Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Dream Come True

The rest of the honeymoon went by rather quickly after the visit that Discord had set up for the married couple. Rainbow and Indominus spent their mornings living large in Las Pegasus and competing in all the wonderful games. When night fell, they danced their hearts out at the hotel and Indominus continued to serenade his girl every time. He did his best every time to make Rainbow feel like the center of Equestria, and she returned the dinosaur's affection with sweet loving and kisses when he did. They had achieved a love that was one of the rare few found in Equestria, a love that would be able to take on any obstacle and endure.

After their time in Las Pegasus had ended and the lovers returned to Ponyville, they immediately took on the promise they had made to Scootaloo. For Indominus, being a parent was something he had no idea how to handle, but Scootaloo made it easy for him by telling him all the guidelines and not getting into trouble. The hybrid dinosaur always made sure to spend plenty of time with her, and the family would take flights together on the evenings, which was something Scootaloo had never experienced with her former parents. He was really good at being there for Scootaloo when it came to school, and with Diamond Tiara having changed her ways, he no longer had to worry about his daughter being bullied. He and Rainbow made quality meals for her and the dinosaurs, they hung out like a true family should, and Indominus even tucked Scootaloo into bed a few times.

Given that Rainbow's bed was big enough for the rexes, herself and Scootaloo, there was no need to spend money on another one. Scootaloo didn't even want a separate room regardless, she felt safe sleeping beside her idol and saviors who had been with her through the entire ordeal she had experienced. One night, as Indominus tucked her into bed while everyone else was still downstairs, she said the most amazing words to the hybrid dinosaur.

"For a first time dad, you're doing pretty good Indominus."

"You think so Scootaloo," Indominus said as he pulled the covers over her. "All my life, I've only ever been called a weapon or a monster."

"Those from your old world didn't understand you. They didn't the strength and heart you've shown us. You are loved and welcomed by all the ponies in Ponyville Indominus. You, T-Rex, the raptor squad, all of you are heroes to us, we could never think less of you." Scootaloo was getting sleepy so Indominus decided it was time to let her get her rest.

"Goodnight Scootaloo," Indominus said softly.

"Goodnight daddy, I love you."

Once Scootaloo closed her eyes, Indominus reached forward and gently nuzzled her face and whispered "I love you too, my amazing daughter."

Indominus had gone back downstairs that night and told Rainbow and the others what Scootaloo had said to him.

"Well you did save her from Spoiled Rotten and Sheer Cold, and you've looked after her for months, that would leave a parental impression on a filly Indominus," said Blue.

"You should be proud Indominus, you and I are making a difference in her life," Rainbow added. "I've seen part of the struggle she went through before all of you came along. To be a parent and a savior to her is a remarkable feat."

"Yeah, we've done our best to care for her while you two were away, but we couldn't be parents to Scootaloo," said Tyrannosaurus.

"Thanks brother, and I'm glad you kept your word about waiting for her to be older."

Tyrannosaurus had been making slow progress with Scootaloo compared to Indominus and Rainbow. While they did love each other, Tyrannosaurus couldn't show too much affection since she was still so young. But Scootaloo didn't care, he had done just as much for her as Indominus, so she had no problem with kissing him when he showed up during lunch or after school. He had also kissed her in the full light of the moon at the Gala, so there was no denying his feelings for her. The dinosaur was merely trying to be respectful, while giving Scootaloo plenty of love at the same time. The rest of the family went off to bed that night, with Indominus still finding it incredible that their lives had turned around so much.

But as time went on, a challenge would arrive that would test the strength of the married couple's bond, and Indominus's willpower.

A few months after the wedding had taken place, on one afternoon, Rainbow and Scootaloo were taking a casual walk through Ponyville. The dinosaurs were all in the forest, getting their hunt in and their meals for the afternoon. The Wonderbolts were scheduled to begin their tour of Equestria in a week, but Rainbow didn't seem overly excited about it. Scootaloo had even promised her that the Rainbow Dash fan club would be there to cheer her on when the tour came through Ponyville.

"The thing is Scoot, I won't actually be performing. Reserves aren't allowed in the show unless a real Wonderbolt can't perform. I'll probably be working crowd control or something." But that wasn't what had Rainbow not so excited about the tour, it was dealing with seeing Soarin again.

He hadn't shown his face much since his run-in with the dinosaurs at the Gala. She and Indominus had blown him away and the dinosaur had even insulted and bested Soarin in a brief scuffle. When Soarin had been escorted from the Gala, he swore that Rainbow would regret choosing Indominus over him. She had no idea what a rage driven Wonderbolt was capable of, nor did she want to find out. Because if Soarin went far enough, it would get Indominus's attention, and the results could be catastrophic. Scootaloo helped pull the rainbow mare from her thoughts.

"You'll still be wearing a Wonderbolt's uniform, right?"

"A reservist one, yeah."

"That's good enough for me, and I'm sure Indominus would enjoy seeing you looking good in it too." This caused Rainbow to blush, something that Scootaloo still liked seeing out of her idol/mother/sister.

"Oh please Scootaloo, Indominus thinks I look good regardless. He doesn't love me for my lo-"

Rainbow was interrupted when she and Scootaloo heard a rumbling in the area, and looked up to see three of the Wonderbolts in the sky. They could see that Spitfire was leading the formation, and Rainbow was really glad Soarin wasn't among the group. She never got tired of seeing the ponies she idolized so much showing their skill in the air. Spitfire pulled away from the group as they continued on and made her way towards the sisters.

