Glint Stones: Meeting

by Middle Ground

Chapter 3 - Blank Memories

Later that day, the Pie Family began preparing dinner big enough to feed not only them but their new acquaintances. Igneous and Cloudy Quartz had made lots of bread, lots of salad, and a lot more Three Stone Soup. The Pie Sisters had brought out four more plates, four more sets of eating ware, four more chairs, and a separate table for the Spellbind Brothers to eat.
"Dad, are we really going to let those four crazy ponies stay with us?" Limestone was still very reluctant about the Spellbind Brothers staying with them.
"Why do you ask? They have nowhere else to go...." Igneous then placed the newly prepared salad bowl and the bread on the dinner table.
"Because they're all crazy and dangerous...! One of them literally bursts into flames! I can only see a lot of trouble in our future if we let them stay!" Limestone has made a good argument and her sisters couldn't really argue against her.
"Which is exactly why they need to stay with us. They act a lot like younglings and they need guidance. If we send them off on their own, who knows what kind of trouble they could get into." Cloudy Quartz came into the room and placed her soup bowl on the dinner table.
"But...!" Limestone tried to object.
"This is not for debate, Limestone. They are staying with us and that is all." Cloudy Quartz then left the room to go get the Spellbind Brothers. Limestone fell silent from the sudden objection.
"Limestone, we understand very well what you're saying and you could be right. But leaving them as they are with nothing is no better than turning away somepony in need of help. That is not what the Pie Family is known for. Please remember that from now on." Igneous then left to follow Cloudy Quartz. Limestone then sat at the dinner table feeling guilty and upset over the subject.
"I know they seem a little...strange, but can't we be...friend with them...?" Marble then sat next to Limestone while the other sisters took their seats. Limestone had an annoyed look on her face at the thought.
"She's just embarrassed about that blue stallion hitting on her earlier." Maud was the last to take her seat.
"Does that mean he's in love?!" The Pie Sisters then blushed at the thought. Limestone especially.
"I AM NOT!!! I don't even know that guy! He's probably a stuck-up idiot who doesn't know a hard day's work if it came and hit him across the-" Just before she could finish her rant, the sound of an explosion went off from outside the house. The Pie Sisters then ran outside to find their parents watching Sparx and Ashes fighting each other.
"F@$% YOU, ASHES!!!"
"NO, F@#% YOU, SPARX!!!" Fire and electricity were sent flying all over the place as they fought.
"What is going on here?!" Limestone ran next to Igneous and Cloudy Quartz out of worry.
"I have no idea...! We were about to invite them over for dinner and they just blasted their way out of the old barn fighting!" The Pie Family kept their distance from the fighting. They then saw a giant hammer made of ice smash them both from above them. The fighting had stopped with the hammer vanishing and Chilly walking passed the defeated Sparx and Ashes.
"Well, that was annoying.... Sorry about the noise. They were fighting over who was better and it got out of hoof." Chilly then dusted off his hood.
"WTF CHILLY?!!!" Sparx and Ashes both got back up even after getting hammered.
"Guys, please calm down...." Gust came flying in to calm them down and blow away all the dust that was kicked up during the fight.
"Are we seriously keeping these freaks here after seeing that?!" Limestone presented all that they saw to her parents. With what they just saw, even Igneous and Cloudy Quartz were starting to feel uneasy.
"That wasn't vary nice...." Gust was beginning to cry.
"I can't help it if I'm so awesome!" Sparx stood on his hooves proudly against Limestone's words.
"What's a freak...?" Ashes was confused. Chilly said nothing since he couldn't really deny what Limestone said.
Pinkie Pie the walked up to the Spellbind Brothers, "Do you want to join us for dinner?" She gave them a warm smile to welcome them.
"Dinner...? You mean food? YEAH!" Ashes jumped for the chance for food.
"Yes please...!" Gust became excited and flew over to the house.
"Heh...that's more like it." Sparx followed them to the house.
"Thanks miss." Chilly joined them. The Spellbind Brothers and the Pie Family left with Limestone just standing in place with a confused expression on her face.
"How...? How do they accept those insane ponies so easily?!" That question echoed in her thoughts multiple times without an answer.
"Limestone, dinner is ready...!" Marble called out to Limestone as they went inside. Limestone gave a deep sigh and followed them. Despite everything Limestone said and what they've seen, they still let the Spellbind Brothers join them for dinner. They all sat down at their designated tables and began eating dinner. Except the Spellbind Brothers were not expecting rocks in their soup.
