Equestrian Psycho

by BlakeCorman

Chapter 13- A House Divided

Chapter 13-
A House Divided

A loud banging echoed around the council room as Nightmare banged her gavel against her podium. “All rise,” the Alicorn said, rising to her feet. Every councilor followed her lead, including Ember and Zecora, who had been called from their respective outposts for the event. That event being the trial against both Guntram and Garion for atrocities committed during the Ranger trials. “The trial begins now,” Nightmare said, all of the councilors sitting back down at her nod before she turned to the other side of the room where both accused griffons stood at the end of the councilors’ table.

“Garion Stelwyng,” Nightmare began, the younger griffon straightening up, his face unreadable. “You are charged with assault of an officer, assault of a comrade, and misconduct during an official event. The evidence is as follows. Several credible eyewitness accounts, including those of several officers, and a dagger with your claw prints. How do you plead?”

The young griffon said nothing, did not move, nor did his face change as everyone in the room asides from his father watched him. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to answer, Nightmare sighed, closing her eyes and giving her head a small shake. “Councillors, take your votes now.”

Winston stood up, one seat over from Chris’ right, instantly, his ears standing straight up. “Not guilty,” he said clearly, remaining on his feet to show his vote had been cast.

Should’ve known that mutt was in on it, Samson growled, anger clear in his voice. Chris made no move or sound to acknowledge him but agreed wholeheartedly with the statement.

Across the table and to Chris’ right, Ember stood to her feet, her gold armor clinking as she did so. “Guilty,” she said, her face a bit angry or annoyed.

Chris looked at her for a moment, trying to pinpoint her motivation for the decision. She probably despises the Stelwyngs as much as the rest of us, Sam commented in his mind, this time Chris sending out a mental head nod in acknowledgment.

At the other end of the table, near Nightmare and between Sunset and Spitfire on Chris’ side, the minotaur, Steel Horn, stood to his feet. “Not guilty,” he said, his deep voice reverberating around the room.

As if on cue, Braeburn, across from Steel Horn, and Marty the donkey, across from Chris and to his left, stood to their feet. “Not guilty,” they both said, their voices slightly nervous.

Chris narrowed his eyes. Even while on trial, he is still influencing them, he growled inwardly. Sam remained quiet this time, but it was easy to tell that his patience was running thin. With that, Chris stood to his feet. “Guilty,” he said, the force in his voice leaving no room for denial.

“Objection!” Winston cried immediately afterward. “Councillor Scott is too emotionally invested in this case.”

Nightmare looked towards Winston for a moment before looking towards Chris. “Do you have a counter argument, Councillor Scott?”

Chris was quiet for a long moment before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “The results of my trials were tampered with, causing what could have been a dangerous result for both Ranger Operations and the Resistance itself,” he began, opening his eyes and looking around at the other councilors. “Not just my life, but the life of one of my recruits, partner, and friend was put in jeopardy. Am I too emotionally invested in this case… yes, I’d say that I am. Therefore, I retract my vote.” With that, Chris sat down in his seat.

Looks were exchanged around the room before any other actions were taken. Shining Armor and Cadance looked towards one another, Cadance across from Chris and Shining across from Winston. “Guilty,” they said, one after another.

“Objection!” Winston said again, this time hitting his palm on the tabletop. “Councillors Armor and Cadenza are collaborating due to personal relationship.”

Nightmare sighed and looked towards Cadance and Shining. “Any arguments against the objection?” She asked.

Shining and Cadance each tried to look at anyone in the room but each other, but, in the end, they looked towards one another. Shining sighed and looked towards Nightmare. “No counter argument, Head Councillor,” he said, his voice and demeanor discontented. “I retract my vote.” With that, he sat down.

Cadance looked dejected as well. “I, too, retract my vote,” she said, sitting back down.

Guntram, who had remained poker-faced, cracked a quick half-smile before shifting back to his blank expression. Only Chris seemed to notice. He wanted this, he stated mentally, a frown coming to his face.

Of course he did, Sam replied. The vote is split down the middle with ten councilors, and we need a majority vote to get convictions. There’s already four ‘not guilties’, one more and they walk.

Chris closed his eyes and took a quiet breath. Let’s just hope that doesn’t happen, Chris replied, propping his elbows on the table and folding his fingers together as he refocused on the proceedings.

Chrysalis stood to her feet and, rather than look at Nightmare who was directly to her left, she turned to the Stelwyngs and looked between them. “Guilty,” she said with an edge to her voice as she locked on to Guntram’s gaze.


“Objection!” Before Winston could get the word out, Chris was back on his feet, his face stone and eyes fire. “Councillor Winston is being influenced by the accused.”

Nightmare looked towards Chris, her expression neutral before facing Winston. “Councillor Winston, do you have an argument against the objection?”

“There is no evidence for the objection to be made,” the diamond dog stated simply, turning to Chris, daring him to counteract him.

“My evidence,” Chris replied, reaching under the table and pulling up his briefcase. “Speaks for itself.” Chris opened his case and took out a large stack of documents. “This is a record of every council meeting where a vote was taken with Councillors Winston and Guntram present. If read through, you will see that there is not a single case where the two did not vote against one another.”

“That proves nothing,” Winston stated, resting his palms on the table. “Unless the fact that we share similar interests is something to be objected to.”

