//------------------------------// // Ep. 10 - Fluttershy, Babysitter // Story: Little Bear's Adventures in Equestria // by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD //------------------------------// Little Bear was carrying a picnic basket full of food they want to eat for a picnic on the hill. Her friends were trying to figure out where they should put the picnic blanket. "No, no, no, I really don't think this is a great spot for a picnic.", Rarity said. "The grass is thicker under the trees." "I like to sit in the sun.", Applejack said. "Hello, everyone.", Little Bear said approaching the ponies. "Hi there, Little Bear.", Rainbow Dash said. "Where's Fluttershy?", Little Bear asked. "I don't know.", Twilight said. "We've been waiting for her for fifteen minutes." "Stay in line.", Fluttershy said trying to lead the ducks in a line. The ducks kept walking around in circles. "Excuse me, do you all know what a line is?" The ducks waddled to her under body. "What are you all doing?" The ducks bit her in the belly making her jump. The ducks stood still as the yellow mare stared at them. "Now, hold it right there.", she said assertively. But, the ducks still didn't listen. "Come back here." The other two ducks kept waddling around Fluttershy, but, one of them snuck toward the others. "Hello, little one.", Little Bear said kneeling down to the small duck. The duck squeaked waddling over to Little Bear. Little Bear picked him up. "He's pretty harmless to catch.", he said. "Squeaker! Squeaker! There you are.", Fluttershy said carrying the other two ducks. "I'm really sorry about this, Fluttershy, I hope I'm not causing any trouble.", Little Bear said putting the duck down. "It's okay, Little Bear.", Fluttershy said. "I'm just babysitting them, they always get themselves into trouble. Mind if they come to the picnic?" "If they learn their manners.", Rarity said as she watched the ducks run around the picnic blanket. One of them started to play with Starlight's tail. "Can't you leave them in a puddle somewhere?", she asked. She picked it up with her hooves. "They sweet little things." "HEY! Starlight, put him down right now!", Fluttershy yelled. "Okay, okay, geez.", Starlight said putting the duck down. "Should we eat or play games?", Little Bear asked. "I say we play crokay.", Twilight said. The crokay game was all set up. "Are you sure you don't want to play, Fluttershy?", Little Bear asked. Fluttershy was sitting on the picnic blanket with ducks. "No, I have to keep an eye on the ducks.", she said. "You can't trust them around food." "Rarity, you start first.", Twilight said. "I don't really play much.", Rarity said. She hit the ball, but it only went one inch. "Good shot.", Pinkie said. "Just lucky.", Rarity said. The ducks were bored. Spike took his turn, he hit the ball and it went through five squares. "How did you do that?", Starlight asked. "It's all in the wrists.", Spike said. Fluttershy yawned. "I guess a nap wouldn't hurt.", she said. She laid her head and fell asleep. Rainbow Dash took her turn, she bashed it hard making go through all of the squares and hitting Spike's ball. "You hit my ball.", Spike said. "That's the whole idea, Spike.", Rainbow Dash said. The ducks had to do some trouble now that Fluttershy's asleep. They ran out into the game. One of them hopped on Spike's ball making it roll around. The ball went past Spike. "No, don't move my ball, it's against the rules.", he said. The other ducks started to move all of the balls. Spike chased them. "Come back here.", he said. Then, the ducks with balls started chasing him. Fluttershy lifted her head and opened her eyes a little bit. "Huh... what's going on, what did I miss?", she asked. She saw the ducks on the balls and gasped. She flew and landed in front of them. One of the ducks gasped causing the ball to stop and fell back first on the ground. She gave a glare at the duck and the duck walked away. She looked up and saw the other ducks rolled the balls at her. She jumped and landed on the balls, she rolled around crashing into the game. The others gasped as they jumped out of the way. She rolled and rolled, then she lost her balance and crashed. The others looked at the damage of their game. "Well, game over.", Spike said. Fluttershy was a mess. One of the ducks laughed and rolled down the hill. "I'm so sorry, everypony.", Fluttershy said. "Don't worry about it, Fluttershy, it's just a game.", Starlight said. "I feel like need to eat something.", Applejack said. The others sat at the picnic blanket. The one of the ducks went behind Applejack and hid in her tail. Applejack never felt her tail move by itself before. "Hey, you feel a draft?", she asked. "No, I would say it's just you, AJ.", Rainbow Dash said. "How are those napkins, Spike?", Fluttershy asked. "I've got an extra.", Spike said. "But, there's supposed to be three ducks.", Fluttershy said. "But, there's two right now.", Spike said. "Is there proof from you?" "Alright, I'll prove it.", Fluttershy said. "One... two..." Then, she noticed one is missing. "Oh no! Where's Squeaker? She's not here! Where did she--" "Fluttershy, I need you to chill.", Little Bear said covering her mouth. "We'll find her." They look all around the hill looking for the duck. Rarity looked in the distance and found a log. "Hey, maybe he's hiding in there.", she said heading for the log. She looked inside. "Squeaker." Then, she crawled inside. "Come here, Squeaker, come out where ever you are, because I'm about to get you." But, the duck wasn't there. "Where could he be?", Little Bear asked. Applejack felt her tail move again. "What are you wagging your tail for, Applejack?", Pinkie asked. Applejack looked at her tail. "It's not me.", she said. The duck popped half of his body out. The others gasped. "Squeaker, don't you ever do that again, you scared me.", she said. The duck felt awful. "Anyways, we left you some good food.", Fluttershy said with a smile. The duck squeaked happily. After eating, everyone was famished. "That was good.", Little Bear said. "I couldn't agree more.", Spike said. "Especially, I don't have to babysit them at a picnic.", Fluttershy said. "Oh yeah.", Rainbow Dash said. "Definitely."