Glint Stones: Meeting

by Middle Ground

Chapter 4 - Work, Work, Work

The new morning came and a loud knocking rang at the door of the old barn. The Spellbind Brothers all jumped out of their beds from the sudden noise.
"Ugh...what the hell...?" Chilly woke up with a deep yawn.
"ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?!" Ashes was freaking out.
"Is somepony at the door...?" Gust dusted the hay out of his mane and tail. Sparx then got up feeling really angry from the sudden disturbance.
Sparx answered the door loudly, "WHAT THE F#$% DO YOU WANT?!!!" He then got punched in the face and sent flying through the back wall and left a hole.
"Good morning. Come and get some breakfast. We have work to do today." It was Maud who did the knocking and the punching. She then began making her way back to the house.
"YAAY! FOOD!" Ashes ran passed her feeling hungry.
"Um...should we go help Sparx?" Gust looked through the hole that was made with Sparx's entire body.
"He'll be fine. Let's just go eat." They then went to the house to get some breakfast. Sparx then poked his head through the hole feeling annoyed. His nose was bleeding slightly.
"I hate that bitch...." He then followed Maud and his brothers to breakfast. They then all sat down and waited for the food to be brought out.
"I can't wait...! I haven't had breakfast can't remember the last time I had breakfast!" Gust's wings were shivering with excitement.
"Shut up...! You're killing my ears!" Sparx clamped his ears tight from the noise.
"Breakfast is ready...!" Pinkie Pie came out with plates stacked with lots of pancakes.
"Wow...." Ashes began drooling at the delicious sight.
"We have...syrup too...." Marble came out with a jar of syrup to go with the pancakes.
"Oh no...!" They could hear Cloudy Quartz from the kitchen. She was looking at the stove.
"What's wrong, Mom...? Is something wrong with the stove?" Limestone walked over to her in concern.
"I forgot to get more fire wood for the stove and the flame is dying. And I was going to make us all some grits to go with out breakfast." Limestone looked inside the stove and there was hardly any fire wood left.
"What do we do then...? The wood shop isn't open until 8 am."
"Don't worry, Miss Pinkie. You have another working stove sitting right here." They all stared at Ashes per Chilly's words. Ashes was too busy looking at the pancakes to pay attention.
Ashes then noticed them staring at him, "What...?" Five minutes later and his back and fire power were being used as a stove.
"Chilly, when Miss Cloudy is done with her cooking, I'm gonna kick your ass!" His anger was causing the pot to boil over.
"Language, please...! And not too much heat!" Cloudy Quartz was having a hard time cooking with Ashes being so angry. Sparx, Chilly, and Gust were trying to keep themselves from laughing.
"I hear you're all enjoying yourselves even this early in the morning." Igneous stepped down from upstairs looking cleaned up and ready for work.
"Good morning, Dad...! Look...! Ashes is helping!" Pinkie pointed at Ashes still being a stove for Cloudy Quartz.
"I AM NOT HAPPY!" Ashes' flames then caused the pot to boil over again.
"Ashes, please...! Just a few more minutes!" Per Cloudy Quartz's request, Ashes curved his anger and the pot stopped boiling over.
"So...Mister Pie, what do you have in store for us today...?"
Igneous took his seat at the table, "Well Chilly, as of today you four are to follow all of Limestone's instructions. We must have that black stone removed from the cave today and have it transported to Canterlot. We're behind schedule since we lost our old tools in a mining accident some time ago."
"You mean that black rock that we were in...? Why? It's just a rock."
Maud then quickly got to Gust's face, "You're wrong, Gust. This was no ordinary black rock. It is a completely new kind of mineral that I have never seen before. This is a discovery." She was very serious.
"I'm sorry...!" Gust and his brothers knew how scary Maud could be after she sent Sparx flying multiple times. This only enhanced it.
"Alright everypony, the grits are done! It's a little hot, so be careful!" Cloudy Quartz lifted the pot off of Ashes' back when it was finished.
"FINALLY...!" Ashes felt like his back became numb. He made hiss way to the table and was ready to eat. Pinkie then evenly divided all the pancakes on everypony's plates, Marble gave everypony some syrup, and Limestone gave them all a bowl of grits each. They all began eating and they all enjoyed it.
"I love the pancakes...!" Gust couldn't get enough of them.
"I love the syrup! It's so sweet...!" Sparx was also loving it.
"I'm glad you like it, Sparky. One of our sisters works at a bakery. She sent us the syrup." Pinkie had already made more pancakes.
"Give her my thanks...! And don't call me Sparky...." Sparx was annoyed by the nickname.
"Hey Limestone, when we're done with work today, you wanna go on a date? My treat." Chilly had just finished his plate.
"Chilly, you don't have any money and no, I won't go on a date with you." Limestone got used to Chilly hitting on her.
" that was...cold." When Chilly had just finished his ice pun, every pony in the room gave an annoyed groan. Pinkie was the only one who laughed.
"Get used to it.... He's got a million of them." Sparx then began eating his bowl of grits.
"F#$% THAT'S HOT!!!" He burned his tongue on the still burning grits.