Chris ground his teeth together, the same as his nerves. He reached into his case and pulled out a silver cube with a blue lens on each side. “We are all aware of the new technology the engineering department has come up with correct?” There were several nods around the room before Chris continued. “This holocube has on it security footage from the last three days of a hallway that is very rarely used by any member of the Resistance… until recently.” Chris placed the cube on the table and a projection showing Winston and Guntram standing at a T-section hallway, a hallway that led to the newly established Ranger Ops.

Winston’s facial expression never changed. “Again, this proves nothing,” he said, his voice level. “No conclusion can be drawn from a single image.”

“This isn’t a single image,” Chris retorted. “It’s a series of images, also known as a video. And, before you even say it, the security cameras across the entire Castle have been upgraded to capture audio as well as video. Let’s take a look.” Without another second of hesitation, Chris tapped on one of the lenses and the video began to play.

“Good day, Winston,” Guntram greeted, his tone business-like. “The weather today is clear.”

“Yes,” the diamond dog replied. “But clouds will soon appear.”

“You know what must be done,” Guntram said simply, his voice no longer having a tone of business. It was instead heavier and held an air of threat.

“Of course,” Winston replied with a nod. “If the votes don’t go our way, objections are to be thrown around like confetti, and Scott’s vote is to be challenged immediately.”

Guntram nodded at this. “Good,” he said. “And I trust that Councillors Braeburn and Marty have both been properly… informed.”

“They have,” Winston replied, nodding his head and blinking his eyes again. “Steel Horn is on board as well.”

“Then all is according to plan,” Guntram stated, putting his claws behind his back. “I look forward to having my seat back in the council.”

“As do I,” Winston replied, before turning and walking back the way he came. The video ended at that point, and the room was silent.

After a few moments, Nightmare looked to Chris. “Why was this evidence withheld?”

“Because I did not come across it until this morning,” Chris replied. “Along with that, it was my hope that this meeting could be conducted with honor and truth, despite what I heard. I see now that I was mistaken.”

Nightmare was quiet for a moment before turning to the diamond dog, whose face was one of shock. “Councillor Winston,” she started, her voice slightly dangerous. “Are there any more arguments in your favor?”

Winston simply shook his head. “I… retract my vote,” he said slowly before sitting back down. Chris followed suit after he retrieved the holocube and placed it back in his briefcase, which he placed back down on the floor.

Nightmare moved her eyes from one side to the other. “Those who remain, cast your votes.”

Spitfire stood to her feet across from Guntram’s empty seat, which sat between Braeburn and Shining. “Guilty,” she said, her voice ringing out.

Next to stand was Sunset, who sat across from Chrysalis with Nightmare on her right. “Guilty,” she said, her eyes a bit angry.

Zecora was the last to stand to her feet. “The methods of these griffons is shifty, therefore my vote is guilty.”

“Then the vote stands as such,” Nightmare stated, turning to face Garion. “Garion Stelwyng, you have been found guilty in the eyes of this council. You are hereby dishonorably discharged from the Equestrian Resistance Force, effective immediately. Your status has been stripped down to that of a refugee, and you will be treated as such. Dismissed.” Nightmare slammed her gavel down and two guards came to escort the young griffon out. As he walked out, Garion threw one last look over his shoulder, his gaze piercing into Chris… only to wish he hadn’t as Chris turned the fires of his rage on him. He picked up his step and left the room in haste.

Once the sound of a door closing sounded out, the councilors sat back down and Nightmare stood. “Guntram Stelwyng, you are accused of misconduct in the council, and conspiring against one of its members. The evidence is as follows. A verbal confession from one under you, and video evidence of trying to rig your current trial. How do you plead?”

Guntram ground his beak together and stayed silent, just as Garion had before him. Nightmare looked him over before she simply hung her head and sat down. “Councillors, take your votes now.”

Cadance was the first to stand to her feet. “Guilty,” she said, her voice and tone daring someone to object.

Sunset stood up next. “Guilty.”

Zecora was next. “This griffon's actions are filthy, so my vote is once again guilty.”

Marty stood to his feet, his eyes still nervous. “Not guilty.”

“Not guilty,” Steel Horn said, towering to his hooves.

Shining came next. “Guilty.”

“Guilty,” Chris said before standing to his feet as he looked between Steel and Winston, waiting for them to make a move. They stayed silent.

Guess they learned the first time around, Sam growled within him, Chris agreeing with the statement.

Chrysalis stood next. “Guilty,” she said, her voice buzzing in obvious irritation.

“Guilty.” Spitfire.

“Guilty.” Ember.

Braeburn stood to his feet but stayed silent for a moment. After a while, he clenched his eyes closed and, when he opened them again, rage swam within them. “Guilty.”

Chris looked a bit surprised at this. Guess he’s had enough, he stated inwardly.

No kidding, Sam replied. I wonder what nerves Guntram touched on him.

Winston stood next, his eyes hesitant. “Not Guilty,” he said just loud enough to be heard.

Nightmare looked between each of the councilors before settling on Guntram. “The vote has been cast. Guntram, you have been found guilty in the eyes of this council. You will be stripped of your title as councilor and a vote will be taken to fill your seat at the nearest available time. You will be placed under refugee status and will be treated as such. You are dismissed.” Nightmare banged her gavel and the guards came back. Guntram, however, didn’t move.

“Sir, you need to-” one of the guards, an earth pony, tried to take the griffon’s arm.

