//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 - TO THE SUN!!! // Story: Glint Stones: Meeting // by Middle Ground //------------------------------// After getting the black stone out of the cavern, the Pie Family and the Spellbind Brothers were rewarded with the rest of the day off. It was still very early so they had lots of free time. "ALRIGHT! I'M GONNA DO IT!" Ashes was standing on a cliff side getting ready to run for it. At the bottom of the cliff there was a small pool of water. "Ash, is this really a good ide?!" Gust was worried that Ashes could get hurt. "I GOT THIS!" Ashes scrapped his front-right hoof. He was about to charge. "Um...what is Ash...doing up there...?" Marble walks up to the Spellbind Brothers out of curiosity. "Oh, he's about to try to jump towards the sun off that cliff...." Chilly was eating some popcorn as he watched. "This is going to be good." Sparx was filled with anticipation. "He's what?! No...!" Marble then rushed over to the cliff side to stop him. "CHARGE!!!" Ashes then ran at the edge of the cliff and jumped towards the sun. He shot fire from his hooves and propelled himself into the sky. But it didn't last long and he began to fall screaming. "CRA-AAAAAGH!!!" "No...! Ash...!" Marble was too late to stop him from jumping. Just before Ashes could hit the pond, Gust swiftly grabbed him and stopped his fall. "I got you, brother...!" Gust then flew back down to the ground safely. Thanks, Gust...! I was so close too!" Ashes was really annoyed at his failure. "Heh...better luck next time, Ash." Chilly and Sparx then walked over to them chuckling. "Haha...! You should have seen the look on you-" Sparx was then interrupted when Marble rushed at Ashes and hugged him out of worry. "What's with you, Marble?!" Ashes was confused by the sudden hug. He then saw Marble's eyes streaming with tears. "I was...so worried...!" Marble then glared at Sparx, Chilly, and Gust. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!" Sparx, Chilly, and Gust were shocked at Marble's outburst. "What are you-" Ashes was then interrupted when Marble grabbed onto Ashes' face. "NEVER DO THAT EVER AGAIN!!!" Marble was quite angry at the Spellbind Brothers for doing something that stupid. "Ok...." Ashes couldn't object to Marble. Marble then went back to hugging him out of worry and relief. Sparx then began to leave. "Marble, you're a fool...." Sparx gave Marble an annoyed expression on his face. Marble glared at him out of anger. "Sparx, leave her alone...." Chilly wanted to stop him. "You know I'm right, Chill. If you have to worry about our safety, even after knowing how strong we are, then I can't see you as anything else...." Sparx then left for the old barn. "Brother, wait...!" Gust then followed Sparx out worry. Marble was really angry at Sparx for everything he said. Chilly sighed, "Sorry about him, Marble.... He's always been like that. I know it's hard to do so, but try to forgive him. He just has some...issues to work out. We all do...." Chilly then followed Sparx and Gust without another word. Marble felt really angry at them for letting everything happen in front of them instead of stopping it. "Hey Marble, wanna do something together?!" Ashes stood back on his hooves feeling active again. "What...?" Marble then looked at Ashes in confusion. "You can help me get to the sun! With your help, I'm sure I can do it!" Ashes was getting excited. "You...can't be serious...." Marble couldn't believe that Ashes was still going to attempt his crazy stunt. "LET'S GO!!!" Ashes then rushed off to do some more stuff. His body was burning with excitement and he left burnt hoof-prints as he ran. "Wait a minute...!" Marble chased after him. Ashes then began stacking boulders on top of one another in attempts to build a tower leading to the sun. "Hey Marble...! Check it out! I'm gonna build my way to the sun!" Ashes even had wood stacked on top of the rock stack. He was quite high in the sky and he did it in no time. "What the hell is going on here...?" Sparx came walking to see what Ashes was doing. Marble was still quite angry at him from earlier and didn't answer him. "Hey Sparx...! I'm gonna reach the sun soon!" Ashes began to catch on fire again and the flames began to spread onto the wood that he was standing. Sparx and Marble knew this was not going to go well. The wood then began snapping as the flames burned and it began to collapse. "OH CRA-AAAAAGH!!!" Ashes fell a the tower collapsed from underneath him. Dust clouds were kicked up by the falling tower and the flames were extinguished by the vast amount of dust. When the dust cleared, it revealed Sparx and Marble being protected by a barrier Sparx conjured. "That didn't last long...." Sparx then de-spelled the barrier and cleared the dust. "Where....where is Ash? Where is he?!" Marble began to look for Ashes amongst the wreckage but couldn't find him. "He's up here...." Sparx had Ashes floating safely above them in his magic. Sparx then placed him on the ground. "Thanks