A World Without Color

by Alfoals Trottenbauer

II - Imprisonment

The next morning he checked into the orchard. Applejack and Big Mac were there, so he trotted to Twilight's library.

"Twilight, do you ever feel like... Something's missing here?" He asked.

"How do you mean something's missing here?" She inquired, confused.

"Like there's something in the world... Other than black and white?"

"What else could there be?" She further asked.

"Something that makes everypony different." He clarified.

"You mean... Colors? You know those were banned when Starlight Glimmer became the ruler!" She said, quite surprised.

"I'm tired of the same thing every day!" Ace Exclaimed.

"...You know what Ace, you're right!" She said.

"Let's go make a difference!" Ace yelled.

Just then the library's door slammed open and a guard rushed in.

"Everything alright in here?" He asked, suspicious.

"No, we're sick of everyone being the same!" Twilight yelled rebelliously.

"I need backup here!" The guard said, scared.

Two more guards galloping in. Both dashed to Ace and Twilight.

Ace bucked the one after him in the face, breaking his snout. If there was one thing working at Apple Acres taught him, it was how to buck.
Twilight used her magic to lift the guard on her and slam him to the ground.
More guards kept flooding in. They couldn't hold them off anymore. Five tackled them each and put magic braces and shackles on them.

It was a long walk to the castle. They were going straight to the dungeon for treason and assaulting a guard.