“Don’t touch me!” Guntram said angrily, jerking his arm away before turning his fierce and angry eyes on the council. “You’ve made your last mistake in underestimating me,” he growled. “I may not be a councilor, but the griffons are still under my lead, and if you think for a moment that I will give that up, you are all sorely mistaken!”

Chris sighed and watched with a bored expression as Guntram ended his tantrum. The young man turned to look at Nightmare, an eyebrow raised. He almost wished he hadn’t.

Nightmare’s face was twisted up in rage as she stood to her feet. Her mane flowed about in a more erratic manner while her face contorted into a snarl, showing off her fangs. “You would do well to remember that you do not hold power over this Resistance or its populace. Leave now, or your sentence will be worsened.”

Guntram brought his head back and tsk’d. “And how would you do that?” He asked with a hiss, daring someone to answer.

“Banishment.” Guntram turned his gaze to Chris, who was standing to his feet. “You put others in danger for your own pride and personal gain. If I had not been quick enough, or if my powers had not developed so quickly, a pony would be dead.” Chris started to come around the table and walked towards the dark griffon. “Sweetie Belle, Element of Generosity, second in command of Ranger Ops., and someone I care very deeply for, would be dead. Not just by your son’s claws, but by your own ill intentions. If one were to ask me, and I was asked before these proceedings began, you would have been forced out of the Resistance and made to face the Machine Empire alone.” Chris stopped in front of Guntram so the griffon could take a good look at his cold face and the fiery rage in his eyes. “Now, get out.

The griffon stayed stone-faced, but his eyes, which only Chris could see, teemed with fear. He gave a huff to keep up appearances before turning and leaving with measured steps, the guards following behind him.

Chris stayed where he was and followed the ex-councillor with his eyes, making sure Guntram felt the gaze all the way out the door.

Nightmare let out a stressed sigh and sat back in her seat. “This council’s purpose has been met and completed. You may go now.” Several councilors get out of their chairs and left the room. Chris went back over to his chair and leaned over to get his case.

I expected that to be a lot worse, Samson admitted.

You and me both, Chris replied as he grabbed his briefcase. But… I still wish we had dished out the full punishment rather than this scheiße.

“So, this is the one they call Chris.”

Chris jumped a bit in surprise at the sudden voice, cracking his head against the table with a loud bang. “...Ow…,” he muttered, bringing his right hand up to rub the back of his head before he stood up, avoiding the table this time. In front of him stood Ember and Zecora, the latter wearing a simple cloth top which displayed her stomach, while around her shoulders was a fur hanging off, much like a miniature cape. Her lower half was dressed in a skirt that, much like the cape, was made out of fur, coming down to around knee length as a sash of cloth was tied and knotted over her left hip and draped down to around her right knee. A pair of brown lace up sandals and her usual gold accessories completed her look as both of them stood with their respective staffs.

“Oh,” Chris said, blinking as he recognized the two. “Councillor Ember, Councillor Zecora, how can I help you?”

“First off,” Ember replied, removing the snicker from her face from the human’s incident. “You could not use our titles as councilors when nothing is in session.”

“And for our second demand,” Zecora added. “We’d like to shake your hand.”

Chris blinked at this. “Well… alright then,” he said, stepping forward and reaching his hand forward.

Ember rolled her her eyes and looked towards the ceiling for a moment. “We don’t literally want to shake your hand,” she said in an exasperated tone. “That’s just Z’s way of saying we want to meet you.”

“Oh,” Chris said for the second, becoming a bit awkward as he retracted his hand. He then gave a goofy grin and scratched behind his ear. “I guess as far as first impressions go, I’m looking like kind of a dunce, huh?”

Zecora gave a small, amused smile while Ember just rolled her eyes again. “Yeah, a bit,” she replied, a bit of a snark to her voice before she looked at him again. “So, what exactly can you do?”

“We are together in this endeavor,” Zecora added, applying her voice to Ember’s question. “How can you beat an enemy that seemed to hold us forever?”

Chris stopped for a moment before he grinned again. “Well, I could tell you,” Chris replied, a spark coming to his eyes. “Or I could show you.”

Zecora and Ember looked surprised at this and turned the look at one another. For a few moments, it seemed like they were having some kind of silent conversation before they both looked back towards him. Ember then flashed a toothy smile at him. “I think we’ll go with option two.”

Chris smiled back at this and nodded his head to the door. “Then follow me,” he said before he started to leave the room, the dragoness and zebra mare following close behind him.

“HAH!” Firefly shouted, throwing another gloved jab at the punching bag in front of her, slamming it full force as her entire body twisted with the punch. The bag shuttered as it was held forward by Cobalt.

“Nice hit, ‘Fly,” Cobalt complemented, looking out from behind the bag and taking a once over at her form. “You’re still over rotating your heel, though. Fix that and you’ll be hitting just as hard as a lot of the stallions around here.”

Firefly breathed heavily as she caught her breath. She lowered her fist and relaxed her stance, giving the stallion a smile. “Thanks, Cobalt,” she breathed, her heart rate falling back to normal. “I really appreciate you helping me with all this.”

Cobalt shrugged his shoulders. “It’s no problem,” he replied, coming out from behind the punching bag. “We’re a team now, and part of that is making sure none of us gets hurt.”

Firefly continued to smile a bit. “Well, thanks anyway,” she said again, just as the sound of hydraulics caught their attention. Firefly turned to look at the door while Cobalt looked up. Chris walked through the entrance way, followed by two figures that the pair recognized immediately. “Is that…?”

