A Bartender in Equestria

by SilentAuthor

Chapter Eleven: Secret, But Fun.

The hours ticked by and Maire was beginning to grow more and more restless. Her hooves beat against the wooden floor of the inn that she and Celestia were moved into while the guard that arrived via teleportation took to the sick and those stuck under buildings. Her mane flopped carelessly into her face as she paced back and forth with a growing concern for her human. Wait? Her human? Maire plopped down in a corner of the room and sighed loudly.

"Promised myself I wouldn't get attached again." She muttered as she pressed her face into the hoodie that still smelled faintly of Killian.

"Affection works in mysterious ways my little pony." Celestia stated plainly as she sat at the table across the room with a cup of tea and the filly from the wreckage sleeping on her lap.

"You've said that again and again today Princess doesn't make it any easier to swallow."

Celestia looked over with a raised eyebrow and smiled. Her eyes surveyed Maire and wondered if perhaps the human had touched her with his own blend of magic for she was radiating with newfound energy. Celestia knew that it was the power that was coming from Killian that had begun to draw certain ponies and other creatures close to him. He was becoming a beacon of sorts and it was her own secret desire to make sure that power was on her side.

"Maire, perhaps while we are alone you can tell me more about Killian."

Maire froze and eyed the princess with a quiet whimper.

"What would you like to know?" She asked with a muffled groan.

Celestia turned her attention back to her tea while petting the sleeping filly with a wing. She was sure to be careful how she worded her questions so she would not reveal the things she knew.

"What did you find while walking in his memories?"

Maire seized up. Her eyes went wide and a blush settled across her face as she stared dumbly at the princess. How could she know? Did Luna say something? What did she know? Celestia sighed and set the glass down with a loud clank.

"Your secret is safe with me regarding what you found there. My sister has sent me a full report about that certain memory. So the question is..." She paused and looked back to the unicorn with one eye. "What do you plan to do with that information? With the power you'd have over him?"

Maire found herself shuffling her front hooves against the ground out of nervous habit. She had seen that part of Killian and a part of it was horrifying to say the least. She wasn't exactly sure what to do regarding it.

"I still care for him." She began as a she let out a sigh and approached the princess. "I don't know what it was I saw. It scared me but I know he or it would never hurt me or a pony that wasn't already deserving it. Killian is a kind and gentle stallion and I consider myself very lucky to have him around."

Celestia chuckled and licked her lips.

"Fair words for a mare that has known him for only a few days but has seen more of him than a lifetime could show."

Maire nodded her head and looked away from the matriarch. Celestia had the power to obliterate nations yet she was speaking to curtly to her. Perhaps it was Killian rubbing off on her.

"Regardless I will not be able to continue following your journey in person after this day is over. That being said I expect you to send me reports on Killian and his actions. If at any point that thing comes out you are to notify me or Bishop immediately." Celestia explained with a deadpan face.

Maire gulped and found the strength to ask her question.

"Is that why you sent Bishop? Killian may not know it but I know what Bishop really is."

Celestia chuckled and closed her eyes.

"And you know? Tell me then, what is Bishop?"

Maire stood tall and found a growing annoyance inside of herself.

"A monster hunter. I've heard the tales, I've seen him in the field when I traveled through the badlands. He's a hunter of evil beasts and that is why you sent him on this journey. You want to make sure Killian can be contained if anything happens."

Celestia opened her eyes and froze in place. Maire certainly was much more intelligent than she gave her credit for.

"Well you know then why I have sent him to serve as your guide. I did indeed send Bishop to contain Killian if he was to prove a threat or if he perishes during the journey. My hope is once you both reach Saddle Arabia they will be able to cure him of his affliction." She paused and tapped her chin. "I wonder if Killian will figure out that it is not mind rot that infects his being?"

Maire was about to voice her curiosity when the door opened to reveal a stallion clad in shimmering armor.

"Majesty! The human has returned with Discord!"

Maire stood wide eyed before her hooves carried her out the door and down the stairs. She bolted out the door and saw a group of dead silent ponies gather at the gates to the village with looks of shock on their faces. Discord led the party carrying three colts and fillies in his arm as he laid them down on the ground so they could bolt to their parents. Several more ponies followed cheering and yelling for their loved ones.

Discord turned his attention to Maire with a weak smile. His armor was torn, his eyes tired, and his clawed hand burned slightly.

