff. I figure life sucks enough when it doesn’t say, ‘Sorry, you don’t get a chance to live it.’ If I can give kids that chance for six figures a year, it seems pretty win-win.”

“You go, girl.” Luna slapped her again on the shoulder and tousled her hair. “Alright. Now get out of here. Tell Limestone to say hi to the Pies for us.”

The yellow teen nodded. She skipped the first step down to the side door, but spun on a heel and came back up. Two long strides carried her to a fast, tight embrace with Celestia and Luna. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Celestia kissed her on top of the head. “Be home by ten. It’s a school night.”

Luna paused at that, waiting until Sunset left the house before giving her smirk its voice. “Ten? You’ve gotten generous.”

“She already has a scholarship.” Celestia gave a dismissive wave, settling back into her work chair. “I’m under no illusion that much learning of consequence happens in the final months of high school.”

“Scholarship, huh?” Luna snatched a few sweets from the candy bowl and started munching. “How much?”

A quiet, dry smile formed on Celestia’s lips. “Enough so we will only be navel-high in debt when she hits med school.”

“Gotcha. We gonna be cool?”

“Oh, yes.” Celestia nodded. “We have many things on our side. Loans, grants, and the knowledge Sunset will make more than both of us put together.”

“In ten years,” Luna noted. “I’ll chip in. No sweat.”

Celestia turned her smile and gaze on Luna. “I appreciate that. But for now, don’t you have somewhere to go?”

“In a sec, yeah.” Luna crossed her arms and leaned on the counter. “Just… I’ve been thinking, you know? Ever since this whole thing with Sunset started, my life has improved. Like, dramatically. I have friends, cooking skills, and some actual self-respect. And Sunset, she’s gotten what she needs, too. Family, love, support. A future. But you, Tia…”

Luna’s gaze was crystal. Strong. “What do you want? And what can I do to make it happen?”

“I already have what I want.”

“Don’t read from a Hallmark card,” Luna huffed. “Let me inside your head. What do you want?”

“I’m a simple person, Luna.” Celestia shrugged, her smile growing. “I like to work. I like to love you, and I like seeing you happy. The same for Sunset. About the only thing else I can think of is…”

She trailed off, looking thoughtful.

Luna took the bait. “What?”

Celestia’s smile flashed teeth. “Fewer vampires in the world.”

“Heh. We’ll work on that.” Luna stepped in for a hug. “Later, sis.”

“See you later.” Celestia returned it with an extra squeeze. “You be home by ten, too.”

Luna departed. Humming with residual cheer, Celestia resumed her homework and got all of five minutes in before the next distraction. Her phone beeped on the table, announcing a text from Sunset.

Celestia tapped her screen and read the message: “Soarin MIGHT be there, too.”

Her smile twitched. Celestia clicked off her phone and went back to work.

Celestia read the clock as she stepped from the shower. Ten-oh-seven, and still no Sunset. There would be words when she got home. Not strong words, presuming she was not long in coming.

A light, airy chuckle came as Celestia brushed her hair. “Or maybe she’s already home. She’s on the porch ‘saying goodbye’ to Soarin and lost track of time.”

Just like Celestia once did. But that had been a long time ago.

Still, her brush strokes grew slow and thoughtful. A long time, yes, but no reason it couldn’t happen again. She knew Whooves had a crush on her, perhaps something could happen there. Or that jokester at the firing range – what was his name? Disco? Dis-something. He certainly seemed interested in seeing her arsenal.

A glint on the brush caught her eye. Celestia studied it with a frown, and picked out the offending object.

A grey hair. She twisted it in her fingers and let out a sigh.

From the outside, a voice called in. “Sis? I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Lu,” Celestia responded. She closed her eyes, listening as Luna stepped down the hall. The footsteps creaked through the old house, reaching the bedroom… and passing it. They opened the upstairs door and began the ascent, making their way to Luna’s bedroom.

Luna’s bedroom. Still a strange idea, but there it was. Yard by yard, night by night, the sisters had taught themselves to sleep apart.

With a giggle, Celestia blew the grey hair out of her hand. She strode from the bathroom, not giving it a second thought.

One more chore before bedding down for the night. She strode to the front door and flicked a switch, turning on their too-bright porchlight. Sunset and Soarin’s voices yelped from the outside, and Celestia strode back to her room. She had to get to bed, too. It was a school night.