//------------------------------// // Dangerous Research // Story: The Everfree Incident // by JellyChilliMustard //------------------------------// "The creature is ready. Should we proceed?" "Send in the robot." The technician pressed a red button and immediately, the door of the testing room slid open. The loud clanking of the metallic robot entering the testing chamber sounded muffled through the thick glass where the researchers were safely behind. Beyond the glass, the researchers could see the metal pony slowly walk into the brightly lit white test chamber. The big metal doors quickly slid close behind it. There was a brief moment of silence. "Send in the creature." The technician obeyed the commands of the head researcher and flicked a switch on a console in front of him. Around him, various machines and monitors showed streams of information and data. The technician turned his seat around to the researchers gathered behind him before nodding his head, signalling that the creature is in transit. The researchers peered through the glass as the ceiling parted and a large metal box was slowly placed on the clean white floor of the test chamber. From the big metal box emanated a disturbing heavy breathing. "Release it." The technician turned his chair back to the consoles in front of him and pressed a few buttons. Hiss! A white mist from the liquid helium escaped the metal box into the test chamber, the only thing keeping the creature docile. As one of the sides of the metal box slowly opened, the gas seeped further, forming a white fog on the floor of the test chamber. There was no movement. "Attract its attention." The technician nodded and typed a few commands into a separate console beside him. The pony robot in the test chamber produced several beeping sounds and the lights attached flickered a multitude of colors in an attempt to attract the beast's attention. There was a low moan as the creature stirred from its cryogenic stasis. The researchers' eyes were glued to the glass window, scanning the room for any sign of the creature. A buff pale arm appeared, its veins popping. Then another. Slowly, the creature emerged from its enclosure. The researchers gasped as the full form of the beast came into view. The most striking feature was its muscles. It had huge pale arms that ended in big hands. "Perfect for ripping foes in half," commented the head researcher to his fellow colleagues. The creature was almost hunchbacked and one could see its spine poking through its pale pink skin quite clearly. Its head was wolf-like and its eyes were bloodshot-red. It looked quite similar to a werewolf but without a tail and fur. "Remarkable isn't it? Months of painstaking research to build the perfect killing machine." The researchers stood with their mouths ajar, examining every inch of the creature, the likes of which they have never seen before. The head researcher was visibly pleased with his colleagues' reactions as 'staring in awe' was exactly what he had been aiming for. The creature sniffed the air and growled as its eyes passed over the robot. The robot beeped and hummed, oblivious to the danger right before it. The beast crouched down on all fours and prepared to pounce. Roar! The creature sailed through the air like a missile, homing in onto the robot. Crash! The robot was completely crushed under the massive weight of the creature but it wasn't done. Stepping off of what remained of the robot, the creature picked it up with its massive arms and ripped it in half as if it was paper. Sparks flew as the wires were torn apart. The robot beeps were beginning to fade off as its insides were completely mauled by the savage beast. By the time the creature was satisfied with its destruction, the robot was utterly demolished. The whole test chamber was filled with various bits and pieces of the test robot. The researchers seemed quite pleased with the results as was the head researcher, who smiled widely. "As you can see, it is an effective and destructive killing machine." The researchers nodded and discussed with each other the possibilities of such a creature. The head researcher smiled. He had clearly impressed his colleagues and with luck, he would receive enough support for his creature to be deployed on the battlefield in a few months. "Uh... sir," the technician pointed to the beast. The researchers turned towards the test chamber. The creature was sniffing the air, its eyes closed. Suddenly, it turned its head sharply towards the window where the researchers were. Some of them took a step back, unnerved by the piercing gaze of the creature. It was as if it was smelling their fear. "That's not possible. It shouldn't know we're here. This is a one-way window and the walls are soundproof. There is no way that it could know of our presence," explained the head researcher. "Turn on the sleeping gas." The technician flipped the red switch with a trembling hoof and the small vents on the test chamber ceiling began producing green smoke. The creature sniffed the air and wheezed. It stared at the window again, its eyes narrowing as if choosing a target. The head researcher's eyes widened: it was staring directly at him. The head researcher tentatively moved to the other side of the window and the creature's gaze followed him all the way. It could sense him. "Remarkable," whispered the head researcher under his breath. Roar! The researchers screamed in terror as the beast lunged towards the window. The window cracked under the pressure. "Get out!" shouted the head researcher. The technician ran towards a wall and pressed a big red button. The sirens started wailing and the whole room was bathed in a spinning red light. The creature took a few steps back and charged headfirst again. The window cracked again as the researchers ran for the exit. The technician grabbed his radio from the table as the head researcher looked on at the creature. "Lockdown! Lockdown at Sector K3! We have subject attempting a containment breach in Sector K3! Send security!" The beast was repeatedly charging into the window as the head researcher stood steadfast in front of the window. The creature wanted him. The head researcher could see it in its eyes. It was blood lust. The monster started tripping and wheezing as the sleeping gas began taking effect. It charged one final time into the window, almost shattering it, before slumping to the ground. Security burst into the room and surrounded the window. "Don't worry gentlecolts, its all taken care of," said the head researcher calmly, repositioning his glasses. One of the security colts spoke into his radio, "Control, this is Unit K-19, situation in Sector K3 is under control. You can push the alert state to Level 3. Are you okay sir?" The head researcher nodded, his eyes staring at the body of the creature on the floor of the test chamber. "I'm fine, don't worry."