"Where's Killian?" Maire asked with a growing fear in her gut.

Discord chuckled half heartedly and pointed behind him. There a short distance away was Killian. His coat was torn at both sleeves leaving his bare arms exposed to the elements. His hood was pulled over his head so only a grimace could be seen as he dragged the body of an incredibly large Diamond dog behind him through the snow. Maire ran forward and stopped short as fear crept through her whole being. His hand was clenched on the back flesh of the creature that stared wide eyed and silent at the sky.


I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my Maire. With a grunt I dropped the boss to the ground and pulled my hood back with a grin.

"Hey there! Brought home the bacon so to speak." I cried triumphantly as I pointed to the dog behind me.

I saw the look on the young mares face and felt my inner fear creep over me.

Great. She's scared to shite of me now. What a great way to celebrate my victory.

With a cry though I was dragged from my thoughts of a well deserved triumph speech as Maire tackled into my chest with her hooves wrapped around my neck. Her lips found my head, my cheeks and finally my lips as the salty taste of tears touched my tongue. Gods above her kiss was almost enough to make me believe I wasn't in crippling pain.

She's not a half bad drug.

"I suppose saying I'm okay isn't gonna cut it is it?" I asked with a chuckle after she took her lips from mine.

Her eyes were all over me. No doubt this close she could see the scratches on my arms and the cuts under my left eye. Hell she could probably see the damn blackened lines of burns on my shoulders where my sleeves once were. Shite that would be difficult to explain.

One thing at a time now.

"So I beat the boss." I whispered to the shivering unicorn while holding her tightly.

Her wide eyes looked to the still body of the dog and back to me. I had a feeling of what worried her as she stared for a few more moments at the body. With a swift kick the dog grunted and looked up to me with a flash of fear.

"Darg give up. No hurt Darg. No more fire." He whimpered.

"Fire?" Maire asked gently.


I looked over to see Bishop running towards me with his hand resting on his swords hilt. The poor guy looked like he had been running around the whole town while I was gone as the bags under his eyes suggested. Stopping short of me and Maire he looked down at Darg with a worried expression.

"He lives?"

I nodded my head while absent-mindedly petting Maire behind her ears. Damn it all to hell she was still so soft! How could she be so soft?

Bishop narrowed his gaze to me and bared his teeth.

"Why is he still alive?"

Oh boy looks like I got some splainin' to do.

"He can't hurt anyone anymore. I made sure of that when I... He won't be a problem. Where is the filly?" I said with a cringe.

Celestia appeared from the crowd with a tiny filly next to her. I barely recognized the filly as she trotted slowly towards me with her bright sky blue eyes looking me up and down. What discomfort followed could never be put into words, here I was battered and no doubt a scary sight to behold and with the thing that took this poor lass' life away. My heart stopped as she stood right at my feet and her lip quivered momentarily before slamming a hoof into my knee.


"T-thank you." She whimpered. That voice was like a tiny crystal bell and gods did it hurt my heart to hear.

The entire square of ponies remained silent. Even the boss that I had drug miles behind me remained in a state of shocked quietness. Everybody waited with held breaths as the filly walked to the side of Darg with her eyes growing colder with each step. Had I known such a small child could take on such a look I would have just put the poor beast out of his misery.

"Why?" She asked with her eyes staring into the dogs.

It didn't even take a microsecond for the reply.

"Darg want pack. Darg alpha, take pack, take ponies. Ponies lose, Darg move to new cave." His eyes shot wide as he looked to me. "Fire man beat Darg. Fire man take cave, take pack, take Darg. Fire man new alpha."

The crowd murmured among themselves as a small prick of fear crawled up my spine. I wasn't quite ready for other ponies to know what took place in that cave. I was certain already that Discord was gonna open his big fat dragon mouth but was pleasantly surprised when he chimed in.

"He got moves cuz' he's a man on fiya!" He yelled while crossing his arms with visible gold rings adorning each finger.


This seemed to calm everyone a hair which allowed me to continue my explanation.

"As the new alpha I commanded Darg to pay back for the destruction he has caused. His hoard, his treasures, and everything he stole from you is yours to take back. His pack is no more and he will serve the rest of his life as a servant to this town."

Everyone murmured once more with a louder tone.

"How will we know he will honor the word of you?" One stallion yelled out from the crowd.