"Hey, what the hell is this?" Sparx was quite rude and the Pie Family glared at him.
"That is my specialty. Three Stone Soup. Try it. I'm sure you'll like it." Cloudy Quartz tried to hide her annoyance.
"Yeah...! The soup is good!" Gust was enjoying it a lot.
"Can I have more please?!" Ashes had just finished his bowl.
"C'mon Sparx, don't be rude. Just a spoon full." Chilly was slowly eating his bowl. Sparx was hesitant, but he took a spoon full anyway.
"Mm...could use a little salt." He then levitated the salt shaker over his bowl, added some more flavor, and began eating more of it.
"I'm glad you four like it." Cloudy Quartz then poured Ashes and Gust a new bowl.
"It's pretty good, Miss. Even the bread. I can't remember the last time I had something this good...." He just finished eating his bread. The Pie Family felt sorry for them when they heard that.
"So you four really can't remember anything...? Like what your favorite foods are?" Pinkie was quite concerned when she asked her question.
"What's 'favorite' mean...?" Pinkie Pie then felt really empty with Ashes' reply.
"You don't even remember the names of your mother or father either?" Maud had just finished her bowl before asking.
"Of course we do...! Our mother's name I-" Suddenly, Gust just stopped in the middle of his sentence and fell silent for a minute. He then blinked and became confused.
"Um...what were we talking about?" Gust acted like he completely forgotten everything they were talking about. This left the Pie Family really confused.
"Oh come on, Gust...! Our mother's name i-" Sparx then stopped and fell silent just like Gust did.
"Uh...what was I talking about?" Sparx was drawing a blank. Something seemed to be keeping them from remembering anything.
" you know...Ashes?" Marble was the next to ask.
"Hmm...?" Ashes was too busy eating to even listen.
"Sorry, but we really can't remember anything.... Let's just enjoy dinner and talk about something else. Can I have some more?" Chilly just finished eating from his bowl. Cloudy Quartz then poured him another bowl and they all continued eating dinner. The Pie Family felt like pursuing the topic was pointless and left it for now.
"Hey Mister...uh...."
"Igneous Pie. But you may call me Mister Pie."
"Ok then, Mister Pie. You said we should work our stay here. What kind of work is it?" The Spellbind Brothers all looked at Igneous when Gust asked his question.
"Most of it will be here in the Rock Farm. You will be helping our family with digging, transporting, and other various tasks." The Spellbind Brothers then looked at Igneous with bothered expressions on their faces.
" want us to work all day...?"
"Yes. That is it."
"F@$% that! I am NOT wasting my magic on stupid rocks all day!" Sparx was not impressed. Maud then walked up to Sparx and looked up at him.
"What did you say about rocks?" Sparx and the brothers then sensed incredible danger as Maud stood before them.
"I mean...YES! Let's work! I can work with rocks all day!" Sparx changed his tune quickly after remembering what Maud did to him earlier at the party.
"Me too...!"
"No objections...." Sparx's brothers agreed without hesitation.
"That's better." Maud then left the room to put away with dishes and eating ware.
"You all better be up early for work tomorrow. And no slacking off!" Limestone began cleaning up with Marble and Pinkie.
"Yes ma'am!" said the Spellbind Brothers in unison.
"Be nice, ok?!" Pinkie Pie kindly hugged Sparx and Chilly.
"Don't touch me...!" Sparx then began trying to pry Pinkie off him.
"Ok...." Chilly and Sparx both felt awkward considering they don't get along so well. They then left the house and returned to the old barn. They then went to their own beds for the night.
"So guys, what do you think?"
"About what...?" Gust's brother's looked at him when they heard his question.
"About the Pie Family? I think they're all nice."
"F#$%ing slave-drivers, that's what I think!" Sparx was really annoyed.
"Big surprise.... I like them. They were nice enough to let us stay." Chilly then covered himself up in his blanket.
"You like that mean one lot! Lime...uh...something." Ashes then chuckled.
"Oh shut up...." Chilly turned over to hide his blushing cheeks. They all fell silent for a minute or two.
" you guys remember anything from...before?" Gust tried to remember the past, but there was nothing.
"Nah.... Not a thing."
"F#$% no."
"I forget...!" None of them could remember anything. This even confused them.
"Well, whatever.... Maybe spending time with the Pie Family might help us remember. Let's just sleep for now...." They all agreed with Chilly's suggestion and they then went to sleep for the night. Their first day of work will most likely be hectic.