Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Hidden Vengeance

The next morning came quickly and Rainbow could hardly wait to get to Wonderbolts Headquarters. The family went through breakfast and dropped Scootaloo off at school. Indominus carried Rainbow's bag with him so she wouldn't have to race back home to get it. Rainbow promised Scootaloo that she would fill her sister in on all the details when she got back. Then it was time for Rainbow to be on her way, but not before giving Indominus one more goodbye.

"See you later Indominus. I'll be sure to let you know how my first day went."

"I look forward to hearing about it my Dashie," Indominus said while nuzzling his girl. Rainbow took her suitcase and began making her way towards the Wonderbolts compound.

Now the dinosaurs were by themselves for the first time in a while, they didn't have their girls to be with or any of their friends to hang out. Indominus did have one idea, and Tyrannosaurus could read it like an open book.

"You're planning on following her and seeing her first day for yourself, aren't you?" There was no point in trying to hide the truth from his brother.

"Yeah, I am. But it's not just for me, I'm concerned about what Soarin is gonna do to her. He'll have an opportunity to get back at her with us not around this time."

"I understand brother, but if we do go there, you can't go charging out and attacking the Wonderbolts. This is Rainbow's dream, and you can't take this away from her. She can take care of herself and you can't always be there to save her."

"I know, but if Soarin does do anything, then you and the girls will have to stop me."

"Well what are we standing around for, let's get moving and see how Rainbow does with the Wonderbolts," said Echo.

So it was decided, the six dinosaurs began making their way after Rainbow Dash while keeping themselves hidden amongst the clouds. They set up a mind link with each other so nopony in the area could hear them and Indominus camouflaged his skin so he could hide more easily. They followed after Rainbow's scent which led the group towards a towering island in the middle of the sky. On the island was obstacle courses and a runway, and around it were clouds that served as an access point to the runway. Ponies in uniforms were flying around the area and practicing, there was no doubt that the dinosaurs had found the Wonderbolt Headquarters.

The rexes shrunk themselves down to size so they wouldn't be spotted and the dinosaurs all sat on a row of clouds that overlooked the whole area. Thanks to Indominus's camouflage and their binocular vision, they had the best seat in the house and could pick out anypony that might dare mess with their girl.

Inside the compound, Rainbow was putting her luggage away in her locker while Spitfire gave her a quick briefing.

"Alright newbie, get into your uniform and be out on the field in the next five minutes. You'll be learning the majority of the routine today, and the rest of the week will be focused on memorizing it. The rest of the team will be arriving soon, and we'll be counting on you to make a huge impression."

"I understand mam, I'll have the routine nailed in no time."

"I sure hope so, oh and by the way. You might want to keep an eye on Soarin, he's been acting rather strange lately ever since the last Gala."

Rainbow had a pretty good idea as to why Spitfire would say that. She didn't know that Soarin had been beaten and humiliated by Indominus or that Rainbow had assisted the dinosaurs in stopping him. While Spitfire left the locker room to meet up with the others, Rainbow spent that time getting her uniform on and admiring how she looked as a true Wonderbolt.

"Looking good Rainbow Dash. Now, it's time to go out there and show them what you've got. Look out Wonderbolts and say hello to your best flyer ever." Before she left, Rainbow made sure to take off the Arkenstone ring and took a minute to admire it. "Indominus, no matter where we are in the future, I'll still love everything you've done for me." She put the ring in her locker and went out to the field.

From the dinosaurs' perspectives, they saw Rainbow Dash head out of the main compound and onto the field. Scootaloo had been right when she said that Indominus would love how Rainbow looked in the uniform. He had wide eyes and couldn't take his eyes off of his girl, she looked so stunning in the sleek outfit.

"Easy there big boy, don't get too mesmerized by your girl's looks. It looks like we have some unfriendly company heading our way."

