Zapp The Awesome The Darkness Vengence

by Nightmarity19

Chapter 2 Bible Blackened

Rara sat on a moving swivel chair while watching Dash beat the living daylights out of those officers.

"Huh impressive Miss Rainbow but that was only the tip or what I have planned for you and this world," Rara said sitting back in her chair.

She let out a small giggle that turned into a small but sinister devilish laugh.

Dash raced home and immediately searched up for any tattoos she happened to notice before she left. The top search said something about Dark Wicca magic and it's properties.

"Bingo," Dash said clicking the link.

A list of Dark Wicca properties popped up immediately but Dash scrolled down until she saw a picture of a book that she saw being on display when she watched the news one night.

"This must be that Dark Wicca spell book that news anchor was talking about," Dash exclaimed.

Next thing she did was look up Orlando's local breaking news about this book. A few clicks showed a video of a theft by Countess Coloratura and the time being 4 hours ago before Dash even set foot in Florida.

"What's a pop singer like Rara doing here? I don't think she's here to play a song," Dash said cracking herself up.

Picking up her cell phone she looked through her call history and found Applejack's number then speed dialed.

"Dash thank goodness I have been trying to call you but you never answered. Anyway is everything alright where you are in Florida?" Applejack asked letting herself release the worry she previously had.

"Yea everything's fine but I found something you might have to look into. I found links leading me to Countess Coloratura stealing a Dark Wicca spell book and when some SWAT officers tried to grab me I beat them up but they had some weird tattoos," Dash explained.

"Hmm I'll see if I can cross reference that and I'll call you when I have something," Applejack replied.

"Thanks AJ," Dash thanked her friend before hanging up the phone.

As soon as Dash hung up the phone, smoke bombs crashed through the windows.

Rainbow covered her mouth to not breath in the smoke and tried to run out but one officer's gun hit her right on the nose making her fall over the floor, looking up with blurred vision of a silhouette of Countess Coloratura.

That was the last thing she saw.

"Tie her up," Rara commanded.

Three officers tied up Dash to a chair until she regained consciousness.

"Glad to see that your finally awake Dashie I almost got worried the smoke was too much on you," Rara said holding Dash's cheeks.

Rainbow just stared at her wanting to just bite her fingers off.

"Anyway I can't have you or anyone else ruin the empire I want to build," Rara explained.

"What are you planning Coloratura? You gonna make the world sing or something?" Dash questioned.

"No you incompetent egotistical tomboy! What I plan to do is make this place mine then go for the entire world," Rara explained her plan.

Unknowing to Rara, Dash sent out an electric charge to an outlet that is behind Rara.

"Hey why don't you let yourself back close to that outlet over there?" Dash asked.

Though it was a stranger request Rara went back until her butt touched the outlet letting out a shockwave breaking the chair Dash was tied up in. She grabbed one knife to cut her arm bindings off then ran to the bathroom and pressed a button causing a wall to turn over revealing her super suit.

"Just what I need to spice things up," Dash said putting on her suit.

Walking out of the bathroom she avoided a punch from Rara but instead Dash lunged at her making them both crash through another window into the city streets.

"I won't let you ruin this!" Rara shouted lifting a piece of sharp metal flinging it at Dash.

Dash put up a protective shield that made that sharp metal bounced off.

That wasn't until Dash unleashed a flurry of hail to rain upon Rara. It was an opportunity to shock her to feel some real pain and agony with a super kick to the stomach to add insult to injury.

Rara puked out bile before force pushing Dash far and made the super heroine to barrel through 6 buildings before hitting solid ground.

The Dark Wicca user floated over to a downed Rainbow Dash and grabbed her, lifting her up almost 15 ft above ground.

"You heroes are all the same, thinking that taking criminals to prison will help when in reality all it does is make it really want us to kill you in the worst possible way our sick minds can think of," Rara said starting to monologue.

"One problem with that logic...I don't believe it," Dash replied turning her body into a human bug zapper.

Rara fell backwards shaking slightly from the shock Zapp just gave her.

"The tables have turned Rara," Dash said walking over to her.

Rara tripped her but all that did was make Dash do a back flip and grab the spell book.

"NO! My spell book!" Rara said sprinting towards it as Dash dropped in into a nearby ocean.

The spell book disintegrated when contacted with water, Rara's arm tattoos disappeared as she was grabbed by Zapp.

"So it would seem that your plan is all washed up," Dash said creating electric cuffs.

Applejack called again.

"Yea AJ?" Dash asked.

"I was able to reference that book and I found out it has a sensitive spot when placed in water," Applejack confirmed her findings.

Dash let out a long explanation about what she did and both girls laughed it off while Rara was hauled away in a police cruiser.