“Yep,” Cobalt finished, leaning against the support that held up the punching bag and crossing his arms. “My question is, what are they doing here with Chris?”

The young man started to make his way over to them, a smile on his face. “Hey, guys,” he greeted. “What are you up to?”

“Cobalt’s been helping me with my form,” Firefly replied, glancing at the dragon and zebra behind him. “How’d the trials go.”

“Well, the Stelwyngs won’t be able to do massive damage to the Resistance anymore,” Chris replied. “But I can’t really say much else as a council member. Speaking of council members, I’m sure you both recognized our guests,” Chris turned sideways between the two parties and gestured to Ember and Zecora with his right hand, palm face up. “I’m sure you both know who Dragon Lord Ember and Shaman Zecora. Ember, Zecora, these are my teammates, Cobalt Steel and Firefly.”

A round of greetings was exchanged before Zecora moved her gaze to Chris once more. “With introductions out of the way,” she began. “Perhaps you’d like to show how you deal with machines like child’s play.”

Chris grinned and nodded his head before he looked towards Cobalt and Firefly. “So which one of you wants to spare?”

Firefly let out a groan. “Not me, cap,” she answered in a tired tone. “I’m barely still standing after the runaround Cobalt gave me.”

The thestral beside her chuckled. “You did ask for help,” he stated, looking at her with a small smile. He then turned to Chris. “You know I’m always up for finding out which of us is more improved.”

Chris grinned. “Then let’s not keep our guests waiting,” he said before heading towards the ring. Cobalt grinned as well, a spark in his eyes as he followed Chris into the cage. They each took up one side of the arena as the others gathered outside to watch.

This is becoming a regular occurrence, Sam observed as Chris dropped into a ready stance.

Would you have it any other way? Chris asked, his eyes never leaving Cobalt as the stallion dropped into his own stance.

Sam was silent for a moment before Chris felt a smile grow on his brother’s face. Not in this life, he replied.

Chris gave a short laugh before he refocused on Cobalt. “Let’s do this!” He cried with a grin as he dashed forward, his orange Static dancing over his body as Silver Static dance over his right fist.

“Thought you’d never ask!” Cobalt replied, charging towards the young man just as shadows began to flow from his fists and wings. He raised his right fist back just as Chris did the same. The two made to meet in the middle and began to swing their fists forward only for a flash of green to shine between them.

“Chris!” Sweetie Belle shouted as she materialized.

“Holy scheisse!” Chris exclaimed, swerving his cast fist away from Sweetie.

“Damn it!” Cobalt shouted, throwing his swing to the other side of the mare to avoid her as well. The two built up energies were unleashed, Cobalt’s in a rush of shadows while Chris’ spiraled away in a metallic twister that sounded almost like a blender.

“Sweetie!” Chris said in a raised yet worried voice. “We could have seriously hurt you, or worse! What could be so important that you risk life and limb?”

“Maybe the fact that Guntram is holding some sort of rally!” Sweetie replied, turning to him with wide eyes.

Chris stopped in his tracks. “...Where?” He asked in a low tone.

“He’s in the courtyard-”

There was a flash of yellow and a rush of wind followed by the sound of buckling metal. Everyone in the room turned to look at the entrance to the room, the heavy metal doors having been torn from the walls and now lying crumpled against the adjacent wall. For a long moment, no one dared to speak.

“Well,” Ember said, breaking the silence. “We did come to see a demonstration of his power….”

Cobalt shook his head as if a fog was being cleared. “Sweetie Belle,” he said in a calm yet worried voice. “What is going on?”

Sweetie turned her head to look at him, a look of fear in her eyes. “Guntram’s threatening to leave the Resistance and take the griffons with him.”

~Two Weeks Later~

There was a soft flash as the computer screen came on, revealing Chris’ tired face. He gave a yawn and ran his hand through his messy hair. He then typed in the ‘record’ command and the red ‘rec’ symbol appeared in the corner. Chris simply stared at the screen for a moment before he rubbed his face with his hand and sighed. “I’m just going to say it,” he started, his tone tired and slightly annoyed. “Guntram gefickt us. He took most of us his griffons and left. Just gone.” He looked up and to the side, his hand over his mouth and chin as he shook his head. After a moment he flipped his hand up and open in an ‘I don’t know,’ motion. “That’s not even the worst of it,” he continued. “A lot of diamond dogs and minotaurs followed him. Even a few donkeys and ponies left with them…. The Resistance has lost a good thirty percent of its population…. The United Rebellion of Equis, as they’re calling themselves, have set up a base outside the Everfree Forest… close to Ponyville. Too close.”

Chris stopped and let out another heavy sigh, bringing his hands up to either side of his head and scratching his scalp back and forth, messing his hair up further. “It’s been far too long since the Empire has sent any kind of attack our way. That can only mean that they’re planning something big, and with our forces divided… I hate to think what could happen….” Chris fell silent once more. He brought his hand back up to his chin and mouth, a worriedly thoughtful look on his face. After a moment he shook his head once more. “...The only thing we can do now… is wait….” He paused again before looking at the screen. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.” With that, he reached to the keyboard and turned off his recording.

Miles away, in the treeline bordering the United Rebellion of Equis, Staroid looked through the scope of his modified arm, which was now equipped with a sniper rifle. He swept over the shoddily set up base. “They haven’t even set up a proper defense yet,” Staroid snickered quietly as he watched workers putting up a wall made simply of pointed logs. Staroid took his head away from his rifle and gave a sinister grin. “Oh, mistress is going to have a field day with this!” He said to himself before he transformed into his star form and shot into the air, towards Midnight’s castle in Ponyville.