Indominus followed T-Rex's gaze and saw a pair of Wonderbolts heading towards the cloud opening that led to the runway. The wing pony was a light blue pegasus with a white mane named Fleetfoot, but the lead pony was the one pony Indominus dreaded to see around his girl again, Soarin. The hybrid dinosaur didn't know just what had happened to Soarin after the Gala, but he had another reason to be concerned. Indominus was shifting his sight back and forth between Rainbow and Soarin, and a haunting realization dawned on him.

Rainbow was crossing the runway to meet up Spitfire and a few other Wonderbolts. Soarin was diving towards the runway and gaining speed, he wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. From Indominus's perspective, it looked like Soarin was aiming to barrel through Rainbow Dash and she wasn't aware that he was heading towards her. Indominus had the sudden urge to roar and warn his girl, but Spitfire beat him to the punch.


Rainbow turned her head sharply and saw the two Wonderbolts heading for her. She jumped out of the way of Fleetfoot and barely managed to stop herself just inches from a pair of garbage cans. Rainbow was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly she felt something buck her from behind with such force that it sent her crashing through and into the garbage can. Her head was spinning from the impact, and the first thing that she was greeted with was a disappointed look from Spitfire, and a comment from Soarin that sent awful memories running through her mind.

"Nice going there, Rainbow Crash!" Immediately, the other Wonderbolts joined him and what was shocking to the dinosaurs, was that they were following suite and laughing at Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Crash! HA, good one Soarin," Fleetfoot said tauntingly. The other Wonderbolts were laughing and jeering at the name, but Rainbow looked so broken and depressed upon hearing it.

That nickname had been a traumatic experience ever since her first days at flight school. Her flight hadn't been as good back then, and when she tried to show off for her class, she wound up in a garbage can just the same. Three colts had given her the awful nickname, the whole class was laughing at her and even the instructor was laughing at the crash. It had shaken up Rainbow's spirit and nearly broke her determination to fly back then, now her idols and heroes were calling her the same nickname and taunting her with it.

Indominus was seething with anger and gritting his teeth at what he was witnessing. The Wonderbolts may not have seen it, but Indominus and the dinosaurs had seen what really caused Rainbow to crash into the garbage can. She had managed to stop herself just in front of it, but Soarin had angled an attack into his approach and smacked Rainbow from behind. His sneak attack had caused Rainbow to barrel into the can and he had made it look like she had done it herself. However, that wasn't the only reason why Indominus was so angry at the Wonderbolts.

The name they were calling Rainbow Dash was identical to how Indominus had been called an abomination, a weapon and a monster by the creatures from his old world. Ever since he was born, Indominus had been at the mercy of others, other creatures held authority over him and made him feel weak and despised. They had called him numerous names during his life in isolation, performed grueling experiments on his body, and said such awful things about him. Seeing Rainbow Dash being mocked and taunted by the Wonderbolts was bringing those painful memories to the front of the hybrid's mind.

"Ugh, what a hideous creation."

"This monster will make a fine weapon of destruction one day"

"No one is ever going to love this wretched abomination of a dinosaur."

"It'll be the nightmare that everyone will fear."

The only thing keeping Indominus from flying down and ripping the Wonderbolts to shreds was T-Rex and the raptors standing in front blocking his path.

"You can't go down there Indominus, you'll only make things worse for her,"

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't go down there and kill those filthy rats." The level of anger in Indominus's tone echoed into the dinosaurs' minds. Seeing Rainbow Dash being laughed at by the Wonderbolts had really shaken him up. Delta spoke in a calm tone in his mind.

"Because if you go down there and kill them now, what will Rainbow Dash think of you?" Indominus's gaze hardened at Delta, like he was baring javelins down upon her. The raptor kept her cool and stood her ground against the emotionally distraught hybrid.

"So what are you saying, Delta? That I should just let them get away with hurting Rainbow like this?"

"I'm saying that you can't be so direct with your vengeance. You need to deal your vengeance while keeping yourself hidden so Rainbow and the Wonderbolts don't know that it's you. Use your camouflage to attack those rats during their practice run every time they call Rainbow that wretched name. Especially Soarin, since he's the one that started this and brought it upon the rest of his team."

