Just One Little Lie

by PonySage86


Just a heads up,this chapter isn't a bonus chapter due to important story details happening in it. However the main cast (Rainbow Dash and Rarity) Will not be appearing in this chapter at all. Also the method of writing will be different as for this chapter only it will be told from the first person perspective of one character. With all that said I hope you enjoy the chapter. Let's begin.

"I'm not to bad at this." I think to myself as I'm cleaning a window, only to flinch and quickly look around the hall of the manor, hoping no pony was around and could tell what I was thinking. I wouldn't want any pony to think I'm a braggart.

I sigh with relief as I remember all the other staff members had left already. Master Blueblood often insisted Everypony else leave early, sure that leaves a lot of work for me to do by myself but it just means the Master trusts me to get it all done. I vow to make the mansion spotless even if it takes all night.

"SPILLY TRIPPY!" I hear the Master call loudly from else where in the mansion. I quickly pack up my cleaning supplies and run down the halls till I locate Master Blueblood sitting in his study. I enter quietly and bow respectfully. The room is only lit by one candle on the Master's Desk so most of it is shrouded in darkness.

"You called Master?" I ask before raising my eyes ever so slightly to see Master Blueblood's face, he doesn't look happy.

"I have been calling you for five minutes now." Master says displeased. I immediately bow lower.

"I'm so sorry Master." I say pleadingly. I don't tell him I couldn't hear him until now. I know he hates excuses.

"You know, a less benevolent pony would have fired a flying rat like you on the first day." Master Blueblood says with a bitter hiss. "You can't seem to go one day without making mistakes."

"I'm sorry Master. I will try to be worthy of your forgiveness." I say with a shake in my voice. He often reminds me of this which is why I'm so afraid of letting him down.

"I'm sure." He says dismissively. "I'm thinking you may need another lesson just to be safe." My blood runs cold at that suggestion, the mere thought of Master Blueblood's 'Lesson' causes the spot on my back in between my wings to sting in remembrance.

"Excuse me." Another voice speaks up, I stand up and turn to notice another stallion in the room for the first time. He is a unicorn with dark blue fur and short black hair. He wears a blue tie and his Cutiemark is an eye in a magnifying glass, He's rather difficult to see in the dim lighting of the study. His piercing Light blue eyes convey a sense of boredom as he observes our situation. "Not that this isn't fascinating but you called me here for a reason didn't you?" I'm stunned by this stallion, he spoke to Master Blueblood so frankly.

"You're in luck Spilly Trippy." Master Blueblood says with annoyance. "I have far more important matters to deal with than your incompetence." Master's words cause me to bow once again. While looking at the floor I hear The Mystery Stallion huff in frustration.

"Why is she here? This information is only meant for you." The stallion informs Master Blueblood.

"Ignore her for now." Master tells the man. "Just tell me what you've found out."

"As you wish." The stallion shrugs. "To follow up on what I told you before. The adoption is assured, I was unable to locate the filly's birth parents and given Rainbow Dash's role as an element of harmony and other factors there is no way to prevent her becoming Scootaloo's guardian." At the stallion's words my head swings up and I look at him aghast. What was he talking about?

"I can't help but ask." The stallion says still with a bored expression. "Why not just inform the guards of when she entered your home without permission? Even an Element is bound to be punished for something like that."

"My Dear Aunt Celestia's justice is to forgiving." Master Blueblood explains. "Considering a creature like Discord has been allowed freedom any punishment she receives would not be satisfying." I shiver in fear listening to the two talk. Positive that I should not be hearing this.

"Right." The Stallion shrugs again. "Now then, onto the next order of business. Finding out things about Cloudsdale is naturally difficult but I managed to get what I needed." The Stallion pauses as he holds up a piece of paper. "The Physician's name is Rainy Day.and I've found some good dirt on him." Lowering the paper the Stallion raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to do something so extreme?"

"This Rainbow Dash must learn her place. If that means this-" Master Blue Blood Pauses. "What was it again?"

"Morning Dew."

"Ah yes." Master shrugs a little. "If this Morning Dew must pay for her daughter's transgressions than so be it. It hardly matters to me what happens to these winged pests." Master says non-nonchalantly. "I want the message delivered to her physician as soon as possible." Master Blueblood gestures to me. "That's what she's for."

"Odd that you'd trust her with this." The mystery stallion comments.

"She may be worthless but she knows better than to disobey me." Master Blueblood huffs. "Finding a different rat that would help us would take to long. Make due."

"Understood." The Stallion nods. "I'll take my leave then."

"Very well." Master Blueblood then turns his attention to me. "You may leave now, I'm tired of looking at you." I nod, bow and then leave without a word.

Upon leaving the study I find the Mystery Stallion waiting for me. I attempt to say hello but settle for a wave encase he doesn't want to talk.

"So, I suppose we're partners for now." The stallion says with his same bored expression. "My name is Deep Look. What's yours?" I shuffle my hooves nervously. I face the floor as I answer.

"Call me.... Spilly Trippy." I whimper quietly.

"He wasn't kidding." Deep Look shakes his head. "You really are broken." I look at him curiously but then I look away again.

"I'm sorry." Is all I say.

"Not my problem." He dismisses. "Long as Blueblood pays big I don't really mind." Deep Look starts walking away but turns his head to address me. "I'll see you tomorrow Spiffy Jiffy." I recoil in shock as those words leave his mouth.


"My job is discovering information then using that information to make money." Deep Look explains. "He doesn't know it but I know all of the Prince's secrets and by extension I know all about all the ponies in his employ."

"Oh... OK." I mumble. unsure how to respond to anything I've seen or heard tonight.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Deep Look repeats. "I'm sure you have a lot to do."

I watch Deep Look walk away for a moment before going back to work. I start cleaning windows and dusting portraits on the wall, All the while my mind won't stop thinking.

"This Isn't fair." I think to myself as I'm buffing out a particularly tough stain. "I shouldn't know these things. I don't want to know these things." My mind becomes increasingly flustered as I begin wiping the tearoom table.

"What does this all mean? What is the Master planning on doing?" I can't wrap my head around it. What could he possibly want with the doctor of Ms. Rainbow Dash's mother? Wait....

"Her Doctor? Does he mean to-" I shake me head violently. "No, that's impossible, I must be misunderstanding something."

Unable to focus on my work any longer I collapse onto my knees, the stress my thoughts are causing making me breath heavily in panic. What am I supposed to do? If I tell anypony about this I won't just be letting Master Blueblood down I'll be betraying him. But, what if something terrible happens because of this? I don't even really know Ms. Rainbow Dash or her mother but I don't know if I could handle playing a part in this.

"If anything did happen. Apologizing wouldn't help at all. I'm not an idiot." I mumble solemnly. I then frantically look around the room, once again hoping nopony heard me bragging like that. I sigh and lower my head so I'm looking at the floor.

"But if that's true." I mumble to myself. "What would a Pony that's not an idiot do in this situation?"

I sit their completely motionless for an unknown amount of time but I eventually stand up and slowly continue cleaning. Whatever I'm going to do tomorrow, I'll have to figure it out then. For tonight, I'll just clean.

Cleaning is simple, Cleaning makes sense. It's what I'm good at.