Almost an hour later, Midnight Sparkle stood in front of her communication crystal, garbed in her battle armor. After a few moments, white smoke began to pour out of it. It flowed out behind the crystal and a mirage of King Mondo appeared. “Midnight,” He said in greeting. “I do hope this is important.”

Midnight gave a wicked smile. “Oh, I think you’ll find what I have to say very important,” she purred.

“Well, spit it out,” Mondo said, growing impatient and slamming the butt of his staff on the ground.

“The Resistance has split,” she replied, her grin widening even further. “A good portion of their populous has moved outside of the Everfree’s borders.”

Mondo looked surprised at this, or at least as surprised as his metallic face could be. “And what of their defenses?” He asked quickly.

“Practically nonexistent,” she informed, her voice almost giddy. “I would suggest attacking while they are still weak and ill-prepared.”

“I agree,” Mondo stated. “Send in your strongest captain with three battalions. I want them wiped out before the end of the day!”

Midnight gave a short bow. “It shall be done, King Mondo,” she answered, looking up with a sparkle in her eye.

“Report to me when it is finished,” Mondo said before his mirage began to fade, the smoke going back into the black crystal.

Midnight straightened up, a malicious smirk on her face before she turned about and opened the curtain, moving through her lab with practiced and excited ease. She made her way over to the white sheet that covered her newest and most powerful machine captain. She began moving around the robot, removing power cables and other similar lines. After only a moment, the automaton was being held up only by support lines. Midnight moved to the back of her creation, flipping open its control and turning it on before circling again to stand before it.

The machine’s systems began to hum to life, its eyes beginning to glow a sickly green. Midnight moved around to the front of the machine to watch its activation. The monstrosity’s legs began to function and it lifted itself up to its full height, the support cables snapping off as it did so.

Midnight’s eyes were wide with excitement as she watched, barely containing her need to celebrate her newest creation. A few moments more and the machine’s vision came into focus, looking towards the mare as it did. “What is your task for me, mistress?” He asked, moving his arms over his torso and giving a bow.

Midnight gave a grin. “A group of resistance fighters has decided to split away from the herd,” she explained. “You are to take three battalions and show them why they began to fear us in the first place.”

The automaton bowed once more. “It shall be done, my queen.”

Midnight’s grin grew sinister and full of pride at the title. “Then go,” she ordered. “And show no mercy, Mechanizer!”

Chris stood in his private lab, hunched over some kind of board with wiring and other mechanisms over it. He made a few more passes with the tool in his right hand, causing a few buzzing sounds and bright flashes. “And that should do it,” he said, leaning back and putting his tool down in its holder to the side while bringing up his other hand to lift the face shield out of his way.

Ten bits says it blows up in your face, Samson said in a sing-song tone. Again.

“Oh, be a bit optimistic,” Chris replied before he reached out to the wall behind the board to where a switch sat. He flipped it and the machinery on the board hummed to life. Chris let out a smile and reached towards a dial on the wall adjacent the switch. He began to turn it slowly from zero, the humming growing as he did so. Slowly, the board began to rise off the work table. Chris’ grin became more and more prominent as it rose higher and higher until it was a good foot off the work surface. “See,” he said, excitement in his voice. “Told you it would-”

“Captain Scott, come in!”

The sudden shout from his lab’s speakers surprised him, making him jump just enough to turn the dial from ten to twenty-five in an instant. The humming became a dangerous buzz before the entire system glowed orange and exploded, knocking Chris onto the floor and his face shield off. “...Ow….”

See, Sam mocked, imitating Chris a bit. Told you it would happen.

“Oh, shut up,” Chris grumbled as he got to his feet before he reached for a button on his console. “This is Captain Scott,” he replied into a nearby mic. “What’s going on?” He released the button and waited.

“We’ve got a problem up here,” Sunset’s voice stated. “We need you and your team quickly.”

Chris pressed the button down again. “We’ll be there as soon as we can,” he replied. “Scott over and out.” He released the button and turned to face the rest of his lab. His eyes fell on a metallic briefcase, causing him to pause.

Chris, Sam said, getting his brother out of his mind. We can’t protect them forever. It’s time.

Chris was silent for a moment before he walked across the lab and grabbed the case before making his way toward the door. He threw it open and hurried out, not bothering to take his lab coat off as he lifted his communicator to his face. “Calling all Rangers,” he said as he walked. “Report to the control room immediately. Chris, over and out.” With that, he lowered his arm and focused on his task.

Not long after, he entered the control room, Nightmare, Sunset, and Shining all turning to face him. “What’s going on?” He asked as he approached.

“A little impatient, are we?” Shining asked, a joking tone to his otherwise strained voice.

“More like anxious,” Chris replied, joining them.

“With good reason,” Nightmare said, drawing his attention to her before she looked towards the large viewing screen, the others following her gaze. “A little while ago, we received a distress signal from the URE.”

“Timeout,” Chris said, bringing his hands up in a ‘T’. “These guys have been out there for two weeks and now the turncoats want our help?”

Nightmare gave him a bit of an annoyed look. “Yes and no,” she replied before looking back at the screen. “The message we received was from a single individual, however, they were clearly terrified of something. Play transmission.”