Listening to Delta's idea of hidden vengeance cooled the rage in Indominus's heart, and he was able to think about her plan. He was a fast enough flyer to keep pace with the Wonderbolts and attack them one at a time, so Rainbow wouldn't get suspicious. He would also need to keep an eye on Soarin, because he had a sickening feeling that the Wonderbolt wasn't done beating on Rainbow just yet.

"Alright Delta, I like the way you think. But first I need an opportunity for this to work."

"Then let's get back to watching them and see what happens next."

Back on the field, the Wonderbolts were still laughing at Rainbow, who was getting irritated with their attitude.

"Soarin, you made me crash into the garbage can."

"I did no such thing, you were the one that forgot the most basic rule, Rainbow Crash."

"He's right, you didn't even bother to look both ways before crossing the runway," said Spitfire.

"But I was at least a foot away from the garbage before something knocked me into it."

"It doesn't matter, what's important is that nopony got hurt. Now let's get moving, we've got a routine to nail."

As the Wonderbolts took off, a yellow pegasus with a light blue and white mane named Misty Fly called out.

"Better get to it, Rainbow Crash. That was amazing."

Rainbow took a few minutes to clean herself off before joining up with the others. Indominus saw his opportunity presenting itself, and he expanded his wings. T-Rex and the raptor squad took shelter within the clouds as Indominus took off from his perch and went skyward. He continued to climb until he was at least two thousand feet above the Wonderbolts. From such a height he could see everything that was taking place while they were going through their routine. He could even hear Spitfire giving out orders, one of which was aimed at Rainbow, who was having a tough time keeping up with the others.

"Higher Crash, you're breaking formation!" That remark made it easy for Indominus to pick out his target, especially since she was just standing on a cloud, barking orders over a megaphone.

Indominus nosed over and dove on the Wonderbolts, accelerating past five hundred miles per hour. At nearly three times the speed of the best flyers in Equestria, he closed rapidly, centering his sights on Spitfire. The lead Wonderbolt had no idea that the Untamable King was boring down on her from above. From their perch, T-Rex and the girls could just barely make out Indominus's camouflaged body. At the speed he was going, any attack that he made would be extremely painful.

"Pick up the pace Cra-"

Spitfire didn't get the chance to finish her order as Indominus punched her squarely across the face. The Wonderbolt felt her world turn on its side, felt her body go limp and became unconscious. Indominus zoomed away from his attack, too fast and too well camouflaged for any other ponies to track him. But his attack did get the attention of the Wonderbolts, who broke the routine to dive after their falling leader. Spitfire was sent tumbling out of the sky and heading towards the ground, while Indominus sat upon another cloud watching the scene play out.

Rainbow's speed grew beyond the other Wonderbolts and she pulled ahead to get closer to Spitfire. Both ponies were hurdling towards the ground, but Rainbow closed the gap between them and pulled Spitfire out of her dizzying dive. When they touched down on the runway with the others, Spitfire was slowly regaining consciousness. Her head was still spinning from the velocity and strength Indominus had put into his attack. Luckily he hadn't put any real strength into the hit, or the dinosaur would've taken her head off.

"You alright mam?"

"I think so, something really hard hit me in the face. Felt like a huge piece of concrete smacking me in the head. Yet there was nothing in the air that could do that."

Indominus was pleased that his attack had Spitfire stumped, but he had other attack runs to make, and a whole day to carry them out. Spitfire shook off the sneak attack and got the Wonderbolts back into their routine, and Indominus went skyward again. This time the Wonderbolts were going through a maneuvering and weaving part of the routine. With all the pegasi flying in such close proximity to each other, it was going to be tough for Indominus to get a clean shot. Nonetheless, the hybrid dinosaur was determined and not about to let the Wonderbolts get away with insulting his girl.

