//------------------------------// // How it all Started // Story: Fate's Design // by Trufflehearts //------------------------------// Celestia sighed in contentment as she looked over her neatly organized files. Oh how she loved it when things were nice and orderly. It filled her with absolute bliss. The way it harmonized with her own soul was an experience like non other. Life would be unbearable if order didn't exist at all. She happily gazed around her perfectly organized room until she spotted something that made heart freeze for a few seconds. On the wall opposite of her door hung a painting of one of her sunsets, but it was all wrong. The painting was slightly crooked by a fourth of an inch. She stared at the offending painting as her shock ebbed away into anger. It sat there mocking her. It made a fool of her and her formerly perfect room. Muttering to herself, she pulled a ruler out of her desk and walked up to the painting. She used her magic to adjust the painting into its proper place. She gazed triumphantly at the defeated foe. Everything was right once more. Well... almost. She knew that no matter how much time has passed she would have to keep checking her things to make sure they never fell out of place. It didn't matter how often she checked either, because there would always be something off. If only the universe lived in perfect order. She would never need to check then because things would automatically be the way they were supposed to be. Yes if there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was chaos. It was always there to ruin her day. She would spend so long making sure everything was just right, and then chaos would strike. In seconds, her hours of work would become null and void. She knew her subjects hated chaos too. Anytime a storm would be too crazy and destroy their houses they would complain of how chaotic it was. They wanted perfect harmony too, and as their leader it was up to her to do what was best for everyone. A plan was already forming in her mind. She knew exactly what she needed to do. She checked herself in the mirror. Both her mane and tail were in perfect buns. She hated the way her hair flowed when it wasn't put up. Hair wasn't supposed to do that. She smirked to herself. If her plan succeeded she wouldn't have to worry about her hair ever again. Satisfied that she looked just right, she exited her room. It was time to really plan things out. Luna yawned as she walked down the hallway towards the throne room. Her sister had summoned her in the middle of the day for something, and Luna was ready to give her an ear full. Celestia knew that she slept during the day, and that summoning her to berate her over her habits when she was supposed to be sleeping would lead to a cranky Luna. She did this at least once a week, and Luna was getting tired of it. Last time it was about the way Luna replaced the toilet paper roll, and the time before that was about how she forgot to use a coaster that one time. It was one time, and Celestia acted like she had committed treason. She loved her sister, but her obsession with order was a trifle to live with. She grumbled obscene things as she walked through the throne room doors. Celestia, as expected, sat in her throne with a satisfied smile. That is, until she spotted the way Luna looked, and immediately summoned a brush. "Honestly, Luna! How many times to I have to tell you to look presentable whenever you leave your room?" Celestia fussed, as she started to brush Luna's mane with her magic. "What do you want Celestia?" Luna asked not bothering to hide her annoyance. "That can wait a minute. And sit up straight! We don't want to look disheveled for our guest." Celestia said as she put Luna's mane into a bun. "Wait! A guest? You didn't tell me about a guest coming over." Luna was now more awake. It wasn't like Celestia to just not forewarn her about someone coming over. "Oh, yes. I invited Discord over. I have something to show him." Celestia purred. Luna perked up at the mention of her friend's name. She and Discord were good friends, and she enjoyed every moment they were together. They were like two peas in a pod ever since they met. "Celestia?! What do you think you're doing?!" Luna yelled as she walked into her room. "I'm reorganizing this pig sty that you call a room." Celestia said, and placed the last few books on the bookshelf. "It wasn't a pig sty! I had everything the exact way I like it! You know that my room is off limits!" Luna did her best to not resort to her Royal Canterlot Voice, but that was so hard when her sister was so infuriating. "Yes, but your method of organizing is... well... sub par at best." Celestia straightened out the pillows on Luna's bed, and looked around with a pleased smile. "I don't care if you think it's sub par! My room is meant for me! Not you!" Luna yelled through clenched teeth. "But you have to admit that this is much better than before." Celestia said, not at all phased by Luna's anger. "Much better?! Much better?! Let me tell you..." Luna froze mid-sentence when she glanced at her bookshelf. It looked a lot emptier than before. Celestia wouldn't! She sprinted to the bookshelf, and looked at each book. With each title she read her fury rose higher and higher. "Celestia?" she addressed her sister in an icy calm voice. "What is it Luna?" she asked, as put Luna's mane in a bun. Luna turned ever so slowly, and gave her sister the deadliest glare she could muster. "Where are my fictional books?" she asked in that same icy voice. "Oh, those? I destroyed them. Fictional books are like chaos for the mind." Celestia snubbed, and Luna felt something inside her snap. "YOU DESTROYED THEM?!" She yelled, in her Royal Canterlot Voice. "Sister! Indoor voice, please! You're better than that!" Celestia chided. "NO! YOU CROSSED THE LINE THIS TIME! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW!" Luna yelled back. "Do you even hear yourself?! I go to the trouble of making your life beautiful, and this is the thanks I get?!" Celestia was now donning a glare of her own. Luna couldn't even describe the emotion she was feeling right now. The only thing she could think of was physically harming Celestia. With the last bit of self control she had, she flew out of the window. She didn't care that she smashed through glass. She just needed to get out of there before she did something she would regret. She flew over the forest near the castle, and dove into the canopy of trees. She needed to blow off steam. She looked at the trees around her, and imagined Celestia's dumb face over the trunks. With a war cry that would make seasoned veterans shiver in fright, she attacked the trees. They splintered and fell over her swift kicks and punches, and she was yelling all the while. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, and she didn't care. She just kept on destroying the trees around her. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she flopped over on her back in exhaustion. She gasped and panted as she attempted to get her breathing right. She turned her head to look at the damage she had caused when she felt her hair shift below her head. That's when she realized that her hair was in a bun. Her anger rose again. She yelled and cussed as she pulled the bun out of her mane, snapping the hair tie in the progress. "Now, now. Is that any kind of language for a young lady?" an unfamiliar voice distracted Luna from her rage. She glanced in the direction the voice came from, and saw the strangest looking creature she had even laid her eyes on. His body parts was a mix-mash of many different creatures. He was sitting on top of a fluffy pink cloud, and was giving her an amused look. She blinked owlishly at him, not really sure of what to say to him. "You're going to catch flies like that." he said, and pointed at her open jaw. She quickly closed it and eyed the creature. "W-who are you? What are you?" Luna asked with a slight stutter. "I'm Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony. And you must be Princess Luna." he said, and lowered the pink cloud to the ground where it turned to a throne. "How do you know who I am?" Luna asked Discord curiously. "Easy. I knew that stick-in-the-mud Celestia had a sister she was keeping me from. Though, I'm surprised someone who shares the same blood as her was able to cause this much chaos. I applaud you." Discord clapped his paw and claw together. "Yeah... I had a lot of steam to blow off." Luna said sheepishly. "I'll say. You cleared a large chunk of the forest. What happened to make you so mad?" Discord asked, and summoned a table and chair. He gestured for Luna to sit, and started to pour a strange colored liquid into two tea cups. Luna hesitated for a second. Sure this... thing seemed friendly, but she wasn't entirely convinced that she could trust him. He had this strange aura around him that she couldn't identify. Discord noticed Luna's reluctance. "Oh, come now Princess. I'm not going to hurt you." he said with what Luna assumed was supposed to be a sincere smile. "How do I know that for sure?" She asked making no movement to join the chimera. "I'm the Spirit of Chaos. If I wanted to hurt you I would've done so already. I assure you, I'm a good guy." A halo appeared over Discords head. Luna debated on whether he was telling the truth or not. It was true that he appeared to have a lot of powerful magic, and he could've subdued her easily. She looked in his eyes for any sign of deception, and found none. But she couldn't get over the vibe she was getting from him. "I don't know. You just give off this feeling..." Luna trailed off, not really wanting to finish the sentence. Something seemed to have clicked inside his mind. "You've never been around chaos magic before, have you?" he asked. "Not to my knowledge." Luna shook her head. "Well, that explains your hesitance. Chaos magic has a different feel to it than your typical run of the mill magic." Discord said while he bit his cup in half. Surprisingly, none of the liquid poured out. Luna relaxed a little at his explanation. She looked at him, then at the empty chair. She decided she could trust him, and took the seat offered to her. "Wow! This is a lot comfier than it looks." Luna said and allowed herself to sink deeper into the cushion. "Of course! Only the finest for my new friend. Now, what happened that caused you to go on a rampage?" he inquired, and Luna felt her anger return at the thought. "My stupid sister decided to make over my room without my approval!" Luna all but yelled. Discord nodded in sympathy. "Let me guess, it was too chaotic for her?" he asked and ate the other half of his cup. "Yes, but it was that chaotic to begin with! She just didn't like my organization method! And to top it all off, she destroyed all of my fictional books!" Luna smashed her hoof on the table in anger. Discord's eyes widened at that. "She destroyed your books?! Why would she do that?!" Discord asked in genuine confusion and shock. "Yes! She said that fiction was like chaos for the mind!" Luna was fuming at this point. Discord looked at her for a second before he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not even her sister is safe from her craziness." he said with a sigh. "You've had to deal with her before, haven't you?" Luna asked trying to calm down. "Try every other day. I know I'm the Spirit of Chaos and all, but not all chaos is cause by me. She just doesn't seem to understand that." he said almost tiredly. "Wait! You're the 'abomination to creation' Celestia is always going on about?!" Luna asked, and Discord snorted unamused. "That's what she call