A General's past

by Obsidian Blaze


Keeping a brisk pace Obsidian Blaze headed for Fluttershy's cottage, with a small bag in hoof. Reaching the cottage Obsidian Blaze looked to his left eyeing the dark forest before him. Taking a deep breath he continued and turned towards the forest. ' Stay safe Dash.' he thought as the darkness consumed him. Walking though the forest he noticed a few deep growls. 'Timberwolves.' he thought to himself. Keeping the same calm pace, Obsidian Blaze prepared to bolt or fly up if necessary.

"Why hello friend, what brings you to my humble sted?" asked a zebra as Obsidian Blaze came upon a clearing.

"I'm looking for an underground ruin Ms. Zecora, do you know of one" Obsidian Blaze asked.

"I noticed a strange light, it gave me quite a fright." Zecora replied, pointing her hoof off into the trees. Nodding Obsidian Blaze thanked the zebra. Moving in the direction Zecora had pointed in Obsidian Blaze started to notice a deep glow in the forest, where no other light penetrated. "Hm, that's odd." Obsidian Blaze stated before something zoomed past him. Groaning rainbow Dash shakily got to her hooves. "Dash!" he yelled sprinting to the cyan mare.

"Found ya." Rainbow Dash stated chuckling.

"I left a letter specifically stating to not follow!" Obsidian Blaze shouted in such fury that startled Rainbow Dash.

"Yea, I don't listen that well." Rainbow Dash stated checking her wings. "Well, what's that?" she asked looking at the glow. Growling Obsidian Blaze simply trotted into the glowing cave. "So where'd you see this ruin?" Rainbow Dash asked following the changeling deeper into the cave.

"Saw it in a dream." Obsidian Blaze stated. "Stay close, something feels off here." he continued.

"Analyzing subjects." spoke a strange voice that seemed to come from nowhere. "Subject One, half breed changeling, Subject One access granted." the voice continued.

"What the hay is that?" Rainbow Dash asked looking around.

"Subject Two, unknown species, confirmation required." the voice continued causing Rainbow Dash to fly straight up.

"Ow!" she yelped in pain rubbing her head.

"I don't know what you are but she's with me." Obsidian Blaze stated in a dry tone, looking for the source of the voice.

"Affirmative, Subject Two access granted." the voice spoke up as a door opened up, flooding the room in light.

"I guess we go in." Obsidian Blaze stated moving though the door.

"What do you think this place is?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking at the dark grey walls.

"Possibly a changeling hive based on the architecture, but the technology debunks that idea." Obsidian Blaze responded.

"This way." the voice commanded in i's emotionless tone as a green orb appeared and slowly moved away. Following the orb Obsidian Blaze and Rainbow Dash entered a room filled with items similar to the medical equipment in the Ponyville Hospital. "Blood samples required for identification." the voice stated.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash yelled a a needle attached to a robotic arm pierced her and drew blood.

"Subject Two DNA indicates unknown species." the voice rang out.

"Identify yourself immediately!" Obsidian Blaze commanded, grunting as a needle pierced a crack in his hide.

"Subject One DNA indicates mixed pure blood." the voice stated, ignoring Obsidian Blaze's command. "This way." it continued. Once again the orb appeared floating past them.

"I think we should get Twilight." Rainbow Dash whispered walking next to Obsidian Blaze.

"As much as I agree i'd rather not anger this thing, if it can be angered." Obsidian Blaze whispered back. After a few moments a door opened to a large room covered in large screens.

"Awaiting unit designation." the voice stated forming into a changeling like figure.

"What was your former unit designation?" Obsidian Blaze asked, earning a confused stare form his companion.

"This unit was commonly refereed to as project Starbane." the voice answered.

"Then your unit designation is Starbane." Obsidian Blaze replied.

"Affirmative." Starbane stated. "System analysis indicates the primary arcane reactor is offline." Starbane continued. "Arcane charge is required to restart." Starbane finished.

"Alright lead the way." Obsidian Blaze said as the changeling image walked out of the room. Entering another large room Obsidian Blaze whistled.

"This is the arcane reactor, centralize your magic on the disc to begin charging." Starbane stated.

"Problem, I don't have a horn to use magic." Obsidian Blaze stated lowering his head.