Indominus dove towards the weaving formation, still having difficulty singling out a target. He slashed and tried ramming them, but the maneuvering made it impossible for him to score any hits. His focus fell back to the last two ponies in the formation, Rainbow and Soarin. Indominus noticed something odd going on, Rainbow was actually dodging and maneuvering more intensely than the others. He could see that Soarin was trying to throw punches at Rainbow, trying to make her screw up and crash again.

"They just keep making it easy for me to find my target."

Indominus dove away from the formation to regain speed and pulled back into his climb. Going at the Wonderbolts from underneath and camouflaged, Indominus was perfectly poised to make his attack. As Soarin was getting ready to make another attack on Rainbow, he felt an incredible amount of pain being driven into his chest and his body being sent away. Indominus had nailed a single punch at Soarin's chest and had sent him careening into a cloud. Thanks to his camouflaged skin, Indominus wasn't spotted by Rainbow who was able to focus on the routine again.

Soarin angrily began scanning the sky for his attacker, but he couldn't spot Indominus who was watching from another cloud with a big grin on his face. It had made Indominus's day to see Soarin so flustered and furious after his attempt at trying to hurt Rainbow. But then he heard Soarin mutter something under his breath.

"One way or another, I'm going to make your life a miserable hell, Crash."

As Soarin took off, Indominus flew back up to get his sights back on his girl. He found her flying slightly out of formation with two Wonderbolts. Soarin was speeding back toward her and flew parallel to Rainbow. As they got near the runway, the two lead Wonderbolts pulled a tight ninety degree left turn. Soarin cut Rainbow off with his turn and she was forced to pull left sooner.

"Tighter Crash, get in there!"

Spitfire must've been asking for it, Indominus had already dealt her a tough blow and yet she was still calling Rainbow that wretched name. He decided to go for an extreme, he would fly along the length of the runway and deal Spitfire another blow. But having to camouflage his skin to so many different colors at high speed would surely give him away. Indominus didn't care about the consequences as he dove back towards Spitfire and prepared for another attack. As he closed in on his target, Indominus was unaware that Rainbow was being targeted as well.

He dealt Spitfire a backhand slap that knocked her and the megaphone onto the runway. But as he pulled ahead from his attack run, Indominus witnessed a horrifying sight. As Rainbow tried to pull in tighter with the two lead Wonderbolts, Soarin dealt her a sneak attack of his own. The stallion struck Rainbow across the face with a backhoof, and it sent her careening into a white Wonderbolt with a yellow mane named Surprise, sending them spinning into clouds.

"Wow Crash, where'd you learn to fly, Flight School for Complete Newbies?"

From the brokenhearted look on Rainbow's face as she took off her googles, Indominus was growing more furious. It wasn't just Soarin, each of the Wonderbolts were hurting and insulting Rainbow. He angrily zoomed towards Surprise as she began to fly away from Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolt didn't get more than five feet into the air before Indominus dealt her a strong backhand that sent her spiraling into more clouds. Indominus quickly zoomed skyward and sat upon a higher cloud, so none of the Wonderbolts would hear his low, furious growls.

In spite of everything he had done to them, they were still continuing to insult Rainbow and call her that vile name. Soarin was attacking her on purpose, screwing with her focus and confidence, and in the process, making Rainbow mess up in front of the others. The rage was starting to build in his heart, Indominus was getting close to roaring out in anger, when his family called out to him.

"No Indominus. Don't roar!"

Indominus instantly snapped his gaze to the left as T-Rex and the raptor squad flew over to him. Thankfully the Wonderbolts were finishing up their routine, so they didn't notice the dinosaurs.

"He's making this personal," Indominus shouted inside the dinosaurs' heads. "He's attacking her during the routine, making her mess up and the rest of them are still calling her that name!"

"We know Indominus, Soarin is incredibly stubborn for a pony that doesn't know when to accept that someone is better than him," said Tyrannosaurus.

"What are you going to do now Indominus," asked Blue.

"I'm going to leave them a little warning when their training is finished, and I need to get inside the locker room."

