I remember you

by Shadow of doubt

The Villainous Villain

--I remember you--

The villainous villain

A sharp groan escaped a newly awoken alicorn whose eyes had been assaulted from the early morning sun, waking the sleeping form of a young dragon who just buried himself under his pillow.

“Good morning Spike, how did you sleep?” asked the sleepy alicorn as she shifted to an upright position.

“Not a good morning, need more sleep,” Spike said as he attempted to block the alicorn out with a pillow.

Jumping off the bed the groggy alicorn trotted to Spike's basket and prodded him awake, “Not now Twilight the sun isn't even past half-way, besides its way too cold this morning,” Spike said as he turned to his side.

“Alright then Spike, I'll let you sleep in for another hour but be ready to wake up then alright?” Twilight said as she trotted to the door, her hooves making a crisp clacking sound as she moved.

“Sure, sure,” Spike said nonchalantly as he tuned out the waking world, turning over in his sleep.

“Teenagers,” Twilight commented before she left teleporting her morning checklist in front of her. The lavender glow reflecting off of the crystal hallways as she read the list out loud to herself yawning every so often. “Spike refusing to wake up? Check, Make bed?... Woopies,”

Once she returned to her room and made her bed, Twilight went into the kitchen to make her morning coffee, “alright since Spike's still asleep I'm going to make my coffee, I mean how hard can it be,” Twilight mumbled as she once again teleported a list in front of her the popping sound of the teleportation ringing around the kitchen proper a little while longer than normal.

“How did you freeze coffee twilight?” Spike asked as he examined the frozen coffee.

“I didn't mean to Spike it was just too hot so I thought I could cool it down with the cool-me-down spell but,” Twilight said trailing off with a hoof at the end of her sentence.

“But you haven't used that spell since you were a unicorn, right?” Spike said questioningly.

“Yeah, look, I'm sorry to ask this early in the morning but can you make me coffee while I go and get ingredients for breakfast the girls are coming over today,” Twilight said sheepishly while looking down at her hooves.

“Alright, but see if you can get some extra gems, please,” Spike said as twilight left the room while thawing out the coffee mug.

“Sure,” Twilight said over her shoulder as she made her way through the castle.

“Alright, let's see here,” Twilight muttered to herself as she read her list shadows of Pegasus flying above every now and again.

“Excuse me,” Twilight said to a passing Pegasus, “could you tell me why it's a tad bit colder than usual? Muffins right?” Twilight said as she came to a stop while Muffins nodded.

“Not so sure princess, could be some everfree clouds messing up the scheduled sunny day. But don't worry princess, the Pegasus team will have it sorted out in a jiffy,” Muffins said, her wings creating a small breeze

“Well thanks for that, I've gotta go now I will see you around muffin,” Twilight said as she began to move away from Muffins and towards the town square.

“Oh before you go, princess,” Muffins said as she flew in front of Twilight creating a small dust cloud around them.

“Yes, what can I do for you?” Twilight inquired stopping once again.

“It's just there's this really weird creature in town, don't worry he's harmless, but he said he is looking for a princess, he could be a diplomat but he looks like a king? Never mind but he could be from a foreign nation?” Muffins said looking Twilight in the eyes while one of her golden eyes decided to wander to the right.

“That's interesting, what's he look like?” Twilight inquired as she sat down on the dirt path to make herself comfortable while lining to Muffins.

“Well he walks on two hooves and wears a blue robe and has a gold crown with three rubies encrusted on it, he also has a really big white mane and beard, makes him look real old too.” Muffins said as she landed on the ground in front of Twilight.

“That's really interesting, I am assuming he is bipedal if that's what you meant by him walking on two hooves but anyway I have to go get my groceries if you see him tell him to go to my castle and I will have a chat with him. See you around Muffins,” Twilight said as she dusted herself off to continue down the road.

“No problem Princess-” Muffins reply was cut off as she face-planted into the bottom of a stray cloud while she flew upwards.

“Are you alright Muffins,” Twilight said as she continued to town, still a tad bit chilly from the weather.

“Yeah, see you later Princess,” Muffins said as she freed herself from her cloud prison, watching as Twilight continued into town.

“That will be one bit, your majesty,” Carrot Top said to Twilight as she hoofed her a bag of carrots.

“No problem, here you go,” Twilight said as she hoofed her a bit, “oh have you seen a bipedal being with blue robes and a crown on his head, Muffins said he is looking for me,” Twilight asked while levitating the carrot bag next to her.

“Why yes, yes I have, he seems a little weird but he hasn't hurt anyone he seems to just sit in the tree watching ponies go about their business, in fact, he is in that one over there,” Carrot Top pointed with her hoof towards a tree with an odd blue being with a crown and dark blue robes on.

“Wow he is kinda weird, but maybe it's a custom of his people?” Twilight asked as she watched carrot top shrug before she spoke once again

“Look he has been sitting up there for the entire day occasionally Pegasus talk to him but that's about it, he kinda creeps me out but he's not doing any harm,” Carrot Top said as she but the bit in her bit chest.

“Well, thanks for the carrots I'm going to go meet him then,” said Twilight as she trotted off towards the tree before she spread her wings and took flight.

“Oh that one looks like a princess, wait no, that other pony said they have wings as well as those pointy things, I wish I had a sandwich, sandwiches are good, ooh maybe there will be a princess of sandwiches that would be so cool,” the biped mumbled to himself holding binoculars in his hands as he looked around the light of the morning sun reflecting off his crown giving his position away to any onlooker.

“Um excuse me, but are you looking for me?” Twilight asked the strange biped, hovering in the air at the same height of his branch.

“Hmm, what, what do you want can't you see I'm busy?” The being shouted out before he looked at Twilight.

“Oh, who are you?” The biped asked his voice sounded scratchy and strained as he scratched his beard, crumbs of past food falling out of it and down to the ground.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, what's yours?” Twilight asked as she landed on the rather large branch in front of the being.

The biped pointed to his crown repeatedly as he said: “I am the Ice King, the king of Ice, are you a Princess?” He asked looking directly at Twilight as he did so.

“Um yes I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship,” Twilight stated holding her head high.

“Oh... Zap,” the ice king declared freezing her solid before he grabbed her frozen form and using his beard to fly off towards the north.