A unicorn near the front of the room nodded his head before turning back to his screen and typing in a command. The viewing screen blinked and on it appeared a face Chris already knew.

The camera shuttered a bit as Gilda adjusted it before her eyes widened. “Holy shit, it worked!” She exclaimed in surprise before clearing her throat. “This is Gilda of the United Rebellion of Equis requesting aid from the Equestrian Resistance Force. We’ve got a huge group of machines headed our way and Guntram has lost his mind. Three battalions and a captain are coming and the old feather bag thinks we can take’em. The sad truth is that we can’t. Our defenses are only half complete, our weapons and armor are lacking, and not everyone in the camp is a fighter. We’ve got females and kids here, and there’s no way we can protect them from such a large force. Please, hurry.” The transmission stopped there, giving Chris plenty of time to look at the griffon’s terrified face.

“We’re going in,” Chris said before anyone else could get a word in. “Gilda’s right, they can’t handle an attack that big.”

Nightmare was silent for a moment before she gave a smile, almost as if she expected Chris’ answer. “I’m glad you’re on board,” she replied before her expression became serious. “However, I’m not sure you and your team can handle something like this alone. That is why I have asked Sunset and Shining here as well.”

Chris fell silent for a moment as he thought this over. He then turned to Sunset and Shining. “If members of your operations come with us, I need them to follow the orders I give them, no matter what.”

The two ponies nodded. “Of course,” Shining said. “What I’m more worried about is the size of the team you’ll be leading.”

“Two special ops, five field ops,” Chris stated simply. “No more, no less.” He then put his hand to his face. “I’m sorry, I’m being an arsch.”

Sunset came over and put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry,” she said, her voice soft. “This is your first time leading a team like this.”

Chris looked up at her for a moment before his expression hardened and he nodded. Sunset nodded back and moved back just in time for Cobalt, Firefly, and Sweetie Belle to enter the room. “What’s the situation, boss man?” Cobalt asked as he walked up the steps and stopped, putting his hands behind his back, the others lining up to either side of him and imitating his stance.

“At ease,” Chris said quickly, lifting a hand up as he turned to face them. “We’re all friends here. As for the situation, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. We’ve received a distress signal from the URE requesting back up.”

Cobalt scoffed. “Those traitors can take care of them-”

“They’re facing a force of three battalions and a captain.” Chris’ statement immediately shut Cobalt down as the thestral’s eyes widened.

“That many?” Sweetie asked, her voice worried as she stepped forward. “They’ve never attacked like this before.”

“It’s basic strategy,” Shining replied, stepping forward. “A house divided cannot stand, after all. Mondo and his compatriots probably think they can weaken our resistance by attacking a smaller group that has split from the pack, and they’re right.”

“We’re being sent in with another group to provide reinforcements,” Chris explained before he brought his case forward. “I won’t lie, this isn’t going to be easy, but, hopefully, we can get in and minimize casualties.”

“Sooo, what’s with the box?” Firefly questioned, eyeing the silver briefcase.

“These,” Chris said, hefting the case. “Are your new standard issue.” With that, he snapped open the clasps and lifted the case. Two levels lifted up, revealing three white guns with red chambers in the back and black grips over the barrel, and what looked like three blue sword hilts with gold cross guards, a small laser barrel sticking out. “These are the zeo laser blades and pistols.” He explained. “They’ll make it easier to cut through cogs and even the machine captains.”

“Cool,” Cobalt said, stepping forward and picking up one of the laser blades. He inspected it for a moment before a confused look crossed his face. “So, how do they work?”

Chris chuckled before moving the case to a single hand and lifted one of the pistols out. “The laser pistols are rather easy to use,” he explained. “Just point the barrel at the target and pull the trigger, the pistol does the rest.” He then let go of the pistol and let it float in the air beside him in a sphere of wind before he took out a laser blade. “The blades are a little more unique. They require a mental command in order to activate.” Suddenly, the laser barrel shot up as the blade extended, looking more like a long baton rather than a blade. He gave the blade a few experimental swings before stopping and having the blade retract again. “Another feature of these weapons is that they combine to create an even more powerful blaster called the advanced zeo laser pistol.”

“Bit of a mouth full, isn’t it?” Sunset questioned as she picked the pistol out of the air and examined it.

Chris chuckled at that. “I didn’t name them myself,” he admitted before tossing the laser blade in his hand to Sweetie.

The young mare gave a little yelp as she reached out to catch it, juggling it a bit before wrapping both hands around the handle and letting out a sigh. “A little warning next time would be nice,” she said, giving Chris an annoyed look.

“Sorry, Sweetie,” Chris apologized as he passed the last blade to Firefly before giving them each a pistol and belt. “Now, I believe we have somewhere to be.” He turned towards Nightmare.

“Yes,” She said before turning to Sunset and Shining. “Captains, go choose who you’d like to accompany our rangers. Chris, you and your team prepare yourselves. You will leave through the front.”

“Right,” Chris before turning to face his team. “Come on, guys.” He nodded his head to the door and made his way out at a fast pace, the others following behind him with their new gear.

“Damn it!” Gilda shouted as she ducked back behind her makeshift cover, a stack of wooden logs that were supposed to be used for fortifying their camp. Gilda scoffed. “So much for that!” She said before bringing up her twin repeating crossbows. She checked the magazines and reloaded each of them while she had the chance before smacking them back into place. She lifted the crossbows up in either hand, bringing them up to the sides of her face as she took a steadying breath.