Indominus bolted away from his family and started making his way towards the bunkers.

"Indominus! You can't go in there, you'll be fou-!"


The fury of Indominus's tone was escalating, and from the way he was practically bellowing inside their minds, Tyrannosaurus had no choice but to trust his brother. There was nothing they could say or do without enraging him even more, So the five dinosaurs left the Headquarters to go and pick Scootaloo up from school. They decided that they would keep quiet about what they had seen during Rainbow's first day as a Wonderbolt until she came clean and told them herself.

Indominus snuck past the Wonderbolts and inside the bunkers. He crawled along the ceiling so as to avoid drawing attention to himself. He continued to search the building until he had found the locker room, then he crawled into a corner, camouflaged his skin into pure black so he looked completely invisible and waited. He didn't have to wait long as the Wonderbolts were already heading into the locker room. His heart felt like it was breaking apart upon seeing the sad and broken look on Rainbow's face.

"Hey Crash, I know you had a tough day today, but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it." It still irritated Indominus to hear them call her that, and he could see that Rainbow was trying to hide her inner pain.

"Tough day? Please, if I can pull off a Sonic Rainboom I can learn this routine. I just had some trouble because somepony kept messing me up."

"You can't blame others for the mistakes you've made," Soarin said slyly. "Well now, what do we have here?" Soarin suddenly reached inside Rainbow's locker and took out the Arkenstone ring. Indominus clenched his claws against the wall in anger at how Soarin was teasing Rainbow, and none of the Wonderbolts were doing anything to stop him.

"Hey give that back Soarin!"

"Why? I think the others want to see the great ring that your precious husband picked out for you."

Soarin began tossing the ring amongst the other Wonderbolts and Rainbow was getting more frustrated. Spitfire was just watching the whole ordeal, playing it off as nothing but the Wonderbolts breaking in a newbie. None of them could see that Rainbow was getting so upset and angry with all the teasing until she snapped.


"If you want it so badly, then go get it."

Soarin tossed the ring across the locker room and it slid into the showers. Rainbow
went to go get it, but Soarin tripped her up with one of his hooves. She ended up skidding
across the floor and slamming into the lockers. The Wonderbolts were erupting with laughter
and Rainbow was beyond furious with them. She angrily slammed her hoof against the lockers
and it silenced the Wonderbolts.

"You ponies think it's funny to watch others suffer!? Is this how you treat all your teammates, by breaking their spirits and taunting them?"

"Hey lighten up Crash, this is how things are done around here," said Spitfire. "Now go and get that ring Clipper, since you were the one who threw it in there."

"Ok boss."

Soarin smuggly strolled past the distraught Rainbow Dash and into the showers. He found the ring laying in a corner and grabbed it.

"I should just smash this ring, and make it look like an accident."

"If you did that, then I would have to mount your head over our fireplace."

The low, deep voice caught Soarin by surprise, then he felt a handful of claws tightening around his neck. Indominus held Soarin by the neck in a vice grip and whispered a serious threat.

"You listen to me, Wondernothing. I've seen everything that you've done to my girl today, so consider this a friendly reminder. You go near Rainbow Dash again, and I will smear your blood all over this compound, and make it look like a dragon massacred your sorry hide. I don't tolerate ponies that hurt my girl, especially ones that only want her for their own, selfish, reasons!"

Indominus nailed Soarin right in the face and the attack sent him flying right out of the locker room and back out into the hallway. Indominus silently climbed out of the shower and back into the dark corner as the other Wonderbolts went to check on Soarin. Rainbow Dash however, went into the shower to retrieve her ring and was glad that it hadn't been damaged. Something very bizarre had been happening to the Wonderbolts all day every time they called her that awful nickname.

They always got pounded or smashed whenever they called her that nickname, and Soarin was getting the worst of it.

"What happened Soarin?"

"I'm not sure, something grabbed me by the throat, but there wasn't anything in there. I heard a deathly voice talking to me and the next thing I know I'm punched in the face and knocked back here."