me? You know, at this point, it isn't even surprising." Discord summoned a plate of cupcakes decorated like animals. He picked up the frog one, and it ribbited at him before he took a bite out of it. Luna looked at all the different animal cakes as they explored the table, and made their respective animal sounds. Luna gave an amused smile. "That is her nickname for you, but I think she's completely wrong." Luna said, and held the mouse cupcake. "Well, I'm glad that her lack of taste didn't rub off on you." Discord smiled again as the kitten cake licked his paw. "You know, after having to put up with Celestia's order filled life, talking to you has been a long awaited breath of fresh air." Luna took a bite out of the mouse cake. It tasted like chocolate. "Likewise." Discord agreed. The two watched in amusement as the puppy cake spotted the kitten cake, and proceeded to give chase. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." Luna smiled at her newfound friend. Luna was pulled out of her memory as Celestia finished putting her mane and tail in buns. Luna frowned at that. She wished Celestia would just see the beauty of their unnatural manes for once. "So what is it that you're going to show him?" Luna asked in a suspicious tone. Sure, Discord was her friend, but that didn't mean Celestia liked him. "Oh, that is a surprise, my dear sister." she said with a smile that sent shivers down Luna's spine. Whatever she had planned for Discord, it wasn't going to be pleasant. "Celestia, what do you have planned?" Luna asked in a harsher tone. "You will have to wait and see when he gets here." she said ominously. Just as Luna was about to press harder when Discord appeared in a puff of smoke, and confetti. "I'm here! The party can officially start!" Discord said wearing sun shades, and a leather jacket. He busted out one of his signature dance moves. Luna knew he was just trying to annoy Celestia like he always did, but she fear for him this time. She tried to signal for him to stop, but he either didn't see her or ignored her. "Yes... quite..." Celestia said, and Luna could tell she was just barely suppressing her anger. She glanced from her sister to Discord, and back again. "Discord... I..." she was trying to find the right words to say without setting Celestia over the edge. She was afraid of what she might do. "Oh, Lulu! You're here too! This is a pleasant surprised!" Discord was next to her in a flash. He put his arm around her in a semi-hug, and Luna could see Celestia barely holding it together. "You need to get out of here. Celestia has something up her sleeve." Luna whispered in his ear. Discord looked at her, and then at Celestia. He saw the suppressed rage bubbling under her forced smile. Discord smirked and snapped away his outfit. "Oh, whatever it is , I'm sure I can handle it. By the way, buns are sooo last season." With a snap of his talon, Celestia and Luna's mane and tail were now free, but Celestia had Luna's hair and vice versa. Any other time Luna would've laughed, but she was watching the ticking time bomb that was her sister. "Uh, Discord. You might wanna switch us back, maybe?" Luna looked at him with pleading eyes. Discord wavered under her gaze. "Fine, fine. Just stop it with the doe-eyes, please." Discord snapped his talon, and the manes were back on the proper mares, and free from buns. Celestia took a deep breath, and smiled wider. "Discord, I think it's time I showed you that thing." Celestia said, and levitated a chest out from behind her throne. Luna and Discord watched with bated breath as she opened the chest, and pulled out six different colored gems. Luna felt her blood run cold. Those were the Elements of Harmony! They were supposed to be on the Tree of Harmony! Celestia stole from the tree just so she could be rid of chaos! "RUN DISCORD!" Luna yelled and tried to push him out of the room. "Hang on Luna. I want to see where this goes." Discord said with curiosity. "Are you blind?! Those are the Elements of Harmony! She's going to destroy you!" Luna urged her friend, but he only looked at her in confusion. "My sister is right, Discord. You have brought chaos upon us long enough. It's time that I end you!" Celestia said as the Elements moved into a circle around her. "Okay, first of all, you would know if I was raining chaos down upon you. Second, you think some gemstones are enough to get rid of me? Third, the look of seriousness on you face is priceless!" Discord snorted as Celestia frowned. "Discord, please! The Elements of Harmony are no laughing matter! Now, please leave before I lose my best friend!" Luna tried to teleport him out, but he popped right back in the room. "Luna, come on. I'm Discord! I can handle a few glamorized rocks." Discord said smugly, and Luna was about to pull her mane out from sheer stress. The Elements started to glow, and Celestia aimed them at the draconequus. Luna looked from her sister to Discord, and prepared to jump in the way. A stream of rainbows flowed out of the six elements, and Luna jumped in front of Discord. She waited for the impact, but it never came. "What the... Discord! What are you doing?!" Celestia yelled, and Luna peeked. The magic of harmony had gone around them. "I didn't do anything! You're the one controlling them!" Discord yelled back. Luna watched in horror as the stream of magic turned around and aim directly at Celestia. "SISTER, LOOK OUT!!!" Luna yelled. "I can't control it!" Celestia cried in panic. The rainbow stream hit Celestia, and carried her up into the air, and smashed her through the window. "CELESTIA!!!!" Luna cried with tears falling down her cheeks. The harmonious magic sent her directly into the sun. The Elements fizzed out and fell to the ground. Luna and Discord could only stare at the now dormant elements. "Oh, sister... what have you done?"