//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Midnight Dragon // by neo_rena //------------------------------// The first rule, and the most important, was to always keep a clear mind. We were taught this before all else. Always keep a clear mind and your opponent will never break your defense. This of course applied both on and off the battlefield, but I was always bad at following the rules. Deviant, they always called me, a good for nothing foal not even fit to work the fields. I resented them for that. Only the most elite ponies were ever allowed a place in the town guard. The day that the elder handed me my blade, I held it high before those that had doubted me. I called out triumphtly, having proven each and every one of them wrong. And what did they do? They clapped for me. I never could understand other ponies... "Levar, where the hay were you?" Flint-hoof called out as I slowly trotted through the village gate. "The captain has been trying to get a hold of you for almost two hours!" "I realize that." I curtly reply as I brush past Flint-hoof. "I'll go over there now. I'm done anyways." "Done with what?" Flint-hoof asked, though he should have already known my response. "Training." I answer him anyways, with a roll of my eyes. "Both the body and mind must remain in balance for a warrior's strength to come out fully." "I highly doubt they would have included those old stories you're always reading as part of that training." A stern voice announces from up ahead. A dark blue pegasus mare steps out of the shadows and nonchalantly flips her black mane. Her bright yellow eyes pierce right through me. "And besides, you had an assignment today Levar." "Sir!" Flint-hoof and I say in unison, though he's the only one that salutes her. "It's okay Flint-hoof, I will take it from here. Go and see to the southern fence." "Sir!" Flint-hoof announces, then with a quick yet practiced turn takes off straight for the southern fence. I watch him go, purposely keeping my gaze from Azuria for as long as possible. Finally as Flint-hoof disappears from sight I am forced to turn and look up at her. Azuria is simply standing there, calmly staring at me. For some reason it feels as if she's staring right down into my soul. I gulp, intimidated. "So Levar, anything to report?" She asks sweetly, though with an edge that could cut through steel. "The ruins are still, well, ruined. Still no signs of any dragons moving in, and there haven't been any monsters around there since that cockatrice we scared off three days ago." I answer her, trying to keep a level line of sight with her the whole time. If not for the fact that I had known her since she was a filly I would not be as scared of her, but I had first hand experience with her. I knew that just beneath the sweet yet tough exterior was a raging beast that could level the whole town had she the mind to. "That's good. Just remember to check the ruins again before nightfall. Nopony should be out tonight, with the winter solstice so close." Azuria warns me, a touch of concern in her voice. "I know, this is time we have to watch for the Dark Dragon's return. Do not worry Captain, I will grab an off-duty guard and make a quick trip back there." I assure Azuria. "No you won't." Azuria quickly responds with a sigh, "That's why I already have Lancelot waiting for you at the village gate." "You can't be serious!" I protest, sneering in disgust. "Of all the ponies in this village you have to pick the ab-so-LUTE worst-?!" "Lancelot is your superior and you will show him the respect he has earned." Azuria cuts me off, "Now get going while the sun is still high." As I glumly walk out the gate I look to my left to see a light brown stallion waiting for me, his hoof resting on a spear twice his size and a grin on his face. He brushes his short blonde mane back with a hoof and continues grinning. I just sigh and start slowly trotting down the path to the ruins. He gives a huff and, after throwing his spear across his back, follows after me. We walk in silence most of the way, with him occasionally humming an old nursery rhyme. He, of course, is the first to break the silence. "So, Levar, what IS your problem with me anyways?" he asks from behind. "Why would you think I have a problem with you Lancey?" I ask, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Lancelot sighs and shakes his head a few times. "Seriously Levar, I have done nothing-" Lancelot starts but stops as I quickly turn and glare at him. "Nothing?" I ask, trying as hard as I can to keep from screaming. "Your family has done NOTHING to mine? The land they stole from us, the lies they spread about us, the way they turn their noses up at us as if we weren't even FIT to share the same AIR?!" I can feel myself shaking with rage. "THE WAY THEY DROVE MY MOTHER TO AN EARLY GRAVE JUST TRYING TO PROVIDE FOR MY BROTHER AND I?!" At this point I am now screaming as the rage I had been trying to keep down for years finally bursts through. "Levar, I..." Lancelot stammers, taken aback. "I never-" "Of course you never knew anything!" I shout back. "Your life was pampered and your every need cared for! You never knew so much as an hour without food! My brother and I would beg for scraps of bread from the baker while you feasted on lavish dinners every night!" "Levar." Lancelot tried again, but I refused to listen to him. "You could care less about what happened to us. You pretended to be my friend, only to look away every time the aweful truth would start to become apparent. You had everything and I had nothing, and you could care less. Hay, I bet you didn't even think I would make it this far..." I trail off, tears in my eyes. I feel a gentle hoof on my shoulder, and look up to see Lancelot is crying as well. "Lance..." "Levar, I admit I was a bad friend to you. I never knew the hardships you had to go through, and I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you through all that. But there's one thing I want you to know. I was the one to recommend you to the guard. It took five years but I fought to get you in. You are a strong pony, stronger than I had ever even known, and you deserved to be here more than me." "Lance..." I fight back the tears, "I'm so sorry." "Don't apologize, I should have come to you sooner about this." Lancelot smiles, and all I can do is smile back. We continue on and scout the ruins, though just like every other day there is not a single blade of grass out of place. However, this feeling, of letting a decade long hatred go, was amazing. This was just a step on my path to redemption, learning to let go of the bad things in my life so that I could enjoy the good. It was a path that I still follow and try to help others to as well. My only regret is that it had taken this long to happen.