bro...." Ashes was frustrated by his failure. All that work and it went up in smoke. Marble then hugged him, "Thank Celestia you're safe...!" She was so relieved to see he was safe. Sparx then began to leave them without a word. "Sparx...wait!" Marble called out to Sparx and he stopped. "What?" Sparx gave Marble a bothered expression. "About....about earlier. Why do you and your brothers let Ash do these crazy stunts? He could get hurt...or worse! So why...?" Marble needed answers. Sparx then gave an annoyed sigh, "And that is the reason why I think you're a fool.... We let him do these crazy stunts because we know he won't stop. Whatever we say won't stop him. He's determined to get to the sun and he'll do whatever he must to get there. The reason I am here is because it's my turn to make sure he doesn't get hurt or worse." It was all starting to make sense to Marble. Ashes is constantly trying to get to the sun despite it being impossible. Fueled by this determination. "If we tell him that he can't do it, that will just make him more determined to do it. In fact, it's impossible to make realize that it is impossible...." Sparx then began heading back to the old barn. Marble felt like he had mis-judged Sparx and his brothers. It wasn't that they didn't care about Ashes' safety. It was because there really was no stopping Ashes. "By the way Ashes, that Maud-pony is pretty strong. Maybe you can have her throw you." Sparx's suggestion then got Ashes' attention. Marble knew Sparx was doing in on purpose. "YEAH!!!" Ashes then ran passed Marble and Sparx to find Maud. Sparx snickered wondering how this was going to end. "You are such a jerk...!" Marble then ran after Ashes feeling both worried and annoyed. Ashes then convinced Maud to do it with the condition that he stands on a rock. "ALRIGHT! LET'S DO THIS!" Ashes was very ready as he stood on the rock. He was wearing a helmet for protection provided by Marble. "Here we go...." This time it was Chilly who was there to make sure Ashes didn't kill himself. "Let the show begin." Sparx was ready for the show to start. "You can do it, Ashes...!" Gust was rooting for his success. "Oh dear...!" Marble couldn't watch. She covered her eyes. "This won't end well...." Limestone knew something bad was going to happen. "You can do it, Maud...!" Pinkie had pom-poms as she cheered. "Are you ready?" Maud stretched her muscles in preparation to throw the rock. "YEAH!!!" Ashes was burning with determination. Maud then lifted the rock with Ashes standing on it with ease and Sparx, Chilly, and Gust's eyes widened with shock. Maud then threw the rock far off into the distance. "WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Ashes was sent flying as he held onto the rock. The rock flew over the horizon and for some strange reason, it made a huge explosion and a shock wave came from it. It then became silent. Sparx, Chilly, and Gust just stood there without a word. "Um...is Ash...going to be...alright?" Marble was so worried her voice sounded like it was being squeezed. " Oh s@$+...." "Ashes...!" "Not good...!" The three brothers ran out into the distance to retrieve Ashes. Hoping he wasn't in a million pieces. The Pie Sisters began waiting for their return. After hours of waiting, the Pie Sisters left for home to get dinner on the table. They had gotten dinner ready and had set the table. Marble kept waiting for their return filled with worry. "Come on, Marble.... They're fine! They're all pretty strong. I'm sure they'll be back soon." Limestone was starting to lose her patience. "Sparky and his brothers looked pretty worried though.... What if Ashes was really hur-" Pinkie was then interrupted by the front door opening with the Spellbind Brothers returning with Ashes all covered in dust. They were all exhausted. "That...was....AWESOME!!!" Ashes was still filled with excitement. He then got hit in the head by his three angry brothers. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!" "You ruined our day off!" "You could've died!" "You are having too much fun!" They were not having any more of Ashes' shenanigans. "They're back." Maud had just placed some newly baked bread on the table. "I see they're as loud as ever." Cloudy Quartz chuckled as they watched them go crazy. Igneous then sighed, "They're all insane...." Pinkie then stopped the four from their yelling. "Don't be upset, guys! Look! There's some food for you!" Pinkie pointed at their table that had plates full of food. A salad with bread and a glass of apple juice for each of them. Sparx groaned, "I don't get paid for this s@#+...." "I'm so hungry...." "I need a break...." The brothers then sat at the table and began eating. "Hey Maud, do you have another rock I can ride?" Ashes had walked up to Maud while they weren't looking. "NO!!!" Sparx, Chilly, and Gust then wacked Ashes up side the head again. The day ended without another rock-splosion happening....thankfully. Marble gave a sigh of relief and hoped Ashes would not do anything that crazy again.