She jumped to her feet and spun, extending her arms and crossbows. All at once, several events took place. As Gilda turned, a blur of motion in the corner of her eye caught her attention… right before the group of cogs little more than ten feet away turned their attention on her. A torrent of laser bolts raced towards her in a wall of red as she continued to twist and brought her crossbows back, ducking back behind the logs. “Shit!” She exclaimed as she could feel the logs behind her lurch from the force of the bolts, small explosions sending up shards of wood.

Gilda took in several deep breaths, her chest heaving. That’s when she heard a soft thud beside her. Slowly, she looked to her right… and immediately wished she hadn’t. Just visible on the other side of the log pile, Gilda could see the head of another griffon, her feathers a pale green around her eyes and crown, a scarf hanging loosely around her neck as a line of blood ran out of her beak. Gilda made the mistake of looking towards the griffoness’ eyes. She turned away quickly as the cold blue eyes met hers, doing what any sane being would do. She turned her head to the side, her body shuddering as she took in a shaky breath. “We’re not going to make it,” she muttered to herself, the sounds of war crashing around her.

We’re too slow! Sam growled as Chris and his team ran through the forest.

That’s what I’m working on in the lab! Chris replied silently. We just have to hope that they can hold out until we get there.

“How much further?”

Chris turned his head as he ran, looking towards Rainbow Dash in her lightweight leather armor, before taking a glance at his morpher in radar mode. “We’ve got two more minutes before we reach them,” he replied before looking forward again.

Dash let out a groan. “This is taking too long,” she complained. “If I were flying, I would have been there in-”

“Ten seconds flat, yes, Dash, I know,” Chris interrupted. “But not all of us can fly, and we can’t afford to be splitting up.”

The mare fell silent as they continued to run. A sudden beep caught their attention and Chris looked back down at his radar. Two red dots had appeared just out of their line of sight, approaching fast. “We got company,” he called over his shoulder. “Heavy Hitter, Onyx Bristle, slam’em!”

The two earth ponies raced forward, brandishing their weapons just as the cogs came into view. They didn’t last long as Onyx brought his mace down onto the head of the one on the left while Heavy cut his opponent in two as he ran past. “Any more surprises, Captain?” Heavy asked as the two started to fall back.

“Not that I’m seeing,” Chris replied as he searched his radar, before lowering it again. “But that’s a pretty good sign that we’re getting close, so keep your guards up.” The sound of weapons being drawn echoed behind him and Chris reached over his left and summoned his Psycho Sword to his hand. After what seemed like only a few more moments, Chris saw light start bleeding through the trees. “Here we go, guys!” he called over his shoulder, his sword arm tensing as they burst from the cover. Chris suddenly stopped as he looked out at the scene before him, not believing what he was seeing.

All around the field, bodies littered the ground, making things look grim… until he realized that there were far more cogs littering the ground than rebels. “How-” Chris suddenly cut off as he caught sight of something even more surprising… and horrifying. A small group of rebels, led by none other than Garion, were attacking the machine captain that had been sent to destroy them. The captain was large and black, having no distinguishable head as its body looked like a huge engine with exhaust pipes coming off of it, a silver face on the front with sharp teeth and glowing green eyes. Arms that looked almost too small came from either side of its torso, ending in small hands while the whole thing was supported by two legs that ended in three flat toes.

“Mechanizer…,” Chris breathed before turning to his team. “Get down there and start helping the rebels clean up the rest of those cogs.” He turned and went to run towards the group fighting the machine captain before a hand on his arm stopped him. He turned his head to see Sweetie looking up at him.

“What about you?” She asked, worry clear in her voice.

“I’m going to destroy Mechanizer,” the young man replied bluntly.

“Then we’ll help,” Cobalt said, stepping forward and hefting his great sword.

“No!” Chris replied looking at him. “Mechanizer is one of the most dangerous captains Mondo could have sent here. He loves destruction more than anything, even disobeying orders to cause as much damage as he possibly can. I’m sorry, but he’s too dangerous right now.” He then looked towards Sweetie before putting a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be fine, I promise,” he said in a softer tone.

Sweetie hesitated a moment before reluctantly nodding her head and removing her hand. The moment the hand left him, Chris ran towards the captain, Yellow Static covering his form as he raced across the battlefield. For a moment, Sweetie and the group just stood there… all except Rainbow Dash.

“Come on, slow pokes!” She said loudly, knocking everyone out of their stupor. “We’ve got rebels to save!” With that, she launched herself into the sky, rocketing towards the main camp of the rebellion, brandishing her daggers as she went.

The group all exchanged glances before running after the prismatic mare, those with wings taking off into the air. Sweetie turned and made to follow them, but hesitated and looked over her shoulder at the yellow blur that she knew was Chris. With a downcast face, she turned and started to follow the others.

Chris ran across the field, dodging bodies and scrap metal as he went. The hilly terrain made it difficult to move, and he almost tripped several times before he crested a final hill. He stopped and took a quick look around to gain his bearings. As he did so, he caught sight of the group fighting with Mechanizer, smoke rising from the automaton as gashes in its armor littered its body. The machine also seemed to be slowing down as it kept trying to sweep its blasters in the direction of the opposing combatants, only to be slammed from another direction by a different fighter. Garion could be heard pushing the fighters on. “Verdammt,” Chris muttered before he started running towards them.