This got the ponies talking.

Of course nothing could be easy for me. Nobody can just take my word without a show of reason. Feck.

Celestia flared her wings drawing the murmurs and talk to a resounding close. Thankfully sun butt seemed to understand that I really, really, wasn't ready to open that can of bait.

"Enough. These two have rescued the ponies of this village and have put their lives on the line so that you all may be with your families. Let them rest."

I nodded my head to her and picked up Maire with a startled squeak. With the unicorn hoisted over my shoulder I walked towards the train.

"Where are we going!" She yelled as she squirmed in my tightening grip.

"No talk. Discord can buy us three hours of quiet time and I'm gonna make every damn second count."

"What do you me- oh. OH." She whispered as she stopped squirming and nuzzled into my back.

"I'm glad you're back."

Yeah... me too.

Celestia stared at Discord as he took a cup of tea in his nimble claws.

"Are you certain?" She asked silently with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup Couldn't ever mistake that power for anyone elses. Never thought we'd have a wanderer come into our world." He mused as he snapped his fingers and dropped a whole bag of sugar into his tiny tea cup.

Celestia furrowed her eyebrow as she paced back and forth. Having such a force present in the world would surely bring nothing but chaos and fear to every corner of the kingdom. What would effectively contain such a threat if it could not be bent to the control of those that could ensure its safe usage?

"You can't control it. Only he can my dear." Discord hissed as he snaked around the startled goddess' body and traced a claw along her jaw.

"I saw what he could do with it. If you encourage on hurting my dear Killian-kun I'm afraid I'll be unable to help you in any way." He continued as she glared at him.

"You seem so much more confident in touching me Discord. What has gotten into you?"

Discord smiled viciously as he glued his eyes to hers.

"A wee' bit o' fire. It's not everyday I encounter a rival being of pure chaos. Perhaps having Killian here will tip the weights of the world back into my favor."

Celestia felt her breath catch in her throat as the god of chaos wrapped his hands around the base of her left wing.

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't watch him. I just believe there are much more interesting ways to make him stick to our side."

Celestia cast one final steel glare to the draconoques.

"And what would those ways entail?"

Discords' eyes lit up as he came dangerously close to the princess.


I slammed the car door shut and tossed Maire onto a nearby bench as I locked the door as tight as I possibly could. I was not gonna waste a moment that I knew would only come this one time. The car was warm but I knew most of the extra heat was coming from me. After the fight I had felt like I was practically on fire.

"Well here we are!" I yelled as I peeled back the now sleeveless coat and tossed it to the side as I looked at Maire.

She was smiling, her eyes pools of lust filled desire, as she bit her lip and fidgeted I knew that she was waiting and ready to go.

Or so I thought.

"What happened in the cave?"

Oh feck. That million dollar question I really don't want to answer.

"Maire I really, really, need this." I pleaded as I felt the heat grow hotter.

Her eyes were steel plates and she crossed her front hooves over herself. With a sigh she hopped off the bench and motioned me to get down to her level. I got on my knees and watched as she traced around me dragging her soft as sin tail across my bare skin. Gods the feelign of each thread touching my skin left trails of carnal blazing lines.


Her face was in mine as my eyes opened and her lips pressed against mine in a climactic start to a hopefully fruitful evening. She broke off with a gasp and looked at me with red cheeks and glowing eyes. Her look held a promise of something I had been aching for but first...

"Talk to me Killian. You can tell me what happened."

I remained silent and groaned softly at the pressure in my pants.

"Killian... No matter what happened you can tell me. I'm not going anywhere and besides.." She trailed off as a hoof touched my abdomen and trailed down slowly. "You tell me and I'll take you to a place you've only dreamed of."


I sighed and picked her up to lay her on my lap. If I was gonna get serious I might as well have a soft body to keep me warm. Where to start though?

"We got there and took out a few guards at the entrance. After taking a few of them out things got a little... Hectic."

The guard crumbled under my fists as more and more came from the holes around the expanse of cave. I felt like Neo in "The Matrix." The more that came the more fell. The big dog sat back with his back against the wall with a grin on his face that was begging for a fist to knock those teeth straight down and out his ass.

"Discord! You doing alright?" I yelled as I grabbed a guard and tossed him into an oncoming group.

When did I get so strong?