"Yeah, same thing's been happening to most of us all day. There's definately something strange going on here."

"Well we can worry about it after the tour is over. Oh, that reminds me, Rainbow Dash, over here."

Rainbow flew over to the group who went back into the locker room after Soarin had shaken off the blow.

"Glad you're still here, I wanted to give you this to help motivate you some more."

Spitfire handed Rainbow her very own Wonderbolt jacket. Rainbow was thrilled for awhile, until she saw the symbol that had been sewn onto it. It was a picture of her cutie mark, crashing through a stop sign.

"Rainbow Crash? Couldn't you have just put my regular name on it?"

"That's not how it works around here. We all have our nicknames on our jackets, right Flatfoot?"

"Yes maam."


"Oh and there's one more thing I've got to mention. I know you've been a reservist for a while, but the Bolts have a few rules of their own that you're probably not aware of."

Rainbow nervously turned around and found the others holding cleaning equipment in their hooves. They handed Rainbow a broom and bucket.

"Like the worst flyer of the day, has to clean up the whole compound. Also, now that you have your own jacket it's offical. Welcome to the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Crash." Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts left the locker room, still laughing at Rainbow's nickname and misfortune.

Once she was sure that all the Wonderbolts were gone, Rainbow angrily threw the broom on the floor and tossed the jacket into her locker. Then she finally broke down after everything she had endured on her first day. It just didn't make sense how her first day of living her dream could go so wrong. The ponies she looked up to all her life, had rediculed her, didn't believe what she had to say and disregarded her own feelings. Fortunately, Rainbow wasn't the only one suffering, for her lover was also shedding tears in his corner.

It just broke Indominus's heart with all that he had seen. He thought that Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had been bad with the way they had treated Scootaloo, but this was much worse. The Wonderbolts were convinced that Rainbow had been messing up all day on purpose, when Soarin had been causing all those mishaps and made it look like Rainbow was a screw up. He would have to deal a deeper and more bitter vengeance in order to make the Wonderbolts regret what they had done to his girl.

Indominus watched Rainbow clean the entire compound with that heartbroken look in her eyes. There was no way he could comfort her without exposing himself, and having to reveal what he had been doing all day. When Rainbow was finally finished cleaning up the entire compound, she removed her Wonderbolt uniform, put the broom and bucket away and proceeded to leave. Before she left, Indominus heard her give one desperate wish as she gazed at her ring.

"This is not the dream I had envisioned for so long. If this is how the Wonderbolts treat me and nopony else, then I wish somepony would give them the greatest vengeance ever. If only you could do that for me, Indominus."

Indominus crawled down from his corner after Rainbow had left. He knew that he had to honor her request after all she had gone through. There was no way he was going to allow the Wonderbolts to get away with this kind of torment. Indominus silently crawled through the compound, checking if any Wonderbolts were still awake. Thankfully night had fallen, and all the Wonderbolts were sound asleep. This gave Indominus the perfect opportunity to carry out his vengeance.

Indominus slipped back into the locker room, conjured up the noise cancelling bubble until it covered the entire room, then he finally let loose with the anger he had suppressed during the entire day. He roared his very lungs out in the locker room, slashing at every locker he could see and smashing them over and over with his fists. He tore several of them out of the wall and stomped the lockers into pieces. Indominus's claws tore and sliced through the lockers like they were tin foil, he was intending to let the full extent of his anger be known to those wretched rats. The hybrid dinosaur even tore apart a handful of uniforms, leaving them as shredded rags alongside the demolished lockers. When it came to Spitfire and Soarin's lockers, Indominus sunk his claws into the doors and ran them through the lockers as his sign for a vendetta.