"Oh, oh, she's coming in for a superhero landing." The pair watched as Spitfire stopped herself mid-air and performed a landing that knocked away some debris.

"Rainbow Dash, glad we found you, We need you in the show when we get to Ponyville, flying." Rainbow's mouth fell open and her eyes shrunk at what she had heard.

"But she's only in the reserves," said Scootaloo.

"Not anymore kid." This caused Rainbow to gasp in shock.

"Y-you mean?" Scootaloo also gasped when Spitfire nodded her head in response. The filly flung her front hooves around her sister's neck and cheered in delight.

"Rainbow Dash, you're finally a full fledged Wonderbolt!"

Scootaloo was dancing and cheering ecstatically while Rainbow seemed frozen in place, unable to process what she had been told.

"What she said," said Spitfire. Rainbow's face began to morph into one of the biggest smiles she ever had.

"Thank you Spitfire, I promise I won't disappoint you."

"That's good to hear, report to Wonderbolt Academy tomorrow for your first day and be ready to learn the routine."

Spitfire was about to take off when the Arkenstone ring caught her eye.

"Rainbow Dash, I didn't think that you were the type to find a stallion and settle down. That is a very impressive ring, who got it for you?"

"Oh, the stallion that caught Rainbow's eye is one of a kind. He's In-" Scootaloo was suddenly stopped by Rainbow putting a hoof to her mouth.

"What Scootaloo was saying is that the stallion that got me this ring is incredible and caring, but he mostly spends his time training in the Everfree Forest."

"Why would he train there?"

"To become the best fighter and husband he can possibly be."

"Huh, that's a rather, unique kind of stallion. Don't see many of those around nowadays. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, but try to avoid wearing the ring during practice. Wouldn't want you to lose it."

"I got it mam, I'll put it away before training."

So Spitfire left the sisters to regroup with her fellow Wonderbolts, leaving the sisters to ponder over everything.

"Why didn't you let me tell her about Indominus?"

"Because if Spitfire found out that I'm married to a dinosaur and have a family of them living with me, she'd think I was crazy or worse, ask Soarin for confirmation. Since he's seen all of them, he could try to get the Wonderbolts to come after them, and it would be terrible."

"Why? Indominus and T-Rex can take care of themselves."

"Not our family Scootaloo, it would be disastrous for the Wonderbolts, because if they tried to fight our boys, they would all die. Then how would our family look, being responsible for killing the Wonderbolts?"

"I can see why you stopped me, and you were right to do so Rainbow."

"That aside, we need to find our family and hold a group meeting tonight so everypony can know about the great news."

Later that night, after Rainbow had told the dinosaurs and they had informed the rest of the Mane Six, they were all in Rainbow's cloudominium as she began packing for her trip to Wonderbolt Academy. They all knew how long Rainbow had been waiting for this moment in her life, and that she was finally going to live her dream at last.

"So Rainbow, do you have time to tell us all the details," asked Twilight.

"Well not much really, Spitfire said the Wonderbolts need me to go on tour with them."

"That's wonderful," said Fluttershy. "We all know how long you've been waiting for a spot to open up."

"She also mentioned that I probably shouldn't wear my ring during practice."

"Why of course not Dashie, Indominus went through a lot to get that ring for you. It would be awful to lose it while you're there," said Rarity.

"Don't worry, I'm allowed to keep it in my locker, so that I can always think about my hybrid dinosaur while I'm away. In regards to the open position, Fire Streak decided to retire and teach full time. I have to report to Wonderbolts Headquarters tomorrow morning, they were kind enough to give me a week to learn the routine so I'll have it nailed by the time the show begins."

"Awww! You're leaving Ponyville again!? It seemed like you only just got back from your honeymoon with Indominus."

"Pinkie, I'm not leaving Ponyville, I just have to train for this show. However, there is something that concerns me."

"This wouldn't happen to be about Soarin, would it," asked Applejack.

"Uh huh, he's been rather elusive lately and I'm not sure what he'll do if he sees me wearing a uniform."

"He did swear that Rainbow would regret choosing Indominus over him, so who knows what he's capable of," said Scootaloo.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Rainbow," said Twilight. "If Soarin acts out of line I'm sure the other Wonderbolts will set him straight again. Just focus on living your lifelong dream in the morning."

"Also, if anything happens that bothers you, just tell us about it," said Blue.

"We'll help in any way we can," Delta added.

"Yeah, you girls are right," Rainbow said before looking at her daughter. "Sorry that I have to take off like this again, Scootaloo."

"Hey, I'll be seeing you when you come back every night, and I'll get to see you perform in your very first show."

"Besides, if Soarin does try anything, we'll be there for you," said Tyrannosaurus.

As the night dragged on, Rainbow's friends all left for home so the family could get some shut eye. Indominus had a hard time falling asleep, because he was too anxious about what might happen at Wonderbolts Headquaters. Given that Soarin's beef was with him alone, the stallion might try and take his frustration out on Rainbow as payback. Eventually, Indominus was able to shake those thoughts from his mind and fall into a calm sleep. Little did he know that the morning would bring with it, an experience that would turn his world on its head and awaken a dormant anger that had been buried in his heart.