My head throbbed with pain as a foreign voice echoed like a whisper but hit like a roar.

"Doing fine sempai! How are you faring?" Discord yelled back as he popped a wave of enemies with a comically large "extendo-punch".


A blow hit my right shoulder with an incredibly painful crack. A shiba looking mutt had hit me with what looked like a 9 iron. Another toss and I knocked down more like bowling pins. Had I not been full of piss and vinegar I would have had more time to worry about my sudden amount of strength.


"Who keeps yelling we at me!" I roared with another solid punch into the gonads of a german shepard looking feck wielding what looked like a diamond encrusted dong.


The world froze. Quite literally froze. Every creature was held in place as if someone had hit the pause button on a really crappy VHS player. Color drained away to shades of ice blue and gray as a distinct growl came from behind me. With a shaky breath I turned and quickly wished I hadn't.

Well that wasn't there a moment ago.

A towering beast hung over me made from stone and fire. Quite literally that. Two large legs were brought into the apparently female chest of the giant as cracks in the stone radiated with tails of flickering flames. A face that not even a mother could love peered over arms crossed over the legs as two flaming orbs cast a sinister glow over me. Thin smoldering branches made what looked like hair over the monster that made me fear being burned if I got any closer.


Boy howdy did the memories come flooding back. My mother used to tell my the old Celtic legends and family history but one story always stuck with me even into my adult years. And vivid visions of a monster hiding deep under the isle had haunted my dreams for far longer.

"Caorthannach." I whispered in shock as I took a step back.


"Mother of devils. The fire spitter. Jesus Saint Patrick you're actually real." I stammered while still staring in shock.

Wait, did she call me an Ovates?


"Okay... Well I think I'd know a lot earlier if I was blood bound to the FECKIN MOTHER OF ALL DEMONS. Didn't Saint Patrick Banish you?"

The face creaked like stone pressing against stone as a frown appeared on the demon. Listening to the sudden and stopping movements was enough to make me lose my hearing but her roar was enough to kill me.


I stood painstakingly still as I tried very hard not to shit my pants. The demon mother, fire spitter, creator and birth mother to Dearg Due. An entire history was crafted in the Celtic Mythology about her descent into the depths at the hands of a Saint.


"You came here for me?"

The demon queens eyes looked down at me with a growing heat and glow.


"But why? I didn't call you trust me!" I yelled back while pointing an accusing finger.

Visions of saving the fillies life flashed in my head with painful detail as did the memory of saving a little girl from a fire. Despite the burning and the falling debris I had never once been harmed, never burned, never scarred.

"I'm feckin fire proof?" I managed to grunt out as I fell to my knees.


"So pray tell what is it you can do then! Go on! Burn these fecks to the ground then. Let loose some hellfire!"

The demon stopped as a smile crept very slowly across her face.


It was then that I noticed for the first time that the demon was indeed bound up. Old iron shackles kept her hands together while a series of old iron rings were stuck to her legs and biceps.

"Iarainn Fuar. Cold iron binds you. That means you can't help me much doesn't it?"

The demon hissed and I felt the room grow even hotter.


I stared for a moment and watched as old runes began to glow wit a brilliant blue hue on the shackles that bound her arms. The same light glowed from my hands as a thrum of pure power coursed through my veins. The demon hissed again and planted her eyes on me as the world began to slowly resume its speed.


"Whatever. Let's just lite some hotdogs."

The sounds came back to me deafeningly as the diamond phallus weapon soared across the air and back towards me. If I had indeed seen Caorthannach then this would be easy. If I hadn't then I was about to get bludgeoned by a royal sex toy.


Power flowed through me as my fist became alight with a brilliant red flame. My fist connected with the bat in a swinging arc and a shower of molten metal sprayed forth from where my skin touched it. I had melted the damn thing just by touching it!

"Alright. Who wants to go next?" I yelled as the entire room fell silent.

The big dog near the wall stood to its full height which dwarfed me by nearly three feet. As it approached with a large axe in its grip I heard Discord yelling over the crowd.

"Remember to say the thing!"

Well shite. Today has been crazy enough so why the hell not?

I charged headlong at the thing and called upon the power of Caorthannach as much as I could. I leaped from the ground with my fist pulled back and let out the loudest roar I could.


I finished my tale and looked down to see Maire scrunching her muzzle despite my heavy petting.

