The Bonds of Friendship

by TalesFromEquestria

Farewell Doesn't Mean Goodbye

Twilight Sparkles looked at all of her friends. Today was going to be her last day in Ponyville for a while, and she was going to miss all of them. She found great admiration that Pinkie Pie hadn't invited anyone else but the six- er, seven of them. For the most part, the 6 of them where going to split ways, do different things, and hopefully gain new friends.

"So Egghead, your leaving for Canterlot in a few days? Maybe I should visit some time, after all, I am traveling Equestria, I will be seeing you all when ever I want"
Twilight Smiled "Thanks Dash, your such a loyal friend. You're always there for us."
"Its no problem Twi, its what I do"

All of them where going to be sad, but all where going on their own adventures. Pinkie was going to travel, helping with parties all over Equestria. Rarity was going to fashion school to advance her already vast knowledge on designing. Rainbow Dash finally got to join the Wonderbolts, but first she must travel and visit all over Equestria. Fluttershy was already going to a local school and was learning Zoology in hopes of becoming a Veterinarian. Applejack was going to stay and work on the ranch, and for the most part continue daily life. And lastly their was her and spike. Twilight and the young dragon was going to go back to Canterlot and finish school up in her home town, along with finish her studies with magic.

"Ohmygoshyourgoingtoenjoycollegetheylikehavethebestparties ever!" Twilight watched as Pinkie's mouth quickly inhaled and continued on about how fun college life is. "I mean totally, Ihaveneverbeentocollegemyself, welllllll, therewasthisonetimeIwasthehoastofoneanditwasliketotallyawsomebutnowhereascoolasthisone!"
"Thanks Pinkie... but I am going to college for learning"
"Okay" Pinkie went from fast paced to what was considered normal speed "But remember, All work and no play makes Twilight Sparkle a dull girl"

The party was a general Pinkie Party, but was only with the six of them. As to Celebrate, Rarity had re-tailored their Gala Dresses to fit for this occasion. AJ had prepared the best Apple Cider that the Apple Family Ranch could supply.

"Congratulations on bein' accepted to learn from the Princess, Sugarcube."
"Thanks Apple Jack, I cant wait till I can study under The Princess, she must have a million spells for me to learn."
"Remember Sugarcube, just give me a hollar if yer ever in need of some apples or other things like that, I can git ya a discount if ya want."

Twilight really enjoyed the time she had spent with her friends, but all of them saw this coming. They new one day they would have to split, so they where going to make today last. Everyone was talking about what they where going to do, and how they plan on doing it, well mostly Dash. She had been talking about the fact that she was joining the Wonderbolts for a month now. Dash seemed to mainly bragging about this when ever Fluttershy was around. Twilight figured it was because since they where childhood friends, Fluttershy would back up the claims more than anybody else.

"Congratulations Twilight, I, um, well, college is really fun, well it has a lot of studying." Even now Fluttershy's voice was soft and hushed.
"Yeah I heard about that. That's what is drawing me even more to college, I saw how many books you have, and you are taking less classes than I will be."
"Good luck," the Element of Kindness was soon dragged away by Rainbow Dash to help prepare her for the finale of the party.

Pinkie had the whole thing planed out, first they where going to socialize a bit. Then they where going to eat some of Spikes homemade cookies and Pinkie's sweets. And for the finale, Dash was going to use The Sonic Rainboom. For the most part no clothing can come out undamaged, leading to the reason why Dash has used it so few times. This was true till a few days ago when Rarity developed clothing able to withstand the blast. Rarity kept it Dash's style, no extra flare.

"I do say Twilight I find the fact that your attending Canterlot University, and learning directly from the Princess herself absolutely fabulous."
As usual Spike was staring with love struck eye, making it hard for him to keep his crush still a 'secret'.
"I know isn't it? To think, I will finally be learning directly from her," within Twilight's voice was the giddiness of someone who's life long goal has been completed.
"Remember darling, if you need any new clothes, or some old ones tailored, just give me a call, I am more than willing to help you look fashionable for College."

When Dash and Fluttershy got back, Dashie was wearing her new 'Sonic Rainboom Proof' clothes. The clothes consisted of a nice, real high quality leather coat, with her cutie mark on each shoulder. Underneath she had a simple white t-shit. For pants, she had some nice jeans, like everything Rarity makes, made with high quality materials. The Element of Loyalty was also wearing gloves on her hands, probably designed to help smooth out the directory of the Sonic Rainboom.

When the two got back, the 6 of them went outside of Twilight's home, ready for the last part of the party.

"Finally, I can stretch my wings a little, yeesh, dress are to constricting," Rainbow Dash's wings extended from her back, flapping a little and getting the stretching they need. "I don't know how you can wear a dress so easily Fluttershy, my wings need to stretch on a regular basis"

"Well I'm not that strong of a flyer...." as Fluttershy spoke her voice got even more hushed with every syllable, but Rainbow knew what she was saying, she knew the pink haired girl long enough to know.

"So, you all ready for the finale?" With a nod from the other Elements of Harmony the rainbow haired girl let her wings stretch out, and jumped up, climbing altitude, until she reached higher than the clouds. With a re-angling of her position, and starts to dive down towards the ground with her right hand first.

As she declined in altitude, the wind resistance increased, and it became more and more visible, until it became the shape of an arrow. Met with the resistance, Dash's lips start to move from the speed, giving the blue winged girl the thrill of getting close to the Sonic Rainboom.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes as she focused for the last part of the stunt. As she got around the mid point between her starting point and Twilight's house, she broke both the speed of light and the sound barrier at the same time, creating a Sonic Rainboom.

As the skies filled with the rainbow colored shock wave, the rainbow haired girl went to a 180 degree angle in no time, staying clear of any crashing.

The other Five Elements of Harmony watched with amazement as their friend pulled the stunt off. Twilight was glad, she had such wonderful friends, and was truly going to be sad when she leaves. This was going to be the last bit of fun the 6 of them where going to have for a while. Twilight took on last look of her friends, sadly in a few hours her and Spike will be heading towards Canterlot, and move back into her old house.

Twilight gave a small smile, because she knows how strong their friendship is, and knows for sure, that they will group together again, and go back to life of fun and magic.