"Changelings developed horns to employ the use of directed energy spells." Starbane explained. "Though your arcane power is diminished, I can initiate the full extent of your DNA." Starbane continued.

"What will that do?" Obsidian Blaze asked, cocking his head slightly.

"The full extent of your DNA will cause your horn to recede, but will give you full access to indirect energy spells and personalized spells." Starbane explained.

"Hold on, what's all this magic talk?" Rainbow Dash asked, nearly screaming.

"Sorry I forgot you're not versed in the types of magic." Obsidian Blaze apologized. "Well lets see indirect energy spells include magic that does not form a straight line or require a direct line of sight such as levitation and mass teleportation, while personalized spells are ones like disguise spell and personal teleportation." he continued. Turning to the large disc Obsidian Blaze focused a spell on it, causing the disc to glow a deep crimson.

"Systems charging forward thrusters online, battle net online, all system online." Starbane stated changing from a light green to the deep crimson that now filled the arcane reactor. "Power levels optimal, initiating lift off." Starbane continued.

"Well lets get back to that room." Obsidian Blaze stated moving out of the reactor room. "What in Tartarus!" he gasped as the top half of the glass wall now reviled trees and seemed to rise higher.

"Please select destination." Starbane asked as a holographic map appeared. "System warning, this vessel can not break orbit." Starbane continued.

"Here." Obsidian Blaze ordered, pointing a holographic representation of Ponyville.

"Destination confirmed, optimal altitude achieved." Starbane stated as the trees of the Everfree Forest seemed to move under them. Within moments the Starbane stopped just outside Ponyville, maneuvering as to not cover Sweet Apple Acres.

"What in tarnation?!" Applejack yelled as the Starbane hovered over the rolling hills. At that moment all the ponies of Ponyville were outside, gawking at the hovering object.

"Warning hostiles detected!" Starbane shouted as an image of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appeared.

"Starbane stand down!" Obsidian Blaze shouted. "They'er friends." he continued concentrating on Princess Luna.

"Tia!" Luna shouted as her horn glowed and Obsidian Blaze appeared. "General we need your help..." Luna started but was cut off by a wave of Obsidian Blaze's hoof.

"Your highness' please stand down, the Starbane is under my command." Obsidian Blaze explained. "Please come aboard, we will need to discuss this matter face to face." he continued before cutting the spell.

"Tia is it just me or was his horn missing?" Luna asked turning to her sister.

"We should let him explain." Celestia responded. The two alicorns flew to a nearby hatch on the ship. As they approached the door is opened allowing the pair entry.

"Tia lookout!" Luna yelled a a crimson figure appeared.

"Do not be alarmed, I am Starbane the ship's arcane intelligence." Starbane explained, motioning a hoof for them to follow.

"Your highness'. Obsidian Blaze greeted. "I see you met Starbane." he continued as four flames appeared forming chairs for the ponies and changeling. "Now Starbane, time for an explanation, first what did you mean by mixed pure blood?" Obsidian Blaze asked taking a seat.

"DNA indicated multiple changeling classes flowing within you, these classes include the warrior and magister classes." Starbane explained.

"Magister class?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Affirmative, the magister class changelings were capable of large technological and arcane advancements, eventually the Project Starbane was designed a the first full on mesh of these technology and magic. Further more they were the only class of changeling capable of wielding magic without horns." Starbane explained.

"That should be impossible." Celestia stated.

"Negative, magister class changelings are a clear example of this." Starbane responded. "Warning, multiple hostiles detected, charging defensive cannons." Starbane continued as alarms wailed. Outside pegusi beat on the hull of the ship. "Activating loud speakers." Star and finished as a screen appeared in front of Celestial.

"My little ponies, calm yourselves this object wishes no harm." Celestial stated, her voice being heard all around. At once the pegusi stopped and began murmuring to each other.

"Hostilities ceased, powering down cannons." Star and stated as a screen showed the lower levels of power diverted to the defensive cannons.

"Well this vessel will remain here for the time being." Celestial stated. "I trust you can handle this General." she continued, turning to Obsidian Blaze.

"Of course, your Highness." Obsidian Blaze responded. Nodding the princesses left for Canterlot.