"So... Caorthannach is a demon from your world?"


"And you're some sort of shaman magic user thing?"

"Sounds about right."

Maire paused and dug her hooves gently at the fabric of my pant leg.

"Aren't you scared?" She finally asked while turning her body and propping her front hooves on my shoulder so her face was in front of mine.

"Oh yeah! It's not everyday you hear that mythology is actually fact where I come from! Not to mention out of all the demons and monsters from my corner of the world it had to be the mother of all of them!" I yelled exasperated.

Her head rested on my shoulder and a quiet sigh escaped the lips of the unicorn that I had recently become very fond of.

"So what's the price you have to pay?"

I paused for a moment and tried to think if I had lost anything after launching an Irish Firebomb in the face of Darg. I knew that in the old tales that using magic and miracles was usually quite strenuous and yet I felt fine.

"Uh... That is actually a really good question. Tell you what, next time I see the towering fire demoness I'll be sure to ask for a bill."

Maire groaned and took my face in her hooves.

"You're impossible."

"Yeah I sure as hell am."

She stared at me for what seemed like an eternity before connecting her lips to mine and began exchanging the wettest and most erotic kiss of my entire life. Her soft fur tickled my nose as my own hands went to her sides and pulled her closer to me elliciting a delightful murmur from the mare. Her barrel pushed against my chest as I began to recline back finally laying down as she straddled the top of me. The light of the lamp above us made a halo form around her mane as she smiled sweetly at me.

"So uh... You're not going to go run screaming into the distance?" I asked almost too sheepishly.

"Nope." She replied with a light giggle.

"And you're not going to use me as a weapon against your enemies?"

Maire pressed a hoof to my mouth and lowered her face to mine, cascading my vision with her mane.

"Killian. This may be a lot to take in but I'm here for one reason and one reason only." She began as she traced a hoof across my chest.

"And um... that would be what exactly?"

Her words came forth slowly and drenched in flirtatious lust.


Oh shite.

"Well uh... damn Maire you caught me at a loss."

She smiled wickedly and leaned in to nibble my ear.

"Just one thing worries me." She whispered gently.

"Oh? What would that be?" I murmured while massaging the flesh of her thighs.

"You're not only into mares are you?"


"Well uh... um..."

She pressed her lips into mine in a hungry growl that sent a clear message to south command to go full green light.

"You." She said with a break before planting a kiss after each word. "Are. Mine. First. And. Foremost."

She kissed me deeply once more as I felt a familiar fabric wrap around my left arm. Sure enough casting a peak down I saw Maires' hoodie that she had let me borrow what seems like a lifetime ago.

"As long as you got this you're still mine." She whispered with a heated groan. "I've waited way longer to have you to myself and not a single pony is getting in the way of it.

I grunted loudly as she pressed her weight on my crotch.

"Not a god of chaos, not Caorthannach, not Bishop and definitely not Celestia."

She looked down at me and licked her lips as her horn glowed brightly closing each and every window and shading all of them at once.

"You promised me I wouldn't leave this train. Let's see if you can deliver."

Feck me. Discord you better keep your promise.

Discord sat on the same chair he was perched on as Celestia looked him over with a faint blush.

"You're keeping me away from them aren't you?" Celestia asked as she watched the god of chaos hum joyously.

"I made a promise Celi. I could never go back on my word and I did promise him a chapter alone with his little unicorn soon-to-be-lover."

Celestia lowered herself and glared fiercely.

"And what makes you think you can keep me here?"

Discord smiled widely and placed a finger under her chin and lifted her up to his eye level.

"I have the one thing you can't say no to." He whispered as his hand brushed across her cheek.

"The one thing you missed the most while I was encased in stone for all those years. Yes, I faintly remember you getting absolutely addicted to me."

Celestia bit her lip again and felt her wings move of their own accord.

"You wouldn't dare."

With that Discord wrapped his prehensile body around the mare and held his hand out to her.

"Chaos Cake."

Celestia watched with wide eyes as a cake manifested in the open hand of Discord. The cake was legendary, each bite was a different and even more succulent variety of cake. You would never bite into the same flavor twice.

"You're evil." She groaned as she licked her lips.

"Enjoy it my dear. You probably wouldn't get another chance to try it."

With that Celestia lunged her face into the cake and began to fervently devour it.

"Oh? And what were you all expecting?"