"Oh dear.... I think it's still too hot." Cloudy Quartz was just about to eat her grits and almost burnt hers. They all left their grits alone until their bowls cooled. After breakfast they all left the house to get head out for work.
"Alright, I will go to the wood shop to get some more fire wood. You all get to work on the black rock. I will join you all shortly." Igneous then began to head out to the nearby town to do so.
"You heard him, everypony! Let's get to work! That rock is huge, so it might take a while to move!" Limestone and her sisters made their way to the mine.
"CAN I BREAK IT?!" Ashes was ready to start working.
"Not yet, Ashes...." Limestone had gotten used to their childish antics. They arrive at the place of where they found the stone and the Spellbind Brothers.
"Hey Sparky, do you remember anything in here? Maybe if we look around here you guys might be able to remember something!"
"That might work, Pink Pony."
"Um...Pink Pony? My name is Pinkie Pie." She was confused.
"I will only address you as such until you call me by my real name. No more of that 'Sparky' crap...." Sparx gave Pinkie an annoyed expression.
"But Sparky is a cute name...!"
"I am NOT cute!" Pinkie and Sparx continued their banter as the others kept searching.
"Ugh...let's start looking. You have five minutes!" Limestone began looking and the others joined her.
"You know Limestone, sometimes you just need to-"
"Finish that pun and I will knock your lights out." Limestone was not in the mood for any more puns.
"I'll shut up now...." Chilly kept his distance and his mouth shut.
"Um...Ashes...?" Marble quietly stepped up to Ashes nervously.
"Hi Marble...! What's up?!" Ashes stopped looking to answer.
"You said...that you wanted to...stand on the sun...? Why?" Marble did not know how to react to such a crazy desire.
"Because I'm gonna show the world who the hottest, brightest flame! And no one is gonna stop me!" Ashes was starting to sound even crazier than before.
"Well...say that you did stand on the sun. What will you do after that...?" Ashes then fell silent after Marble asked her question.
"" He never thought about what to do after that. He just fell silent and tried to think of something.
"Hmm...what's this?" Gust was looking at something at the upper region of the cave.
"What does it look like?" Maud looked up hoping to see what Gust was seeing.
"I don't know.... I don't think it's a rock. It doesn't look like a plant either. Here, let me show you." Gust then grabbed Maud then flew up to the upper region.
"See it...? What is it?" Gust carried Maud to what he was looking at and it was just an old bat skeleton. Maud however began to squeeze Gust tightly.
"Put me down. Put me down. Put me down." Maud kept saying this over and over. Gust was confused and then placed her back on the solid ground again. Maud was breathing fast and was feeling very relieved.
"Um...Miss Maud, are you ok?" Gust was worried.
Maud then grabbed his face, " that again." She was quite upset about being in mid-air so suddenly despite her un-changing expression.
"Yes, Miss Maud...!" Gust knew that he messed up. They continued their search for anything to help the Spellbind Brothers remember anything, but there was nothing in the cave that could help.
"Do you guys remember anything?" asked Limestone upon stopping the search.
"No...." The Spellbind Brothers all said in unison. This was starting to discourage them.
"It's ok...! I'm sure you'll remember something soon!" Pinkie Pie gave them a hug to cheer them up.
"Maybe if we send this rock to Canterlot to have it examined, maybe the scientists can find out where this came from. It might lead us to the answers we seek." They all agreed with Maud and they began their harvesting.
"We better start breaking it. It's too big to carry out as it is now." Limestone said as she passed out the pick-axes.
"HI-YAH!!!" Ashes went in for the first hit with his pick-axe and he stopped when the hit connected. The stone was completely un-scathed and he trembled from the impact.
"U-u-u-u-gh...!" Ashes tried to get over his trembling as he fell to the floor.
"Brother, are you alright?!" Gust tried to help Ashes get back up on his hooves.
"That thing is NOT a normal rock...." Limestone examined the rock further and not a single scratch was on it's surface.
"We may have to...transport it as it is...."
"Marble might be right. This stone might also be merged with various metals." Maud kept examining the stone out of curiosity.
"We can dig it out!" Pinkie had many shovels ready to start digging. She passed them out and they started digging. There was no telling how deep the rock was but they kept digging. As they kept digging, the ground began to crumble at it's base.
"Uh...guys, I think we should move." They all quickly kept their distance of the falling stone. Chilly magically levitated the Pie Sisters away from the stone as it then fell over towards the entrance of the cavern. It landed with a loud thud and the ground shook.
"We did it...! Now we can get it out of the cave!" Pinkie and her sisters were gently placed on the ground after the rock stopped falling.
"Hooray...we did it. Except getting this fat ass rock out of the cavern is not gonna happen with this tiny ass tunnel." Despite his crude language, Sparx was right. The rock was much too big to fit through.
"Can't we make the tunnel bigger...?"
"No, Marble. Not without risking the tunnel collapsing. We were planning to break the stone down to small size and transport it. But now we can't and we're stuck with it staying here." Maud was right. It was starting to look hopeless in getting the stone out.