“Stop!” He shouted as he raced forward… but it was too late. One of the griffons landed a devastating blow to Mechanizer’s face plate with their ax, gouging out a huge chunk of metal and staggering the robot. Garion rushed forward with his clawed gauntlets and plunged his hand into the gouge before tensing up and tearing out a large chunk of metal and wiring. “NO!!!” Chris shouted as he stopped right next to the group, Mechanizer’s body falling over and eyes going dark.

Garion turned around slowly, the chunk of twisted metal still in his hand, black liquid dripping off it. “What are you doing here?” He asked, a snarl on his face.

“We retrieved a distress signal, you idiot,” Chris replied, taking a few steps forward. “Now what did you do!?!”

Garion smirked snidely, as he raised the chunk of metal in his hand. “I killed it, obviously,” he replied.

Chris’ face twisted in anger. “Obviously,” he replied in a growl. “You don’t know what you’re doing! When you kill a captain, you have to take out its successor core!” Just as he said that Mechanizer’s body began to glow green.

“Oh, no,” Chris muttered as he started to step back as a shadow grew over them. “Everybody, scatter!” He shouted before sprinting away and bringing his morpher up. “Delta, I need you here now!”

The green energy flashed away, revealing Mechanizer in all his enormous glory. “Now, to spread wonderful destruction!” He shouted as the team of griffons continued to spread out and get away… all except one.

Garion froze in place, his eyes widening in fear as he looked up the monster he had “killed”. However, he didn’t go unnoticed.

“Looks like the little birdie wants to stay and play,” Mechanizer said as his sweeping gaze found the terrified griffon. “How about whack-a-pest?” With that, he lifted his foot and moved it over Garion.

Chris turned as he heard this, his eyes widening as he saw the threatening shadow poised over the griffon. “Gar, run!” He shouted before he started to run back towards him, Yellow Static jumping over him as he dashed forward… only to trip on a cog’s severed arm halfway there. Chris’ eyes widened further as he fell, bringing his arm back and activating his Green Static, throwing a ball of condensed air at Garion to push him out of the way. But his efforts came too late.

The mass of green wind slammed into the giant metallic foot as it came crashing down, the earth shaking as it landed. Chris watched in horror as the young griffon disappeared beneath the limb, only for said limb to come back up as Delta came screaming through the air, cannons blazing. Chris got to his feet hurriedly and ran to the edge of the footprint, and looked in only to turn away quickly and hold back the bile rising in his throat.

Chris squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before several more explosions and a cry of pain drew his attention up. He locked his gaze on Mechanizer and his eyes grew angry. Very angry. “Delta, I need a pick up,” he said into his morpher, his tone low and dangerous. Delta obeyed and could be seen turning in the sky. Chris tensed his body and jumped into the air, Yellow and Green Static dancing over him as he yelled, “Go, Psycho!” Delta swooped by and caught him, the young man entering the cockpit in his Psycho Red armor.

“Mechanizer wants to play a game, Delta,” Chris muttered as he grabbed the controls. “So, why don’t we give him a game?” With that, Chris initiated the transformation sequence. Delta turned over mid-flight before its limbs folded out and it landed on its feet. A plate under the cockpit folded down to reveal the Megazord's face.

“You think you’re little toy can defeat m- GAH!” Mechanizer exclaimed as his left optic was blown from his face, causing him to stumble backward.

Delta’s gatling gun started to slow its spin, the barrels smoking. “That was for Garion,” Chris’ voice echoed out, the tone carrying anger with it. “What comes next is for everything else.” Delta raised its other arm up, the fingers coming together to form a gatling gun and beginning to spin as the other hand started back up as well. “Delta Gyro Blasters!” Chris shouted out as he slammed the controls forward. A barrage of blue laser fire slowly and systematically tore through Mechanizer, the machine screaming in pain as bits and pieces of its body were blown away.

After several moments, the firing stopped and Mechanizer fell to one knee before letting out a sinister chuckle. “And I thought I was destructive...,” the automation muttered before it leaned to the side and fell, detonating into a huge fireball.

Delta lowered its arms as Chris leaned back in the cockpit, his breaths coming in heated slowness. For a few moments, Chris did nothing but sit there and stare at the burning wreckage of what was once Mechanizer before slowly bringing his morpher up to his helmet. “Sweetie Belle,” Chris said into the device as red grid lines formed over his helmet and it dissipated. “Gather up the rebels. We’re all going home.”

“You have failed again, Midnight,” Mondo growled through his mirage.

Midnight stood on the other side of the dark chamber, her hands behind her back. “I know, your highness,” she replied. “Mechanizer failed to complete his mission… however, it was not a total loss.”

“And how pray tell, is the destruction of three cog battalions and a machine captain not a ‘total loss’?” King Mondo questioned, his anger clearly rising.

“Before Mechanizer was destroyed,” the dark mare started as she stepped forward a bit. “He sent over what he had recorded from the battle. He and his force managed to take a chunk out these so-called rebels, and we discovered how long it takes for the ranger’s Megazord to reach the edge of the Everfree.”

“And how do you plan to apply this knowledge?” Mondo asked, his anger dwindling into mild irritation.

“I shall attack again,” Midnight replied, her conviction strong. “With a force that is five fold stronger than todays. And this time, I shall destroy the one thing that has kept them from our clutches.” The dark alicorn paused to let a sneer cross her face.

“Their home.”