He had remembered which locker Rainbow had used, opened it and took out the jacket Spitfire had handed her. Seeing that filthy nickname sewn onto the jacket, labeling Rainbow as a screw up was infuriating to Indominus. Every fiber in his body screamed for him to tear the jacket to shreds, but he stopped himself. There had to be a better way to defy those scoundrels than simply destroying Rainbow's jacket. The dinosaur looked at the symbol, then back to his body and a brilliant thought occurred to him.

"Yes, of course, a brilliant idea. Much more satisfying than simply destroying the jacket. This will be my way of defying the Wonderbolts and their horrid ways."

Indominus had to calm himself down in order for his idea to work. So he tried to think about all the time he and Rainbow had spent in Las Pegasus. The bonding and love they had shared during their honeymoon helped sooth the hate and anger in the dinosaur's heart and mind. Once he could think clearly and didn't feel so furious, Indominus got to work.

He took a claw and began to slowly trace around the symbol on the jacket. He had to take his time with this procedure, because one slip could shred the jacket. His claw carefully carved out the symbol, only taking out a thin portion of the jacket. Then Indominus placed the symbol over his arm and tried to focus on camouflaging the area that the symbol was covering. When he pulled it away, Indominus was pleased to see Rainbow's cutie mark captured perfectly on his arm. Now it was time for the hard part of his plan.

Indominus placed the symbol back over the same part of his arm, then dug his sickle claw into his skin and began to carve out the area that the symbol covered. The pain of having his own claws slicing through his skin was grueling, but Indominus didn't care about the pain. The dinosaur had experienced so much pain already from watching Rainbow suffer, so it was nothing to him. He continued to dig into his skin until he pulled out the camouflaged portion with Rainbow's cutie mark on it. He then bathed the skin with his power until it shined like polished metal.

The cutie mark on the torn out scales stood out well, and Indominus was glad it worked out. His skin was already healing itself as he placed the new symbol onto the spot he had carved out of the jacket, poured his energy onto it and watched in awe. His power was sewing the symbol back into the spot he had carved out, making it look as if the jacket hadn't even been touched. Now instead of her cutie mark crashing through a stop sign, Rainbow's jacket now had her cutie mark on Indominus's scales. It was a sign of ultimate defiance against the Wonderbolts and their rules.

Indominus wasn't done yet, he had to leave a warning so the Wonderbolts would know that there would be hell to pay if they hurt Rainbow again. Indominus took his sickle claw and carved a threatening message into the wall of the locker room by the showers. To add a finishing touch to his warning, Indominus sliced his chest with his claws and let the blood flow into each letter. The final coup de grace was taking the original symbol that he had cut off the jacket, and smashed it into the wall just underneath his message. Now the locker room looked like a savage beast had gone and destroyed everything in sight, except for Rainbow's locker. Satisfied with his handiwork, Indominus dispelled the bubble and left the locker room.

The hybrid dinosaur was finally heading back home after all the work he had put into warning the Wonderbolts. But as he got closer to Rainbow's clouddominium, the words he had heard began to echo in his mind, causing the rage in his heart to return. Indominus could still hear the hurtful name and the taunting laughs back and forth in his head. The hybrid dinosaur had to stop at a cloud to try and clear his head again, but the words didn't go away.

"One way or another, I'm going to make your life a miserable hell, Crash."

"Higher Crash, you're breaking formation."

"Better get to it, Rainbow Crash."

"Nice going there, Rainbow Crash."

Indominus wasn't aware of it, but his body was beginning to transform from the rising rage in his heart. Once he started seeing the golden flames flowing around him, he knew that he couldn't let Rainbow or his family seem him in such a distraught state. He had to find somewhere to vent all his rage and hopefully quell the fury within him. Indominus dove towards the Everfree Forest and flew towards Froggy Bottom Bog to take out his anger. Once he touched down, Indominus unleashed a powerful blast upon the area and roared like a demonic monster.


The hybrid dinosaur tore wildly at the trees, blasted everything in sight, all while the voices and taunting laughs continued to plague his mind. Poor Indominus was being driven insane by his rage and the Wonderbolts' actions, now his rage was taking over and destroying everything in sight.