"That sucks...!" Ashes smacked the rock out of anger.
"I hate to say it, but we might as well give up on it." Limestone was frustrated saying those words.
"Not necessarily.... Sparx, I'm gonna need your help with this one." Chilly stepped up to the stone.
" wanna do that? We haven't done that spell in...uh...I can't remember when." Sparx walked up beside Chilly feeling reluctant.
"Do what?" Limestone was confused.
"Teleportation, Limestone. We're gonna teleport this rock outside...." Chilly began to shine a blue light from his horn.
"Ooh! That might work! We can get it out now!"
"That's...great...!" Marble and Pinkie hugged out of joy.
"Show-offs...." Ashes was jealous that he couldn't do magic like Sparx and Chilly.
"You can do it, brothers!" Gust kept the Pie Sisters at a distance.
"Fine, but I better get a reward for this. Where to, Chilly?" Sparx began to radiate his electrical light in his eyes. A light began to shine around the stone.
"I think...right outside the old barn. Now let's focus." Chilly and Sparx began to focus their thoughts on the outside of the old barn they were living in and the light became stronger.
"I think it's working." The Pie Sisters were dazzled by the lights.
"Let's do this, Sparx."
"See you guys outside!" Sparx and Chilly then vanished with the stone. They had left the cavern.
"Let's go! They might be outside right now!" Limestone and the others began running out to find Sparx, Chilly, and the black rock. Outside the mine, the black stone suddenly appeared near the old barn with Sparx and Chilly on top of it.
"Oh good, we got it outside...." Chilly was happy for their success.
"Uh...Chill, where is the old barn?" Sparx looked around and they both realized that they were a few miles above the old barn.
"Well...this is bad." Chilly then held on to the stone out of fear.
"OH FU-AAAAAGH!!!" They fell to the ground and landed with a loud crash. Thankfully, the stone didn't hit either the old barn or the Pie Family home.
"What in the world?!" Cloudy Quartz ran out of the house to see Sparx and Chilly lying beside the black stone.
"Sparx?! Chilly?! What is going on here?!" Cloudy Quartz was really confused.
"Ugh...hey, Miss Pie. We got the stone out of the cavern...." Chilly tried to get back on his hooves, but Sparx then punched him in the face.
"CHILLY, YOU F#$%!!! I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD!!! I AM NEVER TELEPOTING ANYTHING WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!!!" Sparx was radiating with anger. Cloudy Quartz couldn't wrap her mind around what just happened.
"Sparky...! Chilly...!" Pinkie had arrived with her sisters, Gust, and Ashes.
"You did it! You idiots actually did it!"
"Now we can send it to Canterlot."
"I'm glad you're all safe...!" Limestone, Maud, and Marble were so happy.
"You're the best...!" Pinkie gave Sparx and Chilly a hug out of joy.
" was nothing."
"You bet I am!" Sparx and Chilly both felt good about their success.
"We helped too...!" Ashes and Gust felt left out.
Cloudy Quartz sighed, "Thank you, all of you." She then gave Ashes and Gust a hug for a job well done.
"What is going on out her-" Igneous came back from buying more firewood in town only to see the entire black stone they were working on outside of the cavern and in front of the old barn.
"Hey Dad, Chilly and Sparky got the stone out! We're almost done!" Pinkie bounced around on the rock in joy. Igneous didn't know how, but he wasn't going to complain.
"Well done then. I guess all we must do now is request a group from Canterlot to transport it there. We better move this to an open area before we do." Igneous inspected the stone and even he was amazed by such an unknown mineral.
"Just tell us where.... We'll just lift it over." Chilly began to shine again.
"I'd rather lift than teleport again." Sparx began to radiate again to join him.
"Over there. By that tree." Igneous pointed at an open area where on old lone tree was located. Chilly and Sparx then pointed their horns at the stone and a magical glow enveloped the stone. The stone was being lifted by their combined magic but was slowly starting to descend back to the ground.
" two alright?" Marble noticed both Sparx and Chilly were struggling.
"This really...heavy...!"
"Damn...this fat...ass thing...!" Chilly and Sparx were starting to lose their magical grasp.
"I can help!" Gust then flew at the stone and began to push it.
"HI-YAH!!!" Ashes went for another hit at the stone and with their combined strength they both pushed the stone near the tree like Igneous instructed. Sparx and Chilly both collapsed from exhaustion.
"They did it again." The Pie Family all agreed with Maud and they cheered from joy.
"You guys were great!" Pinkie hugged Sparx again.
"I know I'm great." Sparx was reveling in the praise.
"You're more useful than I thought!" Limestone hugged Chilly as thanks.
"So...does that mean we can date now?" Chilly was still persistant.
Limestone then knocked Chilly out, "NO!!!" She turned away from anger and embarrassment. Their first job was a success.
"You all did well today. I think you all deserve the rest of the day off." The Spellbind Brothers cheered for their reward.
"I hope you will work just as hard tomorrow." Igneous then went back inside the house with his family following him inside. The Spellbind Brothers then groaned in despair when they heard that. No rest for the busy after all....